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suuuuurveeeeeeeyy [15 Nov 2002|04:48pm]
Number of people on my lj friends list: 26, which 5 of them are communities
...whom I've met in person: 5
...whom I've met in person more than once: 4
...whose house I've been to: 3
...who have been to my house: 2
...who LIVE in my house: 1
...whose full names I know offhand: 5
...whom I've followed/been in touch with for more than 3 years: 2
...whose journal I consider myself "addicted" to: at the moment: 9
...whom I've lived with: 1
...who I'd do: 0
...who I've snogged: 0
...who I have naked pictures of: 2. hahah.

muahahhahahh [15 Nov 2002|04:31pm]
[ mood | hyper ]


I was getting a little sleepy, so I grabbed a can of pepsi. It wasn't helping much, so i reached for...


I ordered some caffeinated mints online awhile back. 3 mints = the caffeine in one can of cola. They work, lemme tell you. I just ate, oh, TEN or so of those little buggers in addition to the pepsi I was already drinking.

I'm all loopy and giggly right now. I had to put the mints away. I don't want to give my self a MyoCardial Infarct. *SEE MYLES I CAN USE THE MEDICAL TERMSES!*


Look out Myles! I'm coming over there in one hour. There's a tickle fight coming your way! ahhahah!!

It's too bad I was in a hurry and forgot my gymbag at home today. I really could use a workout to burn off some of this energy, heh.

I made a quiz about MEEEEEEEE [15 Nov 2002|12:01am]
Take my Quiz on!

I threw a couple trick questions in there... it should be worth a look see. Most of em are deadly easy. :)

Interesting... [13 Nov 2002|04:06pm]
I take these silly things every now and then when I catch them on peoples LJs


-- Click Here To Take The Test --

2 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

I will not fear the free weights... [13 Nov 2002|03:04pm]
[ mood | nervous ]

I'm staring at my computer clock, frightened, knowing it's going to be 5:30 eventually, and I am going to the gym. Why am I scared today? Because I have vowed to eschew the namby-pamby universal gym and "isolation" machines for the real deal.

we're talking barbells, people. If I'm going to get in shape, i might as well do it on the proper. Strengthen that core, and ride the metabolism wave! WHOO!

I've always been leery of freeweights for some dumb reason. Maybe it's cause i pulled a lower back muscle BADLY in grade 9 deadlifting far more than i should have attempted. Back in college, when i was on a roll, and going to the gym diligently for a few months, I had managed to love the dumbells, but wouldn't touch the barbells.

(sidenote: I stopped going to the gym when I got mono... my energy level is JUST NOW getting back to where it was back in march of 2000. sad, isn't it?)

TODAY WILL BE DIFFERENT (hopefully). My chickenshit ass is going to do 2 sets of 10 reps of the basic exercises AND LIKE IT. Squats, Deads, Lat Pulldowns, Bench Press, Bicep Curls. I would do some calf raises, but I have YET to do them without injuring myself, and my shoes aren't the most adequate. Luckily, I have genetically superior calves, so working them intentionally won't be needed quite as much. I will have to get on it eventually.

What did I just forget? Abs. Fucking Abs. I want to try and use the ball to do crunches on, but I'm afraid I'll make a fool of myself and fall off. Maybe I'll just hop on the roman chair and do my abs that way. Abs are my proverbial achilles' heel. Next to my hamstrings, I suppose. BUT, I GOTTA DO THIS RIGHT! MOTIVAAAAAATE! MOOOTIIVAAATE!

*whimpers* dont let the big gym men steal all the light plates okay?

3 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

hahaha [12 Nov 2002|04:37pm]
Shame on me.
4 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

GREAT weekend! [11 Nov 2002|10:18pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

aah, It's so nice when you have a weekend, and you actually use it to its fullest capacity.

GO SEE 8 MILE everyone. seriously. it was sweeeet.

On the way back from IMAX on Sunday, My head was fucking cold, so I decided I needed to buy a toque. We stopped by Mountain Equipment Co-op to get me one. I got a cozy fleece one. And some fleece gloves that actually FIT. While we were there, I saw This Fleece Jacket , AND I ABSOLUTLEY MUST HAVE IT! Not the goofy purple color,though. Black or charcoal.

I'm all stoked to have my MEC membership. I don't do a lot of outdoorsy stuff, save for walking (WHEN ITS ABOVE ZERO!), but the store does have a lot of products I can use, and buy people for gifts and stuff. I swear, I'm the only one in my group of friends and family that doesn't like to go camping, backpacking, run triathlons or any of that other silly stuff. I saw they had NiMH Batteries and chargers there. I want to do a price check and see if they're any cheaper there than anywhere else, considering I've been going through batteries like NUTS with my Digital Camera. It eats up batteries CRAZY-like.

In other news, I had supper, and one hour later, I drank a can of boost cause I was STILL hungry.

what am I now? FUCKING HUNGRY!

2 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

The estimate keeps rising.... [08 Nov 2002|03:45pm]
[ mood | shocked ]

My fucking neon!

Keeping track, people? It started off as a quickie 60 dollar fix, plus an oil change and filter. It has grown to a rear seal replacement, complete head and gasket rebuild, oil change, filter, and some other odds and ends. Last estimate was 700 bucks. I was okay with 700 bucks, even though last sunday he told me 400. (This was before we realized the head was more or less TOAST)

today, Dad calls me at work.

..."are you sitting down?"
"uh-oh... how much is it?"
"it's looking like 800 bucks, so that 1100 your mom was talking about looks about right."
"come again?"
"They just finished rebuilding the head. it's 800 bucks."
"PLUS labor?"
"yep. that'll be around 300. I had him read off what they did to it... its a long list."

1100 bucks. ELEVEN. HUNDRED.

can you imagine what the dealer would charge me? a rear seal replacement at the dealer is 1000 alone! This head nonsese would have been around 2 grand on top of that!


I'll be so glad when it's fixed. and so help me god, if the car gets hit by a drunk and written off while i'm parked one day, I'm taking all these new parts with me!

3 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

big Pimpin' [05 Nov 2002|11:48pm]
Just like the girls on Higgins!
1 booyah |Whatsupwitdat?

I must NOT Meddle. [05 Nov 2002|11:20pm]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

You know when two people break up? and they still want to be together, despite some heartbreak and bad feelings? When one party tells the other not to call anymore, but you know it's only so they won't break down and ask them back out again?

Is it alright to meddle just a LIIITTLE bit in the name of all that is good and holy?

They made an amazing couple. Some mistakes were made, but it doesn't mean they cant get back together does it? And If they won'y call each other, it's okay for me to oh, say, send along a little message (being very clear it's unsolicited, and I'm sending it because it was my idea) to one party? You know, to get that ball rolling again....

*bites knuckles*

4 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

Motivation = Zero. [05 Nov 2002|09:50pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]

I stayed at work until 7:00 tonight.

I think I'll reward myself for my hard work by not goin to the gym tomorrow :P


BAD CREDIT! [04 Nov 2002|03:57pm]
I have bad credit.

I just went to the bank to consolidate again. WITH A COSIGNER, my loan is at 13.5%.
the new loan amount? 13,500. muahahha.

This would not have been necessary had my car not developed TWO OIL LEAKS. It's a good thing My dad knows a mechanic who does work cheap. I have a leak at the rear seal and the head gasket needs replacing or something cause its leaking there too. 18 hours of work to take my damn car apart and fix everything. I hope he doesn't find anything else wrong in there. My honest, cheap labor mechanic is charging me 600 bucks or so. At a dealer, I'd be looking at 1600 bucks or so. ACK ACK ACK. This is not counting the Wheel Alignment, belt that needs changing, and the fixing of whatever is messing with my electrical system. ugh.

The good thing however, is should this loan go through, I will have effectively consolidated all my debt in a PROPER fashion. Closed the savings account with the 400 dollar overdraft that I don't use, gotten rid of the 550 dollar bay card bill and hacked the card to pieces, cleared out my 500 dollar checking overdraft, paid offf the 400 owing on the visa, plus some spare cash for car repairs and parking tickets.

Come January, once I have everything kosher and under control, we start savings strategies to get my credit back on track so I can buy that condo someday :)

ok [02 Nov 2002|01:31pm]
[ mood | determined ]

ok memery. keep your fingers out of your eyes. KEEP EM OUT!

I'm wearing my contacts for the first time in like a month or so today. Since the day i got the wicked bad eye infection.

I will not poke my eyes.
I will not poke my eyes.
I will not poke my eyes.

4 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

I am the source of all that is good. [29 Oct 2002|04:11pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]

Today is one of those days where I feel like I'm buzzing with anticipation for one thing or another. It's payday on Thursday, so that factors in somehow.

I decided it would be a good idea to call and make an eye appointment, considering I REALLY need new glasses. Not just a new prescription, but new frames as well. I got these frames in '98 or '99, and just got new lenses put in last February instead of buying new ones. BUT when they stuck the new lenses in, they somehow buggered the frames, and my right lens is constantly threatening to pop out.

New frames are a good idea regardless. These are standard "rest on the bridge of your nose" type frames, and I have a very narrow bridge. Every time i wear these, I get a big red groove on me nose, and it looks more painful than it actually is. I can't believe i put up with this for almost 4 years, however.

My next ones are going to be more elegant-looking ones with nose pads instead of clunky plastic dealies. I have a couple styles in mind, but will narrow it down more when i actually go to get them. I'm definitely considering something rectangular, since the ones I tried on last time that were that shape looked really sweet. I'm getting bored of these catty ones.

I also need new contacts, and I REALLY hope I can actually wear them again. I haven't tried to put in my contacts since my eye infection incident a few weeks ago, and I'm down to my last pair. I think I'll try wearing them to work a couple days this week and see how it goes. I really don't want to start wearing my glasses all the time again.... (AGAIN?? My lazy arse has been wearing em pretty much non-stop anyway!) plus, I have to have the contacts for working out, and I'm joining the gym within the week.

If i manage to be able to wear my contacts on a daily basis again, I also have to make a serious attempt to keep my fucking fingers out of my eyes. Thats's what caused the infection I think... I'm always poking at my contacts, and picking away mucus and such. silly memeroo.


grr. [28 Oct 2002|02:53pm]
They done blocked and re-routed the highway, the damn roads were icy and I took an hour and 20 minutes to complete my usual 35 minute drive to work. people were driving like 20km/h. THATS PARKING LOT SPEED! ugh.


Aside from my hatred of the snowfall of last night, the past few days have been kickass. I had an awesome weekend. Friday I stayed over at Myles' as usual, and we watched some rasslin' and the Original Kings of Comedy. I need a copy of that for my own collection. GOLD. Saturday night was the first of a series of "card nights" at Laurie's place. It's basically an excuse to get a bunch of us together every 2 weeks for a hearty game of asshole, and chatting the night away. This is the best idea ever. It's good that we can get a crew together and hang out on a regular basis. A lot of us have been feeling like our social lives are getting stagnant.

Yesterday my dad took my car to Keith's (our mechanic) to get looked at, and It may just be an O-ring to an oxygen filter (or something like that) that needs to be fixed to stop my oil leak. They tightened some stuff that was loose on the engine and it looked otherwise okay. This will be nice. I was afraid this was going to be a major fixup job.

HOWEEEEEEVER.... something is wacky with my front axle. I might have knocked something around when i went over that uberbump back in may. Dad says something is grinding when we make left turns. My left turn signal is all wack too, but thats nothing new.

I still have a belt that needs changing from the uberbumpitude, and an interior light that has been coming on intermittently since i got my door replaced.

I am SOOOO tempted to fix all the broken bits on the car and sell it for something else. Like a MAC. *drool*

A MAC won't drive me to work in the morning though.
1 booyah |Whatsupwitdat?

blech! [25 Oct 2002|11:15am]
[ mood | nauseated ]

Ok, health-conscious folks... I'm talking to YOU.

Has anyone tried meal-replacement drinks? (the canned sort - boost, ensure, etc.). I'm trying to find one that doesn't taste like utter crap. I can't have the slim-fast ones, since they need to be lactose-free. I'm trying new ways to get healthy, and I've noticed I'm VERRRRY lethargic lately. I'm getting my gym membership next week, but I need to get more protein into my diet... hence the drinks.

I'm half way through a 225ml can of Ensure Chocolate, and its gonna make me puke, i swear. I have to sip the ensure, then gulp water to get the chalky taste outta my mouth.

any reccommendations? ugh.

5 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

Digital Cameral Goodness [20 Oct 2002|08:34pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

Oh yes, my pretties... It's ON now!

I have the digital camera and I am ready for action! muahahahaha!
Once I have cash for webhosting I should consider being a cam h0e. heh.

6 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

BORED! [19 Oct 2002|11:35pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Holy GAWD am I ever bored.

I'm not used to being at home on weekends doing nothing. Myles has some papers to write this weekend, so we decided not to get together and do anything today or tomorrow. I was over there late last night so we at least got to see some of each other :)

man, what am I going to do with myself once he starts his residency and needs to be at the hospital like 70-100 hours a week?

Well, I could always kill time taking pictures with my NEW DIGITAL CAMERA!! WHOOOO!!! .... Yes, I finally bought one. A Canon a40. :) I haven't used it too much yet. I think I might play with it tomorrow a bit, if it isn't too cold... maybe take a few pictures of buildings and stuff.

Now that I have the camera, Me and my seester are going to start hawking our stuff on ebay. She has an addiction to purses, and has a bunch of em she wants to sell. I just have a bunch of random crap (including all my old sailor moon crap collection) that I don't really need.

Hey, maybe i can use the ebay money to pay for some web hosting. I've been meaning to get a site together for years now. I think I'll probably just set one up as a place to keep all my digital camera pix, so i can link em to LJ and send em to my friends and stuff.


mah face! [13 Oct 2002|02:23am]
I'm posting this mostly as a reminder to myself to call my damn dentist when i get to work on tuesday.

I've been looking at plastic surgery websites again today. My chin and jaw are seriously beginning to piss me off. I know i go through occasional phases where I decide I need cosmetic surgery to fix my face, but I am beginning to think that there is actually a more logical reason for the imbalance.

I've known for some time now that I have Temporomandibular Joint issues. (ok,so TECHNICALLY its a disorder, but I say issues, since Im pretty sure they can be fixed.)

2 years ago when i saw the specialists about my jaw, they determined that teeth grinding and the resulting muscle spasms and nonsense were my main problem. I have since recieved physiotherapy and (for the most part) stopped grinding my teeth. I had an MRI to look for degeneration of the disc in the joint, but I really can't recall anyone mentioning malocclusionto me, despite my slight overbite,and the fact that my overall bite is warped.

(to those who know these things: HOW MANY of your teeth are actually supposed to be touching each other in a "normal" bite? I think at any given time, I have two teeth on each side touching, and the rest are not.)

I've been doing a bit of looking around on the net regarding orthodontics and jaw alignment surgeries. I've known for awhile that my bite is not as even as it should be. (duh) I thought it was because of the TMJ being all fecked up, but it could be vice versa.

anyhoo... I want to have a yap with my dentist to see if my teeth themselves might be the issue. I know I have an uncle that needed to get all of his back teeth capped to realign his bite. I need a root canal anyway, so might as well do it all at once. haha. I also have a smallish bottom jaw. Not so much small as in nonvisible, but small as in narrow. Any time i've had any dental work done, The people digging away at my cakehole have remarked how hard it is sometimes to maneuver around to the back teeth.

Now, I'm not saying I particularily WANT to have my damn jaw sawed in half and get braces, but I do have a dental plan that kicks in in 2 months, and it might be a good time to start considering my options. My back teeth are all feeling very "wrong" to me these days. Mostly because of my avoiding chewing on the tooth that needs the root canal.

It's a good thing I don't fear dentists. I keep having issues with me teef.
6 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

ouch. [11 Oct 2002|03:07pm]
[ mood | sore ]

i am going to have to type this entry mostly with my left hand, as my right is fux0red. there is a tendon going down my hand between the ring & pinky fingers that is causing me some serious discomfort here.

im not sure if its the keyboard or the mouse that is the culprit here.... at any rate, one of em will need to be switched fot one with better ergonomics on tuesday after the long weekend.

anyone with experience in these matters have any advice? Me no likey de pain.

3 booyahs |Whatsupwitdat?

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