Saturday, March 29th, 2003
8:44 am - ONE TIME FOR THE MIND...
Ok let me get this clear and out in the open for once... I am Pro-Troop...but what does that mean? Because I am also Ant-Iraq War. In a recent article in THE STRANGER, Josh Feit argues that you simply cannot be both, that youre simply a walking , talking contradiction. Well lets look at the factors involved shall we? Feit basically states that that I would be a hypocrite for the following, sending a letter, junk food, mix-tape, and books to a relative say like my brother who was in the first Gulf War...one of the best forms of support. But in doing so am I shooting innocent civilians as they flee Basra? No. But supposedly I am not inline with Feits narrow-minded Indie Rockin' ass. Ok, how about the many many troops that are deployed who oppose this war 'silenty' and hate Bush 'silently'? Believe me they are out there, truth be told many of them enrolled in the military because they could pay for their college with 4 years under their belt, especially those who felt that they had no future or those who were most definitley to be met with low-income lives with no real escape from "future poverty"...its true. But for those who are out there and on the front lines, you dont have a voice....Feit seems to think wow, why dont they just put down their guns, those ass holes can think for themselves. NO, not really Josh. Unfortunately thats not how it works, when you go to the Military you are taught not to be your own, but as one, united...partly not a bad idea, but usually misses the potential. But back to the problem, you cant just become 'conscientious objector' when your a marine and your fellow troops are relying on you as a link to survive.
Look, truth be told, I hate the fact that war exists...it's not a good thing despite Bushs ideals that War is good for the economy, that should never be in motion, of course it will eventually be good for the economy, were taking over the World and demanding that everyone render unto Caesar what is Caes...err I mean Bush's.
Ok...I'd like to say more, but the fact remains. You can hold true to your values as a citizen against this war and against Bush. Just so you know there are things that you can do that dont make you a hypocrite.
-Give Blood-contact your local Red Cross, contact rally leaders, veterans for peace and have Red Cross set up at rallies, show the Pro-War types that were nt just some bad South park episode. -Listen to your opposition, even if they dont listen to you, which is highly likey. -Pay attention to whats going on HERE as well, why before you know it there will be an election right around the corner and If we have close to a milliom troops deployed by next year, a majority of Americans may vote for "president" Bush just because he's the commander in chief and to get them home safely...hmmm...sounds more like a hostage sitaution? -Write in, call in to local newspapers, talk shows and rebuke the one sided media circus that is place. Make them see the carnage that is taking place...of they dont see it, it didnt happen. That is how the American public thinks, because once the war porn is turned off, they can equate it to a Playstation game...because for many the only effect it has on them in every day life is their Gas price. It's easy to say YAY support this war when it means nothing more to you than saving a a few extra dollars at the pump. -Send a letter, mix-tape, contraband candy to a troop, chance is that soemone you know has a relative or friend in the Gulf. -If you suppurt the troops, dont rally outside military bases...it's hard enough that families are seeing ff their loved ones, by marking your territory their you just put gasoline on their fire towards the rest of us...they are not the enemy...they are us. If you want fire then hit the streets, the malls, the government and federal buildings, the churches, community centers, the old folks homes, the universities...because before you know it between the Media and Bush, public opinion can be swayed so far right the truth can be ultimatley swept under the rug with no recollection of its' true existence...again if we dont see it, it didnt happen. -Call into your local tv/cable affiliate and demand more peices on the civilan casualties and to stop showing sympathy peices of family who have lost loved ones in the Gulf, this brings genuine sympathy into an arena that produces false pride and patriotism as a default because you dont know how to react to loss, when it is displayed in front of you on the TV screen. If anything write to those families and offer condolences, if they live in your area offer help in any way, meals, groceries, etc. Remember retaliation wont bring them back.
And most of all...The Bush administration is taking money from the V.A.s budget and allocating it to his war...the veterans of this war...Gulf War Vets from the nineties suffer considerably at the hand of the Fed. Govt. (The Veterans Adminsitration) has been told not to release the source of many enviromental exposure cases that have resulted in over 50,000 cancer cases in Gulf War vets. Vets are coming back with a mystery cancer, their children are being born with serious birth defects...why? One of the reasons may be Depleted Uranium...look it up...research it...and make sure everyone you know knows about it, call and write your congressman and demand that the VA starts treating these "enviromental exposure" cases be logged in as D.U. related.
( What is D.U.? )
current music: mark kozelek:rock n' roll singer
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| Thursday, March 27th, 2003
1:31 pm - HELLOHIHEY...
Hey you know I thought I'd point out a couple things I've noticed as of late... The "war" you know that's going on right now is not about OIL just as our "president" and his fellow compatriots have told us (the American Public). But we must have been fairly naive then to believe so, like the rest of the World who must've concocted this whole OIL means WAR means BIG BUSINESS story. Sheesh! What could have we been thinking? I mean why would it be such a big deal if our tax dollars go to pay Haliburton Oil Indsutries over 23 million of 400 million dollars to make repairs to burning and damaged oil wells,even if it is a Texas based Oil Company that Cheney was the CEO of? Bush and Cheney are just trying to "help out" some old friends, right?
I mean how dare we protest, especially things like this or this?
And while all of this is going on, theres a second PATRIOT ACT that is secretly trying to be passed while we eagerly watch war porn on CNN...The first Patriot Act had several portions of that were to dissolve over a two year period after it was passed...as if the first PATRIOT ACT was bad enough trashing several ammendments we have this next one ready to take it's place and augment itself into our every day life as we know it...making some of it's plans more permanent than any of us would really like...Bay Area rapper PARIS has some good insight on this whole mess...check him out!
Also...Here's an excerpt from an interview I did with DEF-JUX artist Mr.Lif speaking about the PATRIOT ACT: Q-"With the PATRIOT ACT now in place do you think that in the "good spirit" of things you as a member of the Hip-Hop community with revolutionary and anti-Bush lyrics that you are being watched, maybe even by people within the our own community I mean Chuck Barris was supposedly a spy for the CIA same goes with Walt Disney(OSS)?"
Mr.Lif-"Yeah, I guess it could be that we all are at this point. I mean that's their whole goal-power works in many ways, stemming from the tragedies of 9/11...I think that now they can be more overt and get people to agree with them, abling them to dissolve our dreams and privacy completley. They got us to agree "yes please tap my phone and check my emails because I want to make sure that you're doing this to other people as well so we can find potential terrorists!" What I'm saying is what can I really do about it. Of course I'm not cool with it, but I'm not going to stop my life because people may or may not be monitoring what I say...I can try to curb myself...but it's like man, I dont have the energy for all that...I'm just gonna' live!" Full Story in upcoming issues of Bandoppler
Thank You wicketgate , katura , toho and the rest of the michaelmoore community for being such a good help and adding some awesome links and points of view as of late!
current music: Antibalas Afrobeat Orchestra-Liberation Afrobeat Vol.1
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| Monday, March 24th, 2003
12:53 pm - KEERIPES...
So much drama in the LBC yo...
-People getting beat down for protesting ala non-violent, civil disobedience. -A large part of the casualties so far from the "war" has been friendly fire. -Michael Moore wins an Oscar, makes fun of Bush in front of millions of viewers. -My Mom thinks im a traitor for falling inline with the Anti-War movement.
thats all for now.
current music: bob marley
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| Thursday, March 20th, 2003
From MichaelMoore.com
ALERT ACTION:From the United States Government-in-exile Operation Oily Residue is beginning.
The troops are on the move, and the first shots have been fired. We support the troops, and wish they did not have to fight Bush's unnecessary war. The greatest support we can give these young men and women is to call for their safe and fast return home. Just because the politicians in Washington and the UK aren't listening to us, does not mean we should stop calling on them to back away from aggression. Destroying a country and people in a hail of missiles is neither the way to free people nor the way to spread democracy and good will. All you need remember is this: War is over, if you want it.
YOUR MISSION: Here are some things you can do to voice your continued opposition to Bush's unjustified war:
[1] Seven excellent ideas for action from United for Peace
[2] Download posters of the people of Baghdad and post them around your town
[3] Organize an emergency response protest and list it here so everyone knows about it
[4] Attend an emergency response rally near where you live
[5] Take part in the massive rally planned for this Saturday in NYC
[6] Contact your member of Congress and tell them you do not support this war
[7] Take part in an emergency response
[8] Vote NO WAR
[9] Join the demonstrations of the Veterans Against the War
[10] Join the Christians for Justice and Peace call for avoiding war
[11] Support the Dixie Chicks: call country music radio stations and keep requesting their songs
[13] Write to your local papers
[14] Call talk-radio shows
[15] Inform your friends
[16]Put up signs
[17] And remember, peace is patriotic, dissent is patriotic so don't let anyone try to silence you.
[18] Tell Bush not to use nuclear weapons in Iraq.
[19]Join Liza Peski on her walk from Maine to DC.
[20]Post Patriots for Peace signs around your town
Keep checking back, there will be more to come! And spread the word! If you have links to other ideas, send them to schankula@michaelmoore.com.
And last but not least I picked this link from the site for people to look at...Remember the veterans who have given up so much for our freedom...like their health, legs, arms...well much more is still being taken away from them.
Peace, Eugenius
current music: doves.
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12:27 am - A REPORT...
After work I made my way across the street to the Federal Building where N.I.O.N. (NOT IN OUR NAME) was hosting a protest, vigil, speak in. While listening to the various people speak in the rain, I noticed three or four Pro-War-mongers across the street cheering on , mocking the protestors. They were in front of the news cameras...of course shamefully some of the Ati-War protestors were acting just as jack assed with theor statements...some of the speakers from NION made low level judgmental remars about SNOW Coalition (a non violent anti war group of protestors) and The SNOW coalition in retribute is talking trash about NION and others who are going to do what they feel is necesarry to gain the attention of our leaders in regards to this war, whose cherry was popped tonight with the restraint of a drunken drunken football player who just won the State Championships. War protestors dedicated to ending war and opening dialogue...waging war against each other over how we should condemn an un-justifiable war in of itself?
People get your shit together...this is real!
It's sort of eerie that I was just talking to you all about my co-worker who launched Tomahawk missiles in the Gulf during Desert Storm at night time. illuminating the starry sky...fast forward to the 'spin-a-thon' on tv tonight and that is exactly what we saw...Battle ship in the Gulf, firing multi million dollar Tomahawk missiles into the night sky. By the time I wake up I will no doubt go to the living room and turn on the tv...hopefully I will see that UN Peacekeeping forces will have moved in on US led forces on the outskirts of Baghdad in a unilateral blockade of sorts. Of course what will happen is that thanks to the media and its media savvy military analitical war mongers...people will support Bush more because it's finally 'begun'. This is the sort of thing that D.C. think tanks have been creaming their shorts over for ten plus years...the nineties cable news reports in the Gulf were a mere start, testing ground for what America would and would not accept...the true spinning of todays war began long ago...you better realize that now. With Stormin' Norman making play by play attacks with the stamina and charisma of a bad Monday Night Football sports caster, ushered America into the Safe War, one that is safe because you dont see the carnage or the suffering...that is unless it happned to be from the hands of Saddam...(Spinning again), mostly. Laser guided smart bombs, cruise missiles with state of the art technology to comprehend what is sand based and what is artificial and the soldiers of the future and their new fatigues...The media machine offered and the public accepted...just as long as it wasnt going to be bloody. And that is the problem...you are going to be misled and you will not see the carnage that will befall Iraqis or soldiers most likley...it's just not good PR.
I have to say this...to all that have protested this war...do not roll over and die out of feeling despair or beaten...because It is not over...what we have done is important and believe it or not have made a significant change. Do not stop here...do not act like everything is better if it looks like were kicking ass and taking names and feel the need to be on a 'winning team', dont forget to put a human face on the suffering and brutality of war and its effects on the children of this world...think of your most precious loved one...would you sacrifice them for the sake of ousting one 'dictator' and replacing them with 'another'? Of course not...then I ask this of you...do not sit by idley and let that decision be made for you in regards to the people who will be sacrificed in Baghdad this very day.
Write, Call, Fax, Paint, Cry, Scream for the fact that for once in the history of the world Nations of all nations want Peace on this earth...and we will not sit by and let the likes of Bush, Saddam, Sharon, Arafat, Koizumi, Jong and others dictate how our childrens' futures will be decided. We want peace...we will not attain it by converging war on other nations...we must learn from our historical mistakes...not repeat them.
God bless us all this night...may we not wake up to a police state or a missile tearing through our childrens bedroom.
current mood: I need to sleep it off
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| Tuesday, March 18th, 2003
4:23 pm - Right on target...
Just about twenty minutes ago I ran into the guy at work who was stationed in the Gulf during Operation Desert Storm... As I was opening a small bag of cookies we both sat down and started to relax and then he said,"hey man im sorry that I had to cut our conversation off so short yesterday" And I assured him it was no big thing that I enjoyed discussing this situation with someone from the office who didnt fall inline with the usual proto-capitalist republican mentality...then we started back in with the Gulf...
Something snapped this time...He's the one who wants to talk about this more...not just me and I think that he's never really dealt with the fact that the Tomahawks that he fired launch codes for met someone elses soul on the other side, a mother, a father and a child no less. We talked more and he explained the mentality on the ship one midnight when they first deployed the Tomahawks...He put the launch codes through for a couple and he could hear the thunder from inside the ship, then like a jealous child another soldier begged to do the next launch and the C.O. granted him the permission, so my friend went outside on the deck with the rest of the guys who wanted to see the million dollar missiles shoot into the night sky...within seconds my friend was literally floored by it's magnitude and power and soon followed by a certain horror.
The deck of the battleship turned into a party atmosphere cheering on the missile as it lit up the night sky heading for an unknown destination, its components as my friend described -very deadly and for the time very accurate. HE paused for a second, standing about 5 feet from each other in our lunch room at one of the biggest accounting firms in the United States, started to cry. Again...realizing his own family...and the horror of knowing what kind of awesome and horrific power was delivered to someone that could very well be his opposite or his wife or his mother and father...knowing how incredible it was to see it take off and floor him-physically, what it was like to see it take out 500 people within seconds. Knowing that its power can and did decimate whole buildings and incinerated people beyond recognition...including children.
He wiped his face and excused himself for a second, then went on just to say, man I didnt know I would be talking about this ever again. I guess it hasnt hit me that this is going to intensify everything as we know it...and for what? So we can 'liberate' a country for the sake of rich oil reserves, to install a government like we did in Chile with Pinochet...I was kind of surprised that he knew about that...and was floored that their were people with conscience at my work place...which is commonly a place of fresh new recruits from college that have never had a job in their life and share the same right wing ideals as their parents and are willing to sacrifice the better part of their youthful life in order to make the treacherous but prosperous climb up the corporate ladder.
At least there are some who have not lost their way.
Tomorrow what kind of world will be living in?
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| Thursday, March 13th, 2003
4:59 pm - OOH AHHH...
Download the New Beastie Boys Anti-War protest Song-"In a World Gone Mad".
"We felt it was important to comment on where the US appears to be heading now. A war in Iraq will not resolve our problems. It can only result in the deaths of many innocent civilians and US troops. If we are truly striving for safety, we need to build friendships, not try to bully the rest of the world." - Adam Yauch
"Being together, writing and recording, we felt it would be irresponsible not to address what’s going on in the world while the events are still current. It didn’t make sense to us to wait until the entire record was finished to release this song." - Mike D
"This song is not an anti-American or pro-Saddam Hussein statement. This is a statement against an unjustified war." - Adam Horovitz
current music: Beastie Boys
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| Wednesday, March 12th, 2003
10:26 am
Friends...please help support the magazine that I am writing for...it's called BANDOPPLER and it will instigate all kinds of trouble, rumors, provocative thought and that's just the beginning. Basically here is where were at...It's just $16 for a years subscription and you're going to get some great original stories, interviews, art, reviews (non-music) and hopefully some bands and artists that youv'e not had the pleasure of meeting before.
Now this is a real magazine (print) not a website might I add...
So please head over to the website for more vague info., I know what some of you may be thinking...well I dont want to go to all of the trouble of paying via check or whatever...well here is how we make it easy for you (Speaking like Jerry Lewis/Professor Frink-Simpsons)... Weve already set up a Pay-Pal system so If you have a credit/debit card you can support me and it takes less than a minute and (VOILA!) You can be the newest of subscribers to Bandoppler Magazine. In the issue one will be Blood Brothers, David Lasky (Artists/Comics),Lifesavas (Quannum Projects), Starflyer59 and more stories and short pieces than you can shake a stick at...well depends on what kind of stick I suppose?
Im currently working on stories such as Mr. Lif, Mommy And Daddy, Rjd2, American Health care Expose, Michael Moore (that is when the whole Oscars/Etc. stuff dies down) and more...the rest of the rest of the guys are punching out some terrific things I think you will all enjoy.
So whatcha'waiting for? Please dont let us become another statistic and help us reach our subscriber quota to stay alive and kicking...pleeeeease.
current music: Paris-The Hate that Hate Made
(6 comments | comment on this)
| Monday, March 10th, 2003
11:22 am - YOU CANT FRONT ON THIS...
Just a few more days until Pay Day...There is nothing cool about living from paycheck to paycheck people...Im sooo tired of it.
Anyhow enough bitchin'.
I went apartment hunting on Queen Anne saturday...nothing really jumped out at me per se...but I think I've decided that I like that area around Easy Street Records and whatnot...now to find somewhere that's not ghetto and that's not too expensive. It was cool looking for places saturday, I packed anice lunch in which I lighlty fried salmon then made sushi sticky rice and made rolls in nori wraps, made green tea and peach tea cake and underneath an umbrella in the rain at Kerry Park...it was such a fulfilling lunch...ever had one of those? I mean if you work a 8-5 and have little breaks and hurry through your lunches then most likley you know what it's like to have an "un-fulfilled" lunch...this was none of the sort.
Yoko leaves for Osaka this next week, Im gonna miss that girl...but she'll be back in a month and with cool toys no doubt.(sweet) I have to wrap up some stories Ive been working on...I'm still waiting to hear about COACHELLA...I have press/photo passes but no (100% gaurunteed)comp tickets as of yet...cheap bastards. I do however think that MCA is hooking me up with two day passes to Saturdays show with Beastie Boys so I can interview/cover Talib Kweli, which is totally cool...Kweli is great...too bad his second album is'nt. Anyhow...If anyone sees any cheap airfare from Seattle to LAX...please let me know...K?
This next saturday, keep your eyes peeled for yet another Worldwide rally against the war on Iraq...remember your presence and voice does matter...even if its muffled by that of our 'leader'.
Anyhow...not that this matters much...but im wanting to trade my G4 (MAC) in for a I-Book with DVD/CD Burner. I am wanting to downsize my belongings for easier access and mobility...and hauling a G4 that will soon be compltley outdated in a year or so is not a convenient way to do so. Ag told me that the Apple store had a I-Book under $900. So maybe this weekend I should check into it (after pay-day)? It would be sweet...as It would most definitley afford me the luxury of quality entertainment on the road, travel, etc. ie. being able to watch DVD's, especially when I go home to visit family.
ANYHOW...enough jabber. Must go to lunch...study japanese...work on Mr. Lif interview...then get back to work.
current music: Rjd2-Ghostwriter
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| Saturday, March 8th, 2003
10:37 am - WOW.
Last nights TAKE BACK THE MEDIA/RALLY show at EMP was great....Davy-D is off teh hook...that man knows his shit...I will post more about it later..and Chuck-D...hehe hes cool as shit...Im still not feelin' the rock band thing though...its like whe KRS-ONE tried to do the rock thing on I GOT NEXT or when MOS-DEF tried Black jack Johnson...just not feelin it...but I respect em all.
laters...off to look for apartments.
current music: sunny day service
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| Wednesday, March 5th, 2003
So i'm not...at least not really.
I think im going kooky...or loopy...sex starved, over fed, over-medicated with real medicine, under-appreciated. I dont know...Im in dire need of change...and quickly...I wish it were heading into summer already-which for me- is such a strange concept considering winter is usually a geat time of year for me...bundling up in more clothes, staying inside and watching more movies. But Now I just want to find a new apartment (June) and getting settled in and building my DVD collection...getting caught up on the sci-fi, horror and independent films that ive sorely missed...and gettinga chance to write a whole lot more. -Writing- I need to write more...and keep a written journal as well...or at least a notebook so that I can write about the funny and peculiar things of my life as they happen. Thats also why I always keep a camera handy in my backpack and a hand held tape recorder. You never know who or what you will see.
Ok enough already...in no particular order here are some things that I am enjoying, enjoyed and want to enjoy: -The new Radiohead album -Oregon Coast Camping -Dr. Bronners peppermint soap -Vancouver B.C. day trips -Erlend Oye/Prefuse73-Every Party has a Winner and a Loser -Donovan's greatest Hits -Nikkos Sushi Happy hour -Summer Rain -Twilight Zone marathons -Doze Green -Kidrobot.com -Natural -Borscht w/Sour Cream -A new cell phone/plan w/speaker phone -Beermachine -Italian Desserts -Michael Moore -April 15th Shoreline Community College -Nag Champa -Movies -Cohen Bros. -underground hip-hop -Simpsons marathons -Lasagna -Freshman/Sophomore High School year summer memories -Calimari -Road Trips -Sleeping with my fan -New shoes -Little black Pug puppies...awww -Tamales at Christmas -Not having to pack...AGAIN -New books -Cd buying sprees -Pay day -Chaka Demus/Pliers-Murder She Wrote -Howard Zinn books -Green politics -Rooftops on summer eves -Buying toys (for grownups...well not those kind) -Spooning...not with you AG!hehe -Go to Mexico -Going to the mountains -Being able to garden, cultivate, make a Koi pond -Natural Hot Springs -Fishing -New magazines -Start catering -The Beach -Ferry Rides to Kingston -Go to Europe -A long vacation -Watching Orcas in Friday Harbor -Waking up to Sea-Lions (barking) in Edmonds -In'N'Out Burgers -Under the blankets -Pirates of The Carribean ride at Disneyland -Being with large groups of friends...as long as Im not the one who's entertaining -Coachella -Green Lake exercising/dog watching -Magic Mountain
Thats it...I think.
current music: oingo boingo-grey matter
(3 comments | comment on this)
| Tuesday, March 4th, 2003
| Monday, March 3rd, 2003
4:44 pm - COULD IT BE?
9:45 am - It's like I was beat in the head...and everybody was invited!
Check it out my friends...
The full website is launching in April...and issue one will appear in May/June/July. If you feel like it...subscribe and take place in what I would like to call a rather illustrious coup de tat of the industry...wait...what industry would that be...the sex one? No...the rock magazine industry...yeah ok...anyhow now that we have established that fact...we have also set up a paypal method and if you were so enclined, you could start your subscription today. Do it for... Sally Struthers Don Rickles Carol Channing Danny Elfman The Entire cast of Good Times hell...do it for me...because I got it like that.
current mood: im like nails... current music: Erlend Oye/Prefuse73-Every Party has a Winner and a Loser
(9 comments | comment on this)
| Wednesday, February 26th, 2003
10:37 pm - TAKING THE TIME...
I havent updated much in here as of late... I've been sick for a few days with this same damn thing (virus) that everyone seems to be catching...damned flu bugs everywhere I tell ya! But that's coming to a sweet end...thank goodness...My mom called me today at work on my cell and (asked if was a bad time to call)-of course not-I added. She then went on about how she seems to be losing it with my stepfather's deteriorating health...and how she is becoming 'short' with him whenever he does something that frustrates her...like when he urinates or defecates in his own pants, seconds before beaing seated on a toilet or in his bed and just recently today in his chair...now I know and she knows that he doesnt really know what hes doing as he is in his 'proverbial' last days but she can only take so much stress and watch her husband drift away and soil himself before she loses it...and that is precisley why she called because she felt she was losing it. I hesitantly asked her what she planned on doing after he goes...and like exactly how I thought she would reply, she said, "How do you mean Darren?" She's so far in denial that she refuses to let go and is hoping for the best, when deep down she knows that all hope for recovery has long sailed away into the sunset. We start placing blame on the doctors, those godammned doctors!!, or medicade or better yet that damnned son of a bitch in the White House! But my mom knows that no one is ultimatlely to blame anymore. (Sighs all around) So tomorrow Im taking a hour or so on the phone with my brother about what to do with our mother because she is disabled and will not eb able to afford a lifestyle that is humane on her own after our stepfather passes...he is in Reno and I in Seattle...Ive talked about this before...but it is becoming more of a reality and eye opener every day.
A friend of mine has a mother who is in the hopsital and is going through some of the same stuff that ive been encountering over the past two years, and I totally feal for her...with her she has her Mom and her sister...and I cant help but feel what it would be like if it were down to only my brother and my Mom...even though we are all separated by miles and area codes. it makes me strive for future endeavors even more.
Friday...I go into the nephratic clinic to check on my kidneys its been 6 months since started treatment...I hope I have good news...I love you kids...I love your emails...your encouragemnet through links (patafamilias),your similar stories of ill and woe (foreverfades) your get well pictures (number12) and everyone else...hmmm I feel like I should be saying oh yeah much love to my babies Mama and the almighty J.C...Im still maintaining ya'll! (PEACE!)
No but really I am maintainin' ya'll, dont forget it.
current mood: time to go back to bed current music: Oh Girl-The Chi-Lites
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| Friday, February 14th, 2003
4:44 pm - TEE HEE...
| Thursday, February 13th, 2003
1:15 pm - WAKE UP.
Feb. 15 - International Mobilization - The World Against the War on Iraq! Stop the War on Immigrants! 11:30 - Gather at the Seattle Center (Fisher Pavillion) for Rally at Noon 1:00 - March to the Federal Building and the INS Detention Center. Huge march in coordination with marches in over 300 cities around the world. Join with the world against the War on the World! Key not speaker: Sherman Alexie Musicians include: Clinton Fearon and the Boogie Brown Band. Total Experience Gospel Choir, and Jim Page. See www.feb15.orgfor more information, or call 1-866-FEB15TH.
List of cities worldwide participating in Feb. 15th protests: Albacete, Alicante, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Aotearoa, Athens, Bangkok, Barcelona, Beirut, Belfast, Berlin, Berne, Brussels, Budapest, Cairo, Calgary, Cape Town, Charleston, Charlotte, Chicago, Colorado Springs, Copenhagen, Corpus Christi, Detroit, Dublin, Edmonton, Eugene, Fillmore, Glasgow, Granada, Grand Rapids, Havana, Helsinki, Huelva, Hong Kong, Islamabad, Istanbul, Jaén, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Kelowna, Kuala Lumpur, Lahore, Lancaster, Lansing, Lisbon, Ljubljana, London, Los Angeles, Luxembourg, Madrid, Málaga, Manila, Matsumoto, McMurdo Station, Melbourne, Mexico City, Montreal, Moscow, Murcia, New York, North Newton, Olympia, Oslo, Ottawa, Oviedo, Paris, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Prague, Prince Albert, Ramallah, Reunion Island, Reykjavik, Rome, Sacramento, Salamanca, San Francisco, San Juan, Santa Monica, Santander, Santo Domingo, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Seoul, Skopje, St. Augustine, Stockholm, Sydney, Tallinn, Tokyo, Toronto, Valencia, Valetta, Vancouver, Vienna, Vigo, Warsaw, Youngstown.
current music: SCA DARRA PARR W/ DE LA SOUL
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| Wednesday, February 12th, 2003
Ok...I understand everyone being afraid of possible terrorist threats across the United States and (abroad), but I cant help but think that this is serious BULLSHIT. Come on now...Does anyone see the correlation between TERRORIST THREATS and THE POWERS THAT BE and the CULTURE OF FEAR that permeates us today in the light that our President is trying to get us to back him on a WAR that we will pay for...in more ways than one?
The news last night was giving out numbers for companies that will send you a DNA kit that you saw the inside of your mouth and whatnot and send the samples back in the mail...just in case you are killed and family members can identify you in the event that your body is unidentifiable?
On the same news cast, a person was demonstrating how to use a roll of duct tape to protect you and your family from possible bio-logical weapons...of course in the same news cast she implied that the closest chance of not being contaminated is by locking yourself in a room with a room with a bathroom and no windows...even then the person said...Go out and buy Duct Tape, Plastic Sheeting, Bottled Water, Food Supply for at least 3 days...because well you know...Everything should be fine if a bio-terror campaign was to be initiated in the United States...
An excerpt from the book: Culture of Fear by Professor Barry Glassner,
"Every few months for the past several years it seems we discover a new category of people to fear: government thugs in Waco, sadistic cops on Los Angeles freeways and in Brooklyn police stations, mass-murdering youths in small towns all over the country. A single anomalous event can provide us with multiple groups of people to fear. After the 1995 explosion at the federal building in Oklahoma City first we panicked about Arabs. “Knowing that the car bomb indicates Middle Eastern terrorists at work, it’s safe to assume that their goal is to promote free-floating fear and a measure of anarchy, thereby disrupting American life,” a New York Post editorial asserted. “Whatever we are doing to destroy Mideast terrorism, the chief terrorist threat against Americans, has not been working,” wrote A. M. Rosenthal in the New York Times.
When it turned out that the bombers were young white guys from middle America, two more groups instantly became spooky: right-wing radio talk show hosts who criticize the government—depicted by President Bill Clinton as “purveyors of hatred and division”—and members of militias. No group of disgruntled men was too ragtag not to warrant big, prophetic news stories."
Of course wherever there has been violence...the face of terrorism can be attached...from the crusades to the US tax-payer funded carpet bombing campaigns in Afghanistan that has killed thousands of innocent civilians.
The cold war may be over and communism no longer seems to be a palatable or profitable way to keep Americans in fear...so now it's Islam, Middle-Easterners, and terrorsim. When does it end? Apparently never...because theres money to be made...just as long as they keep us all in fear.
Also...this from michaelmoore.com... The real reason why were at CODE ORANGE. Ironic that BIN LADEN tapes come up again...just in time to prove to the UN that SADAAM and OSAMA are working hand in hand, how convenient. How about PATRIOT ACT 2? And the letter rejecting it. How about US and Great Britian's plagiarized dossier on Iraqs' weapons of Mass Destruction's?
But of course if you want to live every day in FEAR and I wont judge you, then by all means check THIS site out.
Allah U-Akbhar. God be with us. Shalom.
current music: dexters laboratory:the hip hop experiment
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| Friday, February 7th, 2003
4:51 pm - FILM UPDATE...
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20030401092246im_/http:/=2fwww.landmarktheatres.com/Assets/Images/Films/32095.jpg) LOVE LIZA-After the untimely death of his young wife Liza, Wilson (Philip Seymour Hoffman) turns to his mother-in-law (Kathy Bates) for support. But their relationship sours when Wilson refuses to open a letter Liza left behind for fear it will shatter his ideal of the perfect life they shared. As Wilson attempts to rebuild his life, with unopened letter in tow, eccentric behavior begins to surface, taking him on an odyssey of self-pity, self-realization and a curious fascination with remote-control model enthusiasts. A beautifully drawn portrait of a survivor who invokes humor, humility and whatever it takes to find the possibilities for a successful resolution.
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20030401092246im_/http:/=2fwww.landmarktheatres.com/Assets/Images/Films/31266.jpg) MAX-Set in Munich in the 1920s, this drama centers on the friendship between Max Rothman (John Cusack), a Jewish art gallery owner, and a young art student named Adolf Hitler (Noah Taylor). Max takes Hitler under his wing and attempts to help the young man learn his craft, while Max's mistress (Leelee Sobieski) tries to warn him about Hitler's dark side. Deeply unsettling, defiantly humorous and ultimately, tragically moving, Max is more fable than straight-ahead historical drama—a tale that careens through art, politics, love, hope, intolerance, obsession and destructive malevolence. Molly Parker co-stars.
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20030401092246im_/http:/=2fwww.landmarktheatres.com/Assets/Images/Films/32988.jpg) GERRY-Two close friends who both go by the nickname "Gerry" (Casey Affleck and Matt Damon) drive to a wilderness trail for an afternoon hike. After taking a detour, they realize they are lost, completely clueless as to how to find their way back. Gerry finds director Gus Van Sant (My Own Private Idaho, Good Will Hunting) returning to his independent roots with a vengeance. Imbuing a basic "buddy movie" premise with a daring degree of avant-garde experimentation, Van Sant has made a film of few words that speaks volumes about friendship, loneliness, and wounded masculinity.
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20030401092246im_/http:/=2fwww.landmarktheatres.com/Assets/Images/Films/33131.jpg) SPIDER-The details of life are acute to Spider (Ralph Fiennes), who is in a constant struggle to overcome a traumatic childhood event. After a long stay in a mental institution, he returns to the streets of London's East End where he grew up, relocating to a halfway house supervised under the watchful eye of the house mistress (Lynn Redgrave). The sights and sounds of his neighborhood reawaken memories of his mother (Miranda Richardson) and father (Gabriel Byrne), leading to surreal and startling revelations. Directed by David Cronenberg (Crash).
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20030401092246im_/http:/=2fwww.landmarktheatres.com/Assets/Images/Films/35022.jpg) POWER & TERROR: NOAM CHOMSKY IN OUR TIMES-Arguably the most important living American thinker, Noam Chomsky continues to investigate the ethical dimensions of the United States and its actions. In this documentary, which contains interviews and portions of public speeches he gave in New York and California in the spring of 2002, Chomsky addresses the events of September 11th. As in his best-selling book entitled 9-11, he defers any differentiation between state-sponsored violence and rogue terrorism.
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20030401092246im_/http:/=2fwww.landmarktheatres.com/Assets/Images/Films/34562.jpg) DIVINE INTERVENTION-With irreverent wit and insight, Palestinian director Elia Suleiman explores the dreams and nightmares of Palestinians and Israelis living in uncertain times. The satire follows E.S., a character played by and based upon the filmmaker himself, who is burdened with a sick father, a stalled screenplay and an unrequited love affair with a beautiful Palestinian woman (Manal Khader). Their relationship and the absurd situations around them serve as metaphors for the lunacy of larger cultural problems, and the result is a comedy of personal and political rage. Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival.
![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20030401092246im_/http:/=2fwww.landmarktheatres.com/Assets/Images/Films/33037.jpg) CITY OF GOD-Spanning three decades in a sprawling, downtrodden favela (slum) on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, City of God traces the rise of crime in what is today one of the most notoriously violent boroughs in the world. Director Fernando Meirelles follows a young boy as he tries to transcend the villainous, impoverished reality into which he has been born. Aspiring to become a professional photographer, he navigates through the gun-infested alleys and bloody passages of this bustling, infernal terrain in search of redemption. (Fully subtitled)
And last but not least...SPUN...which I can only link the site.
current music: stuff...on my computer...its friday i dont care
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I added a couple more...
First movie you saw in the theatre: It was STAR WARS opening week. Fav movie as a kid: JAWS. Movie you have seen the most times: JAWS, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS, FRIDAY, RUSHMORE, DO THE RIGHT THING, OH BROTHER WHERE ART THOU, DONNIE DARKO, ALMOST FAMOUS. Biggest movie star crush as a kid: Ginger on Gilligans Island or Olive Oyl from POPEYE(cartoon) not actress. Fav 80's teen movie: Say Anything. Fav song from a movie: Weird Science (OINGO BOINGO, Weird Science) Fav love movie: Shadowlands. Fav horror movie: Either Poltergeist 2 or The Amityville Horror. Fav Documentary: Bowling For Columbine, Toads, American Movie, Roger & Me. Fav Drama: Magnolia, Amore Perros, Sling Blade, Jesus Son, The Shawshank Redemption, Crooklyn Fav Sci Fi movie: Blade Runner, Planet of the Apes (original), Godzilla, Star Wars or Aliens. Fav Foreign Film: Amelie, Brotherhood of the Wolf or Amore Perros Fav musical: CANNIBAL! The Musical. Fav comedy: The Big Lebowski, Friday. Fav action movie: Enter the Dragon, Matrix and The Devil in Miss Jones...(oh not that kind of action...I get it.) Movie that scared you as a child: The Wizard of Oz. Movie that makes you cry every time you see it: The Five Heartbeats, The War. Worst movie you ever saw: Kingpin or The Haunting. Movie you walked out on in the theatre cause it was so bad: Some Jet Li movie. Most sexual movie you ever saw (NON PORN): Boogie Nights or Ytu Mama Tambien. Most disturbing movie you ever saw: KIDS, JULIEN DONKEYBOY, LIE, ROMPER STOMPER Movie that supposedly sucks but you love it: THE GREEN MILE, Fav actors: John Tarturro, Samuel L. Jackson, Geoffrey Rush, Morgan Freeman, Edward Norton, Kevin Spacey, Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman, Adrien Brody, Jack Black, Giovanni Ribisi, Brad Pitt, Jason lee, Sam Rockwell, Luke Wilson, Billy Bob Thornton, Luis Guzman, Owen Wilson, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Jeremy Blackman, Ethan Hawke, Tim Robbins, Steve Zahn, William H. Macy, Benicio del Toro, Harvey Keitel, Jason Schwartzman, Billy Crudup, Tim Roth, Al Pacino, Tom Hanks. Fav actresses: Julianne Moore, Kate Winslet, Drew Barrymoore, Frances McDormand, Thora Birch, Parker Posey, Pam Grier, Kate Blanchett, Jennifer Tilly. Movie you wanted to see the most as a child but were not allowed to: The Devil In Miss Jones. Sexiest movie star of all time MALE: Jude Law. Sexiest movie star of all time FEMALE: Jennifer Tilly or Angelina Jolie. Which would you most likley do it with: Those latter two for sure. (ooh lala) Movie that could/might as well been written about your life: It would be a cross between The War, Crooklyn and Stand By Me. Fav Rap star turned actor: Mos Def or Cube...although both Nas and DMX were great in BELLY. Fave villain in a movie: Hannibal Lector. Last movie you saw on TV/rented? Keep the River on Your Right. Last movie you saw in theatre: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
current music: AIR: REMEMBER
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