I was just thinking to myself... |
[17 Feb 2003|10:03pm] |
wow...Holly really needs to make an entry.
An update? Yes, yes I think I shall.. |
[14 Dec 2002|03:21am] |
[ |
mood |
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anxious |
] |
[ |
music |
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2001: A Space Odyssey |
] |
The last few days have been a haze of fighting and making up with the missus, and video games heh. But all is well.
I will be leaving on the 30th for Oregon, to spend a glorious week basking in a tax-free zone, to be followed by me forcefully flying her down here (a la Mr. T in the A-Team) to finally meet my family and whatnot, and then we'll fly back up to Oregon for another glorious week before I return home alone. It's expensive, but it will be good. Hopefully she'll see that planes aren't so scary, and my relatives aren't either :P
I'm really anxious for the present I ordered for Nate to get here so I can give it to him. I don't even really see Nate all that often, but he's a really cool guy and I consider him my friend and when I saw it I had to get it for him, I think he'll really appreciate the thought. He seemed surprised when I asked if he was going anywhere for Christmas because I had got him something and wanted to know if I had to get it to him by a certain date, heh. I'll probably give it to him as soon as I get it as I probably won't want to wait til Christmas :P
That's all about Xmas I'll get into right now, cause that's really all that's on my mind. Things are a little tight this year, so I'm not expecting much. I want to get a cell phone, I'm hoping people can pitch in for it or something, that'd be cool, hell even I'll pitch in. :)
Alright, well I think it's time for bed, I don't really have much else to say right now as I'm tired, except this: I wish I was rich, just so I could buy everyone more presents, I love giving gifts heh.
Ok I'm out, uh...catch ya later...or something...
Hear ye, Hear ye! |
[08 Dec 2002|11:47pm] |
[ |
mood |
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blah |
] |
I'd like to direct your attention to my dear Canadian friend ecstar, or Kris as none of you know her by. She's a good writer and entertains me, usually not on purpose :P But I finally got her to get a damn livejournal so I can keep up with how she's doing, and now you all can too.
Oooh the pressure is on, you better start updating :P
drunken update |
[30 Nov 2002|10:17pm] |
[ |
mood |
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drunk |
] |
Hi, i'm drunk. Well, fairly drunk, rather. I had a lot of punch heh. The party (Kristen's surprise party) was good, we left a little early cause Shaun wasn't feeling too well and it's just as well, as I threw up on the way home. Thankfully we had pulled over beforehand.
The punch had a lot of Tequila and Jack Daniels and Vodka in it, and I drank a -lot- of it. Though anyone that knows me knows that it takes a lot to get me fucked up, I must say i'm pretty intoxicated.
Anyway i'm cutting this short, as I'm not feeling like an update, and yeah. heh.
Just a quick something.. |
[26 Nov 2002|08:29pm] |
Maybe a better update later, but if you haven't seen it, watch Doggy Fizzle Televizzle, Snoop Dogg's new sketch-type comedy show on MTV, they're replaying the first episode tomorrow at 10pm on MTV2, you'll have to figure out timezone adjustments on your own.
So fucking funny though..
Shit.. |
[23 Nov 2002|04:45am] |
I ain't updated this in awhile, huh?
Well, I'm tired. Tomorrow. Probably.
Well fuck me.. |
[19 Nov 2002|02:31pm] |
All signs point to not going to work today, too bad I have to.
God damnit why did Metroid Prime have to show up RIGHT BEFORE I HAVE TO LEAVE?! *cry*
Why must you taunt me, Electronics Boutique?
[11 Nov 2002|02:20am] |
[ |
mood |
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high |
] |
[ |
music |
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Love and A Bullet |
] |
A bluntastic night I must say. Despite the lack of my love, I had a decent time. We saw Bowling for Colombine. Very very good, I'm glad I talked Jenna into agreeing to see it. Michael Moore is a funny guy. He reminds me of Ricky Jay for some reason. I think it's the way they talk. Anyway it's worth seeing it if you get the chance and you don't mind an intelligent and thought-provoking documentary with some very comedic scenes.
And now back to this movie we're watching, it rules.
On another note.. |
[31 Oct 2002|01:35pm] |
[ |
mood |
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thirsty |
] |
Jackass the movie..jesus christ. Best 87 minutes I've spent in a theater like ever. Heh ok well I was laughing my ass off anyway.
I'm not feeling talkative...or typeative...for that matter. I'm gonna go lay back down upstairs or something..
[25 Oct 2002|11:42am] |
Especially the ones that go off right after you've sat down, and spray your ass. Dont'cha just hate that?
What pisses you off?
Better late than never... |
[19 Oct 2002|01:22am] |
I'm alive and here and everything, going back upstairs now..
Off to bed I suppose... |
[18 Oct 2002|02:07am] |
[ |
mood |
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nervous |
] |
I knew I wasn't going to get those cd's burned. Heh, sigh. Guess I'll stick with what I've got. Oh shit, I was supposed to bring movies that Jami wanted me to bring but she has the list and I forgot to get it from her before she went to bed :O
Here's hoping I can remember...baby if you see this before 8am, and I doubt you will but if you do, call my house damnit I need the list :P
Snap back to reality.. |
[17 Oct 2002|12:38pm] |
[ |
mood |
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bored |
] |
[ |
music |
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Silence.. |
] |
I haven't updated in awhile, I didn't notice it had been so long. Haven't really had that much to say. Leaving tomorrow as you all know, for Oregon again, yes. I'll be back the evening of the 2nd. I should probably burn some cd's for the airport nonsense but I'll probably forget heh. Don't have time to now anyway, gotta leave for work in an hour. Guess I'll get some kind of breakfast and watch some tv or something.
Oh, btw. Truck Turner (starring Isaac Hayes) owns me, haha that movie was great. Another one I watched last night was one I picked up from the freebie screener area at work. It's called Love and a Bullet, starring Treach from Naughty by Nature. Heh, it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. It's actually like an action/comedy type movie, s'not too bad. I might actually watch it again sometime.
Oh ALSO btw, my router took a crap on me or something, I'll try to fix it again tonight, for now I just have the cable plugged directly into my machine. (sorry mom :P)
I'm really leaving now...I'll update from Oregon like I did last time, and maybe even again before I leave....if I have something to say. :)
Shit! |
[12 Oct 2002|11:42pm] |
[ |
mood |
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shocked |
] |
[ |
music |
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Animal Precinct |
] |
My lighter is dead, nooooo.
Everyday I need an ounce and a half... |
[12 Oct 2002|10:53pm] |
[ |
mood |
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accomplished |
] |
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music |
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Eminem - Lose Yourself |
] |
Well..ordered my Bass and Amp and accessories. Pretty pricey, but I can't wait to get started. Sam Ash had a special offer to sign up for a Sam Ash card and get 15 months with no payments and no interest, plenty of time for me to pay it off and I don't need the money now, perfect. Got the OLP MM2 Stingray Bass (Pearl Blue with White pickguard), Ernie Ball Polypro strap with nickel straplocks, a 3 foot Monster cable for good sound (Didn't figure I'd need a longer cable yet to play in my room.), and an Ibanez SW65 Bass Amp Combo. 65 watts, should put out some good sound. Oh also this weekend Sam Ash was giving away $99 headphones for free with orders over $199 or something, so I got those as well, good for playing at night when people are asleep since the amp has a headphone jack (of course.)
So, it said it'd take a couple days to approve us for the card, and then 3-5 for shipping. I'll be gone to Oregon by then but it should be waiting for me when I return. Hrm. I should have ordered a gigbag, maybe I'll just pick one up in Oregon..
Work sucks yes. They cut everyone's hours, and some more people are quitting now. And they're still not hiring people. Robert gave his 2 weeks, and as much as I don't really like Robert, he does a shitload of work and knows what he's doing, probably does more work than anyone else in the office, and that's going to be a big blow to us. Then with Linda and Lee leaving and Jim leaving soon too, and everyone else just about looking for new jobs, it's looking grim. Guess I should start perousing the classifieds...
[11 Oct 2002|01:01am] |
[ |
mood |
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bitchy |
] |
[ |
music |
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Hudson Hawk (This Movie Rules) |
] |
I <3 Young Bruce Willis. And not in a gay way. In a Moonlighting way, or a Hudson Hawk way.
Why hasn't anyone invented crustless bread? I could be a bazillionaire. Wahahaha. But I'm too lazy.
And high, as if that weren't obvious.
By the way, fuck work. More on that later.
Alright, I've pieced it together. Zorak -wasn't- dead, but -now- he is.. |
[09 Oct 2002|09:02pm] |
[ |
mood |
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contemplative |
] |
I've narrowed it down a bit. I'm thinking of either getting the Ibanez GRS200 or the OLP MM2 Stingray. The OLP is basically a clone of the Ernie Ball MusicMan Stingray's, which are really good but go for over a thousand dollars. Whereas the OLP is only like 220, it's the affordable version. According to the user reviews on www.harmonycentral.com, the OLP, out of 16 reviews, got a 9.9 overall (out of 10). The Ibanez, however, got 8.4 overall out of like 37 reviews. Hrm. The Ibanez supposedly has a very thin neck as well which could be a problem with my hands, and the OLP MM has passive electronics. Hmmm decisions decisions. Oh I haven't even started picking amps yet :\ Heh. It'll be fun though.
*Sigh* Off to work.. |
[08 Oct 2002|11:27am] |
[ |
mood |
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groggy |
] |
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music |
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Counting Crows - Mr. Jones (Across a Wire - Live) |
] |
Well can't you hear me? Cause I'm screamin' But I did not go outside yesterday Oh don't wake me, Cause I was dreamin' And I might just stay inside again today..
Cause Mr. Jones and me...we don't see each other much, anymore..