LiveJournal for I'm Special.
Sunday, April 21st, 2002 |
Q: Are you sexually active? A: No, I just lie there. Q: What is your date of birth? A: July fifteenth. Q: What year? A: Every year. Q: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact? A: Gucci sweats and Reeboks. Q: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all? A: Yes. Q: And in what ways does it affect your memory? A: I forget. Q: You forget. Can you give us an example of something that you've forgotten? Q: How old is your son, the one living with you? A: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which. Q: How long has he lived with you? A: Forty-five years. Q: What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke up that morning? A: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?" Q: And why did that upset you? A: My name is Susan. Q: Now doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn't know about it until the next morning? Q: The youngest son, the twenty-year old, how old is he? Q: Were you present when your picture was taken? Q: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th? A: Yes. Q: And what were you doing at that time? Q: She had three children, right? A: Yes. Q: How many were boys? A: None. Q: Were there any girls? Q: How was your first marriage terminated? A: By death. Q: And by whose death was it terminated? Q: Can you describe the individual? A: He was about medium height and had a beard. Q: Was this a male, or a female? Q: Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people? A: All my autopsies are performed on dead people. Q: Do you recall the time that you examined the body? A: The autopsy started around 8:30 p.m. Q: And Mr. Dennington was dead at the time? A: No, he was sitting on the table wondering why I was doing an autopsy. Q: Are you qualified to give a urine sample? Q: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? A: No. Q: Did you check for blood pressure? A: No. Q: Did you check for breathing? A: No. Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? A: No. Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor? A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. Q: But could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless? A: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere. sorry but me being so stupid i found them funny luv kate x |
heya last nite went to cathouse was very very good every1 was happy n that joni was drunk cept rachel left early coz sum jobby rejected her i gave him a good seeing to outside (i sed hoi yoo! ur a fanny) there was a few nice guyz swwwwwoooooonza :) basically had a skankadelic time and wee ainzlieee all happy awwww bless ur stripy socks aye so am away *we'll drink n drink n drink n drink n drink n fight* ________________________________________ luv kate x |
Saturday, April 20th, 2002 |
heya sposed to be going into town with rachel very soonish. doubt it will happen seeing as im sat here in my big mexico strip and in desperate need of a shower. mother wants "negoiations" about my internet time. coz i stayed on for like an extra hour wen she fell asleep. *holy mother of god!* who the hell cares? then the fuckin camel wouldnt let me read for 20 minutes. 20 god damned minutes. i know she was just doing it to show she had *autho-ra-tiiiiiie* and i should respect it. biatch. really should go have a shower and teell rach im gonna be a little bitty late. catty should be funsome. i hope. usually is. every1 seys they hate it but i have great fun. prolly jus saying that to be in with the crowd ;) yargle yargle yargle. *harrrrry krishhhhhhnaaaaaaa! haaaarrrrrrrry kriiishhhhhnaaaaaaa!* tum tum tum tum de tum tum tum right. fuck am late. very late. gotta gotta gotta getaway. boi boi luv kate x |
elo elo elo today was oklie. clasess=a whole lot of laughter. dunno y. specially maths. writing ma english thingy still. im really just writin my usual lot of shitus i write wen i need a high mark. using long words that sound complex etc etc. hope i pass. eeeeeee aelrid and dan. ya fools! just...dont be fools... cathouse...we gonna make it totally far out and radical tommoro nite. YAH! RAD! i wanna skank lots. on monday i got really into it and skanked rather violently. with this little hard woman expression on my face. callum sed he cant imagine me in a crazy pit or skanking really violently. so i sed y? and he sed try and imagine linzy kerr or ktb doing it. and i sed no problemo. they r my swell crazy pit partners. and he laughed. he sed we all had too cute faces to do that. pfffff. poo master. *8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8* that was like a big row of eights and stars incase u were wondering traladeepdeedeee tommoro ill have noodles for breakfast tralaladeepdeedeee ok this is the end boi boi luv kate x |
Thursday, April 18th, 2002 |
for fucks sake. see if that maw o mine organizes one more part of my life, not matter how minor, im a up a fridge... ARGH!!! such a load of gay twazockness. see if i cant fuckin go tomorro nite im gonna not only strangle the duck but ill fuckin eat it raw aswell. and im a vegetarian. on the up side. my new picture. i love brody. and i love her hair. i love em all. shite gotta finish ma english test thing 2morro. its only me and wee john"pulled back facial expression alien boy uses big words to try and seem intelligent"curry doing the hardest one. have to write a critical essay on a book we read. im doing underground to canada. not too hard. theme-freedom, personal freedom etc. still, prolly fail. im not making rachels t-shirt the way she wants. with flames around the 8??? well i dont feck arse think so. *cough*copy jobby*cough* thank yoo ainslie for yar poem. made me go eeeeeeee! smackawhackabackakjackafragrantturtlehey! mother is a angry bunny and shouting also a bit o a fanny really see ya little kiddyjohns soon luv kate x |
Wednesday, April 17th, 2002 |
Huh, Punk? Do Ya? What about the HYPNOTIC Bunnies? Find out what YOUR inner non-sequitur is! quiz by A.V. Phibes yaaaaaaas! ok so i was this guy first You are like a rockstar...only in Dutch. Find out what YOUR inner non-sequitur is! quiz by A.V. Phibes but how can ya beat that bunny one? answer-ye cant yaaaaas 2morro thursday! woooooopdedoooo! luv kate x |
hahahaha im such a twazock i need the toilet so i get up to go walk the very short distance to the bathroom walk in wash my hands with this special soap i never use for no reason come back realise shit i need the fuckin toilet so im sitting here needing a piss with very clean hands becoz i forgot that i needed the toilet and washed my hands instead thats me... *smacks forehead with palm of hand* luv the forgetful fanny x |
looook at my new avatar thing i like it luv kate x |
looook at my new avatar thing i like it luv kate x |
Tuesday, April 16th, 2002 |
msn is a hungarian jobby. it wont let me sign in for like an hour ive been trying shite gotta re-write a english essay holy macroni ill just do it while in bed she asked me for it on monday i sed hang on ill just look for it started "rummaging" thru my bag for it she moved on to other ppl i continued "rummaging" untill she kinda moved on and forgot. yaaas. somebody post on this entry. coz a cannae get on msn and ma house is dead quiet. wanna make sure any1 is alive. and do it fast. boredom sucks like a rat luv kate x |
heya went to fenix tx and had one helluva fabulous time a combinined nite of: skanking good music friends happiness arse whooping of fannies sweat dish cloth bikinis fannies nice guys hilarity some more sweat nice people friendly new people flashy lights fire!!! slippy flooring yum heat water amazin loads ppl there we're going to caffiene+4ft fingers on friday aswell. doo-dooo-be-doooooop-de-doooooo! and this summer we're gonna camp. possibly in a back garden. but we r gonna be in a tent over night for sure. rightyho fellow live jurnalians and readers of this jurnal or if u perhaps have stumbled on this pile o shite and thought "state-o" u may still comment. i task for you all. help me think of a new e-mail adressssssss. or ill kick ye. i wanna learn the song tie me kangaroo down sport in french jus' for fun aaaaye sooo ayeeee soooooo ayyeeeee soooooooo ayyyyyyyeee ssoooooooooooo ayyyyyyeeeeeeee soooooooooooooooo ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sooooooooooooooooo aayyyyyyeeeeeeee sooooooooooooo ayyyyeeeeeee sooooooooo ayeeeeee sooooo ayee so ...and we're done kazaa is a bastard im gonna have a biig bath soon never had time for a proper one last night ktb has stopped writing mwahk x im distressed insecurity is really a bad feeling contrary to what ppl think i am quite a sensitive person i just try not to let fucked up stuff any1 seys about me mean anything at all. because it is the best way to handle it. i know im an ok person so why the hell should anyone else tell me different? tho it doesnt mean it doesnt hurt on a lighter note jobby! im off now. have some fun with some dwarves in some fields(dont take that in a sick way as many a ppl would) luv kateeeeeeeeeeee x |
Monday, April 15th, 2002 |
heylo today was quite fun. part from mcnaughton she-male keeping me behind for forgetting my folder. fat ass biatcha. i swear i had it. so i went back to english to look for it and got random abuse shouted at me from the 3rd years in the class. oh the joys. pe was goooooood coz we did long jump(the best thing in the athletics term) and me hanoooo and frankishh were just very silly. tho hannah claimed she hurt her ankle *cough* big faker *cough* mwhaha. iona meeting. i am awfully excited. the rooms gonna be good too. were getting a 10 room yaaaas-a-mundo and were getting port ban(the english boys room) instead of machair(the one we had last year) newayz. maths was ok. drew a suprsingly good picture of mr mcsquillion(mcquillion mcsquillion potato patatoe) and hanoo did a fabulous impression. which was seen by josh her long time crush(what the hell am i? american?) mwhahahah. got bus home. then we went into this little dehli/pastiseerie/health shop thing and bought fudgy marshmallowy chocolatey rectangle rocky roads mmmmmmmm. then me sarah joolish rachel and craig(rachels trusty fan club, tho i dont want to diss craig coz hes amazin but he is a little obsessed by her) went up 2 look at the new shop "sugar daddys" which is a fuckin ice cream parlour! yaaaaaaaas! pone shop in pollokshields that isnt a fruit shop! and we hope to be able to sit in and eat ice cream and sweets and yumilicios things of yumilicious value. holy moly i have to call rach and joni and katie and all to organize tonite oooooooh yay happy happy fenix happy was gonna have a shower cept no really nuff time. well toodle-ooo ya bunch of crazed fannies luv kate x |
Sunday, April 14th, 2002 |
eeeeep the more i think about that questionnaire thing the more i hope that guy doesnt know who i am. as if he sed summat infront of someone who knew the person/ppl i had sed then i would be in shoitus shoitus shoitus. especially infront of one person in particular. yargle yargle yargle. **note to self** dont trust the god damn internet anyway i have homework fucksake. stuff about rocks for mr scott. whoopdedoo! and french. sheets about someone named christopher apparently. tho a reason to be happy 2morro nite hopefully will be flantastic. like keish. homework time luv kate x |
im very embarrased now. i just sent some guy i dont know details about who i like and stuff. in a bad net quesstionaire thing. well at least its nuthin really bad. and its sounds kinda like i made it up. i hope.hes at my skool but i dotn know him. hannah n that do. but im hoping he dont know me. god damn trickster website. i fuckin stupid. i got my t-shirt on yay luv kate x |
yaaaaaas i made a t-shirt i made a t-shirt i bought just a plain wee yellow one for like £3 then i painted the NOFX thing in the middle in blue then i drew flames and did them red orange and yellow. i feel so proud. canny wear it yet tho gotta wait till it dries then iron it to make sure it stays. awhoooopaaaaa! 2morro fenix tx rxbandits! oh yessssssa! shall be one big amazingness fest rightyho saturday was a good day. woke up on katies flooor with quite a sore neck as i fell asleep trying to watch legally blonde and lie down at the same time. ate croissants. yummilicious. then went home planning to go into town. got home reasiled it was 4:15 sed "oh no". rachel foned and we arranged to go to cathouse. bla de bla bla arrived at catty looked at as if it mite be quite a shite nite. turned out purty damn good. greg was there and he dissapeared for like an hour then came back claiming he passed out upstairs. rachel was sceptical. we skanked around lots and lots and did fabulous dances to stoopid songs. rachel got asked to pull 6 times! my goodness. and ppl stole her hat. including me. there was a big fite outside afterwards. these neds musta been like shouting stuff at these gothy guys or sumthing coz next thing i knew i was shuved out teh way by this big guy who ran out into the road and started beating the shit outta this neddy guy. and there was big fite. and apparently someone was arrested. neway rachel came back here for a while. ate food and talked mucho crap. she went home. i came online. and then went to bed. indeedio. well i found it fun oooooooh dinnnnnnaaaaaaaaar shmegit luv kate x |
yaaaaaas i made a t-shirt i made a t-shirt i bought just a plain wee yellow one for like £3 then i painted the NOFX thing in the middle in blue then i drew flames and did them red orange and yellow. i feel so proud. canny wear it yet tho gotta wait till it dries then iron it to make sure it stays. awhoooopaaaaa! 2morro fenix tx rxbandits! oh yessssssa! shall be one big amazingness fest rightyho saturday was a good day. woke up on katies flooor with quite a sore neck as i fell asleep trying to watch legally blonde and lie down at the same time. ate croissants. yummilicious. then went home planning to go into town. got home reasiled it was 4:15 sed "oh no". rachel foned and we arranged to go to cathouse. bla de bla bla arrived at catty looked at as if it mite be quite a shite nite. turned out purty damn good. greg was there and he dissapeared for like an hour then came back claiming he passed out upstairs. rachel was sceptical. we skanked around lots and lots and did fabulous dances to stoopid songs. rachel got asked to pull 6 times! my goodness. and ppl stole her hat. including me. there was a big fite outside afterwards. these neds musta been like shouting stuff at these gothy guys or sumthing coz next thing i knew i was shuved out teh way by this big guy who ran out into the road and started beating the shit outta this neddy guy. and there was big fite. and apparently someone was arrested. neway rachel came back here for a while. ate food and talked mucho crap. she went home. i came online. and then went to bed. indeedio. well i found it fun oooooooh dinnnnnnaaaaaaaaar shmegit luv kate x |
yaaaaaas i made a t-shirt i made a t-shirt i bought just a plain wee yellow one for like £3 then i painted the NOFX thing in the middle in blue then i drew flames and did them red orange and yellow. i feel so proud. canny wear it yet tho gotta wait till it dries then iron it to make sure it stays. awhoooopaaaaa! 2morro fenix tx rxbandits! oh yessssssa! shall be one big amazingness fest rightyho saturday was a good day. woke up on katies flooor with quite a sore neck as i fell asleep trying to watch legally blonde and lie down at the same time. ate croissants. yummilicious. then went home planning to go into town. got home reasiled it was 4:15 sed "oh no". rachel foned and we arranged to go to cathouse. bla de bla bla arrived at catty looked at as if it mite be quite a shite nite. turned out purty damn good. greg was there and he dissapeared for like an hour then came back claiming he passed out upstairs. rachel was sceptical. we skanked around lots and lots and did fabulous dances to stoopid songs. rachel got asked to pull 6 times! my goodness. and ppl stole her hat. including me. there was a big fite outside afterwards. these neds musta been like shouting stuff at these gothy guys or sumthing coz next thing i knew i was shuved out teh way by this big guy who ran out into the road and started beating the shit outta this neddy guy. and there was big fite. and apparently someone was arrested. neway rachel came back here for a while. ate food and talked mucho crap. she went home. i came online. and then went to bed. indeedio. well i found it fun oooooooh dinnnnnnaaaaaaaaar shmegit luv kate x |
Saturday, April 13th, 2002 |
WHAT YOU WISH YOUR NAME WAS: i dont hate my name that much. but my second name does sound like a dog barking. *wilson!* *wilson* so id change that to sumthing snazzy like footspa. FAVORITE SONG LYRIC: pfaaaaah WORST NIGHTMARE: the one where i was on millport and te huge squid/octopuses came and started killing people BIGGEST FEAR: people i care about abandoning me or dying BIGGEST DREAM: just to be generally happy i spose BEST THING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU TODAY: i saw ktb prance around her room on stilts(but then she smacked her face off her dairy milk calender on her wall) WHO YOU'VE ALWAYS HAD A SECRET CRUSH ON: Sinbad from brookside FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING EVER: hmmm i was always pretty keen on my oshkoshbigoshes as a small creature WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE IS?: hmmm my legs? WHAT DO YOU THINK IS YOUR BEST NON-PHYSICAL FEATURE?: well i do have the ability to trip over my own feet no matter what. and i spose it does make ppl laugh FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT OPPOSITE SEX: face FAVORITE DRINK: Milkaa FAVORITE GUITAR MODEL: That one with the em...guitar shaped bit and the strings and em with the...jobby WHAT COUNTRY WOULD YOU MOST LIKE TO VISIT?: USA? IF YOU COULD ASK GOD ONE QUESTION, WHAT WOULD IT BE?: see if donald duck doesnt wear trousers, why wen eh comes out the shower does he keep a towel round his waist and distressed wen its dropped?:D IF YOU WERE GRANTED ONE WISH, WHAT WOULD IT BE?: that i should be happy as long as i shall live WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?: zoo animal WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE PERSON TO GET MAIL/EMAIL FROM?: anyone! anyone at all! just e-mail me or send me some gosh darned mail *sobs and bangs head on desk* whata fanny i am WHAT DO YOU THINK IS YOUR WORST PERSONAL HABIT?: i bite me nails and i often think that anything bad someone says it directed at me WHAT IS UNDER YOUR BED?: like magazines or sumthing. not that kind of magazine ya jobby WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND BEFORE FALLING ASLEEP?: anything. my mind races from about 800 different topics a minute WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE SEASON?: summer WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY?: summer WHAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE?: believeing in urself and being happy happy CAN A KISS MAKE AN *OWIE* ALL BETTER?: as long as the p[erson hadnt just down a bottle of gin or sumthing coz then it would make it sting. and prolly be scary WHAT CD IS IN YOUR PLAYER/COMPUTER RIGHT NOW?: Jimmy eatus world NAME A SONG THAT REMINDS YOU OF SOMEONE SPECIAL: WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST JOB?: Not had one, not allowed one. OF ALL YOUR FRIENDS, WHO.... HAS KNOWN YOU THE LONGEST?: um julie maybe or hannah or frankie KNOWS YOU THE BEST?: pfaaaaah dunooo MAKES YOU LAUGH THE MOST?: um lots of em MAKES YOU FEEL THE BEST ABOUT YOURSELF?: hhard questions are ahrd and smell like poo-pee HAS THE MOST IN COMMON WITH YOU?: rachel? LIVES THE FARTHEST AWAY?: ktb lives far away IS THE DEEPEST?: julie can be serious sometimes. but like 90% of the time she is a crazed giggle monster of doom IS THE MOST TALENTED?: hannah can dance and play piano veeeeery well but julie is an artist so she is IS THE TALLEST?: katleen is tall IS THE SHORTEST?: frankish? IS USUALLY ACTUALLY ON TIME?: er aelrid? IS THE ONE YOU'D MISS THE MOST IF THEY WERE GONE?: I dunno HAS THE ODDEST HABITS?: sarah likes to count the amount of bits of cereal in her bowl so she does HAS THE MOST INSIDE JOKES WITH YOU: um...theres quite alot LOOKS THE MOST LIKE YOU?: ppl say joni looks like mee IS THE MOST LOYAL?: eh joni? IS YOUR PARTNER IN CRIME?: in classes hannah out of depends who im with HAS THE BEST MODE OF TRANSPORTATION?: the last 3 letters in rachels dads cars licence plate are XES which is sex backwards. tehehehehhe. seriously, i dunno HAS THE MOST CLOTHES? rachel HAS THE MOST SHOES?: rachel WOULD MAKE IT TO THE FINAL 2 ON 'SURVIVOR'?: sarah WHO DO YOU STEAL PHRASES FROM THE MOST?: me and julie made up some amazin ones. RUMPUS BUILDIING! etc etc UNDERSTANDS YOU?: faaaaaaah CAN FINISH YOUR SENTENCES?: no body WOULD YOU RATHER... WEAR DIRTY SOCKS OR DIRTY UNDERWEAR?: Socks HAVE IT 30 DEGREES, OR 90 DEGREES?: get tae HAVE A CAR OR A TRUCK?: truck *honk honk!* SPEND A DAY AT DISNEYLAND OR MAGIC MOUNTAIN?: what the fuck is magic mountain? LIVE AT THE BEACH OR IN THE MOUNTAINS?: Beach BE STUCK IN A SHARK CAGE OR A LION'S DEN?: Lions den, coz u would prolly find a sharp stick to prod the lion with and underwater u couldnt do that LISTEN TO THE ROLLING STONES, OR THE BEATLES?: beatles! BE DEAF OR BE BLIND?: Deaf EAT RAW MEAT, OR DRINK CURDLED MILK?: curdled milk silly! HAVE THE ABILITY TO FLY OR BE INVISIBLE?: both pleez BE A ROCK STAR, OR A MOVIE STAR?: Rock HAVE GUM OR MINTS?: Gum EAT CHOCOLATE, OR EAT CHOCOLATE?: shuve choclate up ur trying to confuse me arse. STAY UP LATE, OR GET UP EARLY?: Stay up late EAT CHICKEN OR EAT FISH?: Chicken is yummier but i eat fish more WEAR JEANS OR DICKIES?: jeansa WATCH LENO OR LETTERMAN?: lenotteroman OWN A CAT OR A DOG?: cat BE STRANDED WITH CARTMAN, OR CARSON DALY?: cartman HAVE ETERNAL YOUTH OR ETERNAL BEAUTY?: well being beautiful and dead isnt much use but ill go for beauty coz living forever sucksa WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE REMEMBERED FOR?: just being remembered fondly would do yaaaaaaaasssss a doodle donkey! we got strawberrys! im going catty soon gotta have shower get changed jub jub jub luv kate x |
Friday, April 12th, 2002 |
right. thats it. this fuckin fly. has been in my house for about 3 days. and the bastards are only supposed to live one. i know its the same retarded insect. i just do. he always sits on the mirror. coz he knows that i cant smack the mirror. since it would shatter etc etc. ARGH! he is the bain of my life. he always comes and buzzes round my face. at first i never tried to kill him coz i was like awwww well y'know he'll die soon neway. but hes an invicicble beast! i think he has been genetically modified. im gonna swat the fuck out of the little twazock. ok if u couldnt be bothered reading that it was just a huge parargraph about a fly. aye im gonna go stay at katies! booo-ya! i never been before. oooooooh. oh and kt u silly twazock did u invite dan dan the stoopid baker man( hes not really a baker but thaht sounded jazzy) jonis ex to come to fenix tx with us? ehehehehheheh. guyz! guess wha? jimmy eat world and less than jake at t-in the park!!! whooooooooop whooooooooooop whooooooooop! byeski luv kate x |
Thursday, April 11th, 2002 |
i hate that fuckin slyvester stallone banner on kazaa! 4 times him and his scary voiced shouting man have crashed my comp. 4! johnny seys i shud download morpheus instead and callum seys get sumthing else a cannae remember. i had a big entry. had hunners of stuff bout little marcos. but then the big mad banner had to go an freeze ma comp again. so ill just write a bit LITTLE MARCOS! i think every child in glasgow ever went there at least once. or at least i hope they did! aaaah memories of party dresses and ball pools and spirally hats and not giving me flat juice forcing me to drink fizzy. bleurgh! newayz yes 2day was good science was funny. mr scott is a helluva funny guy. mr "hairy molester" barrowman is a cunt. he moved every1 and now its just gay. that class is my messing around art class. ms lynchs is my work hard and get praise class :D my fly is wide open. but theses damn button flys(or flies. im not really sure) are such a hassle. theres like 8 buttons and so little time. im gonna go watch rachels amazin television and eat some amazin food and listen to some amazin music. amazin. boi boi luv kate x |
LiveJournal for I'm Special.