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Monday, March 18th, 2002
6:44 am - Dang this was funny
Okay, everyone.... GO HERE! Thank you.

*starts chanting, "Mullet - MAN!" over and over again until Matt bonks her on the head with a frying pan*

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Sunday, March 17th, 2002
8:10 pm - Mullet - MAN!
Just a little pic to scare y'all half to death. (I swear I once tried to sell Girl Scout cookies to a guy who looked just like this...)

current mood: amused

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Saturday, March 16th, 2002
10:45 am - Hey
Not much going on. Listening to Dad mutter to himself while playing Solitare ("what is it? I can't beleive this! Another one? Ones, twos, ones, yada yada yada..."). I just realized...uh...I have no idea what I just realized, because I minimized this window and forgot about it. So, yeah...

I am talking to Matt and Travis on MSN Messenger. Except Matt says he'll "brb" and Travis is restricting his remarks to :), so I'm currently bored.

current mood: annoyed
current music: "Pick a Little, Talk a Little" from The Music Man

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Thursday, March 14th, 2002
7:23 pm - hee hee
I'm currently writing a really cool scene for "Heart's Cry", and my muse is on overdrive. :P This is soooo much fun... :D

current mood: amused

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Wednesday, March 13th, 2002
8:46 pm - Fanfic Preview!
I don't even want to go INTO how much trouble it cost me to transfer my fanfic from my computer to this one, so I hope y'all appreciate it. (Y'all? Did I just say Y'all? Yikes. My Southern side is becoming scarily dominant. Yes, I have a Southern side. My Grampa is Kentuckian through and through. Yeeeeee-haw!)

Presenting...a preview of my new fanfic

"Heart’s Cry"

Summary: Haunted by vague memories, the newly married Han Solo sets out with his wife Leia on a simple quest to find his mother. They soon find themselves caught up in an epic battle between good and evil, confronting a new and terrible threat to the fledgling Republic, of which the Empire was only a ROTJ.

Author’s Note: Many of these ideas were, I admit, borrowed from Madeline L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time. But the story is (somewhat) original. I tried to debug this as much as possible, but it you catch one too many references to Ender’s Game, blame Matthew. :P

Part One: Close to the Mark

“But, Han,” Princess Leia Organa-Solo was saying, “it’s raining outside.”

“And?” the Corellian prodded. “It’s illegal to go outside in the rain?”

“No, but that would explain one reason why you’re so eager to do so.”

Solo snorted and stuffed one more shirt into his pack. “We’re going today, Your Holiness, and that’s the final word.”

“But, Han,” Leia tried again desperately, “rain means clouds.”

“Let me tell you about this wonderful invention they’ve equipped spaceships with. It’s called radar.”

“Wouldn’t you rather wait for a clear day?”

“I say that’s not even worth a response.”

And he was right. It was a rhetorical question. Diplomatic tricks didn’t work on Han Solo.

“Come on.” He had wrenched her small traveling bag out of her hand and grabbed her arm, and he all but dragged her into the front hallway of their house on the richly verdant planet of Ellian.

They had moved there soon after the New Republic set up its headquarters, taking over an Imperial metropolis and setting up reasonable government. Han and Leia lived far enough away from the city to not feel smothered, and close enough to report in to headquarters if the need arose.

But today was the beginning of a week-long, galaxy-observed holiday, and Han had been determined for some time now that as soon as it began they would leave. They would take a vacation on some remote, pretty planet somewhere...far away from the pressures of the fledgling Republic.

Leia was not pleased.

She should have known when she married this man a year and a half ago that he would be more than a handful. In any case, she’d known him long enough to tell when he wanted something, and when he was going to get it.

This was one of those times when both applied.

She was allowing herself to be led out to the Falcon’s landing pad behind the house, herded up the entrance ramp, and soon, to her great disturbance, she realized that she was already enjoying herself. The familiar feel of the seat’s upholstery (or lack thereof), the view of all those stars, the feeling of swimming through deep space... it reminded her of when she was a child on Alderaan, and she had gazed at the reflection of the stars in the lake, and thought to herself, funny. It almost looks like I could swim among the stars.

It had not been difficult at all to navigate through the planet’s atmosphere, and Leia had known it wouldn’t be. It was simply a feeble excuse to try and avoid what she hadn’t planned. She really, deep down inside, loved surprises. And Han knew it.

“So,” she said at last. “Where are you taking us, General?”

“Some place you ain’t never been before,” the pilot intoned, smiling mysteriously.

“I wouldn’t bet on that,” Leia scoffed.

“Well, it’s true you seemed to go to just about every frickin’ planet in the galaxy for the Rebellion.”

She bit her lip and stared at the ground.

“And I’ve always wondered...” Han suddenly turned to her. “What possible business you could have on some a’ those places...” his smirked faded away, giving birth to a wide grin when he saw her expression. He just sat there, grinning at her, for a long time, his eyes shining with amused delight. “It was me, wasn’t it?” he managed at last.

Leia swallowed hard. “It wasn’t entirely my idea,” she explained quickly. “It’s just that, well, there wasn’t much to do, and Mon Mothma knew how valuable you were as a pilot, and was afraid you’d pick a quiet time to leave and then we wouldn’t have you when we needed you. So she wanted to keep you busy.”


“And she used me as a pawn.”

“Little did she know how very effective her little plots would be. There was only one thing for sure that could keep me in the motley crew, and that was the hope that someday I might get to pilot you somewhere again.”

“I think she probably knew more than we gave her credit for.”

“But you didn’t object to her plan.”


Han just grinned and turned back to the control panel. He was far too classy to yell “I told you so!” and too immature to hide his delight that he had been perfectly correct in his half jesting assumptions on Hoth. Must’ve hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh, kid?

Han Solo loved his life.

To be continued...

current mood: amused

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Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
8:04 pm - Oops, I did it again...
Wow, I'm getting even sharper. Managed to double-post my last entry. *sigh*

current mood: blank

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8:04 pm - Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing...

Well, nothing much happened today. I went to my piano lesson, did schoolwork, read half of Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. It was *definitely* written by a guy - crude humor and rough language abound. PG-13 without a doubt. But it's a spectacular book so far. I hadn't expected to find something this good in a simple sci-fi novel. Somehow, though Card immerses you in a completely new, hi-tech and confusing world from the start, you feel at home because of the familiarity of it all. Heaven only knows why I feel this way; I've never experienced anything mildly like what Andrew "Ender" Wiggins goes through. He has a sadistic brother, he's an outcast "third" child in a world that only allows two children per family, and he's the product of ruthless and extensive genetic engineering. He may be earth's only hope for survival against the attack of an alien race. He is persecuted by the other students at the military training school he goes to, and he is literally a genius. Yet you feel like you can relate to him. Why? I suppose we could always ask Orson Scott Card, but, of course, he would probably just wink and say, "that would be telling."

current mood: blank
current music: the Sean Hannity show

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8:26 am - "Hey you, it's me..."
Too much listening to Smitty will do strange things to a person. :P Not much happening 'round here.

current mood: cheerful

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Monday, March 11th, 2002
7:12 am - The Fearless Codehunter Returns
Yeah, Matt's gettin' a LiveJournal. How special. I finally found him a code by getting on AE and begging for one. It always works.

:P I'm gonna shut up now...

current mood: accomplished

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Thursday, March 7th, 2002
8:02 pm - Boooooooooooooooooooored
I'm writing an LOTR parody, wheeeeee!

Will let y'all know when it's done.

current mood: bored

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
9:40 am - Hey look!

It's blue-faced Han and Leia with problems!


current mood: cheerful
current music: "I Can Talk" from Charlotte's Web (sure, go ahead, laugh)

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Friday, March 1st, 2002
9:09 pm - Liz the Easily Amused
Matthew's on instant messenger too. Oh joy. We had an interesting conversation last night. I like to call it "Me and Matt Discuss: Legolas, Friendship and Hair".

And also Snape.

current mood: anxious
current music: The Inspector General (ok so it's a movie, whatever)

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Monday, February 25th, 2002
9:07 pm - Quickly

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty



You surround yourself with art and music and are constantly driven to express yourself. You often daydream. You prefer honesty in your relationships and belive strongly in your personal morals.

Find out your color at!

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8:55 pm - Yo
I just spent the entire weekend defending truth and justice at Girl Scout camp, by which I mean chasing people around with the vacuum cleaner when they said Han Solo was ugly and threatening to vacuum their hair until they agreed that Eminem is a pervert. Good fun.

My comp is driving me crazy. The floppy drive is shot and I can't do squat! Hey, that rhymed.

Harpgirl got MSN messenger. Yay! We can have mutant, time-delayed conversations now!

I'm Simba! Yay! I think. If my comp doesn't let me get the html code I shall have to kill it. Slowly, and with great pain.

Ellesun is the name of one of the villians in Laurie R. King's freako Mary Sue fanfic Sherlock Holmes novel O Jerusalem. I wonder if he's related to Kmax's "Secret Circle" Ellesun...

Dang, my computer's officialy as good as dead. It won't bring up my Simba page. Time for the rack...

*electronic, droid-like screams are heard in the backgound*

current mood: annoyed
current music: "You", Kevin Max

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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
8:15 pm - Better make it quick...
Have only got about 10 more minutes here. Uh, yeah, well, I still don't like Raiders. I'm writing a lot of fanfic. Details later. Bye-bye!

current mood: blank

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Monday, February 18th, 2002
7:36 pm - Also...
Didn't quite finish my comments on Raiders last night.

PG? What the....? It pushed the envelope. Big time. So I'm a bit squeamish about the whole romance thing, I'll admit...maybe I just have deep-seated emotional problems. The kiss in The Music Man makes me blush. But any scene that takes place in a bedroom, on a bed, should, IMNSHO, be at least PG-13. Fine, so nothing happened, aside from a long, slobbery kiss. Fine, so Indy fell asleep immediately afterwards. But still...Marian was wearing a skimpy dress, and the shot they showed in the morning of her wrapped up in the covers and NOT wearing the dress anymore definitely implied something. This kind of thing would've been PG-13 back in the Good Ole' Days of Hollyweird.

And why, oh why was Fellowship of the Ring PG-13 and Raiders PG?! Raiders was scarier, gorier, and more suggestive. Go figure.

The final verdict: Han's still better. George "The Great Man in Flannel" Lucas rules over all. Steven Speilberg can go jump in a lake.

current mood: annoyed
current music: Oxygen (Avalon)

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Sunday, February 17th, 2002
10:08 pm - Dun dah dun dun...
I just watched Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was pretty cool, but I liked SW much better. I dunno, Harry's just not as good as Indy....and Marian was waaaaaay too into the feminist "Girl Power" deal. I almost thought for a minute there they'd run out of excuses to put her in a skimpy dress. Whateva. I liked the fact that the Ark had power, though. Don't know if a pro-religion message like that would make it into Hollyweird today.

current mood: contemplative

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
5:12 pm - They're coming to take me away, ha ha....
Riiiiight. Matthew's in Florida, and Monica (Noelle's little sister- I'll have to tell all about that Scandal of the Summer of 2001 sometime) was gone on a ski trip, so nothing interesting happened today @ lunch despite it being Valentine's (suffice it to say that Mon is a bit of a Matt/Me shipper since she got the idea into her head that I *like* him). I got a million of those little heart-shaped lollipops from EVERYBODY, and a grand total of 2 cards (one from Meghan's little brother Max and one from Joni, who was wearing a tigger suit today on a dare). I am sooooo popular. :)

current mood: blank

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
5:33 pm - Ah, yeah....
Got kicked off the comp for the week. *sigh* I'm bored. Harpgirl's on a skiing trip. *sigh*

"Shutting up, sir."

current mood: bored
current music: Past the Edges (Chris Rice)

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Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
12:39 pm - Well
I want to save this somewhere but am alas! too lazy to open up a text document. So....Aragorn's Poem!

All that is gold does not glitter,
not all those who wander are lost.
the old that is strong does not wither,
deep roots are not touched by the frost.

from the ashes a fire shall be woken,
a light from the shadows will spring,
renewed shall be blade that was broken,
the crownless again shall be king.

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