05:22pm 20/08/2002

i tend to speak in riddles, and getting a straight answer out of me is indeed a notable moment. while i may act a little crazy, i am actually quite lucid and tend to be the voice of reason. my sanity is in a good balance with my insanity.

how mad are you?

this quiz was made by piksy

(Summer Sun?)

"I have his fa-sha."   
04:26pm 20/08/2002
mood: crazy
music: The Whole World--Outkast
Hi. Yesterday was bad, after i got home. I was in a really great mood all day though! SO let's just say i had a big ton of hw but school was fun! Okay...good. OH YEAH! and i got a schdule change...i'm outta spanish and into french! Could life be better?? (maybe)

(*)Geography(*) First thing i do is forget my stupid folder, so i had to use one of my passes. :-( AND THEN i didn't really even need the stinkin paper. Ughie. So then we took notes. But that class is quite enjoyable because of Mrs. Park, she's always happy!
(*)Journalism(*) Tatum, Avelighn, and I all sat together and we got so far on our little packets that we hafta do (that you don't know about since i didn't write yesterday! Okay, just so you know, it's just a packet titled "how well do you know dobie" and we hafta figure out these 100 questions about the school which is hard since we know no upperclassmen). So twards the end Tabatha came over and she copied our stuff.
(*)HR(*) Sat there. Looked at justin. Sat there.
(*)English(*) We did a timed essay on mythology. I did so-so. Mr. Park said something to troung about needing to go faster...hehe.
(*)Geometry(*) I GET IT! She's getting slightly better at explaining, though she could do better. She called on me and i got to a point and then i was like uuuuh. But then she called on oscar and he was confused and i wasn't all like omgosh anymore.
<<>> We laughed we cried, we discovered that Gabrielle likes justin too! Well, actually she just thinks he's cute. Cause i was like who? And she wa slike that guy. Then i turned around "subtully" and i was like =O That's Mr. Khaki!!! ANd she's like omgosh really!? lol And stelli says he's not overly cute, not overly ugly.
To class again... We finished notes and then we started hw. I felt really smart because i had to help tina! That was a first. But she was quick to pick it up.
(*)PE(*) WE went to that freakishly hot room. I was sweating just sittin there, as was everyone else. So we did this survey thing and we went to the gym since it's cooler in there. I got my uniform...:-( it's still the ugly grey and black thing. So then we went outside and cindy told me my skin looks smooth that was the best compliment ever! We just sat around after that.
(*)Bio(*) We went to the lab to get our "lab maps" ready. Afterwards we went back to class and we discussed chapter one. Ms. Walker doesn't seem THAT bad. She's nice enough..her voice just annoys me.
(*)FRENCH(*) I like french!! Ms. P___(Whatever her name is) is soo cool and i'm actually learning stuff. I can count to ten, and say blue. :-) There is also this guy Jacob, i think that's what his name was (i just looked at his id badge) and he's really nice seeming and he's also quite good looking. So french is proving to be really awesome!

Now i'm home. I only have some bio homework. Well, i'm just watchin mtv2 cause it's the rock hour or whatever. So that's bout all i have to say! Byebye!

(3 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

11:19pm 17/08/2002
mood: tired
music: My Friends over you.. (in my head)
This mornin i woke up and i did my geometry and my geography homework.

My momma and i went out and got all the school supplies for my brother and i. I ended up gettin 3 binders! I got lucky cause the cheap flimsy ones were in purdy colors therefore i got 2 of those then a white binder that has the hard cover. =D From there i think we went to target but we didn't really get anything there...just taking back.

We went home and got my brother and went to steak and ale...my daddy didn't wanna go. ANd we went and ate. Then at the end the guy was like, do you all want any dessert?? And my mom said no, my brother said yeah. SO he goes, i'll give you a free schoop of ice cream, but shhh. So that was nice.

Later on my mom and i went to ikea and i get all into everything when we get in there! I need to be an interior decorator when i grow up. i love doing that kinda thing! So i got a picture for my room which is bootyfull!
ON the way home my brotehr called and he was askin when we'd be home cause adam was going to his grandma's and he didin't want to go. So he was being so arguementative and i was getting annoyed. Then we got disconnected. SO my mom called them back and she sounded soooo p.oed! he told her he was just trying to make me mad. Err...he mad my mom madder than me.

Just been sittin round watchin tv and thinking of ideas to write about in my autobiography for english that i have to write tomorrow. Also, tomorrow we're going to the shoe place in pasadena and i'm gunna look into some pumas. I decided i don't like my nikes so we're takin them back and i'm gunna try the pumas again cause that's all i really want is pumas!!! Well, i'm off now. Byebye.

(1 Beach Go-er | Summer Sun?)

Today's events...   
11:38pm 16/08/2002
mood: sick
music: Aerial--System of a Down
OK, so last night i didn't get in til like 11:30 and i was just tired. So i finished gettin all my stuff for school togther and by that time it was like 12 and i just went to sleep.
This morning, i woke up at 5:45 to take a shower. Then i became very awake. At like 6:15 my daddy went to tell my brother goodbye, he was in the bath tub so my dad was just saying it through the door. When my dad walked in there, there was water seeping out of from under the door (our bathroom is in two sections, the shower and toilet and then the sink) so my dad goes, "What the hell is going on?!" And he opened the door and, thank the lord, my bro had just put the towl around his waist. So then my dad was like, "son wipe up the floor."
My mom went in there like 5 minutes later and i just heard her do her agrivated grunt. Then i went to see what was wrong and she goes, "RYAN! GET IN HERE!!" So all i saw was like my mom cleaing stuff up and taking so many towels out to the gargae. So then while she was cleaning i asked her what happened and she told me that my brother had fallen asleep in the tub, w/ the water still running, and the water had over flowed and wasl ike almost 2 inches deep in there. And the weird thing is, my brother gets in trouble waaay more than i do, and i swear it's not cause they favor me, it's cause he lacks common sense. I mean, you don't lay in the tub w/ your eyes closed and fall asleep while water comes up high enough to drown you. But he never seems to get phased by my parents getting mad at him. He just walks around like he always does...he's so weird.

So leslie got here and they took me to school. I was gunna go see the councelor bout a schedule change...but i hafta wait til monday. :-(
So i walk in and me and leslie part ways for my locker is conveniently on the first floor and her's, well, it isn't. So we met back up in 1st period.
^^Geography^^ - Channel one came on, in the morning, how weird (at bhi it wasn't played til 4th/8th period). So that took us back. lol We got a pop quiz type thing, but it didn't really count for anything, she just wanted to show us how geography is incorperated into our everyday lives. i got 18 right outta 40 which wasn't all that bad in the grand scheme of things. Then we started a w/s that...oh man, i didn't finish it! I have geography hw!!...moving on.
!!!Journalism!!! - Went in, sat down like yesterday. Cept today, i didn't get a desk so i sat in a roller chair. I takled to Avelyn the whole time (thank God for summer school and meeting her there) cause tatum moved over to talk to tabitha. Me and Avelyn discussed the differences between Bhi and thompson. This class was looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. (did i mention this class also gets me credit for BCIS...yippie! that's one less class to take!)
%%English%% - This class rocked...at least for today. Mr. Park, who i think is turning otu to be my favorite teacher, along w/ his wife, my geography teacher, talked to us about high school and his views on all that stuff. And he said that he thinks that the social aspect of high school is just about as important as the educational part, though the educational part sticks w/ you longer. Then he said,
"I know everyone wants to be *does hand quotes* DA BOMB *turns to ondrey* see i'm hip, i'm w/ it..."
Ondrey's response to that was, "Aparantly not, we don't say i'm hip anymore."
*class laughs*
Twards the end, we turned in our serveys and he was reading over them and he said, "whoa, someone's stuck in the 80's...this person likes Sum 41, Hank Williams, and Nirvana; i hope they mean Hank Williams Jr."
$Geometry$ - This woman absolutely sucks! She explains nothing, she told troung he needs new glasses cause he couldn't see from the back when in fact it was her horrible hand writing. Mrs. Higham wrote in purple, and she walked around and helped us w/ our work and it was a fun atmosphere. This is just...bad...
((Lunch)) I don't really rememebr any funny conversation that was particularly interesting.
When we got back, we finished notes, and did our hw.
^*^Pe^*^ - We finally found the stupid building. WE do run/walking things Monday/Wednesday/Friday and then Tuesday/Thursday are lecture days. Aparantly we're going to be able to "plan our own personalized fitness programs" at the end of this course...we'll see..
))Biology(( - We listened to her yap about dress code. Then we did a book survey thing...it's basically a small test that we do using the book. Then she came around and told about 7 of us girls we can't wear our shirts cause they're form fitting and they're form fitting...wahtever. If my momma doesnt have a problem w/ it, then neither should they. It's not like anyone can see anything. :-P But at least she was nice about it, and explained why we can't wear it...though it makes absolutely no sense since nobody else has said anything and i've sat right in front of mr. jamail (the principal) at lunch. it's rediculous.
~~Spanish~~ - I WANT OUT OUT OUT. I told my teacher i was planning to transfur out of there because she said i should be almost fluent by now in it and i'm not near that and almost everyone else in there is. Plus i just plain don't like the language. I wish i had lucas' teacher, they're class sounds so easy! So i'm looking into transfuring to french 1. There are 2 bad things about no spanish: 1: It's the one i'll use most since i'm down here w/ all the spanis hspeaking people and 2: i feel like i wasted 2 eyars in int. school taking a stupid subject and learning nothing. I was always able to get someone to help me last year, but this year everyone can speak it (they're all like juniors and most of them spoke spanish before the class). So yeah..i'm out.

Leslie's mom took me home again. I really hope she will be willing to do this for quite a while because i do not want to ride the bus home, though now i know when it comes and everything. So *crosses fingers*

Other than all that, i have a a chunk of hw to do (my 15 page auto-bio) and my stomach hurts sooo bad! It just started all the sudden bout 5 hours ago now. Well, i'm going to bed now, i'm sooo warn out. Byebye.

(Summer Sun?)

Been stressful..   
03:49pm 16/08/2002
  Hi. Yesderday i didn't update, so i hafta tell you bout that too!!

*since i'm trying to shorten this...lemme just say it poured all yesterday*

**Caution...this may be long and boring"

My Schedule:
World Geography-H
Spanish (soon to be french...i hope)

Alrighty. yesterday was my first day of high school. It was...good...for the most part. Here we go.

~>Homeroom<~ My mom took us (me and leslie)to school yesterday and we were the only two people that we saw had our books since we didn't know our lockers. So we went to hr. People didn't get there til like 7:45..school started at 7:30 but that was fine since it was so rainy. So my teacher said, yall all go to yalls lockers now and be back in 15 minutes! So we all went and i was the first one back cause mine is on the first floor. So when we got back, i was listening to the guys (justin, anthony, jeremy and jack) talk bout dirtbikes. Well, actually just anothony, jeremy and jack...justin is quiet. SO then i cut in.
~Me~ My brother has a yz 125.
*them* REALLY?!
~Me~ why would i lie?
*them* ooooh so he does!
^jack^ how the heck does he ride it, your brother is SMALL!
~me~ he can't touch the ground.
*them* oooooooh.
***justin*** do you ride?
~me~ i used to ride his 80, but i don't like the 125 since i cant touch the ground.
***justin*** cool.
so, I TALKED TO JUSTIN!!! Awesome huh?
So then justin kept puttin his feet under my desk and i kept accidentaly kickin them cause i'm a squirmy person. So we kinda talked when i did that. lol Homeroom was other and i was out in highschool...
~~>World Geography<~~ We have mrs. park. SHe's cool...i like her! We just talked about what we needed and stuff. Lotsa friends in this class.
~~>Journalism<~~ I had mrs. B...the woman i had for summer school. She said she was really unprepared and she was really suprised cause it's like 35 of us. There's not enough desks. So it's just me, tatum, tabitha, and avilyn--the rest is sophmores. So we talked the whole time.
~~>English<~~ Now i have mr. park (mrs. parks hubby). I think he's purdy cool too! He's funny. We gave us an assignment (i turned it in today) and he gave us another one (a 15 page autobiography on ourselves =O). but then he just talked to us while he held a crowbar.
~~>Geometry<~~ We got 2 sophmores...one is this good lookin dude, the other is leah...i used to know her. I got ***** in this class, lol, but i don't like him anymore and we don't talk...he's funny though. We walked in and we had to make this thing outta straws and string, took me forever, but wahtever. So this is my lunch period!!! I eat w/ carolina and stelli, then gabriella and amanda come and sit w/ us. ANd guess who has this lunch period too! JUSTIN! Eeep! (excited eep) i don't like this woman, i miss mrs. higham...i'm used to her style.
~~>Pe<~~ i don't really have anyone in this class i'm close too. I have cindy though. So me and her are gunna share lockers in there cause that's how it is. It's a bookwork class for most of the time. Tuesdays/Thursdays-bookwork Monday/Wednesday/Friday-workouts. All i hafta say is we better not swim!
~~>Biology<~~ It sounds like it'll be inetersting. The teacher's ok. This is a mostly thompson class though.
~~>Spanish<~~ oh gosh, it old you people i knew it was bad. I got the papercut from the book, then i get lost trying to find the class. So she told us we were gunna hafta know how to make conversation, i'm outta there. I'm switching to french asap (which is monday). I don't like spanish. iT sucks ass!!!

I met leslie by the pay phones and we had to go off to the bookroom and get a bio book. It took 30 minutes for one fricken book. So we went outside, it was still pouring. We decided to take it. So we walked all the way past the tennis courts and down to the side street. We were soaked. It was fun walkin in the rain though. The way to my house was kinda flooded so they took me back to leslie's house. My mom came and got me cause her car goesz through the water better than mrs. hargis'. So i was wezaring some of leslie's old clothes cause it was all wet.

So then i get home and i have this paper that's due tomorrie and my mom tells me we have lion king tickets and they won't refund our money (cause it was flooding everywhere)So we ended up going and i'm so glad! It was AWESOME!! The costumes were cool, and just the whole thing was coool! Well, i'm gunna go now...i decided to write about today later or tomorrie. Byebye!

(5 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

08:22pm 14/08/2002
  School starts tomorrow. I"m really quite nervous. I was looking at my schedule and i have a day like this: upstairs, downstairs, upstairs, upstairs, downstairs, downstairs, upstairs. And at the moment i don't know where my locker is, what the combination is or anything. :( That is so gay. Well, i hafta go press my pants, rumor has it they're wrinkly, and then i gotta shower. So i will let you know tomorrow afternoon how it goes. *crosses fingers*  

(4 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

Fishy Camp!   
10:50pm 13/08/2002
mood: flirty
music: Here w/ Me--Michelle Branch
Tonight was Fish Camp. At first i was kinda nervous and it's not like me to be. So first thing i do: trip into the building. =D lol So i walk into the "activity area" and i was then told i needed to go to the front to get my name tag and homeroom number while my mom tried to get seats in the very crouded autitorium. So it took like 20 (?) minutes to get my tag. Then we went into the auditorium and my mom was RIGHT THERE. No seats. :-( So then i found mai and she was in my hr! Then we found heather and she was too!

After listening to some dude talk for a few minutes we were called by hr to the front to get in our groups. I HAD BROOK IN MY HOMEROOM!!!!! That was the best thing ever!! lol So my homeroom is waaaay down the hall, outside, last building as far out as the t-buildings go! Yay. :P Ok, like i've said before i am boy crazy! i sat by the hottest guy in homeroom! I swear this guy is so entirely hot (to me cause estella didn't think he was goodlooking but gabriella did). But to my suprise, i only had like 10-15 people in homeroom. My teacher, Mr. Janise, was sooo young!! He's cool. So we did this "scavenger hunt", i'm not sure we were supposed to turn that in or what...i didn't. We had to find people w/ the criteria on the sheet. I didn't get many people...nobody did. Then we got this sheet that we were supposed to write like 5 goals on that we were to get back as seniors. I got 2 goals, and i didn't turn that in either. Oh well. So then, from there, off to my first Dobie pep rally.

Somehow i ended up being the 2nd to last in line (mai was last). I had to sit on the floor, which is fine w/ me. The band played...there is this really good looking drum player. lol So then the cheerleaders did their thing and i saw the exact reason why i'm not one, the fact that I CAN'T DANCE. The larietts just stood there. SOme of those girls should not be wearing that black, skintight, spandex, suit. We did the victory cheer (v-i-c-t-o-r-y that's the longhorns/freshman battle cry) that we did in 6th grade. And once again, nobody said ANYTHING!!! The sophmores kicked our butts cause the two drum players were sophmores beat on their drums lol. SO from there we went out into the cafeteria to get pizza (from papa johns just as i predicted). i didn'tget any, i just got a sprite. So me and lucas talked. He got his hair dyed WHITE. IT's purdy cool looking once ou get used to it. It goes well w/ his personality. So then it seemed as though people were leaving so we left. I finally found my mom and then she and i looked for leslie. We never found her but people kept tellin me she was lookin fo rme. So my momma and i went back to my hr to get my forms and stuff signed. *he* was there and i found out his name is Justin. Ahhh...nice name. ;-) so he and i and our moms left at the same time, but not together. lol ON the way into the building he kept looking back at me. Then this guy doug was in the hall (he went to thompson) he's good looking also but estella said he's really imature. Oh well, he's good eye candy (i love that phrase, thanks seventeen mag for that prhase!!). So my mom left and estella, leslie, gabriella, and i went and got our dance tickets. THen we had to go outside, then back inside (why?!) we stood in this mobish thing so we could get in. IT took forever cause people kept cuttin. So we went in there, it was more of a get together than a dnace dnace. they had a dj that played good music for the most part. So we all stood there and talked and i kept tryin to show them who Justin was. His name is Mr. Khaki cause he had a khaki sweater on....omgawd. He looked sooooo goood!!! :-D But for now i will refur too him as justin. LUcas kept telling me to follow him around so i did. He didn't hangout which his church buddies like normal. This one guy that lucas knew, came over and did this thing to my hand that was really weird/neat. lol I forgot his name. so then justin walked by and gabriella pushed me twards him and siad TALK and he kept walking but he turned back and smiled at me!! So then lucas left like 20 minutes into the stupid thing. Who's the
party pooper now? :p So me and les hung around til 9 the nwe went outside to meet my mom.

We drove leslie to her sisters house. And now i'm here and i just realized how much i wrote. lol OK

Mytholgy update/countdown.
* 50 pages left to read
* 3 dialectical journals to write
* 5 " " " to handwrite.

Ok that's all for now. I am an official high school student now and i'm really excited. :-)

(5 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

11:35pm 12/08/2002
  Why do i feel weird? I've been feeling really weird for these past few days. Maybe i just need to get back to school and be w/ my friends again? I don't know whta it is though. it's kinda like an empty feeling inside like something is missing. It's just kinda bothering and it makes me feel depressed. I don't know why i'm feeling this way...but i don't like it. I just had to tell someone this and i don't feel like having human feedback so there ya go. But Jean, if your reading this tomorrow, feel free to reply cause what you have to say is always interesing.  

(5 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

08:25pm 12/08/2002
  Today we went out to eat and it was really yummy! We went to Zio's Italion place. Better than Macaroni Grill. Um, i got my eyeshadow =D and my brother got his Chrome (cologne)!! It smells SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! Let's see what else. We went to tuesday morning and i got some new headphones for my cd player (yippie! i needed some! Mine are all bent outta wak cause i sleep in em) and we came home and redid the living room. It seems bigger now. Then we went to wally world and on the way back my brother was like: why did you break up w/ chris (right outta the blue he said that!) and i was like, uhhh (i had no reason to tell him) and my mom was like, ryan, people just do that ok? lol and i wa slike that's odd, i had nothing to say to that question lol. well, I just got back in from reading. I read for 2 hours and i only read like 30 pages!! That is sooooo little compared to what iw ould normally read. Stupid book! Anyway, so i only have 50 pages left and i need to read a lot tomorrie during the day since fishy camp lasts like all night! lol I hope i have someone in my homeroom that i know! THat would suck so much if i didn't. Duuude that would suck.
I want to see signs sooo bad! Leslie and her sister went to see it last night and i woulda gone but i hadn't showered and i had just gotten home from astroworld and i didn't wanna go to the movies all stinky =D and then mary, chris, johnny and megan went to see it the other night according to mary's journal lol. I haven't talked to her in a couple days. We're doing much better these days i think. =) That's really good. It makes me happier. Hehe.
Well, adam is now buggin me. And he probably won't leave. Yay, he left! Wow that was fast.

Well, here's a survey since kasey is bored.
10 bands you love
- new found glory
- linkin park
- staind
- incubus
- blink 182
- umm....green day
- dashboard confessional
- britney spears
- weezer
- jennifer lopez

9 things you're looking forward to
- high school
- meeting new people
- fishy camp
- finishing my book
- driving
- christmas
- my next outting with my friends whenever taht will eb
- ice cream
- chocolate lol

8 things that you wear daily
- underwear
- bra
- a shirt
- shorts
- socks
- earings
- my 2 hairbands (one is dark purple one is light lol)
- aaaand um, deoderent..there ya go!

7 things that annoy you
- whiners
- anna nicole smith (gah!!!)
- ignorance
- my momma when she keeps going "that is sooo stupid!" to my funny shows lol
- guys w/ long hair
- close talkers (y'know where they get up real close)
- mumbling

6 things you touch every day
- door knob
- computer
- mythology
- refrigerator
- my kitty cat
- clothes
- computer

5 things you do every morning
- wake up
- get dressed
- go to the little girls room lol
- wonder what time it is
- eat

4 people you'd like to spend more time with
- um, chris
- uh, leslie
- all the people from school that i haven't seen all summer
- ...

3 movies you could watch over and over
- that thing you do
- meet the parents
- sandlot

2 of your favourite songs at the moment
- downfall--trustcompany
- told you so--the hives

1 person you could spend the rest of your life with
- um..i dunno

(4 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

09:10pm 11/08/2002
  “Quizes“ )

“Surveys...just )

(Summer Sun?)

02:30pm 11/08/2002
mood: bored
music: The Energy--Audiovent & Points Of Authority--Linkin Park
Hi there. I went to astroworld today.

We got our season passes made...FINALLY! Mine, as always, turned out the best! My mom said i'm the only photogenic one in the family..i'm starting to belive her.

We went and rode the antique cars. My brother rode by himself, adn then i drove w/ my mom in the back seat. I couldn't drive for crap in those things. The stearing wheels don't turn... thank the lord for the metal thing that holds you on the "road" lol. So i stopped so my brother could catch up a bit, then i started off again, and he couldn't catch up cause mine went faster. So then i pulled up and i stopped cause i had this feeling my brother was going to ram into the back of me...he did. ANd i lurched foward and my neck got jerked and my mom hit his arm and the car bumped up like 4 feet, so good thing i left the space!

We wrode Texas Cyclone next and we had hot boys in front of us! Then one of them took of his had and he had ugly hair...hot boy was hot no more. lol (or no as hot as he was) SO that is like the BEST ride in the park, by my opinion cause i refuse to ride something that does upside-down.

From there we went over to the other side of the park on the little cars that go on the wire across the park. We rode Thunder river, against my will cause i didn't wanna get wet. So everytime we'd get to a part where i generally got wet, i wouldn't. So i made it through the whole ride thinking i was going to get wet. And just when the other boat his us to get us up on the conveyerbelt, i got SOAKED. My mom and the guy next to her that had heard us talking just busted out laughing. It was quite funny though. =D

From there to the Myan Mine Bender. I rode w/ my brother. He had to sit in my lap cause of the way the ride is designed so the whole time i had his sweaty head in my face *gags*. So we rode and the whole time he was like YEAH BABY!!!!!

When we were walkin under the cars that take you across the park all the sudden i heard this guy yell "i'm gunna get that bastards ass!!!" and i was like wtf?! So he was like "those bastards are in car #7 stop them!" Aparantly one of the guys in #7 spit out the cage thing and it hit this guys daughter. So he was like, kids stay here. THen we saw him and his wife running to the other side of the park (dumb) and that was the last we saw of it. But then we saw #7 headed back so i'm sure they didn't catch them. Park Security prolly just stopped the guys. I mean, they prolly didn't mean to hit anyone, the guys just hock their lugies and they dont' think bout it. Dorks..

We wrote this other thing that's nto so fun and we got dip and dots and left. As always i directed us out because i am the only one in the stinkin family, besides my daddy, that has a sense of direction. lol

Up next, a trip to wally world and target. We hafta get a wedding gift for this guy and hiw now wife at my dad's work. We're getting them Dawn Dishwashing Soap and flame boxers, just as listed on the gift registry list. :P =D

(6 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

11:30pm 10/08/2002
mood: Peeved
Hola hola. Today i went and got my hair cut FOR THE THIRD TIME. They still didn’t do as good as they ahve before, but wahtever. My mom just keeps snipping on it. :-\ Then we went to the new super target! it was cooool! Came home, watched trading spaces, played sims and watched tv. We died my hair...it’s kinda dark! It was supposed to be a “Natural Light Brown”. It looks like “Really Dark Brown”. EEEEER!! That makes me so mad. Well, g2g, talkin to Stelli. Byebye!! (oh yeah! and now that my hair is dark my cut looks too old for me. SheesH!)

Yo! )

(6 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

Weird dreams and weird happening (i know there should be an s on happenings but it doesn't work!)   
10:18am 09/08/2002
  Man, i had a weird dream last night.

For some reason i called chris (not the guy from leslie's church, or the one from school, the one i went out w/ back earlier in the year) and i was just talkin to him. Then Johnny came on the phone all the sudden. SO we talked for a while and then my brother ran in and asked if they could spend the night (wtf? lol) So my momma said yes (WTF?! lol)! So they came over and they spend the night. Johnny and my brother got along like really good and me and chris just hung out and talked. And i started liking him (IN THE DREAM NOT IN REAL LIFE). And then i got a job at marble slab in the galaria. so i had to work there for some weird dude and all these asian girls. Chris came to "work" and just talked to me while i worked. Then he left and my grandma who i visited a couple weeks ago came and i ran out and hugged her. SHe was just in shock that i was working. So i went back to my house and we went out back and played football (the 4 of us, me, chris, my bro and johnny). Then chris called his mom and he had to go home cause h had to go to work. So that night i went to sleep (in the dream mind you) and i woke up and i went to my brother's room and johnny was alseep w/ drool everywhere (LOL!).

So that's it. It was just really weird. And this i woke up at 8:30!!! WHY!? I mean, the day i don't want to be awake, cause noone is home, i wake up early. Err. Oh well, momma has half the day off. She'll be home in abut 2 hours.

*We were out of bread and all i wanted was toast..so i called my mom to see if she had any hidden anywhere and there was some in the garage freezer.
*I cut myself more than usual when shaving my legs (i am a horrible shaver and i cut myself quite a bit. and leslie, i have a scar from that one time. lol)
*I AM NORMAL - nuff said.

(1 Beach Go-er | Summer Sun?)

Surveys...sorry guys!   
09:37pm 08/08/2002
  01. I hurt: my eye, i rubbed it too hard.
02. I love: my family and friends
03. I hate: OKRA
04. I cry: hardly ever
05. I fear: fire, drowning, burglars, ect.
06. I hope: i finish mytholgoy before school starts and that school starts good.
08. I feel alone: sometimes
09. I kill: ants lol
10. I talk: quite a little bit
Read more... )
a metal: silver
an object: water bottle
a weapon: knife
an animal: rooster
a natural phenomenon: an eclips?
a book: MYTHOLOGY!!
a dish: King Ranch Chicken
a politician: George W Bush lol
Read more... )

(Summer Sun?)

*sings to tune of my girl* my day, my day, my day, talkin bout...myyy daaaay....MY DAY!   
05:50pm 07/08/2002
  I forgot to tell you that on monday all the a-l last named people (me!) went to school to get my Id badge and my books. I got 4 books..ick. I wanted my locker to put the books in but i didn't get one yet.

Let us see here...oh i didn't update yesterday! I found out that all the M-z people that went to school today got their lockers!!! How unfair is that?! And we have come to find there are many a person who were supposed to be put in honors english that weren't. And so far, they're all from our old english teacher's 4th period. lol But yes, people are having major probs w/ schedules. and another thing. My friends that have the same classes as i got differnet books. Cause they told me to not get a bio book and to get math, geography, and geometry. They told tram though to just get bio and geography. ISn't that weird? Oh well.

Last night i fell asleep in my parents room. That was the worse night of sleep i've ever gotten! It was freakin cold!! So all i had was the sheets so i curled up in a lil ball but that didn't help. The i kept waking up. Then the alarm went off at 4:30!!! So i woke up and "played possom" cause i was pretending to be asleep so they wouldn't talk to me while my momma and daddy were gettin ready for work lol.

I woke up when my brother threw the phone at my head and said: I'm taking a shower, call granny and paw paw. So i went back to sleep and then i woke back up and went to shower. Then they (my grandparents)came and got us and we went to eat a picadilly.

When we walked in the guy in front of us was like Hey! And at first i was just like um, ok? But then i was like OOOH IT'S NOLAN!! He was our old mailman. He delivered the mail for like 15 years over here. But then a few years back he got moved. But we had baught some property from his mom so he and my btorher talked about that the whole way through the line. So we ate. ANd then we went back to my grandparents house.

While there, i reviewed Mythology on the internet cause i forgot my book. THen i did a mile on the stationary bike and i was PUMPED! =D

My mom came and got us and we came home and she said: Kasey, i'm asserting my parental power...GO READ! lol So i did for once. I read for like an hour and a half. I finished the chapter on Odysius and then i went back and read the chapter about the Trojan War that i had skipped. The temp dropped from 95 to 80 while i was out there! It was very relaxing...my little fan got a break! lol (OH COOL! FASHION EMERGENCY IS COMEING ON! =D)

Well, i can't wait til school starts. We have "fishcamp" (where all the freshman go and get in their homerooms and we get our lockers and such. Then there's a dance after that to "get tio know the class of 2006" but nobody is really going so i don't really want to. Cause i'll just stand there w/ leslie cause we don't approch people. lol

(4 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

Went out and had me some fun (kiinda)!   
11:07pm 05/08/2002
  Tonight i went to church w/ leslie for the youth thing cause she had never gone and she wanted me w/ her so she wasn't alone. At her church, it's all pearland people so she doesn't know anyone. They all have their cliques so it's hard to break in.
So i walekd in and my first thought: OMGAWD! HER CHURCH HAS HOT GUYS!!! there was this one guy who was really cute...i think his name was chris. Sheesh...i alwasy like people w/ the name chris.So we were talking a bit and then we played a game to see who could pop a balloon the fasted and we did some questions. Then we sang. So she was talking about the guy she likes and she was kinda sad he wasn't there. So i was like, You'd go to thise just to see him?! And she was like uhhh...YOU WOULD! During the bible thing it seemed like that chris guy was looking at me...even if he wasn't...COOl! LOL So after we did all the "church-like" activities, we went to lazer quest. That was purdy fun. There i met a few of leslie's "friends" (i put that in quotes cause she knows them but she doesn't talk to them). lol And when we were in lazer quest leslie and i were sittin at this table and he and his other friend who was also really cute were sittin in the party room and it looked like he (chris) was looking at me. Then when we went into the thing where we get our packs to play and he got the pack right behind mine. =D While we were playin i kept runnin into him (not literally, just seein him) and we kept shootin each other. His name waws butter! lol Let's see, what else. So we talekd to these 2 girls, there were in 7th but they were purdy cool. So then we were debating bout whether to play another game and we saw leslie's momma so we left. I was really hungry! So now i'm just chillin.

(3 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

03:32pm 04/08/2002
mood: creative
music: Warning--Incubus
The one--Gary Allan

No rush, though I need your touch,
I won't rush your heart.
Until you feel on solid ground,
Until your strength is found.
I'll fill those canyons in your soul,
Like a river, lead you home.
And I'll walk a step behind,
In the shadows, so you shine.
Just ask it will be done,
And I will prove my love,
Until you're sure that I'm the one.
More )

I love that song!

Okay lets see what i have done today! When i woke up i ate as always. My mommy brought me a knew hair straitener that works ever so much better! Then i went into the bathroom to read in there. Yes the bathroom. I wasn't sittin on the crapper or nothing, i was on the floor! lol I read good in there!! There's no distractions! ANYWAY THOUGH. leslie called and we discussed our plans for tomorrie (she's taken me to school to get our id badges and books @ 1). And she also invited me to go w/ her to church tomorrie night to the youth deallie. We're goin to lazer quest...yippie! What else have i been up to? I helped jean get her colors for her lj strait...i think they're a bit too pastel, but she likes them so it's all good! OH yeah...
i want to say a big old huge thank you to leslie's momma in advance for taking me to school this year!!! =D

I lurve my scanner cause i've used it 2X in the time i've had it (which is 2 days!)

There's nothing else to say really. Oh yeah one more thing! I ws watching the highlights from the Texans/cowboy's scrimage...the cowboys beat us 7-zip. We better get w/ the program! lol (i will give em a lil slack considerin this is their first year playin!)


(Summer Sun?)

03:32pm 04/08/2002
mood: creative
music: Warning--Incubus
The one--Gary Allan

No rush, though I need your touch,
I won't rush your heart.
Until you feel on solid ground,
Until your strength is found.
I'll fill those canyons in your soul,
Like a river, lead you home.
And I'll walk a step behind,
In the shadows, so you shine.
Just ask it will be done,
And I will prove my love,
Until you're sure that I'm the one.
More )

I love that song!

Okay lets see what i have done today! When i woke up i ate as always. My mommy brought me a knew hair straitener that works ever so much better! Then i went into the bathroom to read in there. Yes the bathroom. I wasn't sittin on the crapper or nothing, i was on the floor! lol I read good in there!! There's no distractions! ANYWAY THOUGH. leslie called and we discussed our plans for tomorrie (she's taken me to school to get our id badges and books @ 1). And she also invited me to go w/ her to church tomorrie night to the youth deallie. We're goin to lazer quest...yippie! What else have i been up to? I helped jean get her colors for her lj strait...i think they're a bit too pastel, but she likes them so it's all good! OH yeah...
i want to say a big old huge thank you to leslie's momma in advance for taking me to school this year!!! =D

I lurve my scanner cause i've used it 2X in the time i've had it (which is 2 days!)

There's nothing else to say really. Oh yeah one more thing! I ws watching the highlights from the Texans/cowboy's scrimage...the cowboys beat us 7-zip. We better get w/ the program! lol (i will give em a lil slack considerin this is their first year playin!)


(5 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

I'm baaaack!   
10:44pm 03/08/2002
  Heeey! I got back from my granny's today! Lemme tell ya bout it.
At first i was kinda iffy bout the whole thing cause i never have fun...but this time i did kinda!

We got to jasper round 6. Um, we didn't do anything cept put our stuff down, take our showers, and just sit around.
My brother and Charlie (he's kinda like my paw paw, but we're not blood related. my grandpa archer died back in the 70's before i was born so i never knew him. so charlie is our "grandpa" though we call him charlie. lol) went fishin around 4:30am! I woke up around 10 and my granny and i went around jasper lookin for school pants. Didnt find any. The rest of the day we sat around, watched tv, read, computer, nothing all that exciting.
Fishing again for my bro and charlie. My granny and i went and got our hair cut at like 7:30! That was EARLY! So after that we went to Lufkin (cause jasper is really small and there's nowhere to go). That was about an hour drive. On the way there we passed through this town that had 647 people!! My school LAST year had more people than that! The 6th and 7th grade could make up that whole town!!! Then we went through other little towns that had between 1,000 and 2,000 people. THat's crazy! The school i will go to now could make up those towns. lol (jasper only has 8,000-someodd people). So we went up there and went browsin around the mall and we ate there. We ate in the mall and we were in the place about an hour or so because my grandma kept tellin me bout when my daddy and clay (my uncle) were little kids and she told me bout dave (my grandpa that had died). It was really interesting!! We left because her knee was bothering her and we went to Pier 1...that place had some cool stuff. We went back to jasper and we kept talking all the way back. we got back to jasper bout noon and my bro was asleep on the couch. I went and read some of my book and then my brother and i went out back (they have a HUGE back yard and then lotsa woods behind their house...it's so cool!) and we went down by the barn (for the boat, not like chickens and stuff, they're not hillbillies!) and played frisbee. There was this fly thing that kept buzzin in my ear and i thought it was a bee. Hehe. Then we came in and lounged around.
My day to go back home. We went to the luby's in beaumont and met my momma. On the way there (this just sticks in my mind for some reason) and my bro said somethin to charlie and charlie goes: Well, kiss my......FOOT!! that was funny. When we were eating my grandma said something like: all these boys were lookin at kasey at the mall. And she asked me if i noticed and is aid i didn't (but i thought i did, sometimes i think i just think i see them) I dunno, i get really embarassed bout stuff like that lol Oh well, s'all good! =D So when we left, charlie showed us a differnt way to get home since there was alot of traffic on I-10. So i slept most of the way home and we got home and this house down the street had had a mini van backed into their house! =O Um...my mom and i went out to get a hair straitener for me (my hair's already strait but it makes it stariter!!). We ended up bein gone for like 3 hours because we went down to the texas city mall to get shoes for my brother. AND I GOT SOME TOO!! We ended up getting the same shoe, except for the male and female that are different colors. lol...their the same size and everything! All i've done sicne we got home, is watch that thing you do. Well, as of now, nature is calling (oooh freaks and geeks is comin on!) so i gotta go answer. Tootaloo!

(3 Beach Go-ers | Summer Sun?)

1 hour...59 minutes...58...57..   
01:17pm 31/07/2002
  I have un hora til i voy. =D I'm workin no mucho espanol into my every-dia life!!

My brother is driving me LOCA!!!! I swear! That boy is running around singing (horibly i might add) Complicated by Avril Lavigne. gah! Y'know what i don't get about her (avril)? She always talks about how she hates pop and stuff. ANd how britney spears is so...pop (lol) and all that but to me, avril is more pop that britney. britney is more hip-hop these days. that just kinda bugs me bout avril.

Well, hafta go! byebye!!

(1 Beach Go-er | Summer Sun?)