He Who Walks Behind the Rows' journal

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Friday, February 7th, 2003
12:30 am - Push the little babies down the spiral stairs...
crushdestroyer: pissing is like "everyone turn their heads"
crushdestroyer: shitting is like "I'm going to go walk 400 yards away now"
theereverendg: hahahh
crushdestroyer: shit when I get home from bars with girls I just whip it out and piss in front of them
theereverendg: yeah
crushdestroyer: if I have to shit, I turn on the heat fan, the fan, and run some water
theereverendg: yeah, for some reason i definitely don't want anyone hearing my shit.
theereverendg: when, if you think about it, fuck them. make their bitch asses listen to my ASS.
crushdestroyer: like a year ago I was on a first date and we left the bar, and I just whipped it out and said "turn your head". I don't know if we'd even made out yet
crushdestroyer: on some romantic walk along the waterfront. I probably held her hand directly afterwards.

theereverendg: i could never yank my chain on drugs
theereverendg: not hallucinogens anyway
theereverendg: i did on mushrooms once in the shower and i almost died

current music: Pinback-Shag

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Monday, February 3rd, 2003
12:30 am
There was this book I read and loved the story of a ship, who sailed around the world and found that nothing else exists.

Beyond his own two sails and word and shells, and what is held within all else is sure to pass we clutch and grasp and debate what is truely permanent.

current music: Bright Eyes - Oh, you are the roots that sleep beneath my feet and hold the earth in place

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Sunday, February 2nd, 2003
11:56 pm - she's broken hearted, I'm retarded...
I still want to date Mandy and not Katie...


current music: Hickey - Everything I Know About Sex I Learned from Kiss

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Saturday, February 1st, 2003
9:26 am
NASA is runnin' 'round like some brand new pussy that just got fucked.

current music: Elton John-The Rocket Man

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12:48 am
I either feel excited, guilty or ashamed. Or a bit of the three.

current music: denk-let this night go fast

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Wednesday, January 29th, 2003
12:21 am
tell you the truth i prefer the worst of you
too bad you had to have a better half
she's not really my type
but i think you two are forever
and i hate to say it but you're perfect together

so fuck you
and your untouchable face
fuck you
for existing in the first place
and who am i
that i should be vying for your touch
who am i
bet you can't even tell me that much

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Monday, January 27th, 2003
10:18 pm
I'll never understand people's hatred for people who follow sports.

Their stereotypes never seem to fully fit me. Yes, I follow football, basketball and baseball. Yes, I drink a lot of cheap beer. But assuming I am an idiot and a mysogonistic woman beating fuck for doing so is just silly.

Seeing it as a waste of time is also silly. Assuming I don't read anything other than Sports Illustrated because I follow sports is equally silly. Watching sports is the same as having a deep respect for music. I like people who write good music, I like people who play sports well also.

I dislike talented athletes, I dislike talented songwriters. It's just another form of entertainment.

Deal with it.

current music: 7 Seconds-I Hate Sports

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7:30 pm - What's the point of living if you don't have a dick?
The asian guy at the local mini mart was all "I AM HUNGRY FOR BEER, BUT WE'RE OPEN FOR TWO MORE HOURS!" and uh, I was just buying a bag of Lays.

God I love that guy, he always gives me free stuff, too.

Also I spilled boiling water on my hand today. It hurts like fuck.

current music: 764-hero-Sunburnt

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2:13 am
I'm a smoker. Barely.

Hanging around serious smokers is horrible for me, They want me to go outside every half an hour. I can drink 8 beers and not smoke. I don't always smoke when I drink.

Certain things about the Eugene trip I returned to earlier were fun, basically most of the stuff regarding my uh, girlfriend were fucking terrible. I doubt she even remembers the 20 seconds we were broken up for. Or uh, yeah...other stuff she was doing that humiliated me. And she kept trying to sock me in the sack.

I'm not mad or anything, I was just annoyed. I'll get over it.

Also, I only slept for an hour.

current music: Curl Up And Die - Hella Vegas Kids Say Hella

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Friday, January 24th, 2003
10:40 pm
I met my stalker. She is hot. Her name is Katie. I have her cell number. That is all.

current music: Anal Blast-Honey Bloody Hole Suck the Shit off My Dick

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Tuesday, January 21st, 2003
1:49 am
I just found a sheet of paper in my pocket...it reads as follows...

"I will not day dream about boys
I will not day dream about boys
I will not day dream about boys
I will not day dream about boys
I will try not to day dream about boys"

It's on a shirt we sell at K-Mart, but I thought about how funny it'd be if my parents had found it.

On another note, there is a mysterious light surrounding the moon tonight stretching which must be tens of thousands of miles. The world will end tonight.

That is all.

current music: COALESCE- Chain Smoking

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12:42 am
Normally this would either terrify me, excite me, or confuse me. But I don't give a shit, really. Not the girl at my work who asked me to the movies, but the girl at work who told me her friend liked me, asked me for my number for her friend. I figured "whatever, I think they know I have a girlfriend."

Today as I was sitting in my car eating my pizza, the girl (not the one who works there) drives by in her car passing through several other parked cars in the parking lot, looks all shy and starys giggling and speeds off. Her friend wasn't working that day, obviously she was checking to see if I was working or not. And later a mysterious female apparently called me. And the creepy part is, the last name on the caller ID is the last name of someone who I went to highschool with. It's probably that guy's little sister. And it's now obvious who glued that grass skirt to my door handle while I was at work.

I guess it's...cute.

current music: 784-hero-Comb the Carpet

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Saturday, January 18th, 2003
1:16 am - You start to fade, you flicker...
Today feels like early Christmas morning.

Except I have to work in 7 hours.

Sleep in 20 minutes.

And I have to pee in 5 minutes.

current mood: anxious
current music: Pinehurst Kids-Flicker

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Friday, January 17th, 2003
So, anyone want to do something tomorrow or sunday?

My plans are fucked, it would seem.

current mood: cock-a-licious
current music: Pinehurst Kids-Short Bus

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Thursday, January 16th, 2003
10:58 pm - a long time ago i swear i was a mighty tricaratops, in the swamps lay me down to sleep hope I woke u
This weekend's plans seem destined to fail.

I think I have pink eye.

current music: Pinehurst Kids-Short Bus

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Tuesday, January 14th, 2003
7:31 pm
[RedDawn] so do you kick people that have a different opinion?? i think thats pretty close minded only your thoughts are right and count
[skinfeast] thanks
[RedDawn] where you from btw?
[skinfeast] Turkey
[skinfeast] I want your dick straight up my ass
[skinfeast] but learn simple english first, please.
[RedDawn] your geneticly fucked up you have more female hormons than male your a freak case
[skinfeast] I don't want a mongoloid up my tight anus.
[RedDawn] later
[RedDawn] fag
[skinfeast] that hurts
[skinfeast] really
[RedDawn> learn english? learn to be normal you genetic freak of nature
[skinfeast] I'm normal, you idiot.
[RedDawn] no your not
[skinfeast] you can't even spell anything correctly, you fuckwit.
[RedDawn] your a genetic accident by birth
[skinfeast] "you're"
[skinfeast] you idiot
[skinfeast] oh wait
[skinfeast] are you fucking retarded?
[skinfeast] now I feel bad
[skinfeast] I didn't know about your birth defect
[skinfeast] what does Down's Syndrome feel like?
[RedDawn] i'd rather be retarded than a bad seed by birth like you
[skinfeast] what is it like to not be able to spell the most simple words in the english language?
[RedDawn what does having more female hormons feel like?
[skinfeast] how does one get THAT FUCKING STUPID?
[RedDawn] most people that are gay or lesbian are born with more female or male hormons depending on the sex don't you ever read?
[skinfeast] please
[skinfeast] ellaborate
[RedDawn] ok then people choose to be gay by choice
[skinfeast] tell me where this supposed study is
[skinfeast] name who conducted this study
[skinfeast] give me a name
[skinfeast] and give me a link to prove it
[skinfeast] you fucking idiot
[skinfeast] you can't
[skinfeast] you're making shit up
[RedDawn] why are you so defensive it must be really eating you up
[RedDawn] i'm not making anything up
[skinfeast] like the fucking half witted imbecile that you are.
[skinfeast] prove that you aren't
[skinfeas]> prove it
[skinfeast] that's all I ask
[skinfeast] if you're so sure
[skinfeast] you can prove it
[skinfeast] send me a legit link
[skinfeast] prove it
or are you too fucking stupid to back up your claims?
[RedDawn] why do think gays are more feminine than straight males...common sense pal doesn't take much
[skinfeast] I want proof, you god damned idiot.
[skinfeast] not just your horribly spelled insults.
[skinfeast] are you a geneticist?
[RedDawn] i honestly don't remember thee exact name of of the special on discovery channel or the book i read back in high school
[skinfeast] can I see you credentials?
[skinfeast] because you're TALKING OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ASS
[RedDawn] look just admit it your a freak case...you have more female hormons you were born with

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7:02 pm

current music: Bis-Kill Your Boyfriend

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7:26 am
The first sign that you are not really as gay as you pretend to be is when you mention that you have a same sex partner every half an hour.

Homosexuality is so passe.

current music: Daughters - Flattery is a Bunch of Fucking Bullshit

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Monday, January 13th, 2003
12:28 am
I need some new reading material, but i have no money. Damnit.

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Thursday, January 9th, 2003
9:33 am
do you wanna live forever baby?
suck the youth stick forever baby
nail your crotch to the hive of pleasure baby

current music: the Blood Brothers

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