The right-wing legal agenda of the Bush Administration (and the Federalist Society, from which it draws its judges) is clear: abolishing the constitutional protections of the Bill of Rights (freedom of speech, separation of church and state, innocent until proven guilty, warrants for police searches, etc.), giving huge corporations unfettered power, and outlawing abortion.
Ronald Reagan, George Bush I, and George Bush II have already appointed far too many right-wing judges like Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and William Rehnquist.
Five right-wing Supreme Court justices violated the Constitution - and betrayed America - when they threw out 175,000 uncounted votes to appoint their candidate, George W. Bush, as President. These justices (Scalia, Thomas, Rehnquist, Kennedy, and O'Connor) should be impeached - not cloned!
Since Bush lost the 2000 election - both nationally and in Florida - he has no mandate to appoint far-right judges.
Even though Bill Clinton was truly elected President twice, Republican Senators blocked many of his judges because they said they were "too liberal." In fact, Republicans blocked 35% of Clinton's appellate court nominees from 1995-2001, creating 36 vacancies that Bush is trying to fill with right-wing judges.
Republican hold a majority on 7 of the 13 circuit courts of appeal. If all of Bush's current nominees are approved, right-wing Republicans will control 10 circuit courts, and could control all 13 by the end of 2004.
Senate Democrats have already bent over backwards for Bush. More judges were confirmed by Democrats in the one year they controlled the Senate (2001) than were confirmed in all of 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, or 2000.