Mike Colosimo's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Mike Colosimo's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, August 19th, 2001
    1:24 am
    New Truck! POING!
    Yes folks I finnally ditched my 1986 Bronco II! For the trip to go and do "Gods and Generals" I picked up a Bright Red 2001 Ford Ranger XL!

    For those information junkies....
    3.0 L V6
    Limited Slip Axel (What the hell does this mean?)
    In-Dash CD Player
    eXtang Tonnto Cover

    Here's some pictures of the truck.

    Is it not nifty? Worship the truck! I need a name for it though, seriously considering "The Zouave"

    POING! Going to see Marcy in 3 days!

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Titanic - My Heart Will Go On (Piano Version)
    Wednesday, August 15th, 2001
    10:57 pm
    Quote of the day....
    'Well, aren't we just a ray of fucking sunshine?" ~ Bumperstickers, oneliners, and comebacks.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Prince - Little Red Corvette
    Tuesday, August 14th, 2001
    9:22 pm
    Quote of the day....
    "Spar torpedoes are labeled "This end towards enemy" for a reason." ~ Confederate Rules for Reenacting

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: The Cure - Friday I'm in Love
    9:10 pm
    8 Days and counting!

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: Talking Heads - Psycho Killer
    Saturday, August 11th, 2001
    11:52 pm
    Quote of the day....
    "august sucks my ass. " ~ Rebs.

    Current Mood: silly
    Current Music: Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime
    Wednesday, August 1st, 2001
    5:11 pm
    G&G; Coming soon!!!
    Daily (I hope) Gods and Generals production updates coming to this journal soon!!! I have to be in "enemy territory" (Staunton, VA) on August 24th between 1-4pm and filming is slated to begin on the 28th and run untill December 16th. There is also a 2 week "break" at the end of October (22nd though Nov 4th I think). Im heading off to 140th Manassas tomorrow and to see Marcy again! YAY TO BOTH!!! :-)

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Journey - Open Arms
    Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
    2:38 pm
    1861 Springfield
    Well in case you didnt know my Springfield's stock BROKE 3 weekends ago. There was a crack in it near the lockplate washers and it finnaly broke off. It wasnt anything structual but it was cosmetic, it was a big chunk of wood!!! I called EuroArms and they said that they would replace it, but the warenty was going to run out on Thursday (I called Monday Afternoon) After shipping it UPS to them, and not having a rifle for West Overton, a brand new rifle was delivered to me on Friday the 22nd, a week and 3 days after sending it to them. Thank you EuroArms, my shiney new springfield is ready for Gettysburg! :-)

    PS - Scratched the stock while cleaning it, DOH!

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: Civil War Music - Marching though Georgia
    2:23 pm
    Overholt Distillery (West Overton) - June 186?
    Okay so someone so kindly reminded me to put a rant up for West Overton ;-) Thank you Soleil! For you who dont know, Overholt Distillery provided Whiskey to the union army during the war. Its still there along with a bunch of other buildings to form West Overton Village.

    Guess what it did at this event? IT RAINED!!! I got there around noon on friday and Ed wasnt there yet, so I hung out with Sutler Monica till Captain Finnegan got there. I help him set up his wall tent and then Ed showed up and we set the rest of camp up. Friday night was really nice, not too hot and not too cold, we even had a pard come all the way in from York, PA to join us! I was laying out by the fire for the first part of the night then I went into my tent because the road traffic kept waking me up.

    Saturday started out a nice morning, then the rain came. It poured for a couple of hours and then let up around 1pm. We had the battle and though it was pretty lame we did a good bit of fighting. Later in the day we were going to have another battle with the rebs attacking us during a payroll senerario (which also was lame) but the battle had to be halted because a reb leveled on a guy and peppered his eye! OUCH! Later in the evening was a a nice spagetti dinner with Brewsters Icecream! Yum! The barn dance was played by "The Acoustic Shadows of the Blue and Grey" and it was nice, although I DONT DANCE. The highlight of the day though I my opinion was the hugh jam session under Qtr Master Sgt. Sever's fly, we had about 6 guys playing (2 violins, 2 banjos, 1 guitar, and 1 flute/harmonica/washboard courtesy of walt!) and everyone that gathered around sung the word they knew, which it usualy was *mumbemumblehumhumble WHILE WE MARCHING THOUGH GEORGIA hummublehum* you get the idea. LOL! Athother song of mention was the Ashokan Farewell played on violin by our pard Allen from 87th! The music was so beautiful it gave you chills!

    Score - Yanks: ? - Rebs: ? (I have no clue who won?)

    Sunday morning was very nice and the rest of the day was too, no rain at all. The battle was ok, we were deployed as skirmishers and were taunting the rebels. I took a hit very early on because the gun I had borrowed refused to fire. The rebs chased the skirmishers back only to be pounded by the main body. All in all this was a nice wool weekend, for West Overton which last year was just about 8 of us chasing 6 rebs around the house. This year there were 125 reenactors! WOW!! The next event of the calander is..... GETTTYSBURG!!!!!! HUZZAH!! Untill then keep your wool dry and your springfield clean! I know mine is!

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Monday, June 4th, 2001
    12:12 am
    Philippi, Virginia (WV) - June 1861
    Once again the story of this weekend is.... RAIN. My springfield had a nice patina on it by sunday which came off with a little elbow grease!! Friday my allergies where once again killing me, and they began to lighten up as the weekend progressed. Saturday's battle was cool, we did alot of firing from behind the wall at the end of the covered brigde, we then retreated back across the bridge (even though we outnumbered the rebs 2 to 1) then we pushed back across the bridge, which the sound of the firing in was AWESOME! Ed then lead a charge out of the bridge, which was beyond Awesome! After that charge we got pushed back a bit and I got bored so I took a hit. The battle didnt last long after that.

    Score - Yanks: 0 - Rebs: 1

    The night tatical was pretty lame as it rained extremly hard. We left camp early before the battle started and were running around. We went past a reb cav camp and they were just sitting under their tents, when a reb cav guy came running when we were behind a horse trailer (I heard his brogans but it was too late to react) he grabed me from behind, Ed shot at him and he shot at Ed... in his face. He was ok, he put on a really good show to get us out of there though. After that we met up with the 4th Ohio guys and hung out under the upper bridge till the battle started. As it started we got cornered under the bridge, but myelf, Ron, and Ed escaped to fight on. From there we ended up with the mainbody fighting on the bridge. The battle sortta ended abrutly, I dont know why or who won?

    Score - Yanks: 0 - Rebs: 1

    Sunday's battle was different, we fought going up the street using the technicque called "Rolling Thunder" in which we were in a column of two file partners, the two pards go up to a line marked by the 1st or captain and fire then they split off and run to the back of the collumn and load. This continues as we advance up the street. We won this time...

    Score - Yanks: 1 - Rebs: 1

    All in all, since it wasnt a far event to drive to, it wasnt a bad weekend. I think without the rain the tatical could have been alot more fun. I'll probably go back next year. Next up is a parade on Saturday the 9th in Herminie and then West Overton from the 15th-17th. Untill then keep your wool dry and your springfield clean ;-)

    Current Mood: mellow
    Current Music: Joan Baez -The night they drove old dixie down
    Monday, May 21st, 2001
    10:46 pm
    New Market, Virginia - May 1864
    Back from New Market and exhausted! This past weekend was a blast with the boys from the ole 105th and Vincent's Brigade! I got down there Friday afternoon with Pvt. Boy around 4 and set up camp....... then it started to rain...... and it rained..... and it rained..... For most of Friday night we spent hiding under the fly from the rain, as was the case most of the weekend. Saturday it rained off and on all day, but the good lord smiled upon us this day, save for a short sprinkle it did not rain during the battle and the sun even came out! We marched a loooong way away from where we were camped, about 2 fields over from the Hall of Valor, and down a small rise where we "hid" while some skirmishers engaged the enemy. This is when we smashed into their flank and started to push them.... we pushed.... and pushed.... though the fields of cow shit and mud..... though the house and outbuildings.... though the orchard..... to the field at the hall of valor! All our fun came to an end though when we charged and got captured..... BY THE 5TH VA CO. H!!! It was nice to see Capt'n Finnigan and the boys again! I did see the elephant during this battle.... and that's my own private story ;-) Although captured, some of us did not escape the battle with wounds. During hand to hand combat (Scared me!) one of our men was struck in the face by a confederate rifle butt. On purpose? By Accident? All I know is that I was loaded and some reb wanted to knock rifles with me but he did stop when I shouted that I was loaded. A little later after the battle we had a nice dress parade and went back to camp for dinner and to clean our rifles. Later in the night Harry, Walt, and Doug serenaded us by the camp fire. It was a beautiful end to a great day!

    Score: Yanks = 0 - Rebs = 1

    When I got up Sunday it wasn't raining, but it started to drizzle on and off again. We had some company drill after a 9am dress parade. The battle got under way around 1:30 when in a very impressive sight Vincent's, USV, and the Mifflin Guard started out across the field in brigade formation with skirmishers in front. The battle was a hot one, we started to engage the rebs in the same field an pushed dis. cav. to just past the Hall of Valor, then USV went ahead and....ummm... broke.... the rebs hit us and hit us hard. We got pushed back though the house and outbuildings and gave our last full measure of a suicide charge on the rebs. Myself and Captain Dennis of the 97th made it the furthest just to be stabbed by a reb captain.

    Score: Yanks = 0 - Rebs = 2

    It was a great weekend and a great fight despite the rain and my allergies to everything under the sun. Our next event is Philippi, WV which is according to Ed is a good one!! After that we have a parade and a booth at a fair to raise money for our flag and then its up to West Overton! Time is getting close to those July days when I get to go fight Gettysburg for the first time!! I CANT WAIT!!!!

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime
    Monday, May 14th, 2001
    11:23 pm
    The Following Journal is Close Captioned for the Thinking Impaired
    11:19 pm
    Allergies and Wool
    Woo! Im done with classes finally. I probably wont pass Film as History though because I didnt do the papers. I know what your thinking, Im lazy. Your right and I admit it. I hated that class!!! My allergies were killing me more then usual yesterday and I had even taken my meds. I stoped taking Flonase because I kept getting headaches and it didnt work. I am back to my usual Benadryl now but it makes me really really really tired all of the time. Regardless, this weekend is going to be BIG!! NEW MAKRKET!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! I think that I am going to leave here about 10 or 11(AM), depends on where I have to pick up Mark and if I also have to pick up Josh. The directions I have puts it at about a 5 hour drive, I hope I can make it that long or Mark is going to be driving! Wow that is a scary thought!! Im supposed to meet with Marcy down there and maybe even Michelle and Jenifer from IRC!!! Woo its going to be fun fun fun!!

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Journey - Separate Ways
    Wednesday, April 18th, 2001
    8:05 pm
    Snow, Roomates and other things that suck......
    Yes you heard me correctly..... S-N-O-W. That's a whole bunch of blowass. Although the weather forecast for Saturday and Sunday is in the 70's. The weatherpeople are so full of it, our weather is fucked and were all going to die. Despite me language use I am in a good mood right now although dinner really really sucked tonight. Don't get the Ceasar Salad from Folger Food Court if you go to IUP, it sucks major ass. Anyway in more news, the prick (aka Greg) is not in and out watching the Pen's game, we got into it again today while talking about drinking. We live on a SOAR floor (Students Opting for Alternative Residence) basicly what that means that we sign a contract to stay drug and alcohol free during the semester, wither we are leagal age or not. Well anyway I told Greg that if I saw any of the people that live on the floor drunk that I would report them (WHICH WE ARE SUPPOSED TO AND BOUND BY A CONTRACT TO DO) and he felt the need to call me an asshole and a jerk. Although it is being a prick by reporting someone, if you're going to drink, dont live on my floor.

    Okay I think that I am done venting on that issue. I just checked FedEx's website for the 1000th time today to see where the RAM for my laptop is. It was $80 for 64MB which is kinda expensive (although it's going for $139 on Toshiba's website) but it is propritary RAM made especially for a Toshiba laptop. Theres olny 2 weeks of class left from yesterday, then I have a week at home to study and relax a little, then 3 days of finals and then I am done for the semester. I cannot wait. I also cannot wait to see if I can get an internship at Antietam National Battlefield, that is if they can give me housing and a stipened for living expenses. I hope Marcy get's her internship too! GOOD LUCK!

    Speaking of battles, theresa little wool this weekend as a guy from my unit is going to give a lecture on the Peach Orichard at Gettysburg this Sunday at West Overton in Scottdale, PA (If your around there its at 1pm, come in wool!) New Market is one month from tomorrow, I cannot wait for that!!!! Then after that is Phillippi, then West Overton, and then my first time at GETTYSBURG!!!!! (Well the reenactment, not the battlefield, Ive been there tons of times!) Well now that I typed a novel I think I am going to go see what my homeslice's are doing right now, probably playing nintendo.....

    Current Mood: complacent
    Current Music: Daft Punk - One More Time
    Tuesday, April 3rd, 2001
    8:47 am
    Well I haven't updated this in a long time, I guess I should! Theres not much new in my boring life, the wool withdrawl symptoms are finally starting to dissapate, theres drill out in Gettysburg this weekend which should be nice. Going to breakfast now....

    Current Mood: groggy
    Current Music: My Neighbor Totoro Soundtrack - Tiny Ghost
    Wednesday, March 7th, 2001
    2:37 am
    So sue me...
    ...I keep forgeting about this. Okay, I admit there probably wont be a long post till after break is over. Sorry to you really bored people out there that look to see what I complain about daily. I'll fill you in on whats happened over break with a nice big long entry on sunday. ITS NEVER GOING TO STOP SNOWING!

    Current Mood: cold
    Saturday, March 3rd, 2001
    2:02 am
    Woops, forgot about this again... more later today.

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Thursday, March 1st, 2001
    11:47 pm
    Tomorrow is FRIDAY!
    Yes, tomorrow IS Friday! One of the greatest days of the week because I either get out of here or I get to go to an event! I posted abut "The Mole" but apparently it got lost again, anyway Kathryn was the mole, she did a good job too because she had me fooled. Zora so kicked my ass in that guess!! Oh well better luck next time!! It's Thursday night now and its "Thirsty Thursday" Greg isn't in, he's out drinking tonight at some football house or something. I hope he gets busted!! I would laugh my ass off for a week!! If he comes in drunk and wakes me up, there'll be Hell to pay. I would rat on him in the blink of an eye. I wonder if he is getting the message that I hate him and I want him to move out? Greg if you are reading this MOVE OUT! I DO NOT LIKE YOU!! I am taking Ben Olds with us to Belle Vernon tomorrow, if he starts to piss me off I am leaving his ass on the side of the road, or he can ride on the hood. I have Duct Tape. I actually did my homework tonight, GO ME! I guess I should do it more often and do things like go to all of my classes. I did get a B- on my American Politics test, not bad for not even knowing we were going to have a test. Oh well I think that I am going to get a shower and go to bed, I'm beat.

    Current Mood: pleased
    Current Music: Journey - Faithfully
    Wednesday, February 28th, 2001
    11:18 pm
    Its not that....
    ...I am getting bored with my journal. It's just that the 2 entires that I have posted in the past 2 days have not been posted. I do not know what is wrong with it. I really hopes this one posts!!! So I will keep to short today incase it doesnt. We went swimming tonight and that was fun, and I just ordered some pizza with MadJack. I got lots of mail today, I got my DVD that I ordered "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" and The Go-Go's Vacation LP! Well, pizza's here! More tomorrow! Break in 2 days! YAY!

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Neil Diamond - Coming to America
    12:04 am
    Apparently my long entry for Tuesday is missing.... oh well. I dont care.

    Current Mood: cynical
    Tuesday, February 27th, 2001
    4:41 pm
    Happy Birthday Rebs!!!
    Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!! Happy birthday, dear Rebs! Happppy Birthday toooooooo yooooooooou!

    Current Mood: silly
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