January 02, 2003
New label: copyright extremists

Phyllis Schlafly in Copyright extremists shouldn't control information. She nails it:

Copyright extremists are committing all this mischief under current law. Yet, the music labels and Hollywood argue that current laws are not strong enough, and they are lobbying for an assortment of new anti-consumer legislation.

One proposal would allow them to vandalize computer networks that they believe might be transmitting unauthorized content. Another proposed bill would force computer equipment makers to rig their computers so buyers can only see and hear what is authorized, and another proposal would give copyrights to privacy-invading databases.

The purpose of copyright law is to provide incentives and protection to authors to create and publish original works, not give corporations the power to control the flow of information. We should not permit copyright extremists to exploit current laws for that goal, and we should reject their demands that Congress give them even broader power to control and license information.

Copyright extremists got a lot of bad PR in the last session of Congress, both for themselves and for their sponsored legislators — some of whom (such as Fritz Hollings) are no longer running their committees.

So now would be a good time to press the reset button — not just on bad standing legislation, but on bad laws like the DMCA.

Posted by doc at January 02, 2003 03:13 PM

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