Economic Performance of the Last Three Presidential Administrations

Are you better off than you were 2 years ago?

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Last updated January 10th, 2003.

For further reading see
How Clinton did it.
Bush ends Benefits for Millions of Poor and Unemployed
Economic Performance from Truman to Clinton
The Clinton Presidential Center

Source: Dow Jones. Last Update: January 10th, 2003.

For further reading see

Bush, Jr., Worse than Herbert Hoover

Sources: Office of Management and Budget. Projections from the Bush White House.
Last Update:January 16th, 2003.

For further reading see:
Of 18k American Economics Association Members, only 12 Identify themselves as Supply-siders.
Bush claimed that we would grow our way out of the deficit, just as supply-side theory suggests, "Tax relief is central to my plan to encourage economic growth, and we can proceed with tax relief without fear of budget deficits, even if the economy softens." - G. W. Bush, 03/27/01, but now no credible economist projects a surplus in the foreseeable future.
The Brookings Institute, studying the fiscal health of the government, finds that "...federal budgeting methods significantly misrepresent the government's underlying fiscal position".

This page courtesy Academy Computer Services, Inc., maintained by Scott Davis, MBA.