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Sign up for We'll send you action alerts when we need your help to contact your representatives in Congress.

 Contact Congress

Let us fax your opinion to your representatives in Congress. Just give us your zip code and write a brief note (or use the note we've provided). We'll take care of faxing your message to both of your Senators and your Representative in the House.

 Stop the CBDTPA

Help us stop the CBDTPA. On March 21st, Senator Hollings officially announced the "Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act." In addition to continuing the erosion of personal use rights, this bill will require the incorporation of government-mandated copy protection technology into every digital media device.

 Tell A Friend

The only way we can fight this issue is by showing our grassroots strength. Help us spread the word by sending email to your friends.


DigitalConsumer is a non-profit organization that depends on donations from members and corporations. Please help us out -- your contribution allows us to continue our fight for fair use rights.

 Volunteer Positions

Over 49000 people have signed up and sent faxes to their elected officials through That's great news. Only through grassroots organizing are we going to be able to counter the millions of dollars Hollywood spends on campaign contributions. But to succeed, needs help from you. If sending a fax only gets you started, we've got lots of volunteer positions we need filled. If you've got a day a week, or even an hour a week, we can use your help.

  • Web Advocates. We need help spreading the word. We're looking for people who are active posters on blogs or message boards who can help educate consumers that their rights are being taken away and encourage them to act. Contact Joe Kraus ( if you'd like to help with this.
  • Email Educators. Thus far, over 49000 people have signed up and used to contact their elected officials. That base of 49000 people has a lot of questions they want answered and we need help responding to emails and fielding the hundreds of questions we're getting about the issues at hand. Contact Wade Randlett ( if you'd like to help with this.
  • Newsletter/Blog compilers. We spend a lot of time combing the web for content that's relevant to the debate over personal use rights. As DigitalConsumer grows, we need help digging. We'd like to create a newsletter that we post on the site daily. We need people who are great at finding the daily dish on digital rights and we need people to compile those articles together into a newsletter to be posted on the site. Contact Graham Spencer ( if you'd like to help with this.
  • Local Organizers. We've received dozens of questions from people asking how they can act and organize local groups dedicated to protecting consumer personal use rights. We need people who excel at grassroots organizing that can spearhead the coordination with a suite of local volunteers. Contact Wade Randlett ( if you'd like to help with this.
  • Graphic Artists. We've been inundated with requests for banners and buttons that people can use on their site to link to That's great. The only problem is that we don't know any graphic artists that can help. If you're a Photoshop whiz or you know how to make great creative we're looking for you. Contact Wade Randlett ( if you'd like to help.