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9/27/02: In a Newsday profile, Bob Fertik gets in a few good licks about how bold and creative use of the Internet can harness and express the grassroots-based, popular appeal of the Democratic Party -- when the party genuinely puts its effort behind mobilizing public support.
9/26/02: The day after Fertik's visit to his show and O'Reilly smacks him again, like any bully making sure that the victim isn't able to offer up his own defense. Above all O'Reilly can't let Fertik's assertation that popular support for a war against someone who had nothing to do with the attacks against us is massively inflated.
9/25/02: co-founder Bob Fertik appears on Fox's O'Reilly show and addles the dishonest old spin hack by observing that polls show support for an attack on Iraq to be highly conditional. Tell them how much it is going to cost in dollars and lives and the attack Iraq majority deflates like O'Reilly when confronted with facts.
9/11/02: In an incident we're calling Farrago North, Laura Dove of the National Republican Campaign Committee came upon the photo caption contest on our site that we ran last May, in which we invited users to send in their captions of the infamous photo of George W. Bush pretending to be in charge of the country during the attacks of 9/11. You'll recall that many months later the Republicans were widely criticized for using the photo as a fundraising tool, and they're obviously still pretty sensitive about it. We were in the midst of a campaign raising money for Senator Paul Wellstone, so the NRSC sent out a press release attacking Wellstone for permitting his advertisement to run on a site containing such "vile" content. [This is on the day when America was in mourning over our losses of a year earlier, and Vice President Dick Cheney observed this somber event with a mud slinging celebration on the Rush Limbaugh show.) The Minneapolis Star-Tribune was the only paper in the country to print the attack, then thought better of it, and finally printed our letter. Hey, we report, you decide, as the Republicans say.
8/2/02: creates Bush Pokey Scorecard after Bush promises to "throw corporate criminals in the pokey, where they belong." We're tracking how many of Bush's corporate cronies actually serve hard time in jail, because the proof is in the pokey!
7/30/02: launches a Petition to Stop Bush's 'Wag the Dog' Invasion of Iraq, which collects nearly 8,000 signatures in one week.
7/17/02: launches to enable people to thank NBC for getting Phil Donahue back on the air by sending a special box of Leonidas chocolates to the president of NBC.
7/16/02: launches Petition to Say No to Government Spying on US Citizens through programs like Ashcroft's proposed Operation TIPS.
7/16/02: launches Bushgate to track all of Bush's many scandals as they move inevitably towards Bush's impeachment.
6/24/02: co-founder Bob Fertik publishes an expose of the Bush 9-11 Photo Scandal, which documents the evidence that Bush ordered the shooting down of the Heroes on Flight 93, a moment that may have been captured in the photo Republicans are selling for $150. Right-wingers react viciously to this story, including a denunciation by Rush Limbaugh on 7/1/02 that results in dozens of hate-filled letters from his dittohead followers.
6/19/02: delivers a detailed letter from researcher Nancy Kuhn setting out the civil rights and election law violations that took place in Florida in 2000 and 2001 to a majority of members of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, as well as to the staff director and general counsel, in anticipation of their hearing in Miami the following day.
6/14/02: holds a political party in Berkeley.
6/13/02: The new Northern California Chapter of meets for drinks, dinner and discussion in San Francisco
6/5/02: launches to provide ongoing coverage of the series of revelations on the Bush Administration's advance knowledge and warning of the attacks that came on 9/11
5/8/02: holds a party/meeting in San Francisco to discuss setting up a Northern California chapter of
4/29/02: publishes a Special Report on its exclusive interview with Jean-Charles Brisard, co-author with Guillaume Dasquie of Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth, reviewing how well their reporting of the events leading up to the September 11th attacks has held up since it was originally published in France six months ago.
4/13/02: The Washington Post publishes co-founder David Lytel's op-ed on the mistreatment Al Gore has received by the commercial news media.
4/12/02: co-founder David Lytel makes a presentation on Internet-enabled campaigning and the role of the Internet in returning the Democrats to power at the Campaign for America's Future meeting in Washington.
4/03/02: arranges a 45 minute guest appearance on C-SPAN for Greg Palast, a visit to the DNC to meet Terry McAuliffe, and his presentation before 250 citizens at the Martin Luther King, Jr. library in downtown Washington (along with co-sponsors WPFW-FM, VoterMarch, the National Newspaper Guild and Vertigo Books).
4/02/02: launches a Caught in the Crossfire feature on that highlights the best exchange on CNN's Crossfire each night, in case you missed the show and enjoy sharing that glorious moment when Novak and Carlson scream at the unfairness of being challenged by Carville and Begala.
4/02/02: To celebrate Paul Begala and James Carville's arrival on CNN's Crossfire, we open which allows people to send a red, white and blue bouquet of flowers to the CNN executive in Atlanta who hired them.
4/01/02: In our annual celebration of April Fool's day, we release
3/15/02: We release a new game called Pick Up Ann Coulter and put it up at
3/11/02: co-founders David Lytel and Bob Fertik begin a new original column exclusively on called Capital Offenses: A report on the latest outrages from Washington, DC
3/9/02: We host an online chat with award-winning journalist Greg Palast, who discusses his book The Best Democracy Money can Buy as well as his recent article in Harper's about the unlawful efforts of the State of Florida to remove citizens from its voter rolls.
3/8/02: launches to engage activists to protest the firing of the sole non-conservative voice left on the air in Washington, DC, the capital of the free world.
3/1/02: In response to the "swift and ferocious" attack on Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, puts out an activist alert asking members to write a letter in support of Daschle to their local newspapers.
2/1/02: opens a new office in Washington, DC.
1/14/02: launches Enrongate Web site and Internet advertising campaign to amplify its call for a special prosecutor.
1/11/02: introduces Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquie to Nation Books, which agrees to publish an English language version of their groundbreaking book Bin Laden: The Hidden Truth about the secret diplomatic failures that led to the September 11th attacks.
1/4/02: issues an activist alert to our members and others asking them to show their support for Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle's sensible plan for economic recovery that generates hundreds of letters and gets a few dozen published in papers across the country.
12/12/01: Rising from the Ashes, Towards Democratic Victories in 2002 and 2004, a forum held at the historic Great Hall at Cooper Union in New York City, drew 500 enthusiastic Democrats who refuse to "get over it." Featured speakers included pundit Paul Begala, New York gubernatorial candidate Carl McCall, NYU professors Todd Gitlin and Mark Crispin Miller, activist Liz Abzug, talk show host Ellen Ratner, author John Nichols, editor Danny Schechter, State Senator Tom Duane, City Council members Yvette Clarke and Robert Jackson.
12/10/01 Washington DC forum: Authors of Books About the 2000 Election and its Aftermath, held at American University, drew 200 students and citizens. The featured authors were Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., author of A More Perfect Union, Newsweek reporter David Kaplan, author of The Accidental President, Nation columnist John Nichols, author of Jews for Buchanan, and U.S.Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner, author of Breaking the Deadlock