Who are the
And why do they want to go to war?


Read Democrats.com co-founders David Lytel and Bob Fertik's new column
Capital Offenses

Jock Gill's latest
Fascinating Unasked Questions (FUQs) of Bush and the Media

An Aggressive Progressive's bookshelf:
ded reading!

Dreaming War Gore Vidal

What Liberal Media

Woman Who Wouldn't Talk

Pigs At the Trough

Our Media Not Theirs

Wellstone Conscience of a Liberal

Blockbuster Video!
Unprecedented: The 2000
Presidential Election

Unprecedented Poster 120

Begala Economy Stupid

Hartmann Unequal Protection

More Perfect Union

Emerging Democratic Majority

War On Freedom

Venice Flying Circus Video

Bush Dyslexicon

Palast cover



Stupid White Men


 Kellner cover


Democratic Party - USDemocratic PlatformDemocratic Party - StatesLocal Parties and ActivistsLocal ChaptersPACs for Progressive Dems

our guide to Democratic sites

Are you looking for fellow Democrats? You've come to the right place!

  • Democratic Party - US is the official site of the Democratic National Committee, which provides the national leadership for the Democratic Party.  
  • Democratic Platform is the statement of party principals we proudly carried into the 2000 election 
  • Democratic Party - States lists the Democratic Party offices for each state, and these often link to the local party offices nearest you.  
  • Local Parties and Activists is our unique list of Democrats who are enthusiastically using the Internet to elect more Democrats. 
  • Local Chapters of Democrats.com are our locally-oriented discussion and mobilization lists.


Donkeymon -- aggressive progressives

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