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here goes my piercings story.. [31 Oct 2002|10:52pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Saves The Day - Hold ]

I have another version of this story in my agenda. I forgot my journal at home, and i really felt like recording some stuff down so i used my agenda.

SO! Her'goes...

My cousin drove to skool this morning, so my dad has time to drive me to skool. Her dropped me off at the front of the skool and as he drove off, i walked as fast as i could to the bus stop. I'm sure Shayne saw me, i saw him and i just didnt bother to say hi, don't worry, Shayne still rocks the masses. Anyway, i waited at the bus stop for about 15min and i got on the bus. I was very very nervous at the time, i was still kinda debating with myself whether i should go. Then i figured, it doesnt matter if i go today or the weekend, either day, everyone's too busy to spend time with me. So i settled on going today, since, i already paid for the bus fare. After awhile, i reached Richmond Hill and i thought, "Ok, this is it." and i fell asleep. When i woke up, i was at Bayview, and i thought "HEY! Why don't i call Jag.." And i did. He said he'll meet me at Finch Station. Goodie! I thought, at least hold me when i freak out. When i reached Finch Station, i got a call from Jag, it seems that he couldn't make it afterall, cause the guy that was supposed to replace him didn't show up, so he couldn't have a day off afterall. Great, i said to myself. Fuck it, I'm halfway there!

-------------After getting on subway and getting off------------

So, i reached Queen Street West at 10:07. I walked to New Tribe as fast as my little stubby legs could take me. It was closed. SHIT!!! I screamed. NOOO!!!! Then i looked at the hours of operation sign, it opens at 11. Pheew. I wondered around Tor. for a bit. It was getting kinda cold so i went in Starbucks. I ordered a chocolate croseent... i dunno how to spell. I think a gay guy served me, not that it matters. I was down on those couch-like comfy window sill things. I wrote some stuff down on my agenda and nibbled on my breakfast. The same gay guy can and gave me a free sample. It was good. It took me half an hour to finish that thing. I eat it as slow as i could, cause it was warm in Starbucks and i didn't want them to kick me out after i finished. I left. I don't know why. I wandered a bit more. And i saw the Chapters sign, i decided to go to Chapters. I put my hood on and walked in. I grabbed some random books and went to the highest level (there were three levels in total, and the escalator wasn't working). As i walked by the employees, they all looked at me strange. Some of them were in their costumes. This guy dressed up as a zombie started following me and it really freaked me out. Nervouseness + Scared = Not good for Sara. I started hyperventilating and walked zig zaggy thru the isiels hoping it would confuse him. I zig-zagged to the back corner, grabbed a chair and sat still and quietly behind a bookshelf. I could see him, but he couldn't see me. I guess he gave up and went back downstairs. It was really scary being chased by a zombie in the morning at Chapters. Oh, the overwhelmingness of books! I needed to be hugged. So i started reading. It seems that i grabbed a book about haunted places in Toronto. Oh no. It had a really creepy cover art and i was afraid to go back out to that zombie do i read the book anyways. i felt extremely hopeless. I flipped thru a couple of pages and looked at my watch, 11:02, Sweetness! I thru my book down and ran out for New Tribe. Knowing that it was piercing time gave me a bit of hope to conquer the evil zombie of Chapters. When i litterally ran out the door, the zombie waved goodbye. I gave him the finger.


When i finally got to New Tribe, i felt safe and somewhat relaxed. I gave her my id and filled out the pink form of happiness. My piercer was Joanne, she's pretty. So was the girl that gave me the form. She told me to sit for a sec and wait till Joanne gets ready. I sat down on the big comfy leather couches, i pulled out my agenda and started writting again. As i was waiting, this guy sitting across from me was staring at me non stop. He didnt even look away when i looked at him. He was hot. I wonder what he was in for. He was really hot but my encounter with the zombie was still in my system and i was still freaking out. I was too afraid to look at him one more time. They called him in first. Then me.

Joanne guided me to her room, sat me down on the doctor-like bed and asked me if i had any questions. I told her i wanted a retainer and she said no problem and we were off. She explained every single detail about the cleaning process and the septum piercing itself. Everything she was gonna use on me was explained what it was for and how shes gonna do it. She was very very professional and pretty. I couldnt stop staring at her Monore piercing as she was talking. She gave me a professional nostril cleaning with some brown iodine stuff. It smelt funny. It tickled. Then she stuck her pinkies up my nose. hehe. She found my sweetspot and marked it. She then took the clamp and explained she was gonna clamp my nose and pull down and then stick the needle thru the clamp and thru my septum. So i was ready. She took the needle and asked me one last time, i replied, and she stuck the needle thru my nose as hard as she could. I closed my eyes instantly. I felt it go thru, the pain wasnt anything i couldn't handle. It was pure adrinaline. It was like a split second thing, i felt a really tender pinch and she said done right after that. As she was sliding the needle out, she professionally slipped the retainer in. She was like "Ta-da!" and handed me the mirror. It was the prettiest little gem ever. But it wasn't over yet. As she was trying to explain and show me how to flip my retainer up, she realize she had given me the wrong retainer size. Now she, started freaking out. I was like, its ok, its change it. But she told me it will be very uncomfortable and kept on apologizing. I reassureed her its not her fault that i have a strangely oversized septum. I guess i made her feel better and she left the room to get some more equiptment. She came back with a taper and a larger gauge retainer. You know what a taper is for? To stretch yer fucking hole. I didn't was her to see me get nervous once i saw the taper, so i stayed quiet. She explained to me it will hurt a little bit, and she will slide the retainer out as she slides the taper in, leave it there for a sec and slide in the correct retainter as she slides the taper out. She did exactly what she told me. This time, as she was sliding the taper in, i know she was having a hard time. I was having a hard time too, i felt it go pop. It was the strangest feeling ever. When the correct retainer was in place she taught me the after care instructions, apologized some more, and complimented my spankin new piercing. I was soooo thrilled. She could tell. I kept on thanking her. And as i left, she gave me a present. She gave me a septum ring with little spikes at the end and told me i could change it after 2 weeks. And apologized somemore. I thanked her some more too. I think i fell in love.


The subway home wasnt much. Except the part i met this guy with two lip rings and pink dreads. I reassure you he wasnt gay. He was very much hetro. I kept on checking out my new piercing in the mirror and he asked if i just got it done and i yes and he just kept on talking me to non stop. He told me how he always found girls with septum piercings were cute. He showed me his tattoos, and they were very nice. He just kept on talking. I wasnt really paying attention cause i kept on imagining maybe he was the zombie from Chapters. I think he told me he was from Scarbrough, or was it Oakville? I dunno. He also reached for my hand and wrote down his number. He said he liked talking to me, but all i said was yes and no. And i also faked some smiles. He got off on Davisville. And i just kinda sat there looking dumb for the rest of the way back. The bus trip wasnt that exciting either, the girl that sat beside me was pretty. I went back to skool just right after 2nd lunch end. I stayed for fashion. The lady at the office was extremely spiffy, she was pretty too.

The moral of the story is... wash your hands before touching your new piercing, going downtown by yourself all alone isnt so bad, all the girls i met today were pretty, and guys with pink hair and lip rings are attracted to girls with septum piercings.

I think i'll never forget that zombie from Chapters. I don't think i'll ever step into another Chapter's by myself again.

So i got back to school, blah blah blah, Sarah S liked it, Monika and Shayne liked it a lot. After skool were just kept on talking about piercings and stuff. Shawn joined in too. Shayne kept on saying ow. It was ironic cause he was the one with the nipple ring. Monika and Shayne were being helpful. I liked it. Monika was pretty. As Monika and Shayne were walking away all i could here was "Don't forget to flip it in!! and wash your hands!! Flip it in!!! Wash your hands!!!" They both kept on repeating it like a chant... as i walked out the door.

And yes, i did wash my hands and flip my retainer in. Thank you Shayn-ika.

im feeling sleepy. g'nite.

10 youths angry

sweet! (quiz results) [31 Oct 2002|05:48pm]
[ mood | amused ]

What sexy girl are you

brought to you by Quizilla

Which 'Jackass' jackass are you?

brought to you by Quizilla
*drools* oh god! Fuck me....
Johnny Knoxville is fucking sexy too... hehe.

2 youths angry

i finally got my septum pierced.. Part 1 [31 Oct 2002|05:27pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

wanna hear how i got it piercd? I had to skip skool this morning to get it done. Yep. I would tell you, but right now im eating... maybe later. Im still very very excited about it. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

oh yeah, happy halloween you guys....

Today is supposed to be MY day, y'know, Scary, Scary = Halloween? Ya. I'm Scary.
5 youths angry

whats with the fighting? [28 Oct 2002|11:10pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Saves The Day - At Your Funeral ]

this girl, Natasha Millard (?) wants to fight Sam apparently. Shes been trying to since forever. Things sorta cooled down for awhile. But Natasha spotted Sam at the nite of Idol and Natasha started spreading all these bad shit about her. And some of Sams friends believed it.. and now Sam is in hell of a cake.

See this doesnt happen to me. No one ever proposed to fight me. Sam said its cause im one of the nicest people at our school, and im naive and laid back. She says im not bitchy towards anyone. I find that very umm, different im not sure if its true... but it definately made my day =0) haha... oh damn, you guys better not start feeding my ego. Sheesh. ^_^

i hope Sam gets things resolved. Without violence. Even through, im postitive Sam would win.... shes a friggin' ninja!! haha

8 youths angry

killing heidi? [28 Oct 2002|09:34pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | The Movielife - Up To Me ]

I've never heard of the band Killing Heidi, can someone fill me in as to why "Ella" is a poser as much as Avril.... im curious. I live under a rock. o_O

2 youths angry

my hair is black, and i dont recongize it. [28 Oct 2002|07:44pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | The Movielife - Once In A Row ]

how would you commit suicide?
the art of drowning

so today was a rather strange day. I was feeling ok though, which was good i guess. A lot of stuff went on. Don't you just hate it when some of yer friends starts fighting with some of yer other friends? Yeah, damn i feel torn apart. They're all really nice to me, and i dont want to see them fight like that ya know? I dont know what to do. I dont know what to feel. Its fun when we could all hang out and just go crazy. Now we can't. Its either them or them. ---- told me the whole story. I dont really agree with her, but some parts to it sounds convincing, cause i see it too. But thats still not enough to convince me ---- is a bad person. aaaahhhh

on a lighter note... Chris Winsor made apple crisp and it looked like puke in a bag. And he ate it. lol its Amnesty week!!!!!!!!! yeah Amnesty!!!! Me and Lindsay baked cookies and mud pies yesterday, and we sold em today for Amnesty. All the stuff were SOLD OUT!!!! YESSSSSS!!!! On Wednesday were gonna have a peaceful protest. We're basically gonna just sit in the blue zone with signs. Kyle made the signs. hehe Kyle is adorable...

I dyed my hair, gave myself a henna, it looks great. Its supposed to be dark blue, but it looks like black. Its all good. I have this weird flame-y design on my arm. With lots of stars around it. I did it with homemade henna. Yep. So proud. Oh yeah, the walnut is finally flaking off.

gonna do Chemisty, FUCK!

1 youth angry

personality disorders [25 Oct 2002|06:26pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | Less Than Jake ]

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla

Schizotypal:Very High

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Many believe that schizotypal personality disorder represents mild schizophrenia. The disorder is characterized by odd forms of thinking and perceiving, and individuals with this disorder often seek isolation from others. They sometimes believe to have extra sensory ability or that unrelated events relate to them in some important way. They generally engage in eccentric behavior and have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. Their speech is often over elaborate and difficult to follow.

okie, its confirmed that i'm a friggin' mad hatter. Hehheh i said hat.


quizzes and such, ya know [25 Oct 2002|06:10pm]
[ mood | cold ]

Which Bettie Page Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

more )

"how can i label you?" - im not a fucking canned-food dammit! But i did the quiz ne wayz... [22 Oct 2002|09:48pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Something Corporate - Konstantine ]

How can I label you?

brought to you by Quizilla
I got that on the first run...
I modified it a bit and then i got this...
How can I label you?

brought to you by Quizilla
im proud of both.

Amnesty still rocks my sock off!
I guess i'm supposed to be replacing Nisha for the bake sale...

I'll remain anonymous.


Done my English essay which was 4 days overdue. [21 Oct 2002|06:04pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Carbon 9 ]

i got a new journal. No, not another LJ, but an actual writing-journal. It keeps me awake in class. This is my 5th journal since grade 9. Its great. I wrote some stuff during lunch too.

Good news! I finally found all my winter gear... yep, lots of big comfy sweaters and baggy jeans. I also found a box full of clothes i didnt know i had. Tags were still on some of them too. Most of them are tee shirts. They're rockin' tee shirts too!! I found 2 Tank Girl (the movies) shirts, a waitress dress, a Tinker bell "flying school" shirt, and amoung other shirts. The tags on them say Hot Topic. I remember visiting HT over the summer... in Michigan. There aren't any Hot Topic's here in Canada so im pretty sure the shirts came from Michigan (this year) Or Pittsburg (last year).

I am once again happy.
I attached myself to a Green Day lunchbox yesterday, in the city. Its shin kickin'! It was also $30... but Jag paid for it... muahahahahaha!!!
I also got myself a spankin' new pair of Converse. Jag paid for that too... muuuuahahaha.

I don't feel the least bit of guilt.


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