I feel bad for Ryan today. He's working on Randall's Island setting up lights for the retarded Boo rave that is always held when there's a storm. I think it's a requirement. He has on his little raincoat tho, so he should be ok. In my sleep this morning I yelled for him to bring a dry change of clothes but he closed the door and left without hearing me.
You know what else? I don't like liars. No. Let me rephrase. There's nothing in the world I hate more than liars. Now that that's cleared up.
For Christmas I want:
• a tanning package
• a massage
• the Asian comforter from Conway
• a queen size bed, please
And in other news, I REALLY need to stop buying myself cosmetics. I have more toiletries than Rite Aid. but first I will order this multi-vitamin toner from Avon. It's only $2.99!
CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australian scientists believe they have rediscovered an effective use for lemon juice -- as a contraceptive and also a killer of the AIDS virus.
Reproductive physiologist Roger Short, from the University of Melbourne's obstetrics department, said a few drops of lemon juice can be a cheap, easy-to-use solution to protect women from both HIV and pregnancy.
The juice should be squeezed onto a piece of sponge or cotton wool and placed into the vagina before sex, he said.
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I'm having a skinny day. Every time I wear these jeans people tell me how thin I look. These are my (old) new favorite jeans. I bought a black button down shirt w/ lace and ribbon from Conway for $4 in a medium w/ out trying it on and it's loose on me!
Tylenol codeine makes me dizzy. My pusher gave me some for my cut, but I took it for a sinus headache. When I go to my friendsfriends page I get alot of goths. Who is the culprit? Methinks it's toodarkmark
name four bad habits you have:
1. Biting my cuticles
2. Picking at everything (on myself and others)
3. Snapping at people (not like Dawn)
4. Cursing
name four things that you wish you had:
1. The career of my dreams
2. A beautifully decorated large home with a pool, jacuzzi and tanning bed
3. Money
4. Love that lasts
name four scents you love:
1. So Pink from the Gap
2. Lilacs
3. Holiday smells like cinnamon, spicy candles, etc.
4. Coffee
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To Do:
• Buy tree (and pot) for kitchen at Home Depot and return light bulbs
• Buy more Revlon Lipglide gloss and Max Factor eye pencil before S&J; closes
• Get coupon for tanning
• Get a flight to Vegas
• Lose 5 more pounds before I go to Vegas (if I go to Vegas)
• Take X-mas pictures w/ Ryan for X-mas cards
Anyway, here are my articles this week. Nothing special. http://www.brooklynskyline.com/news_article.asp?c=ane&na;=123
Join the community: tinatoledo
Poll #66254: DC Spree Killer
Open to: all, results viewable to: all
What type of guy is the DC spree killer?
View AnswersMuslim Terrorist
0 (0.0%)
White Supremacist
1 (6.2%)
(White) Anti-government American terrorist
4 (25.0%)
Average Psycho
11 (68.8%)
0 (0.0%)
Ryan and I are baking some Splenda meringues. Let's see how badly they turn out.
A picture of my injury. Warning: Gore ahead.
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(1010 WINS)-(NEW YORK)-The number of people listed as victims of last year's World Trade Center attack has dropped below 2,800, after three people were found alive and one duplication was eliminated from the list of names read at last month's anniversary ceremony, a city spokeswoman said Monday.
The victim count stood at 2,797 after investigators found that Maria Bengochea, 46, of Manhattan, and Germaan Castillo Garcia, 36, of Brooklyn, were erroneously reported missing, according to Ellen Borakove, spokeswoman for the medical examiner.
Another name, Nickola Lampley, was removed from the list after the woman was found by The Associated Press in Brooklyn on the day her name was read aloud at the ground zero ceremony.
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1. What's your name or what do you like to be called?
Elisha, "she's your queeeeeen."
2. Do you work or go to school? If you work what do you do and if in school what's your major? I graduated Fordham U in May, 01 with a Bachelor's Degree in Media and Communications. I have been writing for the Brooklyn Skyline newspaper since 1997. I have no desire to get my Master's right now but I probably will eventually.
3. Single, dating, married, engaged, dating everyone, or other?
Live-in boyfriend.
4. Kids?
No, and I don't want to have any. I changed my mind, too much watching births onTLC.
5. Where do you live?
South Brooklyn, baby.
6. What's something about you that not everybody knows?
Nothing. I'm too much of an extrovert to have any real secrets.
Please join or forward to anyone you know who is interested in writing.
I know, I need to go pimp this out in other communities, but I'm too lazy.
So, I'm sitting on the throne and decide, before wiping myself and pulling up my pants, I want to kill two birds with one stone and clean while I'm sitting there. Since I'm on Atkins and I cheated today as I do every Sunday, I decided to have a big glass of water, which I also brought into the bathroom with me. My sink counter is tiny and the water is sitting right on the edge when... well...you can guess what happened.
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...you know what makes me laugh? When people talk about how pretty they and how ugly everyone else is but their hair style looks like they modeled it after a picture of their mother in 1955 -- sportin' the ever fashionable --Frankenstein bangs. And you just know they cut it themselves, cuz what beautician would have the balls to do that to someone's head and not worry about being sued, or at the very least, beaten to a pulp.
Yeah, so that's what makes me laugh.
Religious humor here:
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Bones of Missing Va. Girl Identified
WENTWORTH, N.C. (AP) - Bone fragments and a skull found on a rural property are the remains of a 9-year-old girl who vanished after her parents were fatally shot in their home seven weeks ago, authorities said Friday.
Investigators said they have not made any arrests but would like to talk with a man whose rented house and mobile home in Rockingham County were recently searched.
The remains were discovered Sept. 25 near a home in Stoneville, N.C., about 30 miles south of Jennifer Short's home.
Jennifer had been missing since Aug. 15, when her parents - Michael Short, 50, and Mary Short, 36 - were found shot to death in their Bassett, Va., home. Investigators had said they believed the girl had been abducted.
``The skeletal remains in Rockingham County have been determined to be a positive match with the DNA profile of Short and are hers,'' Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page said.
The investigation and search for the little girl had been emotionally difficult, said Sheriff Frank Cassell of Henry County, Va.
``She's gone now and she's safe now and no evil can befall her,'' he said.
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(1 oink oink | got cake?)
I'd look like her if I was a. black and b. 90 pounds. Oh well!
Yes, I dyed my hair again. No, it didn't all fall out yet.
But I look better like this:
I forgot to mention, Natalie straightened my hair for me :)
I just got a card from my fourth grade teacher congratulating me on my award. (She was the tough teacher who taught us fractions and made us memorize every American patriotic song there is). She said I look exactly the same, only more mature. Haha, now I gotta go home and find pictures of me from that year just for the sake of comparison.
The Alzheimer's Association also sent me two 8x10 photos of me getting the award. I'll scan those later.
I guess that was the highlight of my life — it's all downhill from here.
I found this out the hard way. I'm just not tacky enough anymore. So I am currently dying my hair this color:
Can I just say, HELL YEAH!!!!!
2.6 net carbs! Yay, I can drink beer again.
The case I was on was settled after 8 years of being thrown around the courts. But, this was the first time the case went before a jury, which was what made both parties, especially the defendant, realize they would be better off just settling.
Now that I'm allowed to tell all....
In 1994, a 26-year-old mother of three, who suffered from severe asthma her whole life, died from an attack.
She called 911, then passed out in her home. Her young children ran to their neighbor's home and 911 was called again. The EMS arrived quickly, but could not resuscitate the woman. They tried to put a breathing tube down her throat and failed. They also tried to call an MD for permission to give her a shot of epinephrine, but could not get through on their one radio. The backup which arrived left their radio in the ambulance. They did not look for a phone to call for permission to give her the adrenaline rush which could have saved her life.
Instead, after half an hour, they finally brought her to the hospital where she was given oxygen and pronounced brain dead. She lived for ten days in a coma before she died.
Two of her three children are seriously disabled and need a lot of medical attention. Now they have no mom and have been adopted by their grandmother, who is a nurse.
Their uncle was suing the City on behalf of his deceased sister, claiming negligence on the part of the EMS workers for various reasons.
After it was all over, a fellow juror and I were outside the courthouse getting coffee when the woman's brother and mother approached us, recognizing us from the court room. They asked us how we felt about the case, with what little we had heard. We told them it seemed they would have surely won, and that they seemed to have had much more evidence in their favor.
They thanked us, and said they finally feel vindicated. We expressed our condolences and also our congratulations that they got compensation.
Imagine, we are all upset we had to spend three days in the courtroom, when these people have been living this for 8 years.
I'm on jury duty. My new nickname is "Number Five."
That's all I can say right now. I am under oath. :P
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