February 13, 2003Now comes a Justice Dept investigation in New Hampshire into the activities of GOP Marketplace, an Alexandria, VA, firm headed by Allen Raymond. The firm connects campaigns and organizations with telephone vendors. The firm and its subcontractor, Milo Enterprises, are implicated in the jamming of phone lines at six Democratic phone banks prior to the November election in New Hampshire. The phone jam was broken by Verizon after two hours. News accounts claim the New Hampshire GOP paid GOP Marketplace $15,600 on 11/1/02.
A PoliticalMoneyLine review of records of expenditures indicated that there were two other organizations paying GOP Marketplace. The Republican Leadership Council, run by Executive Director Allen Raymond (also head of GOP Marketplace), indicated in its Section 527 IRS report (signed by Raymond) it paid GOP Marketplace (Raymond's firm) $28,983.62 on 11/4/02 for "Phone bank." The major expenditure during the 10/1/02 to 11/25/02 period was $275,000 paid to Multi Media, Alexandria, VA, for "media Placement, issue advocacy." The records do not provide any further detail on the phone calls or issue ads, or whether they involved New Hampshire. Records did indicate a payment to an insurance company for Directors and Officers insurance.
The RLC's largest donor since July 2000 was S. Robert Levine of Portsmouth, NH, listed as an executive of Armstrong Investments Corp. Sometime during the third quarter of 2002 (7/1/02-9/30/02) Levine donated $250,000 to the RLC. He has also been listed as a donor to Team Sununu.
Another organization paying GOP Marketplace was the Republican National Committee, which reported a $75,600 payment on 10/23/01 for "phone calls."