Sage's LiveJournal
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in Sage's LiveJournal:

    Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002
    10:57 pm
    College Essays
    Well, here I am again, can you believe it? It's my senior year and it's all downhill from here, or at least that's what everyone likes to tell me. I have to write a college essay and I can't even think of a topic, how pathetic is that? I can write well enough, which I should hope is evinced in the previous entries. No one ever reads this journal excepting me. I think an occasional post not only gives me something to do, but lets me reflect, so I think I'll continue. Because no one else reads it, it's truly free of all the little anchors that bind me to reality. You never realize how contrived everything you do is until you step off the stage and just reflect. In any event, back to my essay, how can I, someone with no apparent life, write some enthralling piece of literature that someone who doesn't even know me will enjoy? I have little to no social life, I sit at home most of the day, if my friends do anything with me it's a visit to my house, I go to my girlfriends house every weekend for practically the entire time except to sleep, and I don't really do anything else. Where the hell is the conflict in that? How can I entertain and inform with, "I don't really DO anything."
    Tuesday, June 4th, 2002
    10:54 pm
    Well, looks like I won't be using this too often, mostly out of my own laziness, but I suppose that's ok. I really need to start writing more in my hard copy journal that my girlfriend Hope gave me, but that probably won't happen. Not because I don't want to, not because I don't have the time, but rather, because I can't will myself to actually do it. I've really found it hard to get myself to do anything this year, even things I like. It's like I have no energy to be productive, anything with a finished result is beyond me. I came up with an analogy for what's happening to me in Pre-Calc one day that struck me as simply amusing.

    Every person is born with a large stone block like representation of the total work ethic they will have for their entire life. Some people have larger bricks, others have smaller, but without deviation, all of the bricks are a non renewable resource. So everytime a person wants to do something productive, they take a chisel and chip away a small part of that work ethic brick and it's gone forever. Some tasks may take more some less, but the key is, that they all take something out of us. Now when that brick starts to wither away and get small, we find we can no longer get ourselves to do large projects anymore. So instead we do small little things that we still enjoy, that we have enough work ethic left to accomplish. But those still chip away at the brick and eventually we are capable of smaller and smaller tasks, until at some point we are incapable of anything. The brick is gone and there's nothing left but the sand of a thousand stone chips. And that, is how I describe the predicament I now find myself in.
    Thursday, May 30th, 2002
    6:37 pm
    Today wasn't too bad of a day, though I'd have to say that I didn't enjoy it too much. I took my math final after having gone over all the questions with someone during lunch who had already taken it and did alright. Wierd thing was, that even though I knew all the questions to expect, and had all the right ways to solve for them, and even in some cases the answers, I still finished 2 minutes after class ended. I feel sorry for anyone who went into that without being as prepared. My english teacher is being a fucking whore and I actually think that I've never encountered anyone with a larger stick up their ass than her. The only time in my entire schooling career that I've been this pissed off at a teacher was in 7th grade. And that time I pretty much just gave up, that's when I lost all effort to care anymore. This time it's just too much, I feel like breaking somethi...someone. So I have this research paper that's 15 pages long and worth half my grade for the semester in two of my classes. Originally she said that the research part of the paper could be written in either first person or third person. Of course anyone of their right mind would write it in third person, because by writing a research paper it is assumed that you were the one who has the opinions or made the findings, therefore by saying "I found, I believe, I think," you not only sound like a fucking third grader, you are being redundant. Well after having spent weeks on these papers, three days before it's due, she declares that she wants it in only third person, no exceptions, she says that she made it clear that she wanted it in only first person before, which was of course bullshit. So we start to complain, but we haven't massed into one body of anger yet so she can take it. Well the day after that we don't have class so no complaint can be made, leaving only one day left to complain, the day before it was due. So we come in, and I drop the bomb saying that I've conferred with some of my fellow classmates and that not a single one of us wrote it in first person, so obviously she didn't make it clear and there was no misunderstanding on our part, only a mistake on her part. So the rest of the class starts to back me up, but then she begins to talk. She says that she made it clear again says that it was an "I-Search" paper and that implied first person, which again is of course bullshit. But directly after that she says that she doesn't have time for it then, and that we have to move on to classwork, as though it were less important than the classwork. She tells us to talk to her individually on our own time, breaking the spirit of the masses. So fine I will start it up with her again later on my own, I can argue the point well enough and there will be other people there I'm sure. So I sit through the class which was of course unimportant and an utter waste of my time, afterwards I walk directly up to her with a question. She answers the questions from 5 other people first, and I'm content to bide my time and wait. She asks if there are any more questions, and I start to state mine, halfway through she says I don't have time for this now, turns her back on me and walks away. I don't know what possessed me then, but the second she was out of hearing range I yelled "fuck you!" down the hall after her. Well I guess the world will move on.
    Tuesday, May 28th, 2002
    5:53 pm
    The Beginning
    Alright, well I'm really just starting this up so I can comment on someone else's journal that has anonymous users turned off, but I might comment in here every so often since the server that hosts my site has been down for 2 months... Chances are no one will ever see this, but I'm not exactly how this service works so perhaps I can be back referenced from posting on other peoples' journals. The only other real benefit is that I get to have an icon now too, which is always fun to screw around with.
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