A Snap Shot Into My Life

Monday, May 24, 2004

10:47PM - mwhahahahahahaha

i aint got nothing to do.

Current mood: bored

(1 thing | say somethig)

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

12:50PM - ROM

ok so i want to go to ROM but i want to know when my friends want to go so we can go togethr, but they won't answer my e-mails. boo friends.

(1 thing | say somethig)

Thursday, May 13, 2004

6:16PM - stolen

plese answer

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds you of me?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. How well do you know me?
12. When's the last time you saw me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?

Current mood: relaxed

(say somethig)

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

2:51PM - fresh

so i feel as though me and my bed have had suffencent time to catch up and get reaquainted with each other so i shall venture out side of my house. where i will go; not sure. perhaps i'll go over to lab tomarrow.

during the months spent in college i've changed, and sometimes i wonder if it will stop because it's the summer. will i cease to discover new things about myself. i hope not.

anyway i'm looking forward to seeing my friends again. i miss them. they're cool people.

Current mood: calm

(say somethig)

Monday, May 10, 2004


How High Is Your Sex Drive?
Your Sex Drive Level Is.. - 90%
This QuickKwiz by eva71 - Taken 121567 Times.

(say somethig)


What do you dream about?
Zodiac Sign:
Fav. Color Combo:
Your dreams generally include: Sexy men and women
Approximate number of monthly nightmares: 100
The worst monster you've seen in a dream:
Your dreams are usually in full color
Percentage of dreams involving sex - 94%
Will your dreams ever come true? (8) - Yes. - (8)
This QuickKwiz by cutelilangelx - Taken 52984 Times.

(say somethig)

7:17PM - home. home and dry.

it's so nice to be back in chicago. no more corn. it's just a very relaxing feeling being somewhere familiar. i don't know who my new roommate will be for next year. i really hope he's cool. but for right now i'm keeping some shit bottled up.

Current mood: content

(say somethig)

Friday, May 7, 2004

11:11PM - i'm done

it's all over. my first year in college is in the books. freedom taste soooooo good, along with some greasy-a MicyD.

Current mood: chipper

(say somethig)

3:19PM - so close

freedom is so close i can taste it. as of right now i have one more final to go to tonight at 7. mmmmmmmmmm physics. anyway i'm almost done packing. can't wait to go back home, and have super crazy crazy adventures. damn it chris now i'm saying things twice. anyway it'll be fun.

Current mood: anxious

(say somethig)

Thursday, May 6, 2004

11:10PM - once again

ok, so here i am again. i'm done with a portion of a chapter of my life. the point in the movie where the problem begins to appear. the portion of the soundtrack where the strings come in and swell. that part of the play where we hear the first big ballad. the one where the main charater is in the middle of the stage, arms raised with the spot light shining right before the end of the scene. not real sure how the rest of the movie is going to pan out. not sure of what plot twist to put in or what kind of cliche young adult turning point will be placed in act two. but maybe now would be the perfect time to put together the sound track of my life.

with out a doubt there will be toby lightman, and of course some missy elliot. but above all i must find that one pop song that will be the fist single. i'm open to suggestions.

Current mood: contemplative
Current music: R.E.M - Losing My Religion

(say somethig)

Wednesday, May 5, 2004

11:44AM - realizations

ok so it's comming down to the wire. one more GD test to go. i can't wait to get out of hear. while here i've realized that more then ever people really annoy me. and not just any people. generally people my own damn age. not that my friends annoy me, just the other random people in my generation. i most of them to be incredibly stupid and i'm worried if it is because i just think that i'm better then them. and yet i can't help but think that these people are just idiot. is there any hope for me to change?

mostlikely no. i'm mean i feel that most of the people are stupid because the ignorent. and seeing as that is the case then yes they are truly the village idiots. but does that mean I'm better then them? and futhermore should i feel like i'm better then them? and if i truly think that i am better then them, does that make me the same? so many damn questions. so much hatred for my idiot roommate. i really do hate him and Jason Mraz. someone needs to rip out his vocal cords.

in other possibly more happier news i finally found a place to get and iced mocha out here. a much needed coffee drink.

Current mood: thoughtful
Current music: PInk - God is a DJ

(say somethig)

Sunday, May 2, 2004

11:08PM - 3 to go

3 more test to go and my first year of college will be over and yet i have yet to go to a single bacchanalia. i need to get on that. oh well. i should go study for my Calc final but it's not until 1 so i gots some time.

any who. just watched "10.5" how fucked up would it be if that particular event where to actually happen.

in other news just heared on the telly that it reached 96 degrees in Cali. damn. just damn. and it's only May. damn. and yet people don't have a problem with this. um hello GLOBAL WARMING. i'm just saying. so now i think i will get some sleep so i can wake up and fail my final. joy.

Current mood: complacent

(1 thing | say somethig)

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

9:08AM - pondering

I think i'm tired of beng me. ot so much the physical me, and not so much the mental me either. just certain portion of me. just tiny things that i want to change. like my abilty to write. or beng able to rollerblade. sometimes i wonder what it would be like to be someone else. sometimes i wonder what it would be like to hve everything i wanted just for one day. but then i think that maybe i can change and i'm just to damn afraid or just don't fucking care enough to try. and if i can't answer these damned questions my own fucking self, then who the fuck can?

i really wish i had super powers. like telepathy, or telekanesis, or just something funky like my ultimate super person. the ability to shoot lighting bolts from my hands, and sonic booms. i'd would call my self Shock Wave. and i'd have blue hair with white highlites. yeah that would be cool.

maybe should explor the things that i want to be different about myself. like try a different way of writing and just write something and change it until i like it. any whoo. although i must say that i am very proud of myself that i was able to read 3 non school books this year. that has never happend, ever.

now looking back on it, this entire year has been on slow progressive changing period in my life. but i wonder will it stop before i'm done like some half baked cake or solf boiled egg. maybe it will be like people say "change is good" all i know is that right now i'd diffently would have to agree. change is good, and it feels good too.

Current mood: thoughtful
Current music: Good Charlotte - Thank You Mom

(say somethig)

Thursday, April 22, 2004

5:08PM - sex, drug and an eraser

ok so i lied, there is no sex. so on to the drugs. here at purdue i have just been given a huge shopping list of drugs and some of their street names. and here's the list:

Cocaine: snow, blow, coke, flake, nose candy, white lady, crack.
Effects: Euphorias, insomnia, loss of appetite, excitation, increased pulse rate and blood pressure.
Withdrawl Syndrome (WS): yes Physical & Psychological Depednece (PD & PsD): high

Stimulants (other than crack): Speed, uppers, black beuaties, pep pills, co-pilots, hearts, methamphetamine, crank, ccrystal, meth, ice, methedrine.
Efeects: Increased heart & respiratory rates, elecated blood preassure,m euphoria, headache, insomnia, dizziness, blurred vision, physical collapse, tremores, possible death.
WS: yes PD: no PsD: high

Cannabis: pot, weed reefer, Acapulco gold, Thai Sticks, grass marijuana.
Effects: euphoriam relaxed inhibitions, increased appetite, disoriented behavior, decreased concertration or coordination, lowered retention of information.
WS: yes PD: not clearly understood PsD: moderate

Narcotic: Opium, Morphine, Codeine, Heroin, horse, ssmackm, Big H, black tar, junk, mud, diacetylmorphine, hydromorphone, meperdine
Effects: euphoria, drowsiness, nausea, constricted pupils, respiratory depression.
WS: yes. PD: high PsD: high

Depressants (other then the alcohol) red decils, yellow jackets, downers, blue devils, barbs, gutehimide, chloral hydrate.
Effects: slurred speech, altered perceptions, staggering walk, druken-like, behavior.
WS: yes PD: moderate to high PsD: moderate to high

Hallucinogens: LSD, acid, microdot, green or red dreagon, white lightning, sugar cubes, blue heaven, windowpane, mesc, buttons, cactus, ecstasy, PCP, angel dust, hog, dummy dust, super kools.
Effects: illusions and hallucinations, poor perception of time and distance.
WS: unknown PD: none PsD: unknown; some can be high

Alcohol: the sweet, sweet hooch. BAC(%):

.02 Relaxed feeling, less self-conscious
.05 Increased relaxed feelings, less alert, less coordinated
.08 Impaired coordination and judgment
.10 Typically have embarrassing behavior, moody slow reaction time
.15 Drasticall impaired coordination and balance
.30 Possible to lose consciousness
.40 Probable to lose consciousness, death is a possibility
.50 Will lose consciousness and stop breathing, death is a strong possibility

and i brought an eraser.

now for some fun facts about McyDee. apparently they stole the "I'm Lovin' It" from a Justin T song. No wonder he's the new commercial guy.

Current mood: amused
Current music: the radio

(say somethig)

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

2:35PM - growing left

i'm staring to change. i don't know what i'm changing into but it's happening and i'm not in control but at the same time i am. i no longer want the same things out of life, or at least i don't want those things at this exact moment. i no longer crave love, or a relationship. instead i want to reconnect with those who i now care about me. to see their faces again, to share our moments together again. that's what i need right now to be.

and yet that is not the only change that is happening. i still want some of the same things that i once craved for at the beginning of this year, but in a different way. not so much in a grown-up way, if the even exist, but just in a new way. in a new package that i have never seen before. i want to find something new about something old. a new level of the game, another path to take in the fork-in-the-road, a new corridor in the hallway of my life.

even with all of this happening i can't help but wonder "when and why did this all happen? and what does it mean?"

now even the smaller things have changed. like music. i have always an eclectic taste for music, but now some of the genres have made me want to change the radio station. take rock. i used to like the heavier stuff, but my roommate constant listening of it at levels that will surely make him deaf have caused me not to want to listen to it any more, or at least not as much. and in it's place new music has come in to make me happy. i have begun to listen to way more techno then before, R&B; has really made my ears happy. and then there are Toby Lightman and Tori Amos. now Tori, i happen to enjoy a couple of her songs, but i would have never given her a chance if it wasn't for my english class. and Toby, well i just love her. and though i have just found her i'm already pissed that i'm going to miss her concert in Chicago.

but i guess what i want now more then anything is the knowledge of what this all means. just some sort of inkling, a clue. i just want to be able to put all the pieces together, and say "yeah that's the answer." however if i knew that there would be no point in living. so in reality i guess i don't want the answer, but just some sort of file cabinet for it all to keep things straight and orderly.

Current mood: satisfied
Current music: roommates crap-ass music

(say somethig)

Monday, April 19, 2004

5:21PM - yay

no more shall I, Nate of Wiley have to see the dumb-ass T.A. Scott of Chem 115 aka tweak.

Current mood: ecstatic
Current music: none

(say somethig)

Sunday, April 18, 2004

11:43PM - volume

saw Kill Bill volume II yesterday, and i must say it was orgasmic. kudos to Daryl Hannah, she was awesome. and Uma Thurman kicks ass. loved the credits. and Quentin rules.

on another note i think that everyone should go out and get the Toby Lightman CD. 'cause i used to have angels. they used to watch over me. when love was not a stranger, but love ain't what it used to be. and i don't want these devil. they're knocking at my door. so, I can't love you no more no more.

Current mood: happy
Current music: Toby Lightman - Devils and Angels

(2 things | say somethig)

Friday, April 16, 2004

7:35PM - ok people

What do you consider to be a home?

Current mood: curious
Current music: Justin T - Senorita

(3 things | say somethig)

Thursday, April 15, 2004

11:49AM - finally someone gets me

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

it's so true

Current music: The Price is Right

(1 thing | say somethig)

Monday, April 12, 2004

9:44PM - saddness

it's really sad when your watching a show about plastic surgery and the person is walking down the street and behind them you see a CTA bus go by and you reconize it. only in was on screen for like a 1/10 of a second. does that mean something?

Current mood: dorky

(say somethig)

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