The only exceptions to this are:
Note that a handful of files, mostly in, are restricted distribution. You are of course welcome to download them, but the authors have asked that the material not be reposted elsewhere. These files are clearly noted in the indexes in the relevant directories. Mirror sites may redistribute them, as extensions of EFF's own archives. CD-ROM archivists should *not* redistribute these materials, and if they have the time, should even remove mention of them from the versions of the index files they archive from us.
Any material authored by EFF, including graphics, testimony, papers, articles, statements, press releases, etc., may be redistributed at will online, except as noted above. It may also be reprinted, distributed on CD-ROM, or otherwise reproduced at will provided the content is not qualitatively modified, and that credit is given. This material is Copyright, various years 1990-present, by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, all other rights reserved except as noted here or in the document in question. These policies also adhere to graphics and multimedia works created by EFF.
You do NOT have to ask permission to post EFF files (except as noted above) on a mailing list or newsgroup, to use an EFF logo as a pointer to us on your web site, to reprint an EFF statement in a newspaper article, to create a CD-ROM of our archives, or mirror our entire site. PERMISSION TO DO SUCH THINGS IS EXPLICITLY GRANTED, provided the material is not substantively modified, and that credit is given. Please do NOT write to us asking for permission, as this wastes our time and yours. If you are mirroring our site, please DO let the sysadmin know, at, so we are aware of you, can link to you, and can set up the best times during which to conduct mirror operations. If you are CD-ROMing our archives, please tell us at, just so we know.
If you redistribute something you got from the EFF site, It is appreciated if you make it known where the file originated, so people can get more info or updated versions.
EFF's Guide to the Internet (a.k.a. The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet) may also be redistributed online [though as of this writing, in 2001, it is very obsolete]. This includes posting on Web sites, CD-ROMs and any other electronic means of distribution, so long as it is not modified and not sold for profit, except under certain conditions. Please see the first page of the Guide for more information. It may NOT be redistributed in hardcopy without permission, since paper copyright is held by one or more commercial publishers (exception - duplication on paper for educational purposes is allowed under educational fair use exemptions to copyright rules).