Amberr's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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[20 Feb 2003|05:32pm]
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Red girl [20 Feb 2003|01:11pm]
[ mood | warm ]
[ music | Bjork- Hyperballad ]

My Hair is RED. No, not Vampire, blood, candy, or deep red...its, fluorescent, yes thats the word. No purple, I would have had really really bad breakage if I had tried to get it light enouph. Golden blond was all I needed for this [crazy bright] red.

Maybe a photo to come, but you may be blinded.
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Yay [19 Feb 2003|12:14pm]
Happy Birthday f38 !
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Just another day in the snow [17 Feb 2003|04:53pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Grendel End of ages [God Module mix] ]

I called off of work today. I was extremely tired this morning.

Learn to go to sleep

Todays agenda shall include:
burn cd's
Cheese-nip consumption

Its wretched outside, I am not going anywhere.
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must...resist the boredom is over taking me nooo ..ah shit. [17 Feb 2003|02:20am]
[ mood | brain dead ]

Outright ripped off from off

Read more... )

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Let the school girl gawking commence [16 Feb 2003|07:07pm]

What a sexy ass photo of my favorite elf. ha

Orlando Bloom + Mohawk = hot shit right there.
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Bow down and worship my halo of non-chemicaly enhanced rootage ! [17 Jan 2003|04:36pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Feindflug- 2000 Volt ? ]

you just love it.

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