July 22, 2002

Text of Hollings letter to Powell

We have obtained a copy of the letter sent by Sen. Hollings to Chairman Powell.

Hollings urges Powell to move quickly and to implement a broadcast flag mandate now, even without additional legislation. He suggests that 47 USC 336(b)(4) and (b)(5) already give Powell the authority to impose such regulations.

Hollings says that it is "beyond dispute that the public interest would be served" by this mandate. We're confident that Chairman Powell is already aware that there's plenty of dispute.

What accounts for the timing of this letter? It's likely the result of Rep. Tauzin's round-table meeting last Monday, where, sources relate, Tauzin indicated that broadcast flag legislation would not be passed this year. Clearly broadcast flag proponents have reacted to this news by trying to make an end-run around legislation.

Posted by Seth Schoen at 11:40 AM