AOTC is a tax-deductable 501c(3) nonprofit organization that depends entirely on member contributions.
We are currently set up to accept donations through PayPal. Press this button to start:
These are all organizations whose political and educational purposes are consistent with ours at AOTC.
What is the relationship between AOTC and GeekPAC?
GeekPAC is a political action committe. AOTC is a nonprofit educational organization.
We are allied organizations, with an arms-length distance required by law.
How is AOTC different than and the EFF?
Think of AOTC as a DigitalConsumer for technologists. Where DigitalConsumer gives voice to orginary users of the Internet and digital technology products, AOTC gives voice to the technologists of the world to the world's geeks.
Both Digital Consumer and the EFF are chartered to protect digital rights. AOTC is chartered to educate legislators and regulators.
AOTC doesn't have a press office. Some day we will. Meanhile you can contact our President, Doc Searls, at