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Monday, June 10th, 2002
10:49 am - cute clothes alert...
For those of you in Chicagoland...

theres a new store in the Wicker Park/Bucktown area called Vive La Femme. The clothes ROCK, and the women who run the store, oh so fun.

So go check em out at
or stop by and tell Stephanie and Christi that Martii says hi :)

current mood: excited

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Tuesday, May 7th, 2002
10:48 pm
one final down, one to go.

nailed the business one. got an 80. gives me a b for the semester.

math tomorrow... shouldn't be all that bad. i hope.

miss my boyfriend.

should be studying. more later

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Monday, May 6th, 2002
6:50 pm
im a big ol pussy.

im so fuckin scared about my classes i think im gonna be sick.

current mood: sick

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Thursday, May 2nd, 2002
1:43 pm - feh.
i'm much too nice to people. i mean really.

i asked my sister if it would be possible for me to borrow some money... since i lost my wallet. of course, she's broke, for whatever reason.

but if it were me.. i'd feel shitty and find a way to loan her money.

i've got a bunch of shit to do this weekend.
- bachelorette party friday. for the finance of the vp of sales for the company my bf works for. have no choice. must make an appearance.

- birthday party for a friend saturday. dinner @ cheesecake factory... which always gets pricy. plus my part of her dinner. so yeah. have to go. since they (my friends) think i dont spend enough time with them anyway.

- study. finals next week. must pass. am freaking out.

so yeah. v full plate for the next few days.

also frustrated because i asked the bf if i could come hang out tonight, and got shot down. so feh on him as well.

ok. must try to work.

current mood: moody
current music: santa monica - everclear

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Tuesday, April 30th, 2002
11:13 am
sometimes friends can be a huge pain in the ass.

i mean. i love my friends. honestly i do. they're like my sisters...

but this is just not good for me.

i have finals next week. i have a party i HAVE to go to on friday night- its a business obligation. i nean; the vp of sales for the company i want to work for is throwing said party. i've got to go if i want to work for him. i need to make an appearance.

so my friday night is blown.

one of my better friends is having a birthday monday. she wants to go out on saturday. i havent seen my friends all semester, because i need to do well in school.

so im fucked.

i have to go on friday. i have to go on saturday. i have no way to do all of that and study for my final.

its all a bigger pain than its worth.

current mood: tired
current music: cruel summer - bananarama

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Thursday, April 25th, 2002
12:20 pm
this is all so frustrating.

i feel like im at a loss. i dislike my job.. no... wait.. i hate my job. the people are rude and favorites abound. it all just makes my head spin.

im tired of being treated like shit by people who don't matter. hell.. im tired of being treated like shit in general.

i really just want to go to school and get my life in order- but that cant happen, because im an adult and i have bills to pay.

current mood: frustrated
current music: sickness - disturbed

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Wednesday, April 24th, 2002
3:10 pm
i need to do something to jazz this up.

maybe when i have a moment to think... or breathe.

or when im drinking. cos thats always fun.

im in a funk.
and i dont know i can break out of it. its hard being dragged down by your friends.

i know i shouldnt let it get to me. i should just let it go- because its bullshit. this isnt high school... so we should all stop acting like it is.

current mood: frustrated
current music: thats the way love goes - janet

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Tuesday, April 23rd, 2002
3:51 pm - you may think you know....
but you have no idea.

yes i have another lj.

if you can read this. this is NOT about you.

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