What Others Are Saying About Jock Gill

Jan 01, 1998: This site rated "Way Cool" by Rage Boy ---- Thanks, Chris!
John Macomber - September 23, 1996
The Jefferson Report - August 30, 1996
The Jefferson Report - August 29, 1996
AT&T; Business Network thanks Jock Gill for being A Special Event on their Shop Talk Forum, from November 25 - December 2, 1995.
GEORGE Magazine writes: "Gill is one of the savviest techno-pols in the country. As director of special projects in the White House Office of Media Affairs, he was the first digital media staffer in White House history..."
Federal Computer Week named Mr. Gill as one of the Federal 100 of 1994, executives from government, industry and academia "... judged to have had the greatest impact on the government systems community in 1994."
Newsweek called him "one of the top 50 technologists to watch" in 1995.

Updated: 1 Jan 98