May 10, 2002

CPTWG meets on June 5

The parent group of the BPDG, the Copy Protection Technical Working Group (CPTWG), will hold its next meeting in Los Angeles on June 5, 2002.

$100 gets you a seat at the table and a chance to eat a hearty catered lunch. What's more, you can make a presentation to the CPTWG just by emailing Maryann Nicoletti. In times gone by, the EFF has brought down the GNU Radio people to demonstrate the futility of the BPDG; we'd love to get your suggestions for future speakers to bring to the meeting (anyone friends with any tony anti-trust attorneys, open source video hackers, ASIC engineers, fair use advocates, or capture-card vendors who'd like to present on the technical feasibility of the BPDG mandate?)

The meeting's at the Renaissance Hotel, 9620 Airport Blvd., LA CA 90045, 310.337.2800, and it gets going at 8:30, and wraps at 4PM.

You can get a $89 hotel room next door at the Four Points Sheraton, too. See you there!

Posted by Cory Doctorow at 06:08 PM