- Time to End the Copyright Race
Includes responses from Thomas Hazlett, Richard Epstein, Anthony D'Amato, Edward Welbourne and Frank Walker.
Financial Times, October 24, 2002
- Copyright law and roasted pig
Lawrence Lessig on Eldred v. Ashcroft
Red Herring, October 22, 2002
- A Bounty on Spammers
CIO Insight, September 16, 2002
- Anti-trusting Microsoft
The software giant looking to gain our trust with Palladium.
Red Herring, September 10, 2002
- Hollywood v. Silicon Valley: Make New Code, Not War
In the digital age, the old way of protecting ideas simply won't work anymore, columnist Lawrence Lessig avers. A new set of policies is needed to protect digital content.
CIO Insight, June 17, 2002
- Who's Holding Back Broadband?
- May the Source Be With You
The laws protecting software code are stifling creativity, destroying knowledge, and betraying the public trust. Legal heavy Lawrence Lessig argues it's time to bust the copyright monopoly. Wired Magazine, November 2001
- The Internet Under Siege
Courts and corporations are attempting to wall off portions of cyberspace. In so doing, they are destroying the Internet"s potential to foster democracy and economic growth worldwide. Foreign Policy Magazine, November/December 2001
- Europe's "Me-Too" Patent Law
Copying US legislation on intellectual property rights threatens to inhibit software innovation, warns Lawrence Lessig. Financial Times, July 11, 2000
- Online Patents: Leave Them Pending
Wall Street Journal Subscribers only.
- Innovation, Regulation, and the Internet
American Prospect
- It's the Architecture, Mr. Chairman (v1.0)
[13 kb]
- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Copyright
Atlantic Unbound Roundtable, September 1998
- Governance and the DNS Process (v3.0)
CPSR Keynote, October 10, 1998 [54 kb PDF]
- Governance and the DNS Process (v2.0)
Progress and Freedom Foundation, August 23, 1998 [183 kb PDF]
- Governance and the DNS Process (v1.0)
NYNMA, June 10, 1998 [21 kb PDF]
- The Censorships of Television
[103 kb PDF]
- Zoning Speech on the Internet: A Legal and Technical Model
with Paul Resnick (final version) [25 kb PDF]
- The Laws of Cyberspace
[108 kb PDF]
- The Architecture of Privacy
[59 kb PDF]
- What Things Regulate Speech
[168 kb PDF]
- The Law of the Horse: What Cyberlaw Might Teach
(final version) [283 kb PDF]
- Tyranny in the Infrastructure
Wired Magazine
- Reading the Constitution in Cyberspace
Download from SSRN Electronic Paper Collection
- Grounding the Virtual Magistrate