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. torn asunder .'s LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
. torn asunder .

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.. open up my eyes, flood it with daylight .. [29 Mar 2003|07:40pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | -kutless- 'tonight' ]

i dont even feel like updating.. im just not having a good day.

lost my purity ring in the sand, got a sunburn, fantastic sams is only open til 6 and i got there at 6:05, no ponderosa for me, i dont think rynes dad likes me very much, etc...

..Time to close my eyes, forget about this mess..

i cant wait til the cg, nfg and mxpx concert... which happens to be a youth sunday, mothers day and church and the concert.... BUSSY DAY MARCH 11 WILL BE!

..1 footprint.. .. burn with the stars ..

[26 Mar 2003|09:24pm]
if you can read this youre a friend
..1 footprint.. .. burn with the stars ..

.. hush little baby dont you cry .. [26 Mar 2003|08:40pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | -newsboys- 'it is you' ]

Exodus 23:1 "Do not pass along false reports. D not cooperate with evil people telling lies on the witness stand."

Making up or passing a long false reports was strictly forbidden by God. Gossip, slander, and false witnessing undermines families, strain neighborhood cooperation and makes chaos of the justice system. Even if you do not initiate a lie, you become responsible if you pass it along. Don't circulate rumor, squelch them.

im thinking about making my journal friends only... i think it would just be better. NO its not because i waqnt to badmoutht those who arent my friends,and its not because i dont want certain peopel to comment. alright. i just think it would be best. no, ya know what? i shouldnt have to defend my decision. ok, yeah! from now on this journal is

ok.. now that thats done... go to sleep

.. burn with the stars ..

.. flower bloom, tenderly i sing to you .. [25 Mar 2003|10:40pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | -avalon- 'adonai' ]

Psalm 75:2
You say, "I choose the appointed time;
it is I who judge uprightly.

Children have diffuclty grasping the concept of time. "It's not yet time yet" is not a reason they easily understand. They only comprehend the present. As limited human beings, we can't comprehend God's perspective on time. We want everything now, not recognizing that God's timing is better for us. When God is ready, hew will do what he needs to be done, not what we would like him to do. We may be impatient as children, but it's clear that God's timing is perfect, so we should accept it.

Oh Lord, help us understand your timing!

..1 footprint.. .. burn with the stars ..

.. Adonai i lift my heart and i cry my Adonai .. [24 Mar 2003|10:31pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | -jonathan and stephen cohen- 'friend of mine (columbine)' ]

..Psalm 112:7-8..
He will have no fear of bad news;
his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD .
His heart is secure, he will have no fear;
in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.

We all want to live without fear; our heroes are fearless people who face dangers and overcome them, The psalmist teaches us that fear of God can lead to fearless life. To fear God means to respect and reverence him als the Almighty Lord. When we trust God completely to take care of us, we will find our other fears-even of death itself-will subside.

[[ ..comfort us with your love.. ]]

you guys should hear the song 'friend of mine (columbine)'... it was obviously written because of teh columbine shootings. theyre two brothers who went(or is still going) to columbine, they obviously survived.

imagine how much courage it must have taken for Cassie Bernall to say 'yes i believe in God' knowing she would be shot. just imagine. it makes you think doesnt it. 'would i have the courage to say yes? or would i chicken out when the threat of death came knocking?' would i? would you?

"can you still hear raging guns, ending dreams of precious ones.."

Lord, please give us courage to take a stand for you!

.. burn with the stars ..

.. i will testify to love .. [24 Mar 2003|01:01pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | -lee greendwood- 'God Bless The USA' ]

God Bless The USA
If tomorrow all the things were gone,
I’d worked for all my life.
And I had to start again,
with just my children and my wife.

I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.

And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.

From the lakes of Minnesota,
to the hills of Tennessee.
Across the plains of Texas,
From sea to shining sea.

From Detroit down to Houston,
and New York to L.A.
Well there's pride in every American heart,
and its time we stand and say.

That I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.

And I’m proud to be and American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.


..2 footprints.. .. burn with the stars ..

.. this addiction is bringing her down .. [20 Mar 2003|08:39pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | -kutless- 'run' ]

i was being stalked today... eek!
i was walking with 2 friends and this black guy in a car was goign slow by us and asked us what our names were and we didnt answer and he just kept going slow next to us and then he finally left us alone and i had to go donw a different road then them to get home so we split apart and the guy came back after me so i like ran behind this BIG tree and he drove off and he found my friends and followed them home and they called the cops. the cops interviewed them and me.

oh well.. im on a diet now. i had a slim fast thingy for lunch and it was SO good! MM MM! so good!

i started my drug and alchohol test online tonight. EASY AS PIE MAN! haha..

my back hurts...

im leaving now...

<>< Amber <><

.. burn with the stars ..

.. and im waiting for you .. [18 Mar 2003|09:01pm]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | -kutless- 'down' ]

i really hope kristin is able to go to church with me tomorrow! that would be soooo awesome! hehe. shes so cool you guys.. she really is. shes a ChEeRlEaDeR! but yeah. this hwole lent thing is getting harder and harder.. i REALLY wanan listen to some secular music right abotu now... my life is really music.. music an change my mood entirely.. it can just seem to control me.. =\

..and its by grace and love that i am free to live with you eternally..

iys 9:08 now... im getting worried, Kristin hasnt called me back yet.. i really hope she can go tomorrow! ahh! =\ adam called me at like 8:44 .. yeah. i was SO happy.. and thne he had to go. he said hed call me back in a few minutes.. its been mroe than a few.. i guess hes not calling back. =( ((sigh)) im so anxious about like EVEREYTHING! sheesh..

*she wants to fly away from this but she does not know how to*

<>< amber<><

.. burn with the stars ..

.. she doesn't know how to fly away from this .. [17 Mar 2003|06:17pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | -kutless- 'down' ]

[[I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.. Romans 7:15-17]]

This is more than the cry of one desperate man-it describes the experience of any Christian struggling against sin. We must never underestimate the power of sin. Satan is a crafty tempter, and we have a great ability to make excuses. Instead of tryingto overcome sin with human willpower, we must take hold of the tremendous power of Christ that is available to us. This is God's provision for vistory over sin; he sends the Holy Spirit to live in us and give us power. And when we fail, he lovingly reaches out and helps us get up agian.

*\*/* life is hard for everyone so lets blow it all off just for a little while */*\*

im so done with school. 4 more days til spring break. im so excited. =) today was an alright day. Kristian ate lunch with us. i love her, shes so cool. hehe. but anyways, after school i talked to, well.. I listened to Andrew talk. hes still very much adorable in my eyes..but he has ugly hands. yeah, there ya go. i miss seeing Joei. im very dissapoimted that shes not in my bio hon class.. GRR JOEI GRRR! haha! i cans ee zacl having a free for all with that one.. haha.. ambear.. funny. art 3d is getting annoying.. ms hinson pushes us way too much... but im the only student of hers that knows about her mom (<- heart complications) so i guess im the most understanding one in her class. sheesh. what were doing is cool i just wish that i was faster at it.. like, she pushes us to get things doen and i prefer quality to quantity. im talking too mcuh..

i love you NANCY! (its miss sanford's birthday!)

i have to make you a cool card thingy... ill post it tomorrow. =)


..1 footprint.. .. burn with the stars ..

.. un-break my heart .. [16 Mar 2003|07:41pm]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | -mommy snoring- ]

hey all in lj land. my day was pretty good and hows about yours eh?

it started out ok... the church song selections could have been better but eh... went to rynes and played on the computer and junk then chris came over and i played a game he brought over but it stunk so i started to play grand theft auto vice city.. I LOVE THAT GAME! i get to like blow peopel heads right off! and then like a BUNCH of blood squirts out all over. its so great. =0) hehe. then i went home and ann called and i took fred's place in goign with her and diane cambell to mugs n jugs and singing karaoke. so fun.

im getting very nervous about this whole praise band dealie.. ive heard diane gayle and the other diane sing nwo and let em tell you theyre so much better than i am.. and theyre a lot more confident.. it makes me wanna cry everytime i think about it. its horrible. =\ im afraid that when they start to record me for teh tryout ill loose everything and go insane and nothing willc ome out... or ill suck major monkey.. ehh IM SO NERVOUS!

go and have a gander at zacks lj [ ezbaykeoven ] and tj's [ jesusfreakkk ] take a look at my handy work.. ive done better but eh. yeah. your mom.

gotta go now.. i know you guys hate to see me leave but i gotta,,,

<>< amber <><

..32 footprints.. .. burn with the stars ..

[14 Mar 2003|03:04pm]
if you cant post who you are dont post at all
..1 footprint.. .. burn with the stars ..

.. your sins are erased .. [11 Mar 2003|08:30pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | -switchfoot- 'only hope' ]

stuff happened at bible study tonight that made a few people upset and one perosn imparticular was very upset and shouldnt have been. we did what we did not to attack but to bring to attention.. nothing personal at all. believe me i could have gotten personal, but i didnt let it affect my decision in this matter.

[[your love is what gets me though..]]

I love your Lord, and i know you want the best for me. Your will be done Lord, not mine! Lord, wash away all of the distractions in my life. Please wash away all of the drama, all of the pain.You are my God and i praise you. I want to live a life full of you, Not of the world! Lord fill me with your presence and your truth and peace.

.. burn with the stars ..

.. what do you really think? .. [10 Mar 2003|02:33pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | -kutless- 'tonight' ]

When I think of Amber I think of _______
I ______ Amber
Amber is _____
If I were able to sit down and talk to Amber i would talk about ________
Worst thing about Amber is ______
best thing about Amber is ______
Best feature about her is ________
Amber makes me feel _______
_______ reminds me Of Amber
I want to be Ambers ________

[[can you feel the sounds of love flow through you? were praising him tonight!]]

tomorrow is Disciple Bible Study and im very excited. its so great. i love Ruthie! =) shes teh best! woO! haha.. im a loser..

its been a long time since ive done one of those survey thingies.. yeah.. i duno.. its just too long and boring for me i guess.

i cant wait to dye my hair gosh dernit! ah!

((sneeze)) i must go now..


..6 footprints.. .. burn with the stars ..

.. im awake in an infinate cold .. [09 Mar 2003|08:59pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | -passion- 'here i am to worship' ]

today was fun. i do get to try out for the parise band. im very nervous though.. with diane and diane and gayle trying out too i dont htink vernon will even wanna listen to me by the time theyre done w/them... =\ so nervous.

[[sing to me of the song of the stars]]

ryne came over today and we watched 'The Ring' and he showed me a old picture of his mommy. she is one hot momma! haha. =p funnyness.. i have a star on my back made of sunless tanner. =) funny.

a lot of things came clean abotu me at bible study tonight, it was great to share all of that aloud finally. =)

so does anyone other than nancy realize that i changed my lj aorund!? ahh! haha..

i liek it.

big bio exam tomorrow... eeK!


.. burn with the stars ..

.. everyday is a gift that youve been given .. [08 Mar 2003|06:43pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | -benjamin gate- 'lift me up' ]

i changed my lj around... obviously.. =)

im gunna spend the night at Adriannas tonight

.. coming apart ..

..2 footprints.. .. burn with the stars ..

.. you make me feel alive again .. [08 Mar 2003|11:39am]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | -rocket power- ]

well, last night was pretty fun. met some new cool people too. i played 2 games of lasr tag i was 10th outa like 25 and then 12th. =) yay! last time i was last place... not cool. this time was better cause we were on teams and junk. me and eric were crouching behind things and crawling under the catwalks... haha Agent 007 and Twinky... yes.. my name was Twinky. =x haha. this cool guy named Matt came with out group and he just moved from New Hampshire, he has an awesome accent. i did talk to him for a while but then (1) i foudn out he was 18 and out of school and (2) i couldnt get a word in with gayle and diane around. i wish i was as outgoing as them. I hung around Joei and ruthie and fred and eric. me and ruthie played Dance Dance Revolution at Celebration station. in the whole thing i got 187 perfects. i was quite proud (ok people who love the game dont tell me i suck, cause im proud of my score!) there was this cool song on it 'so many men' hehe it was so cool 'so many men, so little time for them...' something along those lines.. haha. fred and eric were so funny (to me at least) cause eric would try to give fred a hug and fred would flip out... ha! and then when fred actually let eric hug him eric was all afraid.. it was so funny. =) aftre all that we went to Sunblades to play bum bum bum *broom hockey* that was soo fuN! hehe. i htought the fun part was when i went for the ball i missed and hit this one dude in the leg (not very hard. dont worry, hes ok) and he fell down! HAHA! i fell down once.. but i got right back up again. =) i was on the *!PURPLE!* team! haha...

ot TOO long of an entry..



..2 footprints.. .. burn with the stars ..

.. things are crazy but its alright ... [07 Mar 2003|04:45pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | -zoe girl- 'nick of time' ]

he made you feel plain
When he forgot your name
Well let me tell you something, I
have felt the same.
I know you're in pain but there'll be another
boy along the way and God he made you
beautiful and there's nothing about you thats plain.

You are jewel you are a treasure
you are one of a kind
and you shine just as bright
as the stars in the sky
you're a rare kind of wonder
created just right so keep
your head up no matter the pain
theres nothing about you thats plain

You tell me you're not the type
the kind of girl that they like
and your a little insecure about
how you look in their eyes.
Well fashion will change, trends
come and go everyday, but God
only made one of you and there's
nothing about you thats plain

You are a jewel you are a treasure
you are one of a kind and you
shine just a bright as the stars
in the sky. You're a rare kind of wonder
created just right so keep your head up
no matter the pain theres nothing about
you thats plain.

See your mind, it is precious
Though your heart may be restless
And your eyes they will see all that you're meant to be
'Cause your spirit is strong and your soul carries on
You'll keep your head up no matter the pain
There's nothing about you that's plain

You know I've had my days, when I feel out of place....yea
I look at who I am, cover what I can , I wish it all
would change. But...take the makeup away you see the
same girl still remains..She may not feel that beautiful
but theres nothing about her thats plain.

You are jewel you are a treasure
you are one of a kind
and you shine just as bright
as the stars in the sky
you're a rare kind of wonder
created just right so keep
your head up no matter the pain
theres nothing about you thats plain

You may have felt plain, but...God, He knows your name
Let me tell you something, yeah...There's nothing about you
that's plain

i love ZOE Girl...

65 days til the GC, MXPX, NFG concert! YEAH! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

im co confuzzled...


.. burn with the stars ..

.. reality .. [05 Mar 2003|08:18pm]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | -superchick- 'get up' ]

im giving up secular music for LENT... i think i might be giving up meat too... my parents said i could if i wanted.. i gotta check to see what vitamins i need to get..

im so tired..

im going to miss my Good Charlotte.,..




.. burn with the stars ..

.. just a touch of his hand took away my shame .. [02 Mar 2003|08:57pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | -rachel lampa- 'savior song' ]

Luke 10:27
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

today was soo fun you guys. IT WAS RYNE 16TH BIRTHDAY! AWWWW! hes not my little baby anymore... ((sniffle)) hes all grown up! =\ haha..

NANCY IS SO FLIPPIN FUNNY! its so great. i love her. we(ryne nancy and i) went to see 'Chicago' (good movie if you like musicals) and after it was dark and nancy was like 'should i do the trip thingy?' and i was like screaming 'yeah yeah yeah!' i love it when she does that. so she waited until this car full of old guys was like right next to her and she started walkinga nd the trip while flailing her hair thing! HAHA! the old guys swerved to the other side of the roda and i swear they all had terrified loks on their faces! i think they all had a massive heart attack! IT WAS SOOO FUNNY! haha =)

i never wanna hear Richard Gere sing ever agaiN! he whines he doesnt sing.. UGH! GROSS! sheesh.

i made new icons on psp7 i do love that thing quite a lot. i learned stuff! woO! nancy will forever be the master though.. haha..

i WILL take over soon,..



..2 footprints.. .. burn with the stars ..

.. i love computers .. [01 Mar 2003|07:30pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | -jeffersons- theme song ]

i cant belive i spelled GROWING wrong! AGH! im so dumb dumb udmb! ((sigh)) oh well.

ryne will be 16 soon.. soon he can drive me to Good Charlotte concerts... woO! hehe j/k =)

.. burn with the stars ..

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