The present My Lovelies Tainted Past The woman herself
I <3 froggies a lot
Kermie too
Friend's list
Okay, didn't realize my friends list was out of control. Needed to cut back since it was getting really hard to keep up with everyone, without skimming through entries. No hard feelings against anyone.

Current Mood: content
Current Music: Beyonce - Crazy in Love

Friend's Only

This journal is strictly friends only. To glance a peek at my life drop me a comment. Would also be nice to introduce yourself as well as how you stumbled onto my journal:)

Current Mood: accomplished

Personal Look, over here!!!
Name: Christina
Tainted Past
Back August 2003
My Super Sexy Wonderful Birthday Twin Amanda
My Brother Nicholas
My Man
My Crazy Pyscho Kitty Amos
My Friend's Birthdays
Free Translations
Kick Ass Recipes
Kaiser Member's Page
Behind the Jolie Obsession
Those of you that know me well, know that Angelina Jolie is my obsession. I've been in awe of her ever since I saw Gia in the late 90's.

She just oozes of realness , she isn't fake, she is straight up with who she is, how she feels and what she wants. I find her extremely beautiful not only on her outside but on her inside. She is an incredibly passionate person and an amazing actress and mother as well.