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Thursday, June 26th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Time:10:52 pm.
i have to say, i'm diggin' the new Kills record. And enough with the white stripes comparisons. hardly.

i saw Down With Love today, and i've come to the conclusion that i strongly dislike Renee Zellweger. seriously, i wanna slap her or something everytime she pouts her lips.

ha, the other day at work i found an entirely new breed of mullet... the PRINCE VALIANT MULLET.

and my god, it was gorgeous. short short bangs, slightly longer over the ears in a sort of pseudo-chivalric bowl cut, and long and gangly in the back, a classic mullet.

the epitome of class.

Sunday, June 15th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Time:1:02 am.
dork moment of the night:

It's a full moon, and we're driving to skidaway island, and the moonlight is reflecting on the water. beautiful-ness. I comment on it and megan says "yeah, that's moon river."

as in the moon river of the song of the same name.

eerie. but cute.

i spent today hanging out with people from highschool that i haven't seen in, oh, a good year. it was nice. we got pizza and gelatti downtown, then went back to the island. a rich lady commented on my hair, and made me tell her where i get it done at...let's just say it's called the Hairport and a well-to-do doctor's wife wouldn't be caught dead there. it was funny though.

cd's bought at bestbuy thursday night:

the kills "keep on yr mean side"
radiohead "kid a"
patti smith "easter"

though i still cannot stop listening to Y-Control. It's the best song ever.

Friday, June 13th, 2003

(2 arsonists | set my heart on fire)

Time:10:17 pm.
Music:cat power free.
Ok, so i'm back from NYC. And good god, what a time. We stayed with kendricks' cousin in brooklyn (williamsburg to be exact) and it was utterly cute. We got into laguardia on thursday around lunch, and we took a taxi to rockefeller center where her cousin works as a trainer(in the basement of a highrise, no less). we dropped off our bags and went out walking in manhattan. we carused times square and such, then walked to central park and over to the Met(which i fell in love with). That night we had takeout thai in brooklyn.

i'm such a dork, i got a kick out of buying a MetroCard because of the Le Tigre song of the same name ( the lyrics of which were subsequently stuck in my head for the remainder of the trip)

friday we took the subway to greenwich village and walked around NYU (more love, by the way). ate lunch at a cute burrito place ( but still not as good as Athen's own Barberito's.)

saturday was Field Day Fest, which was suppsed to be held in Long Island but was moved at the last moment to Giants Stadium in Jersey. We got there early, and waited in line and withstood 10 solid hours of rain clad in sticky ponchos. The music started at 12, and lasted til radiohead took stage at around 10. Beth Orton was amazing, liz phair sucked, Blur Rocked, Spiritualized was good, Underworld was surprisingly fun, beastie boys were geriatric, didn't get to see beck 'cos he fell and had to to go the hospital, and Radiohead was amazing.

sunday we spent more time in the village and had brunch at a french place that had the best french toast ever. tooled around manhattan some more, then left monday afternoon.

Wednesday, June 11th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Time:8:17 pm.
whew. i'm alive.

NYC was everything i thought'd be and more.

field day was a rainy mess, but ultimately fun.

updates to come with details & pics.

Saturday, May 31st, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Time:10:28 pm.
traffic to the beach was bumper-to-bumper. there were so many cars on that tiny two lane road that i'm pretty sure i passed everyone i went to high school with.

family gathering with extended relatives was blah, but i suppose tolerable. my cousin just got an oldskool Nintendo and we played Ninja Gaiden. I'ma go back later and hit up the duck hunt and mike tyson punch out.

now, i have subUrbia to watch, and maybe snl later on.

I'm still stoked about seeing Finding Nemo. for some reason, this movie is exciting me, and i haven't even seen it yet.

(set my heart on fire)

Time:12:24 am.
Mood: contemplative.
this may sound incredibly cheesy, but i felt a remarkable sense of calm as i was driving home tonight over the wilmington island bridge with the windows down and "y-control" pouring out into the marsh.

ps. - bruce almighty was decent.

pps- i had to struggle valiantly today 'gainst laughing in two peoples' faces. the first was a bald man that had--no lie-- a mario bros italian painter mustache. it was beautiful. the second was a rather rotund lady that bursts in the door and demands "what is our strongest laxative". i won't go into further detail, but let's just say it ends with her chasing castor oil with soda in her car out front.

Thursday, May 29th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Time:9:42 pm.
i actually went to the beach this morning for the first time since i've been home, which is kinda funny because i live on an island. it's just that it hasn't been sunny on one of my days off yet. so it got kinda delayed.

i read a little Catch 22 and went swimming and layed in the sand. very relaxing.

afterwards, i went home and got a shower and drove downtown and had lunch at this cool place on Broughton st that's got like a pseudo-french bistro.

edward albee is speaking at SCAD's gradution on saturday but i don't know if i'ma be able to go cause 1). i don't have an invitation and 2).i'm working til 2.

le sigh. he's my favorite playwright too.

i've listened to elvis costello and new order all day.

Monday, May 26th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Subject:just what i needed.
Time:10:18 pm.
Mood: complacent.
Music:the cars!.
so today i go to work, and of course since it's memorial day, it was absolutely dead. We shouldn't have even been open in the first place: it's a fucking pharmacy, and every DR's office in town was closed. big surprise we had like 3 customers.

so i came home, and it was equally boring. my dad's beginning to harbor an irrational hatred of almost every celebrity he sees on TV, and on good morning america, he declared that one of the new anchors was "not able to be trusted" beause of "her eyes".

weird. i'm hoping he wasn't serious.

but other than that, nothing much has been happening. i've been listening to the Gossip, Cat Power, and the Sounds.

today on the way home i was craving an avacado sammich, so i stopped in kroger and was standing in line to pay for it when this guy behind me looks at it and goes "you came all the way here for and AVACADO? they're disgusting."

i hate it when strangers assert their unasked-for opinions. seriously.

Friday, May 23rd, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Time:7:29 pm.
these ten-hour days at the pharmacy are kicking my ass. I'm beat.

thank god for gin.

last night i watched Jules Et Jim, and it was wonderful. yay for french movies.

Thursday, May 22nd, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Subject:i'm a cliche
Time:6:17 pm.
x-ray spex is punkrock with a sax. ha. i love it.

i just finished watching "House of Yes", which only furthers my love for Parker Posey. Very good movie, a dark comedy, one of my favorite genres.

I also watched Annie Hall, which was my first woody allen film, but i enjoyed it.

i didn't work today, so of course it wasn't sunny so i couldn't go to the beach. such is life, i suppose.

Monday, May 19th, 2003

(1 arsonist | set my heart on fire)

Time:11:37 pm.
dear various old men who come in for their viagra prescriptions:

you're nasty, craggly, gross, and should not be having sex. period. and it makes the whole exchange quite awkward when i know that i'm packaging and ringing up a vial of little blue pills whose sole purpose is none other than to make it possible for you to get an erection.


Saturday, May 17th, 2003

(3 arsonists | set my heart on fire)

Subject:is she weird?
Time:11:33 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:gore gore girls.
worked from 9-2 today. had chinese food for lunch. got off, met my mom, sister and aunt at the mall and got some new duds for my cousins graduation tomorrow.

after that me and andrew went to the movies, and it's official...


good god, it was awful.

ugh. i don't even wanna talk about it. first off, it's trite as fuck, and second, is keanu reeves supposed to be superman? i mean, what the fuck?

but yeah. i wouldn't recommend it to anybody.

after that we got surprise,japanese food, and came back and watched parts of Ghost World, Bowie live at the Beeb, and Dumb & Dumber.

Thursday, May 15th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Subject:working for a living.
Time:9:27 pm.
Mood: tired.
Music:ladytron - another breakfast with you.
ok. so i started my 'summer job' today at the pharmacy. i also worked 9-7, ten freakin' hours. i basically work up front, talking to customers, taking presciptions, answering phones, and working the register.

i was kept amused though, but the interesting personages that passed through. the highlights of today include:

-the lady that i dubbed "the haughty bitch with sailboats on her culottes". she just looked mean.
-this other rich lady that came in and spent $1000. in one fell swoop. it's true. the rich CAN live forever, and this is how.
-the drug addict that came in and placed an order, and then promptly left. a few minutes later his parole officer? i guess came in after him inquiring as to where he went. luckily he came back.
-the trashy girl with the wife beater, blue lips, and a partiality towards saying "fuck"
-the teenager that came in and purchased astroglide while i rang it up with a straight face.
-the scary lesbian with a mullet a la joan jett circa 1980 with the lazy eye that commented on my "white, pretty teeth, and straight, too."

Wednesday, May 14th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Time:7:59 pm.
So one of my mom's customers is a DJ here in savannah for the classic rock station. Of course she tells him that i work at WUOG, so it turns out that today i was supposed to meet him downtown at their station. so i went, just to appease her. i really have no interest in radio besides wuog, nor would i consider it for a career. but still...

commercial radio blows. everything's automated(they don't even have more than 3 DJ's). the general manager was this old white guy, the very epitome of "the man" and i dunno. i guess wuog has just spoiled me. i don't wanna play shitty music! all the heart and life of this station had just been sucked out by the safe secure drone of a computer, picking all of the songs and the inane commercials keeping it afloat.

long-live college rock.

p.s.- this summer still sucks. there's no one in town. i'm this close to just staying in every night and listening to the smiths.

Tuesday, May 13th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Time:11:35 pm.
i was just outside in my backyard. and there's a rather full moon out tonight.

and maybe because it was really quiet, or maybe it's cause i was just really looking

but moonlight is fucking awesome. it coats everything with this ethereal white shadow.

(in case you couldn't tell, i'm capitulating under the complacency of living in the suburbs yet again.)

Monday, May 12th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Subject:official summer day # 1
Time:4:29 pm.
today i slept quasi-late.

layed out by the pool, read some old Calvin + Hobbes and went swimming.

at noon i watched conan o'brian and made a delicious avacado sammich (i've forgotten how much i love this luscious luscious fruit).

went over to my moms house, did some laundry, read some of Jane Eyre, and fell asleep.

speaking of which, all my dreams are still set in athens. figures.

oh, and today has a been a blue bandana day, cos i'm that lazy.

Sunday, May 11th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Subject:is it really sunday?
Time:10:48 pm.
i am back in savannah.

three months of boredom, open fire.

last night we rented "Mommy Dearest" and "Waiting for Guffman".

highlights: the coathanger scene in mommydearest, and in guffman, when corky st clair screams into the phone "I hate you and i hate your ASS-FACE!"

good times.

tonight i was watching Six Feet Under and my dad ended up sitting in the living room for a bit, and he actually got into it.

it's such a good show. i'm addicted.

i listened to mirah today. i swear, advisory committee keeps getting better each and everytime i listen to it.

oh. and i got a black bathing suit so i can go swimming tomorrow. it's hot as fuck outside...pushing 95 degrees around noon...

Friday, May 9th, 2003

(3 arsonists | set my heart on fire)

Time:12:23 am.
today was a perfect day. a fitting last day, i think.

i'm going to miss this place all summer, and everybody in it.

honestly, i had an amazing year, and i can only feel incredibly grateful for everything that's happened.

le sigh.

ok enough reminiscing. i just got back from a caffeine and nicotine fueled study session at waffle house for my Comprehensive Hard-as-Fuck African History final scheduled to take place in about 7 hours. i hope ive got everything. there was a lotta shit to memorize.

i also have to finish packing. that should be loads of fun.

ahhhh....wild horses will have to drag me out of Athens. Seriously.

Wednesday, May 7th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Subject:under pressure.
Time:10:58 am.
my time in athens this year is rapidly coming to a close, and it frightens me. going home for the summer blows like no other. i have a routine in Athens that i adore, complete indepedance, and thousands of people my age.

when i go home, you don't walk anywhere, there's no kids, and no shows. Or good coffee shops (blue sky i'll miss beyond compare).

I'll miss WUOG too. damn good radio station, and i'll miss DJing too.

yesterday i drove to Augusta to meet my mom and swap cars cuz she can't come help me move out. Not that it's a big deal, its just my tiny honda can't hold all my junk and still move. So now i've got the Ultimate Behemoth...Ford Expedition. I feel like i'm driving the russell hall bus when i'm behind the wheel.

Finals i've finished:
-french. the oral part wasn't too bad, we ended up talking about brazilian cinema. ha.

god this week is filled to the brim. and i know all these seniors who are graduating, and who i'll probably never see again. how weird is that?

Sunday, May 4th, 2003

(set my heart on fire)

Time:8:31 pm.
haven't updated in a while. been a tad busy.

thursday night we went and saw John Leguizamo at the Classic Center. He's cute and funny, but i knew that to begin with. Afterwards, went to City Bar and consumed two amber bocks, two gin and tonics, and a jager bomb. shit.

friday night hung out in another dorm with the gay boyfriend and co and listened to trip hop and disco and drank daquiris. came back and slept.

saturday roommate drama escalated and i was pretty much just upset all day.

today went downtown and met up with little john in front of blue sky and tried to study. didn't get much done due to the gorgeous weather, bands playing on college ave, and the fabulous people watching.

i just got back from working out and am trying to study for my Film Final tomorrow at 9 am. but six feet under is almost on!

LiveJournal for elasticagrrl.

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