Developing voluntary technical standards for digital television |
Latest News ATSC Newsletter, The Standard, Issue 9, December 2002 RFI on Coding for Robust Transport (deadline extended until 2-7-2003) |
Seminar on DASE and Data Broadcast Standards A unique one-day seminar on the cutting-edge technologies of Data Broadcast and the DTV Applications Software Environment (DASE) on February 5, 2003, in conjunction with the 8th Annual Hollywood Post Alliance HPA) Technology Retreat in Palm Springs, California. Click on the link above for detailed program information. On-line registration is available at hpaonline.com.
Driving DTV is the theme for this year's ATSC Annual Meeting, March 10 and 11 in Washington, D.C. The distinguished Nancy Victory, who serves as both Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will be our Keynote Speaker. Leaders of the broadcast, consumer electronics and cable industries share will share their perspectives of the road ahead with specific focus on programming, technologies, and the DTV transition. Members register now at annual@atsc.org.