Monday, July 28, 2003
Of searing pain and partial paralysis.
Ok, the second part is exageration, but I haven't been writing lately because my right leg starts having searing pain and twitching of its own accord when I sit for too long. If it wasn't for the pain, I'd think it was kinda funny. ya know kinda like a party trick.
TJ's amusing Idea for a reality TV show:
Shatnerfreude--- different horrible things are done to Bill Shatner for people to delight in.
(and why it would never work: the name, most americans would think it's about the Shat and his mommy issues)
Posted by t j | 4:03 PM |
Saturday, July 19, 2003
I'm apparently just drunk enough to log into blogger!!!!!!1
who doesn't love fridays? raise of hands...
ok.. y'all suck
(ok edited at afew minutes(nay seconds) later.. if you are aginst chain restaurants, that's not what I was talkin bout)
Posted by t j | 4:10 AM |
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
How the hell do I end up in the society page?
My diet starts today. Actually, I was doing my best to screw up every picture the photographer took so it wouldn't be used. The last thing we wanted was evidence.
Posted by t j | 1:00 PM |
Friday, June 13, 2003
TJ's great idea that will get probably stolen before he has time to actually implement it #173640:
A divebar database with customer reviews and uploadable photos sorted by drink strength and price. It can be rated by the number of old guys sitting at the bar. kinda like citysearch, but you know, not sucking ass.
lemme know what you think, humble readers. because I think this could be my gift to (the downfall of) society.
Posted by t j | 8:02 PM |
Saturday, June 07, 2003
I am now officialy an EDGE HOG ACHIEVER as well. Inspired by mr. esq.'s post I went to the local hardwarerery and picked one up.*
*technically, I noticed it was the same one after I got home and noticed the same mascot, but still.. I will now whack and edge with pride.
Posted by t j | 2:33 PM |
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
6AM ramblings:
Sitting, wondering where the hell it all went wrong. Ya see kids, this may be officailly rock bottom. Actually that's not true, rock bottom was a few weeks ago. Now at least I have some money coming in soon from freelance work. I used to have confidence in what I did. I used to be a hotshot whizkid that people went to for answers when they had hit the wall. Now- I'm unemployed. unsure. depressed. insomnia-addled. broke.
Because I started to believe what the wrong people were telling me. I was acting like a fool. I got cocky. Now- I'm a burden to my family. A charity case. a loser. I hate what I've become, what I always thought could never possibly happen to me. I was wrong. Boy, was I wrong. How long am I going to be paying for acting like an ass for a few months?
Fuck it. this isn't me. I'm better than this. I'm not that easy to kill. Keep on fucking kicking me, life. I'll take it, but you better goddamn know that when you're done, I'm not going sit and play nice. Not again, I did it once. I'll be all back up in your shit, louder and angrier and brighter than ever. I will not roll over. I'll pay back those who've helped me in spades. And to those of you who put me in the place I'm at now, well... I hope you've enjoyed yourself, because this shit is done. over. right the fuck now. No more of this poor little me bullshit.
Normally, I would have deleted this stream of consciousness bullshit that I've just spouted. But I think I'll leave it.
for now.
Posted by t j | 5:51 AM |
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Penny Arcade on the iPod. I couldn't agree more.
Posted by t j | 12:48 PM |