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[13 Dec 2003|03:00pm]
I'm about to go to work for the first time in something like a week and a half.

After that, I'll be at eric and kerri's xmas party. you should go too.

plain hershey bars are amazing.
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[12 Dec 2003|12:10am]
today I took my AMS 300 final and I believe I did well on it. I pretty much sat around, ate, and studied for my final final, which is at 8am. Yikes.

I did go to city hall today to get a business license, but I was informed that you have to renew them yearly and it would be pointless to buy one at the end of December. for some reason I was under the impression that those things lasted 3 or 4 years. weak. anyway, I got the forms to fill out so that Best of Times can be an official business as of January 1st. After that, it's Mo Money, Mo Problems.


thurs dec 18th: into the moat, ofmeansandends, glass casket, the shut ins - cave 9 - $6 -7pm

mon dec 29th: dead to fall, wage of sin, the esoteric, ashes fall, the sky between - 600 studios in tuscaloosa - $7 - 6pm

thurs jan 1st (bring party hats and other assorted new years gear): on broken wings, the judas cradle (cd release), one up, and 8 more bands - 4pm - $10 - for full lineup
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[10 Dec 2003|01:06am]
the show went really well tonight. more kids went off for BYD than I expected. Thanks to everyone who came out.

Ally got me root beer barrels and lewd photos of Katie Holmes for christmas. I'm now waiting on everyone else to try and beat that.

It was really good to see Jene' tonight, I'm really sorry we didn't get to hang much, but there's always next time, huh?
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[09 Dec 2003|02:30am]
just finished one of 3 papers I have to write by thursday.
still somewhat sick. have a show to do tonight, guess i'll be going regardless. I hate being sick more than anything in the world. My stomach hates me.

oh well, time for some sleep.
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[08 Dec 2003|06:54pm]
is there any way i can change the name of my friends list from "friends" to "hatin' ass haters"?
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[07 Dec 2003|06:15pm]
here's what I wan't for christmas kids

a guy can dream, can't he?

money ain't a thing

...and a whole lot of these
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[06 Dec 2003|09:08pm]
i'm sort of sick and have gotten very little of my finals studying/work done. I need to get better and get on that.

Last night I had some really disturbing dreams. It's hard to remember what exactly was going on in them, but the part that seemed the most realistic was running in the pitch dark, not knowing where I was going or what I was doing. I woke up sweating.
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[05 Dec 2003|03:04pm]
i have the coldest house EVER and I suck at school.
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[04 Dec 2003|01:29am]
I really should have been catching up on my reading today, but I pretty much just sat around on the computer and listened to music. I better get on that tomorrow. My AMS 300 professor is being kind enough to give us part of our exam as a take-home assignment, and I think i'll do well on it. Even with 2 years of lots of AMS and History classes, I'm still not good at writing on the spot essays with no materials in front of me.

Pepito's was delicious tonight. I have to go back again soon.
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[03 Dec 2003|02:01pm]
someone in tuscaloosa should give me a ride to The Queers show in bham tonight. i'll chip in on gas. come on, you know you want to.

edit: okay i guess i'm not going to be able to go.
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[03 Dec 2003|01:24am]
i've had alot on my mind lately and have been stressed out.

sarah thompson, i just want to tell you i'm glad to be friends with someone like you, your strength amazes me to no end, and if you ever need anything at all don't hesitate to call me.

i can't fucking wait until exams are over, who's up for some major food consumption next friday night after i take my last one?
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[01 Dec 2003|12:26am]
a while back in this thing i referred to a "big gamble" that i was going to take. it's pretty much official now so here goes:

I'm starting a label with a friend of mine (justin from murfressboro, tn) called Best of Times Records. Our first release is going to be a 7" single from Memphis hardcore band THAT WAS THEN. They play fast, no bullshit hardcore with an old school feel You can check them out at . We're doing a small pressing of 500 records, so as soon as they are here, be sure to pick one up. Our website should be up as soon as possible, I'll post a link as soon as it's done. There will be two release shows, one in birmingham and one in TN. Tentatively, the Birmingham release show will be:

Saturday, January 17th @ cave 9
On The Rise (NYHC on bridge 9)
That Was Then (7 inch release show)
New Mexican Disaster Squad (streetpunk/hc from FL)
Reaction (not sure where they're from but apparently sound like In My Eyes, which was all the information i needed)
The Cleansing Power of Fire
all ages - 6:30pm - $7

like i said, the records should be there by then, i'll keep everyone updated on that.

i can't wait to get these records out to all you kids, i'm more pumped about this than anything.
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still writing on walls [26 Nov 2003|01:45am]
It seems as if all the times I start thinking about you, I'm in a place or time when nothing bothers me. Tonight I was at work, checking out person after person and listening to the same complaints about whatever stuff we were out of tonight, and I saw your dad standing a few registers down. He had that same blank look on his face that he's always had. I don't recall him ever smiling or laughing, except for one time. I still can't believe I fucking heard that laugh that day. Anyway, I waved at him, and he waved back, uninterested. Your mother smiled and wished me a good thanksgiving. She always smiles when she sees me, it's always good to see her but so fucking hard.

I've gotten a lot better about all this in some ways. I've accepted the fact that I'll never truly know what happened to you. I've accepted the fact that there was nothing I could do to change you, because I didn't have what you came to need. On the other hand, though, I'm still moving slowly. It took me a year and a half to be able to drive by your house. I still get angry when I think about the choices you made, and how you seemed to have no concern on how it made other people feel. I still get flashes in my head of all the days and nights we spent together, and how you were one of the few that could always crack me up no matter how shitty I felt, and how you always looked at the best of things. One of the last times I remember us truly doing something as real friends was getting dressed up and going to look for jobs. We sure looked like idiots wearing ties for a group interview at wal mart, didn't we? I also still think about how I felt when I saw you after that drift, and how angry it made me. That anger is still present now, and will be with me always. When I think about who and what you threw away.....fuck, I got this far and now I can't find the words I had when I started this. Sometimes I get so angry that I want to be away from everything that reminds me of you, but that would take burning northport alabama to the fucking ground, building it up and burning it back down again.

I guess this is what a love and hate relationship is truly like. You left a mark deeper than anyone or anything in this world ever did. I've struggled with it and grown because of it.

[25 Nov 2003|01:09am]
[ music | stand and fight ]

"so basically, you don't want this to look like anything i've done before?"


"like instead of bloodsplatter and stuff, you basically want me to make you guys a site full of pictures of records, cola, and doughnuts?"

"yes, that's what we want, 100%."


mykein205: dec 29 in tuscaloosa
TeamXheartbreak: damn
mykein205: tuscaloosa wont know what hit it
TeamXheartbreak: hell no
mykein205: the venue here has all these aracade games by the stage
TeamXheartbreak: stagediving
mykein205: im like dudes this shit needs to be moved
mykein205: or it will be destroyed
TeamXheartbreak: stage dive off galaga
TeamXheartbreak: ill jump off TRON into the pit

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[23 Nov 2003|03:06am]
today I worked, and it was really busy. It sucked.

I went to the hey mercedes show last night and didn't watch any of the bands. whoops. i hung outside and talked crazy stuff with ana, dani, angelica, and jessica. the meal after the show was really funny.

tonight i went and picked up matt and we went to todds and watched the 2nd half of the game. so close, damn it.

i'm off monday, so i would like to ride with someone to the show at zydeco. crooked fingers sounds very tom waits. and anyone who knows me knows about me and tom waits. so someone let me tag along and i'll talk about singalongs and shit all the way to birmingham with you. i wish rocky votolato would play here. i should book him. i don't know why more kids aren't into him/waxwing. oh well.
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[20 Nov 2003|04:06pm]
i'm sorry but fuck all this "say anything you want to me but do it anonymously without your IP addess attached" shit. it is fucking retarded. if you have something to say to someone just do it. what is the matter with people?
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[19 Nov 2003|12:18am]
i've been struggling with my vegetarianism over the past month or so. it has gotten to a point where no matter how much i eat, i always feel hungry and sometimes weak. i've given it a whole lot of thought and i'm going to have to start eating meat again, moderately. I read a whole lot of stuff concerning nutrition and vegetarianism over a year and a half ago when i stopped, and I've tried to watch myself as best I can, but it just isn't working. There have been tons of moral dilemmas in my head since I first started feeling the way I do, and this is the best solution that I could come up with. Hopefully, at some point I can find a way to give it up without a blow to my health, but now is not that time.
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[18 Nov 2003|02:36pm]

cell phone dead again.
will update when it's back.
i want to kill someone.

edit: i find it really odd/shitty that I didn't get my most precious blood cd/shirt preorder on the day the fucking thing comes out. get off your asses. and try to stop signing bands like armsbendback. thanks.
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[17 Nov 2003|10:59pm]
-someone put more hours in days.
-i hope i can get my GPA up a whole lot.
-tomorrow is all business.
-i need to buy an actual planner instead of randomly writing shit i need to know down on different pages of my school notebook.

jene, let me know when exactly you're going to be in or near birmingham.
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THAT'S MY BIKE PUNK [16 Nov 2003|03:21am]
I had a pretty great day....stopped by work to get my schedule, don't have to go back until tuesday night which rules. then I went to wherehouse and bought the new Jay Z, which is worth every penny and then some, then chilled at home for a little while before the show at 600. i drove up about the time sarah, jessica, and dani were going to hooligans so i went and ate with them. while we were eating, joe, amos, and matt showed up which was cool. amos has some fucking duane allman-jethro tull-scott steiner facial hair now, its boss. we saw far from over and google-a at 600 and then went to a party. what can i say, it was a party. the highlight was some girl asking me if i was the manager of X TRAITOR X. that's right, she didn't just say traitor, she actually said "ex traitor ex." i was about to die laughing, i tried as hard as i could not to just laugh in her face, i think i did ok, hopefully she won't hate me forever. I wish i was their manager, that way i could make the managerial decision for them to never stop doing carry on and path of resistance covers.

speaking of 600 studios, i'm doing my first show there in late december, watch out for details. it's going to be sweet. all my bham broes and hoes better make the drive for it, its not like i haven't driven back and forth to bham a million times.

I'm going to sleep now so i can watch war movies all day tomorrow instead of study
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