Nina's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Nina's LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, August 17th, 2002
    10:53 pm
    hot hot hot hot hot >_<*


    Current Mood: hot
    Wednesday, August 7th, 2002
    12:46 pm
    well, have to go catch my train at 1:20pm. off home to pack up my unnecessarily extensive collection of belongings to bring back to ShefLand. won't be back online until Sunday night. wish me luck with the dust and cat fluff under my bed >_<* +gak+

    ja mata atode

    Current Mood: nostalgic
    Monday, August 5th, 2002
    10:58 am
    ohayo gozaimasu!
    rar. still being dermatologically challenged today. hmph. hormones are evil, i say. but nyeah, other than that... got to bimble into town today. need to pick up and pay for m'synth hair from Rocky Horrors, drop into the Tai Sun to buy more nummy goodies and possibly drop into Fuse to ask what time i start werk nxt Toosday +wibble+ (but can always phone instead. +nods+) need to phone up about a doctor's app' this week too, so i can get seen about my evileczema before i return to Sheff' once and for all. and i need to hassle mister Mark Hopkins about my (i think it's called a) P45 form, or something, as i'm informed by my all-knowing father that i need one to start another job +pffft+ and like Mark couldn't have gotten off his arse and sent me one ages ago after i'd been given the boot, but he's just lazee v_v +sigh+ shall hassle him, now. he has to give me such forms by law (hehe.) but anyhoo...

    am meant to be Corporationing tonight with Mark, but am not shure i feel like clubbing when my face is clearly determined to behave in this way +grrr+ we shall see. can always stay in and watch the rest of "The Shaolin Temple" and "Shaolin Temple 2: Kids From Shaolin" +snigger+ oh how funny they is...


    meh. so hard to type with nails. mister Rowan made me grow them. now they're long and clacky and i keep scratching my face >_<* bah!


    and i'm gone...

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Key the Metal Idol - Key no Lullaby
    Sunday, August 4th, 2002
    4:30 pm
    err, i guess i've been putting this off for yonks now (for no particular reason other than sheer laziness), but i've pritty much made my journal friends only now, so my apologies to ppl who link here, in vain, from my website hoping to see my diary v_v i generally don't like to fling my dirt to the world (tho' that wasn't the case last year +whistles+ hey-ho...) but i'm getting less and less dirt to consider flinging these days anyhoo, so i'm considering making more entries readable to one and all. nyeah n'stuff. i think that was all i needed to say... oh, that and i've finally updated my website +wooo+ not much atm, but it'll get better in the next couple o'weeks. i'm running a bit thin on the ground with noo photies, and i need to completely re-do the likes/dislikes, links, friends pages, etc. so my apologies if you go there and can't acchooly see what all the fuss was about ^^


    anyhoo. i'd better get back to it. ttfn peeps ^^

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Rammstein - Hierate Mich
    Friday, July 12th, 2002
    11:49 am

    ta-da! be amazed at my dynamic return. or not.

    Neopets is down. i am running out of things to do online. have sunk to re-writing my Netgoth profiles, but i stumbled onto Mark's profile! whee! he is SO adorable!!!

    (bah! so dark!)

    anyhoo... nothing much to do today. contemplating a haircut. i always want a haircut just as my hair's grown back long enough for me to be pleased with it again :-/ sillyness. also contemplating extenshuns again. not necessarily pink. will think about it, as i am poor and such things cost money +sigh+


    so, what's to say? well, looks like Rowan's friend Ben is coming to visit on the 20th. at least i hope he still visits, a) because i've seen him 4 times in nearly 4yrs & b) looks like Rowan has job offerings, so he may have to work instead of having Ben down v_v boo hoo. and it looks like i may have a Leon and a Mark for Planet Zogg on the 19th. Leon's trying to persuade me to go to Headcharge on the 26th and to Dissolution on the 27th, because it's his birthday on the 25th +cries+ don't think i can afford or live through both of them v_v will probably just do Dissolution, unless Mark wants to go to HC as well, since it's only £5 on the door this time.


    noisy dustmen >_<

    suppose i'd better stop slouching round the house and have a shower and go do something with my life today. Rowan's at the gym getting sweaty and being manly (i suppose that's what men are trying to be at gyms. i never can tell. mostly sweaty. blehhh.) and mmm, ph00d would be good. myup. ttfn for now then peeps.


    Current Mood: apathetic
    Current Music: Assemblage 23 - I Am The Rain
    Saturday, December 22nd, 2001
    7:50 pm
    No posts for a while
    +sigh+ my computer is quite dead. hopefully i will get mister rowan round to fix it soon. i can always steal his on saturday though. back to my room then, i may be there some time.
    Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
    11:32 pm
    10:28 pm

    If I were a

    I would be:


    take the Living Dead Dolls Test

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, December 17th, 2001
    7:31 pm

    Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

    argh! i'm the fatty Michelin Man! nooooooooooooooooo!!!

    Current Mood: silly
    Sunday, December 16th, 2001
    9:24 pm
    3:46 pm
    watching The Crow always makes me cry v_v


    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Current Music: Rammstein - Sonne
    11:24 am
    My kingdom for some central heating...
    it's cold in this house today. heating is such an alien concept to my family. ho hum. nothing much to do. Nik phoned this morning to invite me to the last day of his Feng Shui RP weekend, but i declined. i am tired and i don't rilly like Nik GM'ing games. he tends to turn everything into comedy. it can be funny sometimes, but just plain irritating mostly... +yawn+ i wish i didn't have to bother to wash up bowls and plates if i wanted to eat anything other than the cake i'm currently munching for breakfast. i know i'll have to wash up at some point today, since i'm home. hmm, perhaps i should have gone to Feng Shui instead ^^

    i don't know what to do today. my room could use a little bit of a tiday again, i could have another bath, and perhaps i could get round to writing some christmas cards, despite my complete lack of stamps. true, i can hand Emma's to her on the bus when i see her on the way to werk this week, and if Kim comes into the shop this week i can give her her card, and i will no doubt see Moose + other ppl over Christmas to give them their cards, even if they will inevitably be a week or two late ^^ mya. unimaginative ninakitty. need things to do today. will probably get on with finding new MP3s and tracks that i want my mother-person to burn to CD for me. i already have a list of around 40/50 new songs. that should keep her busy for some time... +thinks+ and i could update my website, but i can't think of anything i can do without getting cross and wanting to tear it all down and redesign it. it'll happen sometime soon. i'm getting a bit fed up with the old design now. mhm mhm...

    yeah, stuff. i go find something a bit more substantial than cake for breakfast now, methinks. myup. clothes would be good too. i love my wooly, sheepy, poiple socks. they keep my feet so snugglywarm. happy ninakitty. okies, i go now.

    bai bai ^^

    Current Mood: lethargic
    Current Music: Apoptygma Berzerk - Moment Of Tranquility
    Saturday, December 15th, 2001
    7:37 pm
    Boredom bites.
    today has been filled with stuff. met up with mother & her significant other, had lunch, mother bought me much stuff: pink eyeshadow, pink fishnets, four pairs of pretty undies, a Gon graphic novel and some rather c00t poiple slippersocks (they got sheepies on the underside ^^) and i got my CDs too. they got pictures of me on the discs. i am impressed. 8 whole discs of meeyewzik +bounces+ and they still want to burn more for me...


    i wish i wasn't still so mind-numbingly bored. mister rowan has been good enough to talk to me in between werking this evening, but i am still bored. i have nothing to do and nowhere to go and no-one to talk to. i'd rather not stay online tonight just to find someone to talk to... that's kinda sad. i can watch a video or read a book or something. i can find something. i usually do. perhaps i should write some christmas cards, that would probably be a good idea ^^ i feel rilly guilty that some of my friends have bought me presents this year, even though they knew i couldn't afford to buy them anything v_v i will try and make up for it next year...


    bored. i go now. bai bai.

    Current Mood: lonely
    Current Music: none (watching yet more Invader Zim...)
    10:33 am
    Pity me...
    i have to go into town today +sigh+ to meet up with my mother and her fianc?e +heavysigh+ which i hate doing, since it means getting out of bed early to shower, trying to do my make-up slightly less hurriedly and badly than i do before work, getting a bus into town and suffering at least 3hrs being paraded around town whilst Austin swears at everyone, is rude to whoever serves us at wherever we eat or go to have a coffee, complains about the food and who is generally asking to be poked in the eyes with a sharp stick in my humble opinion, and then my mother who will shout "isn't my daughter beauuuutiful!" at the top of her screeching little lungs to anyone she can randomly grab off the street, who will complain at anything Austin complains at, who will complain about Austin anyway, and who will insist that i never call her enough (well, i don't call her at all,) and that i clearly don't love her even though she's the only mother i'll ever have, blahblahblah...


    i rilly can't be having with today. i rilly can't. but, they're giving me at least 7 or 8 burned CDs full of empeethrees that i asked for two months ago, and there is the possibility of some christmas money, tho' i won't get my hopes up. meh, i rilly don't want to go >_< +cries+ i can't wait to get home this afternoon, wash off the make-up, make a cup of tea, find some cookies and vegetate in front of the teevee, watching a video or something +sigh+ woe is me...

    i have nothing to do this w/end, other than stuff today. i'd call people, but dad won't let me use the phone for more than 5 minutes unless i'm calling mister rowan, and even then, the st00pid battery dies after 45 mins >_< and i have no-one to call. and i have nothing to say. and i have nowhere to go and nothing to do. i have a pitiful social life (thinks: i have a social life?) i'd like it to be next w/end. then it'd be christmas eve on Monday night, and i would see mister rowan, albeit not for very long. still, it's better than not seeing him at all +nods+ maybe ppl will want to Dungeon over Christmas...

    oh well, back to the make-up.


    Current Mood: annoyed
    Friday, December 14th, 2001
    9:09 pm
    i am tired. i am bored. i am annoyed. i am lonely. i am sad. i am going to sit in my room, by myself, eat my dinner and then go to bed. i wish i had someone to talk to.



    Current Mood: sad
    Current Music: none (watching Invader Zim)
    Thursday, December 13th, 2001
    10:29 pm
    mighty moomins of doom, am i tired! up at 6:30am, home from work at 8:45pm +thunk+ watch me collapse slowly, like tyre-deflatey-death +nods+ eeshk. need the weekend. need more sleep. ho hum...


    i am off to bed now, to watch some Monty Python and eat some, er, stuff. yeah. stuff (damnit.) i shall write more entries when i have time, like at the w/end +sigh+ where does all the time go? it flies past, yet crawls along at the same time. weird. night night ^^


    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Ministry - Lay Lady Lay
    Wednesday, December 5th, 2001
    10:26 pm
    The week that would never end...
    moo. no-one ever calls me or writes me or is online to talk to me these days v_v the only people i see on Messenger in the evenings are Lex and Alice (i send them big hugs + love!) mister rowan and Joss are busy doing coursewerk every day, and all night. so no ninatalky +sigh+ woe is me. so bored, so lonesome. moo...


    11hr werk day tomorrow. funfunfun. late night shopping, so open till 8pm +mrrr+ it's not like we even do much business in the extra 2 + 1/2 hours we open for. silly. but, i get paid. i should just get on with it, i suppose. i need to be home on time tomorrow night, as Lex is phoning me at 9:30pm to sort out final ickle details for the drive to Sheffield on Friday. she has maps, so hopefully we not get lost ^^ i don't think we'll get too lost, maybe a little, but not too lost. the only problems start once you get into central Sheffield... finding your way round their one-way system is no fun v_v oh well, fingers crossed ^^ she has to find her way to my house first (ehehe ^^)

    i will be tired when i get to Sheffield. as soon as i get home from werk, i have to grab my bags and leap into Lex's waiting car, otherwise we'll get to Sheffield stupidlate, like 11pm... would like to be there by 10pm or so. no chance to change my clothes after (or at) werk, no dinner, moo...


    me tired. and still bored. bless his little cotton socks, Andy's talking to me ^^ yay for Big Brother Andy ^^


    and brain death...

    Current Mood: lonely
    Tuesday, December 4th, 2001
    8:03 pm
    If boredom was a paying job i'd be rich...
    +zzz+ tired nin-nin. long day. lack of staff, therefore Mark was in, therefore grrr. oh well, he didn't get under my feet, so it wasn't all bad. boring day, rilly. tomorrow will be filled with the 8 million (well, 12 or so) boxes of jeans and hoodies and t-shirts that all turned up today. argh. oh well, it keeps me busy. go no lunch break today, but Mark's started paying us time and a half if we have to work through our lunch breaks due to no cover, so that's kinda neat. meh, what else did i do today? not much. jon popped in, jon popped out. started into space a lot. wrote my diary. txt'd Matt about giving me back my bloody ?80 kanji dicshunary before i find out where he lives and go kill him (and he still hasn't replied to the txt. tch.) not much. boring day. bought Terry Pratchett's "The Truth" yesteray, so i read some more of that. that's about it. dull, isn't it?

    tonight's verra dull too. no-one online to talk to. Rowan & Co are busy with coursework for Friday, so i never catch them online (even when they do finally get onto ICQ or Messenger, i've been in bed for the past hour and sleeping soundly ^^) +sigh+ Lex was on earlier, but she disappeared before i could finish my dinner and have hands with which to type. rar. dull, dull, mind-numbingly dull +yawn+ miss mister rowan v_v i want hugs...

    running out of videos i want to watch, which is silly. i have hundreds and hundreds of anime tapes. you'd think i could find something to watch. apparently not +sigh+

    +much stamping of feet+

    moo, want to talk to mister rowan. he busy. me bad. must not disturb him. i wish people would phone me these days. no-one ever calls me anymore. no-one writes me no more +sigh+ guess i'll go vegetate in front of the teevee now. i shall find some cereal and some cranberry juice and go sit in bed with my hot water bottle. joy. see my enthusiasm ?_?


    the end.

    Current Mood: uncomfortable
    Current Music: Macross 7 - Light the Light
    Monday, December 3rd, 2001
    7:25 pm
    Lex txt'd me today and asked if i wanted to go to Sheffield with her this w/end! after much bouncing around in my chair at werk, and squeaking, i managed to msg her back to say YES!! (silly ninakitty ^^) Lex has Friday off werk, sadly i don't. she said to pull a sicky, but i don't like doing that, since i'm genuinely ill a fair bit as it is, and i had a day off last week due to food poisoning (bah >_<) so Lex was kind enough not to decide to go on her own, but to wait until i finish werk, get home and then come pick me up +bounces+ bless her. she is good friend to ninakitty...

    not told Rowan yet, but i'm sure Joss will tell him this evening, as Lex obviously had to say something to someone in the house that we were going to sneak up there and invade for the w/end ^^ yay, get to see Rowan again. hopefully they won't mind us invading right after they've had to hand courswerk in that day (4 pieces, i believe... eeshk ^_^) and have to hand in more the following Friday (meaning we may take up a w/end they could have used to werk on, instead) but maybe, just maybe, they will be pleased to see us instead ^^


    mewp. am full of dinner and cake +puffpuff+ want to go have a shower later, and then sit in bed with my hot water bottle and watch some Monty Python or something. relaxing... mmm ^^ am so bouncey now. need to calm down before the w/end! i spent all day at werk perking because i was so excited about the prospect of getting to Sheffield (yes indeedy.)

    but anyways, i need to go have a shower now, and do some stuff before i come back online at 9pm, as i promised miss Lex i'd be back on so we can plot and plan and be cunning together ^^ (yay) mhm mhm. okies. i go now. bai bai ^^


    Current Mood: excited
    6:50 pm
    Testy testy testy

    If I was a work of art, I would be Prehistoric Cave Art.

    I am primal and mysterious. Somewhat removed from modern life, I have a powerful ability to evoke wonder and show a sensitivity to nature as well as talents beyond what most people think of me.

    Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

    Congratulations, you're Charles Manson!

    Mad as a hatter and friend of Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, you believe that the Beatles song Helter Skelter is indicative of a coming race war, where the "blackies" will win. You also consider yourself a talented folksinger.

    You have amassed a group of female followers known as The Family, who perform killings for you and look upon you as if you were Jesus Christ. You have sex with each and every one of them, and encourage them to have sex with each other, but they're most famous for killing pregnant actress Sharon Tate.

    If you wish, you can proudly tell the world that you wrote a Beach Boys song and killed Roman Polanski's wife with the following fine graphic:

    Which Evil Criminal are You?

    If I was a James Bond villain, I would be Rosa Klebb.

    I enjoy severe military clothing, dominating young women, and kicking people with poisoned spikes.

    I am played by Lotte Lenya in From Russia With Love.

    Who would you be? James Bond Villain Personality Test

    Current Mood: full
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