- CDT Memorandum on Spam, January 2003
- CDT Letter to Senators Murkowski and Torricelli about the definition of "Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail Message", May 14, 1998
- Relevant CDT Policy Posts
- 9.01, January 9, 2003
- 8.12, May 16, 2002
- 8.07, April 9, 2002
- 7.04, June 1, 2001
- 6.08, April 19, 2000
- 5.27, November 23, 1999
- 4.24, October 5, 1998
- 4.17, August 31, 1998
- 4.12, May 18, 1998
- Testimony of
Deirdre Mulligan before the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and
Transportation Subcommittee on Communications on Unsolicited Commercial
Email. June 17, 1998
- Report to the Federal Trade Commission of the Ad-Hoc Working Group on Unsolicited Commercial Email, July 1998
- Testimony of Deirdre Mulligan before the House Committee on Commerce
Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade, and Consumer Protection on
Unsolicited Commerical Email. September 29, 1998