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Thursday, November 21st, 2002
2:08 pm - taking a page from mr. signorino....
well after all that's said and done i still wish you the all the best. hopefully you'll find a nice cock to tell your worries too and you won't need me anymore. if you're lucky the cock will listen and comfort you and tell you how much it loves you, but more likely it will just slap you across the face and force it's way between your lips. that's just the way cocks are, but then again you've probably known that for a long time. well, i hope your next cock cums razors and they slit your throat wide open so the next time you try to say those words to me they just spill out onto the ground, leaving a patch of dead grass to to show everybody what a fuck you are.

(turn your back)

3:23 am
I just can't fall asleep tonight.

I sit in my bed and I try to use my mind's eye like a camera zooming out, starting from my ceiling looking down at me in my bed. It goes out, there's my house, there's my street, there's Hickory Ridge, there's Chalfont, there's Bucks County, there's Pennsylvania, there's the East Coast, there's the United States, there's North America, there's Earth, there's the galaxy viewed from a camera mounted on the sun and there's the earth flying around with me strapped in on it like a passenger on one of those ride's Drew Ferry tossed his cookies on at the St. Anne's fair. My blankets and sheets are my harness and I have a suitably terrified look on my face.

I would really love to go on a road trip back to Whitby this spring, maybe with Bowes, Bob and Scott or some other configuration of my closest friends. It would just be cool to show the people that know me now the place where the person I am now was formed. From the age of a few months to right near my fourteenth birthday I was still learning. Right now my view of the world is pretty much set, but back then every day there was some new event to change the way I looked at things. As ridiculous as this sounds, I can actually remember what it felt like to look at something a new way, the feeling I got when I was "discovering" something. Sure, I have yet to fuck or kill a man, but I go through my day to day life with a "been there, done that" sort of attitude I didn't have as a 13 year old who lived at number 3 Woodlawn Court, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 6R4.

When I went back this summer it was so amazing. I spent all my time in Whitby with Fergus at my side and I don't know if he understood how fucking awesome it was for me. It was like I could see the ghosts of myself from years past running around everywhere we went, because every piece of ground we stood on had so much energy on it that I had left behind. God it was amazing. The few days I spent there just seem like a dream now. I'm sure Fergus doesn't understand any of this, he probably views Whitby as the piece of shit I thought it was when I had lived there my whole life too, and I don't know why but late at night it just seems like paradise.

Nothing would mean more to me than to drive ten fucking hours to Whitby, run into that field just beyond the Bellwood Public School playground (right near the hill we used to ride our bikes down) and just spin around a bunch of times. And look at the clouds, and the fences marking the backyards of nearby houses (including my own), and just think to myself about all the bullshit, dumb drama with my friends, who's breaking edge, where is my life going, are my band(s) going okay, etc etc.

There I would be, in the middle of that school yard where I threw my first punch, had my first fight (and got my first beating, no doubt), saw my first crush, ran until my lungs felt like they were about to bust for the first time, did all that shit, where every notable "first time" in my life up until now has happened, and just throw up my hands and boldly declare, "WOW. WHO GIVES A FUCKING SHIT. WOOPTY DOO."

(1 less friend | turn your back)

Wednesday, November 20th, 2002
11:16 pm
Nicolo just sent me the most perfect thing, from http://www.angelfire.com/vt2/g_hols/Niceguy....

"It?s amazing that assholes can get girls. Actually, now that I think of it, it?s not that amazing. They are assholes at heart, but to meet girls they lavish their undying love. IT?S A CHARADE. They act nice, friendly, and they listen until they get into what they?re after. Their prey thinks they are in love with them, however when they realize what assholes their predators really are, they pretend like the asshole is really nice inside. The girl tries to change the asshole into a nice guy, but assholes will always be assholes. She gets upset and goes to the nice guy to complain about the asshole. But she claims to love the asshole? now this is where the theory begins. She doesn?t want to look like she is easy so she wont dump the asshole right away, instead she will stay with the asshole. Girls are idiots. They don?t realize that the nice guy has been there all along. He never had to pretend to be a good guy to get girls because he is naturally like that. However, girls don?t see it for some reason or another. They look at the nice guy as a friend, a trusted companion to whom they can tell their sad story to about their asshole boyfriend. But the nice guy isn?t THAT naive. He was trying to score with the girl he listens to all along. The problem is that since he is a nice guy he keeps listening. Since girls get attached to things that pay attention to them, they think of the nice guy as a friend. A FRIEND. They don?t say, "Oh he?s hot" or "I want to have his children" about the nice guy, they just want the emotional support. When they get the emotional support from the nice guy, they don?t need it from the asshole. The nice guy gets the shit end of the stick while the asshole gets all the action. I am starting to wonder if being a nice guy is really the route to take to get action I have been down this path for all of my post-pubescent life and it has gotten me NOWHERE, at least not in the women department. Perhaps another reason why girls fall for the asshole is because assholes ignore the girl they are with. The women wonder, Why isn?t he paying attention to me? so they explore why. They poke and prod and get closer to the asshole. They start to get easier with each attempt to get closer. The asshole finally says, I?ve let this beauty dangle long enough, time to boat this bass. It is then he puts on his charade and the girl feels like she has won him even thought all she has won is an asshole. Once you have gone down the path as a nice guy or a listener you can?t turn back. The girl will always go after the assholes because there are always nice guys there to listen. Once you realize that you are a listener you cant do anything about it just pack up and close shop. There is no way you will get into her pants ever. There is and never will be a situation where the nice guy will get the girl he has a crush on. It just doesn?t work like that. The girl wont "come to her senses" and realize what an asshole her boyfriend is like in the movies instead she will just go after another asshole, and unless you stop being a nice guy, she will never go after you. Women complain that there are no nice guys in the world. Right. They are obviously not looking hard enough because there are nice guys EVERYWHERE!!!! Girls aren?t looking for nice guys they say they are but they?re not. They are looking for the perfect asshole, but there is NO SUCH THING as the perfect asshole. All in all, the nice guy gets the shaft. To all the girls out there with boyfriends that don?t treat you with respect, that don?t listen to you, and that don?t care about you I say this; look next to you. The guy that has been standing next to you the whole time is the guy you have been looking for. He is what you want your asshole to be like. He knows more about you than you know about yourself because he has listened to it all. "

There. Fuck you.

(7 less friends | turn your back)

10:13 pm - watts-ed
xlnnovisonx: ogden i have a quick ?
xlnnovisonx: what converge song is like "without i am nothing"
Eta Dikk: what.
Eta Dikk: "without i am nothing"? probably none because jacob bannon has a grasp on the english language
xlnnovisonx: without you i am nothing
Eta Dikk: none i don't think
Eta Dikk: at least not off the top of my head
xlnnovisonx: there def is
Eta Dikk: alright dude, go to hclyrics.qchc.com and look it up for yourself

I can't believe he unblocked me for this.

QUESTION OF THE YEAR: (credit goes to Eric Schwartz on this)
If Joe Watts is cunning enough to convince girls to let him do things to them they don't really want done, why can't he figure out the right way to kill himself?


current music: Carry On - Is This All There Is?

(3 less friends | turn your back)

7:47 pm
Today was pretty cool, as far as days for me, Justin Ogden, go. I woke up at a decent hour and played GTA: Vice City, which I had borrowed from Mcgrath until he came over with Drew, played it for awhile and took it home with him. Sigh, what a great game. Then Chip and some people from Lazarro picked me up.

I tried out for Lazarro with Bob there to watch me. We did some Lazarro songs I know the chorus of and I just made up the verses and we did a cover of Operation Ivy's "the crowd". It was really fucking fun and high energy, I love playing fast punk rock and I never really get a chance to do it. I would really love to sing for Lazarro because I'm constantly writing stuff and a lot of it just wouldn't fit with Kidnapping Lindbergh but would work perfectly in that style of band. Plus, the four of them are really cool kids and it's fun to make music with them. Assuming they do want me in the band I don't think balancing the two would be a problem.

After that I went to Tim's listening party at Siren, which was fun. Got my grub down on pizza, cookies and rice krispy treats. Listened to some hot music and saw Tim revel in his special day, right up to wearing a shirt that said "I'm Tim Menzies and this is my party". It was obvious he was having a pretty great time, which was cool. He ordered a lot of hot CDs, once I get some funds I'll be sure to purchase some. I was playfully poking fun at Ellen and as usual I went too far and got her really pissed off, which I felt bad about, but I apologized so I guess it's cool now. That stupid fat piece of shit Nate that hangs out with the Eclectics tried to pick a fight with me because he was starting shit with Eric and I called him a fat piece of shit. This time he blew smoke from a cigar in my face and threatened to kick my ass, which was laughable. He may have like 150 pounds on me but it's just dead weight, and even if I wasn't confident in my own abilitites to beat the shit out of that kid I know people would have my back. Whatever, I just stood there and insulted him over and over again while he "threatened" me and eventually he walked away and told me to "play in traffic". What a dumb fuck. Well, third stike he's out, and if Tim's listening party wasn't going on I would have put his cigar out in his eye the minute he blew smoke in my face.

I would have stayed at Dubyk's with him until four tonight but I called my mom and she seemed pissed at me for more dumb shit and my stomach was killing me anyway. I couldn't find him in town to tell him so I guess I'll wait until he comes online. Sorry dude.

(1 less friend | turn your back)

1:23 am
If you have DIVX capablitites on your computer (if not go download them for free at http://www.divx.com/divx) check out this HOT video of KL on November 9th

It's six minutes long, 9.35 megs or so. It's the first two songs from our set (invisible rapist + umpire strikes back) and it's a real treat.


Look for wacky footage of:

Scott Signorino playing bass with his mouth open!
Diehl PLAYING guitar and not BREAKING guitar(s)
The prepubescent howl of Justin Ogden!
Wacky between song banter:

Me: Yeah so, we're Kidnapping Lindbergh
Tom: You hit me in the face with that fucking cleaver
Me: Sorry.
Me: I'll hit you in the face with my MAN CLEAVER.
Me: Let's do it. Don't believe the hype!!!
And more!!! THIS RULES

(turn your back)

Tuesday, November 19th, 2002
1:37 pm - no.
Last night I hung out with Scott and Goldman. Went to Perkins and ran into Bob Meadows, Itarya, Seth and Tony Dunst. Tony is getting some really good microphone equipment in January so I think the recording of the KL EP will be pushed back to late January instead of late December. It will be worth it though, this will give us a better chance of actually sounding decent and with the extra practice time we can probably have like four new songs instead of just two.

I doubt I'm going to go to American "Nothing" on friday for a number of reasons. One, it's more money I don't really have. Two, the only band I want to see is American Nightmare and I've seen them so many times at so many smaller and superior venues to a crowd of actual hardcore kids and not wannabe-hardcore psuedo-nu metal losers there for Glassjaw. Second, I've seen Glassjaw twice this year already and their appeal is all but lost on me anymore. I guess it depends on who will be around on Friday and who won't be but I don't feel like wasting more money I don't have. Plus I've read some reviews of other AN shows on this tour with the whole larger venue thing and apparently they suck in that kind of medium. It's all about the Lenape Middle School Cafeteria for the ultimate AN experience.

I got home last night and my mom started flipping out at me about a bunch of shit, again the threats to kick me out of the house and what not. I'm telling you, once I get the internet treasure chest all the bullshit around here is going to come to an abrupt halt when I'm making $200,000 a year and only putting in as much work per week as I do on Rockstar Game. That will learn them.

current mood: anxious
current music: DYS - More Than Fashion

(turn your back)

Monday, November 18th, 2002
3:55 pm


(5 less friends | turn your back)

2:19 pm
I think last night at around 2 AM I found my destiny as to how I'm going to make money and become an independent person... THE INTERNET TREASURE CHEST. I'm asking for it for Christmas, and my monetary problems will be solved forever.

I was searching for Kidnapping Lindbergh online again and along with the usual assortment of links related to the Lindbergh baby case I found that this Lost Film Fest has us linked. That rules.



current mood: apathetic
current music: you and i - when we were one

(turn your back)

Sunday, November 17th, 2002
5:50 pm - set your goals
Lack of updates, sorry. I haven't been home very much. It's been a busy weekend, to say the least.

Drexel was pretty fun I guess. I don't think I'm going to spend that much time with Melissa for a little while though because it's just disturbing hearing her talk about Bob every thirty seconds, wake up at 2 AM saying his name, etc. It really freaked me out. I did get You and I's "The curtain falls" on South Street and it's really good.


Came back to town and hung out with Evan for awhile. He let me drive his car and help with with his paper route, which was awesome. It's a piece of shit car but sort of fun to drive. Nothing else was really going on that night so I made the weird decision to go to this "youth group" sleepover with McGrath and Gordo at a church. First there was bowling and then back to the church for Gordo's testimony of his wacky life as a Christian, then indoctrination songs, a marshmallow fight, and a showing of monster's inc. I just ate snack food and sort of stood there. Representing the non-Christian contigent was myself, Matt Smollens (a kid I'd seen around but never really hung out with. I like him), Ken Jackson, and some dorky kid who was there with Annie Hard and only listened to bands on Saddle Creek records. OKAY. The bowling was fun, a lot of the rest of the evening was uncomfortable or just strange. I still think Christianity/religion in general is bullshit, a crutch, and a drug far worse than any other on earth. Bowling is cool though.


Since I stayed up until about 9 AM I went to sleep until like 3 when I was picked up to go to the Ellipsis show in Shrewsbury or whatever the fuck it was called. It was a long way away, about a 2.5 hour drive and really close to Maryland. The venue was this skatepark, kind of awkward for holding shows with a small pit area but still, cool kids running the show and some good bands. We watched Samadhi who were pretty good, although they had a few too many singing parts. Then Ellipsis took the stage. Me, John Mueller, drunk Travis, and Bob brought the mosh and showed the Shrewsbury kids what's up. I pulled an awesome move by running up this half pipe and knocking kids off the back of it. Ellipsis kicked ass, it was a fun show all around and we met some nice kids there, including some kid who looked and acted almost exactly like Matt Mclean except he was less of a dick and danced better.

Woke up, got a call from Goldman where he just said "you could have been something, Ogden" and hung up. I didn't really do anything, got an offer to go to Set Ablaze and Repercussion with Bowes but I'm broke so I declined. My dad gave me a big talk about how my life's going nowhere and I need to set goals and stuff and it just reminded me of what a piece of shit I am. Now my parents are out and I'm just sitting around.

I did get really good news a few days ago - my parents are giving me a great christmas present by going away the day after Christmas for a few days. I was thinking about how since everyone will be home, Kidnapping Lindbergh could practice as much as we want in my basement. Then I got to thinking about how cool it would be if I had a mini show down there with us, Ellipsis, maybe Lazarro and the new Stereo Summer band. Admission would be free and it'd be open invitation but if I don't like you you're not coming in my fucking house. I'd of course have the right to refuse anybody at the door and if you don't like it, I'd kneecap you with the midget bat. Also no drugs or alcohol in my fucking house or once again, I'll kneecap you. More details about this endeavor coming soon.

current mood: depressed
current music: carry on - Mirrors And Needles

(7 less friends | turn your back)

Friday, November 15th, 2002
1:25 am
this is purgatory.

(1 less friend | turn your back)

Thursday, November 14th, 2002
2:14 pm - and to this world we say "FUCK YOU"
Going up to Drexel today to hang with Melissa, sleep over there and come back Friday afternoon. I don't have any concrete weekend plans but I'll probably go to the Ellipsis show up in Shrewsbury or whatever the fuck. Gotta support the scene, you know what I mean?

Today I helped Bowes edit a paper for college, probably the third one I've helped him. It's really not fun but since he drives me around I kind of feel obliged to help him write the english language and structure his thoughts like a normal human being would.

I know posting lyrics, espescially of the emotional variety in your livejournal is stupid, but I really like the lyrics to this Tom Waits song and it's not full of corny wannabe victorian area love poem bullshit or anything. I just really like it.

christmas card from a hooker in minneapolis

hey charlie i'm pregnant
and living on the 9th street
right above a dirty bookstore
off euclid avenue
and i stopped takin dope
and i quit drinkin whiskey
and my old man plays the trombone
and works out at the track

and he says that he loves me
even though its not his baby
and he says that he'll raise him up
like he would his own son
and he gave me a ring
that was worn by his mother
and he takes me out dancin
every saturday night.

and hey charlie i think about you
everytime i pass a fillin station
om account of all the grease
you used to wear in your hair
and i still have that record
of little anthony & the imperials
but someone stole my record player
now how do you like that?

hey charlie i almost went crazy
after mario got busted
so i went back to omaha to
live with my folks
but everyone i used to know
was either dead or in prison
so i came back to minneapolis
this time i think i'm gonna stay.

hey charlie i think i'm happy
for the first time since my accident
and i wish i had all the money
that we used to spend on dope
i'd buy me a used car lot
and i wouldn't sell any of em
i'd just drive a different car
every day, dependin on how
i feel

hey charlie for chrissakes
do you want to know the
truth of it?
i don't have a husband
he don't play the trombone
and i need to borrow money
to pay this lawyer
and charlie, hey
i'll be eligible for parole
come valentines day

- tom waits

current music: death threat - outcast

(2 less friends | turn your back)

Wednesday, November 13th, 2002
9:50 pm - this rules
Eta Dikk: hello, john lowe?
My name is Jlo: yes who is this
Eta Dikk: my name's justin ogden, i sing for the band kidnapping lindbergh
Eta Dikk: i heard you got your nose broken while we played?
My name is Jlo: yeah man
My name is Jlo: you guys were rad tho
Eta Dikk: thanks, well, as a band we got you a sympathy card
Eta Dikk: i'm not sure exactly who you are but if i ever see you i'll give it to you
My name is Jlo: haha ok....
Eta Dikk: alright cool, stay safe john lowe.
My name is Jlo: im the kid with the black eye and crooked nose, im not hard to miss
Eta Dikk: alright then

current music: The Cure - Close To Me

(1 less friend | turn your back)

5:01 pm
I downloaded mp3s last night until i ran out of hard drive space. Thanks to some hack and slash hard drive management I'm back up to one gig free. Not bad for right now but I'm going to need an upgrade soon.

Today I drove with Bowes to go out for lunch with Dave Gonzalez. A nice derivation from my usual routine of not doing anything.

More people take the new livejournal challenge below.

UPDATE - I have won this round of my battle against my computer and I managed to free up about 3.46 gigs of hard drive space. Not too bad.

current music: Tom Waits - Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis

(turn your back)

3:49 am
Hey kids! I'm up at 3:30 AM downloading songs via the Get File revolution. Currently downloading Tom Waits from Cody, The Cure from Matt and Carry On from Drew. Great times.

In between that and talking to Karan, the only other person still up, I'v decided to come up with a spinetingling new LIVEJOURNAL CHALLENGE that will be easy for some and hard for others.

I'll go first.

1. A Tribes 2 Poster
2. A big picture of Charles Bronson with a cigarette in his hand
3. A large-ish Converge patch
4. A picture of Robert DeNiro from Taxi Driver walking down the streets of New York
5. A flyer from the Oct. 3rd 1999 show at the American Legion in Lansdale featuring Reach the Sky, Sound of Failure, Infidels and And So it Begins. Set up by Mark Mebus!
6. A Mister Ridiculous poster featuring Mr. Ice Cream Man
7. A "No one lives forever 2" poster.
8. A flyer for a show at the troc on October 20th 2000 featuring No Use for a Name, Swingin Utters and One Man Army
9. A River City Rebels poster
10. A Grand Theft Auto III poster
11. A Warcraft III poster
12. My bulletin board.
13. A Grand Theft Auto II poster
14. A Vector security sign.
15. An All Else Failed poster
16. A Mister Ridiculous postcard with a devilish-cat on it
17. A picture cut from the back of a Far Side calendar box featuring the whole far side cast.
18. A painting of an Iguana I got in Aruba
19. A framed picture of me and some of the cast of a play I was in in Whitby the summer of '98
20. A Mister Ridiculous postcard with a cat face
21. A small Terror Firmer poster
22. A small Halloween poster
23. An Army of Darkness video game poster
24. A Van Gogh painting postcard of a little girl with a piece of fruit
25. A picture of Hot Water Music.
26. A promo picture for Kill Your Idols
27. A promo picture for Three Summers Gone
28. A promo picture for The Aeffect
29. An original "students for the bread squisher" protest sign
30. A painting of the last supper on a chunk of wood
31. The Bad Religion fold out poster thing from the All Ages CD
32. A Return of the Jedi poster
33. A Weakerthans poster
34. An Atom and His Package poster
35. A Samiam poster
36. A Van Gogh painting postcard of a mother with her baby
37. An Italian in package Luke Skywalker action figure in disguise from Shadows of the Empire
38. An in package ORIGINAL Admiral Ackbar from Return of the Jedi
39. A picture of me with Evan at homecoming
40. A picture of me, Tim, Evan, Ben and Kyle at my sixteenth birthday party
41. A picture of me and Andrea at homecoming
42. A picture of me, Tim, Evan and Ben at homecoming
43. An in package Ash from Army of Darkness action figure
44. A picture of me at Giancarlo's birthday party, summer before tenth grade. I kept it up because Nicolai's in it and I don't have too many pictures of kids who aren't alive anymore.
45. The liner notes to the American Nightmare Self-Titled CD
46. A Van Gogh painting postcard of a postman
47. A Mister Ridiculous postcard featuring a cat with a "slow down" sign
48. A lined piece of paper listing all my friends who are still straight edge (i'm serious)
49. A picture of my cat from Whitby.
50. A Van Gogh painting postcard of a woman
51. A picture Giancarlo drew on a notebook I had in ninth grade
52. A picture of me with no shirt on on Fergus' bed
53. A picture of me with a hoodie on holding a log in the corner of Becca's rec room
54. A picture of me with blonde hair at night in Doylestown Hunt
55. A big portrait of me in my Propagandhi hoodie
56. A picture that's a closeup of my face
57. A picture of me in my driveway after getting home from Hellfest
58. A picture of me with blonde hair on the train
59. A picture of me in front of the Ogden's Mini Mart sign in Syracuse.
60. A postcard from Toronto
61. A Mister Ridiculous postcard featuring a dandelion in black and white
62. A thing James Squeaky sent me featuring several photo booth pictures of a mysterious black man.
63. A postcard from Canada with a Canada goose on it
64. A security camera picture from Columbine.
65. A flyer for the Not So Famous Amos show from February 2002 (with the Minor Times, Always the Victim, and others)
66. An "Obey Giant" sticker
67. A weird little Canada plaque thing I stole from a Value Village in Whitby
68. A flyer for the October 12th Kidnapping Lindbergh show at the teen center
69. A Van Gogh painting postcard of a man sipping tea
70. The record cover for Fugazi's The Argument
71. A large Smiths poster (The queen is dead)
72. A small picture of Jake Bannon screaming
73. A framed picture of an Edsel pacer
74. The Hot Water Music stencil that came in the Never Ender packaging
75. A Van Gogh Painting postcard that has two images that change depending on where you look at it - of a mother and her baby.
76. The Weezer Pinkerton map thing.
77. A Ferrari metal thing
78. Glow in the dark stars in my ceiling
79. The light fixture

That's it. I can't believe I typed that.

current music: Trial - An Awakening

(5 less friends | turn your back)

12:19 am
Taking a cue from Jon Van Dine's LJ, I now present to you


things that you are into this month:

1. a color
2. a computer program
3. some style of music
4. something you like to see outside
5. something to drink
6. something to eat
7. a new possession
8. something fun to use
9. a means of creating some sort of art
10. a toy from years past

things that you are not into this month:

1. a weather condition
2. when a necessary object doesn't work
3. a name or title of something that you don't like
4. a behavior you find displeasing
5. something you have to do each day
6. a game or activity you don't partake in
7. a product you don't like to use
8. something displeasurable you'll have to do in order to achieve something
9. a behavior you have but you wish you didn't
10. something people do involving a computer that you don't like

Alright! My turn!

things that i am into this month:

1. forest green
2. semagic livejournal client
3. instrumental music (like tristeza)
4. cloudy days
5. root beer
6. hot pockets
7. the chokehold instilled 7 inch
8. my penis
9. finger painting
10. legos

things that im not into this month:

1. cold weather
2. my impotency
3. the fact that there are two bands called "the in crowd"
4. edgebreaking
5. being nice to my parents so they don't kick me out
6. competitive swimming
7. my retainers
8. learning to drive
9. sleeping in too late
10. makeout club


current mood: amused
current music: Tristeza - Smoke Through Glass

(3 less friends | turn your back)

Tuesday, November 12th, 2002
2:28 pm - my friends and i will break your hands, you'll never fucking smoke again
I woke up at about 2 PM today. I need to stop this. My body has grown weak, unreliable. I must train. I must prepare myself for battle.

current music: i hate you - smokers

(4 less friends | turn your back)

2:06 am
I sure love looking through old ellipsis show pics for pictures of myself!

me in my one fifth shirt showing doylestown how to 2-step. October 12th (we played this show as well!)

Look, it's me in Schwenksville... in my one fifth shirt. Bob and McGrath to my left. (September 14th)

Another teen center show, that's me with my pants rolled up intentionally looking like an even bigger toolbag than usual behind Bobby Black. (August 30th)

Wow, what a trip down memory lane.

(1 less friend | turn your back)

Monday, November 11th, 2002
8:47 pm
Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, here are the lyrics to the new KL song:

the panama birth canal: tell all the pittsburgh boys you meet about the canadian boy back in the 'font, the canadian boy you used to know who would do anything you say. and will you tell all your friends you've got your gun to my head? this all was only wishful thinking. this all was only wishful thinking. and if you say you miss me, don't say you never lied.

If any of that looks familiar, it's because you're stupid. Shut up.

Okay these are the real panama birth canal lyrics

panama birth canal: my fists still clench when i hear what should have been "our song". the melody feels so warm and safe, the way i imagined you would feel in my arms. i guess you'll always prefer the cold. well, i wish you the best. i hope the sun burns out in your honor. that the night lasts forever, and a cold wind blows. each gust will be a wave of a million bee stings, and your skin will have no choice but to peel off and blow away.

(4 less friends | turn your back)

6:50 pm - he said we sound like kiss it goodbye or some shit
I was sort of sitting around today with the TV on and they had some big special on TLC on MTV. They were doing a live performance of "no scrubs" and I was reminded of what a scrub I am. No education, no job, I live with my parents, no car. I can just imagine myself hanging out the passenger side of Scott Signorino's ride, trying to holler at some unsuspecting female. And then I whine about why I can't get a girlfriend. I am the epitome of a "scrub". Jesus.

Pat Voytko did agree to front me $100 to get a tattoo, which is pretty cool of him. As soon as he gets it to me I'm going to make an appointment and price out some tattoo ideas and get one done. Then maybe I can at least have some misplaced sense of self worth.

Probably going down to Drexel this Thursday, coming back on Friday and maybe if I'm lucky there will be a roadtrip up to PSU for the weekend, which would kick ass.

current music: emrbace today - FUCK YOU I'M EDGE

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