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Wiretap Overview
Overview Government Surveillance of Telephones and the Internet
Search & Seizure
The Dept. of Justice has written a manual on the rules for seizing evidence stored in computers. "Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations"
Carnivore is a computer program designed by the FBI to intercept Internet communications.
CDT's Carnivore Reference Page
The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (CALEA) was supposed to preserve law enforcement surveillance capabilities in the face of technological chage, but the FBI has been trying to use it to claim control over the design of the telephone network to enhance its surveillance powers.
CDT's CALEA Reference Page
Roving Wiretaps
A roving wiretap order allows the government to tap any phone lines that a suspect may use.
-Congress Passes "Roving Wiretaps," Expands Surveillance Authority
-E-RIGHTS Bill (S. 854) tightens standard for roving taps
Echelon is a secretive international surveillance system that operates outside of the normal limitations of the Constitution.
International Monitoring by US government
FIDNet is a comprehensive monitoring system intended to protect government computers, but it raises serious privacy concerns.
CDT's FIDNet Reference Page
CESA was a bill proposed by the Clinton Administration that would allow the government to seize decryption keys without notice to the user.
CDT's CESA Reference Page
CIO Cyberthreat Response and Reporting Guidelines Guidelines for responding to attacks on computer systems endorsed by the F.B.I. and the Secret Service, published in CIOmagazine, a trade publication, Feb 2002.
Congressional Oversight, Hearings and Legislation Introduced after the PATRIOT Act |
9/11 Inquiry
FOIA Issues - Citizen Access to Information Regarding Critical Infrastructures
- House debate on the FOIA exemption, July 26, 2002
- Press release from Sen. Patrick Leahy on the Senate FOIA exemption, July 25, 2002
- ACLU press release and letter to Senate Governmental Affairs Committee outlining practical examples of the kind of information that might be at risk under the overbroad House approach, July 24, 2002
- OMB Watch's Homeland Security Page - materials on FOIA issues in the Homeland Security Bill
- Letter from CDT and others opposing broad FOIA exemption, July 10, 2002
- Letter from journalists, editors and publishers opposing FOIA exemption [pdf], July 10, 2002
Oversight Hearings and Questions
- Partial DOJ reply to House Judiciary Committee questions, [pdf] July 26, 2002
- The Intelligence Resource Program of the Federation of American Scientists maintains a fairly comprehensive list of links to hearings on terrorism, homeland security and related issues
- Letter from House Judiciary Committee to Attorney General John Ashcroft, June 13, 2002, seeking detailed information on PATRIOT Act mplementation
- Senate Judiciary Comm Oversight Hearing on Counterterrorism, June 6, 2002
- Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - oversight hearing on the financial war on terrorism and implementation of the anti-money laundering provisions of the USA Patriot Act, Jan. 29, 2002
- Statement of James X. Dempsey before the
House Committee on the Judiciary Forum on National Security and the Constitution, January 24, 2002
- House Judiciary Committee, Immigration Subcommittee, Dec. 19, 2001
- Senate Judiciary Committee, "DOJ Oversight: Preserving Our Freedoms While Defending Against Terrorism," four hearings:
- Nov. 28, 2001 - on secrecy issues, including eavesdropping on attorney/client communications, and military tribunals.
- Dec. 4, 2001 - on military tribunals.
- Dec. 4, 2001 - on matters relating to detentions.
- Dec. 6, 2001 - Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Other Legislation
- "The Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2002" (HR 4187), overturning the Bush Administration's November 1, 2001 executive order which imposed new restrictions on public access to presidential records from past administrations
- "Homeland Security Information Sharing Act" (H.R. 3825) introduced by Reps. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and Jane Harman (D-CA).
- "Federal Bureau of Investigation Reform Act of 2002" (S. 1974) introduced by Senators Leahy and Grassley
- S. 1937, the Military Commission Procedures Act, introduced by Senators Specter and Durbin. S. 1941, the Military Tribunal Authorization Act, introduced by Senators Leahy and Durbin - bills to authorize the use of military tribunals and establish minimum due process protections Feb. 13, 2002.
- S. 1837 A bill to establish a board if inquiry to review the activities of United States intelligence, law enforcement, and other agencies leading up to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Introduced by Senator Torricelli on 12/18/2001. Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee. Full text available online
- S. 1867 A bill to establish the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, and for other purposes. Introduced by Senator Lieberman on 12/20/2001. Referred to Senate Governmental Affairs Committee. Full text available online