Griz, aka Chad's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Griz, aka Chad's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, June 27th, 2002
    10:10 pm
    And the answer is......

    ok this info is for Eric sir_cubsalotand any other who was inquiring about the Salior Moon Live action. I did some poking around, wrote a few emails and this was the reply I received today to answer all your questions about salior moon Live action.

    Yes, the Japanese have created an entire series of live action Sailor Moon musicals (called 'Sera
    Myu') that are still in production today; in fact, the musicals are now entering their tenth year
    of performance if I remember correctly. These musicals are currently not available in subtitled or
    dubbed versions, but if you would like to watch them in raw Japanese (and in my opinion, they're
    still very understandable this way) you may order them from CD Japan. Occasionally you can also
    find them on Ebay. Be warned, however, that Sera Myu is highly addictive and is a new genre of fandom
    in and of itself; you'll most likely find that you fall in love with the actresses, the costumes,
    the music and the sets right away and it can be an expensive hobby collecting all the tapes.

    If you search for "Sailor Moon musical" you should find the tapes on CD Japan.

    Be well...

    2:04 pm
    Someone I know needs to get laid.

    That is all.

    Current Mood: flirty
    Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
    2:31 pm

    Hero Guild Name

    Villains fear me.

    Heroes envy me.

    glbear99 is...

    The Incredible

    Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
    4:39 pm
    Weekend Recap.
    Well it was an interesting weekend. Friday was a so-so evening, was going to go see undercover brother, but Brian didn't want to so I left the entire evening up to him. Bad choice. After about and hour and half of traveling without direction I retook command of the evening. We went Buddies and stopped off at the Chicago Comics store near it. Saw a lot of stuff I was interested in but held off buying anything save the one title I still collect.
    another long post )

    Current Mood: tired
    Thursday, June 20th, 2002
    1:11 pm
    Wednesday, June 19th, 2002
    9:32 am
    Views on such...
    I read in a few peoples journal every now and then, how they hate online quizzes in the journals, or state that the journal isn't the place for them. Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

    Personal.. My life isn't that interesting to begin with. Yes I could post about the boring day I had yesterday, but it would be something like this:

    Went to work, busy day, Rob came over after work, ate, watched TV and anime.

    And then everyday would be the same or a slight variance. maybe rob wasn't over. maybe I read, maybe he was over and we read... see what I mean? Not much changes.

    I write in my journal when something bothers me or is on my mind or I had a really exceptional time and had fun with my friends, unusual things are what I record.

    Yes, I also post online quiz results. Why? mostly so I have an entry between real posts. So as to say. "Hey. I'm still alive and around." If I had an ever-changing day I wouldn't need quizzes as I would be constantly posting. Alas that is not how it is.

    Basically what I'm saying is lighten up. The Journal is for the writer however they wish to convey themselves. Be that with Big long detailed entries, short mysterious entries, song lyrics, silly enties or an online quiz result. If you don't like them, don't post any in YOUR journal, but don't try to dictate how others should behave. You always have the option of NOT reading their journal if you don't like it.

    That is all.

    Current Mood: refreshed
    Monday, June 17th, 2002
    2:29 pm
    ummm.. I dont think so.
    You will live in Apartment.
    You will drive a Red Ford Bronco.
    You will marry Thomas and have 0 kids.
    You will be a Independantly Wealthy in California
    Friday, June 14th, 2002
    11:59 am
    Tuesday, June 11th, 2002
    4:16 pm

    Your magical style is Witch.

    What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox
    1:25 pm
    Well, the weekend is over.

    I wish I could say it was great but that would be a lie, at most it was ok. Recap.

    Friday. My friend James got laid off from work, sucks, poor guy. What more, it was unexpected and sudden so he wasn't prepared in the slightest for it. Some sort of political crap with the end result being the letting go of several contracted employees. Unfortunately he was one of them. Latter went to NERO, brought Rob with me. Was kind of fun, got some modules done, enjoyed the time with him.

    Still at NERO with Rob, left around 11:00pm got home around 2:00am Sunday morning. Got into a semi-argument with rob over the amount of time we spend together. Realized I was a bastard and apologized. He sacrifices a lot of time to be with me and instead of focusing on when is with me I focus on when he isn't. Even made a snide comment about him having another BF. God, what was I thinking? Maybe next time I should just think before I say anything. Went to bed, not the best way to go to sleep.

    Woke up in a much better mood, Spent the day together doing nothing. :) Watched the entire first season of Buffy, The second season comes out today. Yea!!! That has some of my more favorite episodes in it. Was a great day, Buffy, lunch, Buffy, sex, Buffy Dinner, Buffy going to bed with Rob in my arms. Best day of the weekend.

    Called into work, didn't feel like it today, it was raining, I'd have to walk WAY to far in the downpour. I don't need a cold right now. Had a little surprise as a received a email from LJ, Seems someone paid for 6 mo for me. They know who they are. You the greatest. Rain let up a little in afternoon. That evening I was supposed to go to two-stepping class, but wasn't really in the mood for it, Brian called. He wasn't in the mood for class either, so we ended up going to Wesley's for dinner. I guess this past weekend he had tried to have a cookout but everyone was busy so he invited us over to eat food. VERY good. Yum! Got home late. Roommate was already in bed. Went to sleep.

    Tuesday (today)
    Well roommate went into work early so had to walk to el and then to work. wasn't bad, at least it only sprinkled, not like yesterday. Got to work. Had to look for some file that they lawyers couldn't find. the very same file I looked all over for last Thursday and Friday. Still not in here. Like it would magically appear over the weekend in here. Got into a online argument with Julie about the NERO event. Put me in one hell of a pissy mood.
    Still not quite over it. Going to go out a grab some lunch, maybe that will make it better.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: Stay with me - INXS
    Friday, June 7th, 2002
    2:11 pm
    1:29 pm

    A TAN Dragon Lies Beneath!

    I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Tan Dragon on the inside. My Inner Dragon is the true draconic magic-user. Tans have been all but forgotten in popular literature, but that suits us just fine. We're very shy and spend most of our time hidden in impassable mountain valleys. Every so often we do get a little brave and use shape-shifting to blend in with society. Given a choice, however, Tans still much prefer to be left to their own devices.

    I like to spend time devising new and interesting spells, and counting my gigantic treasure. My favorable attributes are longevity, security, magic, and reverence for life. To top it off, my breath weapon is a curious mix of Fire and Air. Just tell folks to watch out, like all Tans I've got a seriously short temper!

    Tuesday, June 4th, 2002
    11:33 am

    I am Snoopy

    Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

    Current Mood: Happy
    Current Music: Peanuts Theme
    9:22 am
    Wow, I impress myself :)
    Str: 15
    Int: 10
    Wis: 15
    Dex: 13
    Con: 8
    Chr: 15
    Monday, June 3rd, 2002
    11:07 am
    10:04 am
    here we go again.
    Name four bad habits you have
    1) Procastination
    2) Wasting money
    3) Critising
    4) Easily Influenced

    Name four scents you love:
    1) Drakar Noir
    2) New Car Smell
    3) Roses
    4) Leather

    Name four things you'd never wear:
    1) Womens Clothes
    2) Glitter
    3) Dreg Locks
    4) Make-up

    Name four television shows you love:
    1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    2) Xena: Warrior Princess
    3) Roswell
    4) Angel

    Name four bands/groups most people don't know you like:
    1) Heart
    2) Monkees
    3) Metallica
    4) Bear Naked Ladies

    Name four drinks you regularly drink:
    1) Sprite
    2) Pepsi
    3) Water
    4) Miller Geniune Draft

    Name four random facts about yourself:
    1) I work for a Temp agency
    2) I have a great understanding for sciences
    3) I have a fluctuating eyecolor
    4) I hate kareokie

    Name four random facts about your family:
    1) My sister was adopted when I was 5
    2) My cousin Joey and I are often confused for sister and brother
    3) My cousin Joey and her finace are both police
    4) My family is mostly southerners.
    Friday, May 31st, 2002
    1:32 pm
    1:27 pm
    Friends or Folly
    I'm here at work, doing my usual work load and I start to think about friends in general. Now I don't think I'm a spiteful person. I try not to hurt anyone feelings. But damn it I have feelings to. Something has been bothering me for a while now and its time I got it off my chest.

    False friends. I cannot count the number of them I have. These are the people you see for awhile, get close to, (and I don't necessarly mean sexually), Develop what you consider a friendship with. Then one day.. They just disappear. Sure you see them every once in awhile after that but its generally only a polite hello and such. No real conversation unless they want something from you.

    And Your left there wondering, Did I do something? Say something wrong? What happened? It all changed seemingly overnight with out a reason. Were they ever your friends or where you just convenient?

    And then you hear later these same people whine I don't have any friends, I need to sociallize, blah! blah! blah!. Its gets so frustrating. I want to go up to them and say "Well maybe if you kept in touch with your old friends instead of dropping them like yesterdays news to hang out with someone else, maybe.. Just maybe.. That wouldn't be the case."

    End Rant.

    As I said that was just something I needed to get off my chest.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Thursday, May 30th, 2002
    9:08 am


    Beastspeakers are gifted with the enviable ability to communicate with the animals around them. Most Beastspeakers are genuine people, and tend to enjoy time in the open air, instead of inside doing mundane chores. In general, Beastspeakers love the environment almost as much as they love their animals and friends.



    Farseekers posses the ability to communicate over great distances via telepathy. They are great friends who know when they're needed, and seem to be able to detect others thoughts.
    is your Misfit Talent?
    Wednesday, May 29th, 2002
    9:35 am
    I am a GOD!!!


    I am 100% worshipable! And you? Find out!

    Well not really, I only got a 70% but I think I should be worshiped anyways. So like a real god I changed the rules :)
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