I rock |
[17 Oct 2003|11:51pm] |
I'm in the bathroom. My Zaurus is talking via bluetooth to my laptop which is talking via wifi to my router which is talking to the world via my broadband cable modem.
And I'm writing a livejournal entry about it.
That's just so very wrong.
[16 Sep 2003|01:33pm] |
Forgive me father. It's been more than two weeks since my last update.
Jesus it's hot. Objectively, "Clear sky 24.0 C" isn't hot but if you're a lardy bastard who hasn't been running for ages and your weight drifts up by the best part of a stone and you then decide to go and run 5.5 miles in the middle of the day during "Clear sky 24.0 C", you feel hot. Especially when you start sweating like a pig.
Band practice last night. We had an unwelcome visitor part-way through which rather fucked things up, at least from my point of view. Vorn, shame you missed it: it was like an episode from EastEnders. Shouting in the street and "you wanker" and everything...
Funny how life turns out, isn't it?
Todo Sobre Mi Madre |
[31 Aug 2003|10:01pm] |
I think I've got a new candidate for my unwritten list of top ten films of all time. All About My Mother. Almodóvar, you talented fucker. I've spent the last hour and a half in tears. Awesome.
It's like an episode of The Bill |
[14 Aug 2003|05:40am] |
So I've been awake since 4:45, having not been able to get to sleep until 2:15 because of the heat. I woke to a loud voice shouting "Police Officer. This is your last chance."
It took me a good 10 seconds to go from slumberland via woozieville and disorientation street to wide-awaketown and a realisation that the phrase I'd just heard was from the arena of the awake rather than the asleep.
I stuck my head out of the window to see the light of a torch in the building site over the road. About a minute after, four "youths" sauntered down my road towards York Street (my road's a cul-de-sac and York Street's the only way out). The torch pointed in their direction. There was enough pre-dawn twilight to see what was going on. The youths walked another 10m up my road and a police officer appeared. With a fucking huge dog. And he shouted "POLICE OFFICER WITH A DOG. STOP. STOP. ASSISTANCE REQUIRED AT AINSWORTH STREET (into his radio)."
At which point the youths broke into a run. At which point the copper released the dog. Which felled one of the youths like a cheetah felling a gazelle, just as they were going round the corner from my street. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the rest.
Exciting though. Wonder what they'd done.
So now I'm wide awake, still. Got back to Cambridge with the kids at about 2:30. F quite upset when she saw the kids - it's the longest she's ever been apart from them. I just gave them a hug and buggered off as quickly as I could. Came here via work to see if there was any (legal) post waiting for me, but no.
Fell asleep when I got here, until about 8, when I went out to Comberton to J+J's, who filled me in on keirf's wedding. *so gutted* that I couldn't be there - it sounded like they had a great time. Saw the pictures too.
Feeling pretty tired so I came back here at 10:30 but did some loose end tying up with C, except now it seems as if things are OK again. I hope... I don't know what I hope but "may you live in interesting times" seems apposite. Fitted a trip to Asda in there somewhere, too. Then couldn't sleep.
Oh god. Up for work in 2 hours. Aaargh.
Tweenie clock: where will it stop? |
[11 Aug 2003|09:31am] |
Stairgate at my Dad's is improvised; it's a suitcase jammed at an awkward angle between the bottom of the stairs and a cabinet in the hall. E is attempting a vertical climb as I type.
We went to Anglesey on Friday - to a beach near RAF Valley which I remember as a kid. The perfect beach: small, uncrowded, loads of rock pools and a stream to dam, very shallow so no nasty surprises when you're paddling with kids, and best of all, a fucking huge airbase with fighter aircraft taking off every 2 mins. Weather was great too; nice and warm rather than minging and furnace-like.
I think it's the first time that L has been to the beach since he's been old enough to appreciate it properly. The ex doesn't really "do" beaches (she gets bored too quickly). I wouldn't go to the beach myself out of choice but it's totally different when you're looking at the world through the eyes of a four year old.
Saturday was quiet - a bit of shopping then round to my cousins for a BBQ. Yesterday, similar except I took L to the cinema again to see Sinbad. Very much better than the piglet shite from the other day. I do like the 3D CGI stuff. Good exciting story line - *slightly* irritated by the need to have Sinbad and Marina *snowboarding* though...
Only two full days left - we're going back on Wednesday morning, and I'm not going to see the kids for a fortnight after that. I'm really going to miss them. F told me on the phone that she'd really been missing them while they were with me - well how does she think I feel *every week*?
Anyway, things looking grey here. Big storm yesterday but the clouds were supposed to have been blown away to be replaced by sunny but fresher weather. It's not happened yet. I'd wanted to go back to the beach - perhaps not as far afield as Anglesey, but I think going to the Dinosaur Park in Colwyn Bay might be more in order. Looking forward to having a lie-in next Saturday though...
The wonderful thing about Tiggers |
[06 Aug 2003|11:22pm] |
Is Tiggers are wonderful things. Their cocks are made out of rubber; Their bollocks are made out of springs.
I took L to see Piglet's Big Movie or the Big Piglet Movie or some such. He's been asking to go to the cinema since I moved into my house in Cambridge - it's only a few minutes' walk from the multiplex - but I haven't been able to sort some baby sitting for E at a suitable time to take him. As we'd picked up a voucher for a free child's ticket for said Disney shite, and my Dad was to hand to babysit, we went today after lunch.
Jesus. I was struggling to keep my eyes open. It was *terrible*. Trite, humourless bollocks. I've come to expect more of children's films - I think that Toy Stories 1 and 2, Monsters Inc, Bugs Life and Shrek are all entertaining films, and the trailer for Finding Nemo looks fantastic. But this pooh-bollocks was just awful. L enjoyed it though. Which is the main thing. I s'pose.
Zoomed back to Dad's to pick up E, then we drove to Anderton, a village near Northwich where my best schoolfriend lives with his wife. As we got there at 5 and they weren't home 'til 6, we went to Anderton Nature Park on ifr's recommendation. Was good. Lots of cool wood carvings and twig sculpture and lots of room for L to run around.
Went for a meal at the pub with my friends who haven't seen the kids since Easter (Ian's L's godfather) then back here for about 10.
Got into the car having left the pub to notice an odd smell. Then a curious brown streak down my tshirt. Then a dawning realisation that E's nappy needed changing. And had leaked when I was putting her in the car.
Fortunately I had a change of top in the car. An Everton strip from ca. 1995.
Insert your own jokes about shit tshirts here.
Got back to Dad's to find him reading "Nodig International - the magazine for the society of trenchless technology". Not only is this something straight out of HIGNFY's "missing headlines" round, WTF is my Dad still subscribed to this journal over a year after he retired?
He's a strange man.
No, Mr Bond; I expect you to die! |
[04 Aug 2003|09:27pm] |
[ |
mood |
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hot |
] |
[ |
music |
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*still* New Order |
] |
Tired. Isn't that always the way at the moment. I'm also feeling a bit sick at the moment. But I think that's got more to do with the amount that I've eaten. ( Read more... )
[03 Aug 2003|09:30pm] |
Would Like To Meet, on BBC3 at the moment, features a 33-year-old goth. Fucking brilliant.
She's pole-dancing at the moment. meirion - you could be educating yourself ;)
Eary bumfluff |
[03 Aug 2003|05:37pm] |
keirf and Jon taught me how to shave in January. I'd never done it before.
Apparently, your skin develops a top layer of scar tissue eventually so it stops looking so red.
It's still fucking sore though.
But the point is, I also shaved my earlobes today. I'd noticed that there was quite a thick layer of downy bumfluff on then. It was quite long.
Which then begged the question: is this bumfluff? Will I develop full-on earlobe pubes in a while?
And will they go grey? Do pubes go grey? I suppose they must but I've never thought about it much. I'm 31 and although going thin on top, I don't have any grey hair that I know of (although some of my beard hair is suspiciously "blonde" - one of the advantages of being colour blind...). I wonder if it's even more traumatic to discover that your first grey hair is pubic?
Think I'm a bit to tired to be writing LJ.
I am a twat |
[31 Jul 2003|01:01am] |
Friends, I'm sorry for over-sharing, but I am.
Lovely evening, of much alcohol, much education into vorno's music, and a splendid time with vorno and keirf - was a real shame that sphyg couldn't make it because I think she would have enjoyed it.
Particular eye-opener, seeing Brimstone and Treacle for the first time. Ooh, Dennis Potter, you talented bastard.
So why am I a twat? Because I accidentally sent a text which I'd intended to send to aldabra to... someone else. And it mentioned her in passing. Now despite it being not negative at all, it was a stupid fucking stupid thing to have done.
should-i-pretend-it-didn't-happen or should-i-apologise-despite-there-being-nothing-to-apologise-for or... or...
Think I should go to bed.
[30 Jul 2003|03:30pm] |
[ |
mood |
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bouncy |
] |
I used to think that the day would never come That my life would depend on the morning sun.
This week, I have mostly been listening to New Order.
[29 Jul 2003|10:36am] |
Despite knackeredness, good day yesterday. Went to J+J's straight from work for a bit of top posting which was good. Came home with vorno via work to collect a piece of shit Bluetooth USB dongle which isn't working with my laptop.
Enduring memory of the evening: me and Vorn driving down the A14 at 90, singing New Order: Temptation. Joyous.
oh dear |
[26 Jul 2003|12:12am] |
[ |
mood |
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drunk |
] |
"Your ton-ton will freeze before it makes it to the inner marker" "Then I'll see you in hell!"
R2 says the chances of survival are 725 to one. Actually, R2 has been known to make mistakes... from time to time.
What a week |
[25 Jul 2003|03:06pm] |
[ |
mood |
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giddy |
] |
I got in at 4am. I couldn't get to sleep until nearly-five, and I woke at 7:15, although I dozed until 8:45. I've done a reasonable amount of work today - my boss bought me a bacon butty at Bellybusters "because I'd been looking so fed up" - but this afternoon's getting less and less productive as my eyes are drooping lower and lower. And I have the kids tonight. Oh god. Unfortunately, it's *not* like bagpuss - when Daddy goes to sleep, it isn't necessarily the case that the mouse in the cot or the carved wooden bookend in the spiderman duvet go to sleep too. So instead I shall be playing with my new toy.
In other news, whoa. What a week. Not one I'd like to live again, but bloody hell, not doing things by halves...
Acts of kindness |
[24 Jul 2003|06:47pm] |
[ |
mood |
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moved |
] |
[ |
music |
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U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday - Rattle & Hum DVD |
] |
So I've spent a week in self-indulgent despair at the selfishness and craptitude which has been meted out in my direction.
And then vorno turns up at my front door not ten minutes ago and restores my faith in humanity.
Words can't express, Vorn. You're a lovely human being. Thank you.
My userinfo |
[23 Jul 2003|12:14pm] |
[ |
mood |
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numb |
] |
s/Very nearly divorced/Divorced/
[23 Jul 2003|12:33am] |
[ |
music |
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R4 - book at bedtime |
] |
OK, so the telly's out of its box and on its stand and in the right place. I need to ask J to come with her magic tools and cut me some cable holes in the back of the stand which she lovingly repaired for me because at the moment the DVD player is perched on top of everything. The box is now folded flat and under my bed.
The exercise machine is now folded flat and behind the couch. It's still huge but not so imposing.
I've emptied four boxes of books onto shelves. There's a lot of stuff there which I don't want any more so I should have a real weed out and dejunk, or ship it up to my Dad's.
The rusty scalectrix track is now in a box in the shed, where it'll get more rusty.
So left to sort out now are another four boxes of books, 5 large boxes of all manner o' shite (stacked into two large but hopefully stable columns in the living room), and the PC which F claims is fucked. I made one trip to the skip next to the recycling centre at the Beehive and I *think* the house is now toddler-safe.
Kids here in the morning. Yay.
Getting better |
[22 Jul 2003|07:26pm] |
[ |
mood |
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accomplished |
] |
[ |
music |
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New Order - Substance 1987 |
] |
The supertanker which is my emotional state is on the turn again. Two still-crappy things yet to happen this week but got past two other things and it's all proved to be survivable after all.
I've got some really, really, really good friends.( Read more... )
Dream thing |
[20 Jul 2003|10:20pm] |
People seem to be doing this. Went to a BBQ at J+Js this afternoon but left at 5 because I was knackered. Fell asleep back here at 6 and slept until 8 - woke up pretty disorientated, but clear recollection of my dream.
I was in Bishop Bateman Court, which is a Trinity Hall residence on Thompson's Lane in Cambridge. I lived there in my second year (1991-2). I had returned there "now" as I was going back to college, and I was looking for my room which turned out to be on the third floor, up a floor from where I was expecting it to be. The entrance to the room was on a gallery corridor suspended above a small auditorium (this is where the dreamscape architecture deviated from reality) - the seating in the auditorium consisted of quite narrow rows of maybe 10 seats wide but the chairs were large and the fabric was vivid blue velvet. The auditorium was quite steeply banked. I walked past this and saw an ex-girlfriend of mine, Giselle, who I haven't seen IRL for about 6 years and fromwhom I had a somewhat upsetting break-up over my finals at university. I said hi to her as I walked past and she was a little surprised but said hi back.
The key to my room was attached to a short chain with a large wooden keyfob on the end, which had the room number written on it in marker pen. I decided that this was a security risk so proceeded to scribble out the number with a marker pen. Some people who I didn't know commented to me that they thought this was a stupid thing to do.
Then I woke up.
I have spent today being very upset despite people's best efforts to cheer me up or to distract me. I don't really want to write about it here but I've got quite a rough week ahead and I'll be glad when it's over.