...Which Is Ironic, Since That's Where She Was Concieved... Yeah, Doug.
This is how I avoid going insane.
//series one - yourself
--> Name: Jeffrey Edward Bourlier
---> Birth date: 8-12-1983
---> Birthplace: Denville, I think? Maybe Dover... Who knows...
---> Current Location: A chair in my living room in Randolph, New Jersey.
---> Eye Color: Blue
---> Hair Color: Blonde
---> Righty or Lefty: Righty
---> Zodiac Sign: Leo
---> Innie or Outtie: In, but kinda out. See, it's not in all the way...
// series two - describe
---> Your heritage: I'm a Heinz 57!
---> The shoes you wore today: Velcro!
---> Your hair: Long and shaggy. Wanna buy me a haircut?
---> Your eyes: Blue with a green ring that gets big when I'm pissed.
---> Your weakness: Girls. I would have to say girls.
---> Your fears: Mummies! And being alone.
---> Your perfect pizza: Sausage, peppers, and onions. Try it.
---> One thing you'd like to achieve: Fame by being a big rockstar.
// series three - what is
---> Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: lol
---> Your thoughts first waking up: But I'm still tired...
---> The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Facial area, then shoulders. Nice shoulders rule.
---> Your best physical features: My eyes, I suppose. Or my hair.
---> Your usual bedtime: During the summer? 2.
---> Your greatest accomplishment: Skate and Surf Fest '03.
---> Your best memory: TSN tour '02. So much fun.
// series four - do you
---> Smoke: ...Not reeeeeally...
---> Cuss: Yeah, but I curb it around the mother figure.
---> Sing well: I seem to think so... Everyone else doesn't.
---> Want to go to college: I want to go back, yes.
---> Like high school: Hell no.
---> Want to get married: ...Are coming on to me? And yes.
---> Type with your fingers on the right keys: Kinda sorta... Wait... Let's see... Nope.
---> Believe in yourself: Not as much as everyone else does.
---> Get motion sickness: Nope.
---> Think you're attractive: Recently, yes. And not just to fat chicks anymore.
---> Think you're a health freak: Not really.
---> Like thunderstorms: Especially to sleep to.
---> Play an instrument: Guitar, and working on piano. And skin flute.
// series five - in the past month, did/have you
---> Drank alcohol: Probably, yes.
---> Smoke(d): Yeah, but I'm calling that shizznat quits.
---> Done a drug: Alcohol IS a drug, goddamit!
---> Made Out: Well, yeah.
---> Gone on a date: Saw X2...
---> Gone to the mall: Does the Roxbury Mall count? If not, then no.
---> Been on stage: Of course.
---> Been dumped: Nah.
---> Gone skating: Skating? What is this? January in Times Square?
---> Made homemade cookies: I ATE homemade cookies...
---> Been in love: Not yet.
---> Gone skinny dipping: Well, a shower technically counts, huh?
---> Dyed your hair: Nope. Not this month.
---> Stolen anything: Walgreens will have my ass for this... I plead the 5th.
// series six - have you ever?
---> Played a game that required removal of clothing? Who hasn't? I've been nekked on several occasions.
---> Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Two words: Asians in a van. Wait. That's 4...
---> Been caught "doing something": Like what? Oh... THAT... No, but I heard my parents have sex once... Scarred me for life.
---> Been called a tease: Thanks, Jo.
---> Gotten beaten up: Nah, but I did some ass kicking in my day.
---> Shoplifted: Walgreens can suck my weiner.
---> If so, did you get caught: I still work there, don't I?
---> Changed who you were to fit in: No, but I got cooler since high school.
// series seven - the future
---> Age you hope to be married: 27
---> Numbers and Names of Children: George, George, George, and Georgina... Wait... KNOCKOUT PUNCH!
---> Describe your Dream Wedding: Whatever makes her happy...
---> What age do you want to die: 4,000,000... Or they can freeze me until 4,001,983 AD.
---> What country would you most like to visit: Jamica? No, she wanted to go.
---> Current Taste: Skizza, with a little emo, and some old school 90s rock.
---> Current Hair: bordering on The Strokes.
---> Current Annoyance: the X.
---> Current Smell: Old Spice: RED ZONE!!!
---> Current thing you ought to be doing: Sleep works.
---> Current Desktop Picture: Some design? My dumb sister took the Fish off.
---> Current Favorite bands: RBF, TSN, LTJ, JEW, and The Postal Service, I mean TPS.
---> Current Book: Read? I READ?
---> Current DVD In Player: Whatever's sitting in it at the goddam store cuz I DON'T OWN ONE!
---> Current Worry: College.
--> Current Crush: Johanna Bandanna.
Speaking of which, somebody's coming over for a sleep over tommorrow night!
Current Mood: excitedCurrent Music: Tenatious D: Karate