Galen's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Galen's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, September 5th, 2002
    5:22 pm
    yay! *poit*

    Which Animaniacs Character are You?

    You are...unique to say the least. Though the events around you often seem complex,
    even convoluted, you tend to drift off into your own world. It's nicer there. People
    tend to think you're joking, even when you think you're being serious. Though, seriousness
    is taxing for you. You'd rather play all the time than do boring work of any type,
    and perhaps that's why inane dribble tends to issue forth from your mouth.


    Click here to see my Livejournal.

    I love Pinky. I have a plush Pinky with a lei & loud Hawaiian-print shorts. :)
    Sunday, September 1st, 2002
    2:40 pm
    Name A Song
    ...that reminds you of an ex.
    "Forgive," Rebecca Lynn Howard or
    "Good As I Was To You," Lori Morgan or
    "Bring Me Some Water," Melissa Etheridge

    ...that makes you cry.
    "Tears In Heaven," Eric Clapton

    ...that reminds you of childhood.
    "Puff The Magic Dragon," Peter, Paul, and Mary

    ...that reminds you of junior high.
    "Life In A Northern Town," Dream Factory

    ...that reminds you of high school.
    "Young And Innocent," Elephante

    ...that mirrors true life a little too closely.
    "Wolves," Garth Brooks

    ...that makes you laugh.
    "Gay Factory Worker," Rodney Carrington

    ...that will always get you up to dance.
    "Am I Here Yet?" Billie Myers

    ...that you used to hate but now love.
    "Feels So Empty (Without Me)," Eminem

    ...that you love but wouldn't know about if it wasn't for a friend.
    "Blood Of Eden," Peter Gabriel

    ...that you like from your parents' record collection.
    "Rough Boy," ZZ Top

    ...that makes you think of sex.
    "The Different," Melissa Etheridge

    ...that is your anthem.
    "Almost Home," Mary-Chapin Carpenter

    ...that is your ultimate love song?
    "Asking Us To Dance," Kathy Mattea

    ...that reminds you of something nasty?
    "Prison Sex," Tool

    ...that reminds you of a breakup?
    "The Long Goodbye," Brooks & Dunn

    ...that makes you think of your friends?
    "Nuevas Senoritas," Indigo Girls

    ...that is held between you and a specific friend?
    "Bunnies," Pansy Division

    ...that would be your choice for the national anthem?
    "Why Don't We Get Drunk And Screw," Jimmy Buffett

    ...that would be your choice for the planetary anthem?
    "Not That Different," Colin Raye

    ...that you can't sing because you're crying?
    "I WIll Always Love You," Dolly Parton

    ...that you can't sing because you're laughing too hard?
    "If I Had $1000000," Bare Naked Ladies

    ...that you can't sing because you can't pronounce?
    "99 Luftbaloons," Nena

    ...that makes you want to go off to war?
    "Break Stuff," Limp Bizkit

    ...that makes you want to stop a war? Any war?
    "What If," Reba MacEntire

    ...that changed your life in some pragmatic way?
    Every song changes me, in some way. They all add to the mass of experience that makes me, me. I can't pick any one song.

    ...that you gave someone else and it took root there?
    "Blue Train," The Trio
    Saturday, August 31st, 2002
    11:16 pm
    you are a book called

    dr. seuss book warped you?

    Strangely... this *was* my favorite Seuss book when I was a wee bairn. Draw your own conclusions.
    Thursday, August 29th, 2002
    10:22 pm
    SO tell me: What makes your knights mare? Your pulse pound? Your hair stand on end?
    What shivers yer timbers?

    Are you afraid of the dark?
    Do you worry about the Closet Monster?
    Ever wonder if clowns really WILL eat you?
    Do you always get out before draining the bathtub, so you won't get sucked down the drain?
    Can leeches, worms, and maggots make you squirm?
    Have an unrelenting fear that someone will pop your eyeballs? (Gee thanks, Dario Argento!)
    Did the aliens probe you, and now you're scared they'll want sloppy seconds?
    Or is it something... weirder?

    Tell me, dear reader... what scares you?

    Current Mood: curious
    5:52 pm
    And this is a surprise to WHOM?

    What kind of Drug Addict are you?
    Tuesday, August 27th, 2002
    11:40 pm
    Thing, Redux
    OK, I'm STILL stuck on Mission 4, but am farther along. I *finally* managed to blow up the fuel storehouse without me going with it, and managed to keep the "uninfested" member of my team alive.. (And ya know.. there's something SO satisfying in Tasering the fuck out of a teammate to make him drop his weapons, and then turning the flamethrower on him. *muahahaha!* Or maybe it's just me.) I'm not going to spoil things.. but suffice it to say, I've gotten into one of the two buildings I have to get into. Earned a cutscene that ends with a bang.. and then managed to freeze myself to death. (Oh yeh.. did I mention it's 40 below outside, and if you spend too much time out there, you die? Well, it is, and you do.)

    I also found the Sniper Rifle. *muahaha!* One-hit kill, anyone? Haven't used it yet.
    Saturday, August 24th, 2002
    8:25 pm
    Well, guess which game I just bought?? Yes. The Thing.

    The game takes place after the movie: The first mission is your character's team reconning the base from the movie, for survivors. (there are none: You do find a corpsicle identified as "Carter", though--wasn't he one of the two from the movie's end?)

    The interface is kind of complex, and the button assignments feel strange--I keep shooting things I'm trying to examine. (Not a prob if it's scenery, but if it's a teammate, they all open fire on you!)

    I am liking the trust/fear interface. Your team do not stand around waiting for you to do stuff. They explore the immediate environment on their own, they fidget when they get bored, and they offer to assist with things that they're skilled at--leave a bored Tech near a broken panel, and he'll ask if he can fix it. When you're hurt, the Medic triages: worst hurt, first healed. If they distrust you, they will disobey orders, refuse to let you near them, and even open fire on you. IF they trust you enough, they will hand over a weapon willingly, follow you around, and even shoot another teammate without hesitating. The fear interface is my bane, though: When they see scary things, like shredded corpses, live "Things", and damaged environments, they get twitchy. Let them get TOO scared, and they'll actually blow their own head off! (Tres inconvenient, not to mention messy.) Your team will make comments revealing their status: "Don't come any closer!" "We're all gonna die here!" "OK, OK, I'll pull myself together.." and the one I'm coming to dread: "We've got company." Oh yeah: And even if they're not terrified, and have 100% trust in you? They might still be a Thing. So far I've had three "survivors" go all melty on me.

    The challenge level is initially low but seems to have a steep curve. Right now I'm stuck in about the 4th scenario.

    Sadly, so far it seems to be pretty stock survival horror--low visibility in areas (there's a blizzard outside--the snow effects look AWESOME), standard weapons (pistol, SMG, shotgun, tazer, flamethrower--Oh yeah.. did I mention the larger Things can only be killed by fire??) and standard missions (find key A for door B, survive X waves of attackers, locate item to advance plot.) More as I get deeper!
    Friday, August 23rd, 2002
    6:21 pm
    Oh yeah:
    and my porn name is no longer Galen Mustela.

    It is now Galen Boyce. That is all.
    6:17 pm
    Collect me! Trade me! Make me bark like a dog!

    Trading Cards
    Paid Account Edition
    User Number: 180133
    Date Created:06-13-01
    Number of Posts: 392

    Mount is a chimerical being which resides in the north-texas ecosystem. It has exhibited characteristics of weasel, zebra, raven, nerd, fag, and redneck. Known aliases include DiZzy B. Yatch, Sammael, Lyle Merrick, Quint Zinoson, and Galen Boyce.
    Strengths: Known to possess great charisma, wide knowledge of video games and horror flicks, and that infamous "internal muscle trick." Loyal and determined.
    Weaknesses: Caffeine addicted, prone to depression, liable to lose himself in books or games. Short temper, & long memory for grudges. Labile personality.
    Special Skills: Has Saved The Princess, Can Spell Almost Any Word, Amazing In Bed, Talented Sketch Artist, Makes Pie Crust From Scratch, Has Prescient Dreams
    Weapons: Pronounced Canine Teeth, Off-Key Singing, Shotokan Karate (White Belt), Steel-Toed Boots (For Asskicking), Flings 10-Sided Dice, Vicious Sarcasm
    Quotes: "Never anger the GM." -- "I know where you sleep." -- "Have we fucked before? Wanna?"

    Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
    Brought to you by crossfire_

    Collect me by adding this post to your "Memories!"
    Trade me by calling in the next guy when you finish!

    Current Mood: Collectible!
    5:11 pm
    Funny how my life seems to go in themes. This morning, I emailed a friend regarding my fatalist attitude--Things happen with a purpose, and things happen when they are supposed to happen: If you ae meant to die, you will die. If you avoid cars/planes/trains/boats, you'll still die of a heart atack or stroke or embolism. If you care for your body like a classic car, you may have a car wreck, or a stray bullet.. If you somehow become a hermit and avoid all hazardous objects, then you'll have an eagle drop a turtle on yer head. Fate will find a way for its plan.

    And now this afternoon, I took my first accident report involving a fatality. At about 4pm, a U-Haul truck, apparently driven by an employee who rented it from her home center, tried to pass someone while on a hill. They had a head-on collision with someone in a Crown Vic. Details are still sketchy at this point. 1 person was DRT, another died enroute to the hospital via Careflight. 2 others are injured, with no word on how severely or who belonged to which vehicle. Somebody's clock ran down, and fate found its way.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Dolly Parton, "These Old Bones"
    Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
    11:47 am
    My pinkeye is now pretty much a thing of the past--thought it had jumped to the other eye, but if it did, it was a very mild case. Eyes are still quite red, but most likely from no sleep.

    Went shopping on the way home from work a few days ago, and picked up a pristine "used" copy of the "X-Men" Dvd. Also grabbed a copy of Charles De Lint's new (?) book, "The Onion Girl"--Jilly Coppercorn is so central to the lives and magic that happen in Newford, and her story has never been fully told, though it's been mentioned in a short story that she was a runaway, and probably an abused child. In this book, she's forced to stop running from her past, and to confront it to heal herself. I'm only 50-odd pages in, and already the old familiar magic of de Lint's style is taking hold. If I could aspire to write like any person on the planet, it would be de Lint--he always manages to convey a sense of wonder and awe, and has such a stylish, funny, and sensual way of putting things. And now I have to go back to the conversation between Jilly and Coyote.
    Thursday, August 15th, 2002
    8:16 am
    Grah. I have pinkeye. And I didn't even get someone's DNA in there to trigger it. Called in sick this AM, because when I woke, my right eye was so swollen, I can't open it.

    But it's not all misery in the House O' Sin. )

    Current Mood: itchy!!
    Monday, August 12th, 2002
    6:06 pm

    You Are a Schoolgirl!

    You're not quite as wild as a "kogyaru", but with your short plaid skirt

    and silly white socks, you're still a sexual fetish object.

    You can usually be seen hanging out in the girly section of the video game places,

    collecting photobooth stickers of you and your friends.
    You may not be as innocent as you look.

    Did those vending machine panties once belong to you?

    What's *Your* Japanese Subculture?

    Yes they did. Would you like to buy a pair? I will sweat in them, for a slight surcharge.
    Sunday, August 11th, 2002
    9:43 am
    'Cause I'm Bored..
    x. name = David Ryan Zingg
    x. birthday = April 17, 1974
    x. piercings = None -- yet
    x. tattoos = None -- yet
    x. height = 6'2"
    x. shoe size = 12 Wide
    x. hair color = Light Brown
    x. length = Short -- "Lost a fight with the weedwacker"
    x. siblings = 2 - 1 sister, 1 brother
    x. pets = None, at this time.
    [snip] )
    Friday, August 9th, 2002
    11:14 pm
    As Uncle says:
    One MORE thing!

    For those of you who are wondering: My name is not Galen.

    I once took a "what animal are you?" quiz, and got pegged as a Weasel. (At the time, that was wholly appropriate, I like to think I've matured since then...) Anyway, Galen is (welsh?) for Weasel. (BTW, the scientific name is Mustela mustela--for a while, I considered taking "Galen Mustela" as my porn name, but it sounds too Italian, and I just don't look the part.)

    Semi-naughty musings ensue. )
    10:58 pm
    My parents are coming to town to visit tomorrow. Tonight, I've been running around the house, frantically "straightening up" the place. Who KNEW I had so much porn. And lube. And semi-dirty drawings (not technically porn, they're character sketches I've done..). And porn! And lube. And rubbers. And sex toys. I'm going to have to forbid them to enter the garage--there's about 10 gallons of lube out there, and posters, and cardboard trash cans, all sporting the ID Lube logo. Likewise, I'd rather not explain the leather cockrings, "anal invaders", and that hose in the hall bathroom..

    And I'm probably going to have to find a place to hang Peeping Tom Jesus. It's a really tacky painting left to me by my great-grandma, of Jesus standing at the door and knocking. Of course, it really looks like he's trying to peer thru the little eye-grate. Very disturbing.

    Oh lord.. Look. More porn. And I have to be at work at 7 tomorrow! Maybe I should call in sick...
    Wednesday, August 7th, 2002
    3:16 pm

    Hrm. Archaeopteryx, quetzalcoatl, pteranodon, or just yer average blue dragon?
    3:02 pm
    And this one is of Stitch, slobbering on his glass-jar prison.

    I dunno when this'll get used. Maybe if I'm feeling drooly over some hottie, or maybe if I have the urge to stick out my tongue and go "PTHBBBBBT!!"

    2:54 pm
    Yay! baraksf is such the sweetheart! I told him I liked his new Stitch icons, and that I was looking for some of my own.. and he found them for me!! LOVE. HIM!

    This is for when I'm feeling Evil. Expect to see it a lot.
    2:54 pm
    Yay! baraksf is such the sweetheart! I told him I liked his new Stitch icons, and that I was looking for some of my own.. and he found them for me!! LOVE. HIM!

    This is for when I'm feeling Evil. Expect to see it a lot.
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