Friday, January 31, 2003
i guess it just goes to show you that some robots like to be ridden and some robots are breast men. you never know what you're going to end up with in bed with a robot. at least, that's what i always say.
5:31:44 PM
breaking news
click here for an important secret message from the Kowgirl.
2:25:51 PM
hope not
c/o Adam
12:44:04 PM
animal art
taxidermy artiste extraordinaire Carlee Fernandez has a new and beautiful redesign of her website up. of special interest are the fantastic photographs of her latest series, "Still Lifes," featuring gently speared parakeets and chicks, as well as a strawberry sprouting bunny and a rat bearing grapes. if you haven't seen Carlee's work before, take a peek at her unique take on home supplies and luggage. you can also see a clip about artists who work in the dearly departed animal milieu here. [thanks: Geisha!]
11:30:06 AM
Thursday, January 30, 2003
mr sticky shoes speaks
9:02:25 PM
for the love of god, help me
lord knows that i'm still reeling from not being nominated for a Bloggie. "Best Blog Written by a Porn Monger" was so mine if the whole thing hadn't been rigged. but, here's my next best chance.
i want to win either "Best Nude Blogger Who Wears Clothes" or "Most Frequent Discusser of Sex & Nudity on a Blog While Refusing to Put Out." or, just make something up and tell me about it.
8:52:33 PM
thome thampleth of thexy album coverth
8:26:10 PM
ah, today. what a day. the first half of the day was spent sending out missives about "Live from the Blogosphere!" the second half of the day was spent attempting to avoid internal hysteria by falling asleep while watching, "Keep the River on Your Right: A Modern Cannibal Tale." a very strange way to sleep indeed, as it played on. not especially soothing nor entirely recommended. i am very nervous about the TV show. what does one do? what does one. i don't know. my shrink says:
It's normal to get invested in a desired outcome in an intense way such that other things come to an emotional halt. But for you, wanting something like this and being close to it in the real world is a psychological holy grail of sorts and it stirs up the demons, demons like XXX and XXX...and certainly if anyone even approximates either reaction, it's going to be incendiary for you. You go out of your way not to be helplessly "waiting" like this and the helplessness of it is very disturbing and even a bit traumatic I think. What do you think?
6:43:14 PM
there was a snafu with the "Live from the Blogosphere!" event webpage.
the new one is here. please feel free to distribute at will with great vigor.
9:26:47 AM
Wednesday, January 29, 2003
the "Live from the Blogosphere!" blog panel event webpage is now online!
now go run and tell all your little blogger friends.
3:09:31 PM
some things i am thinking about
1. the press release for the panel on blogging will be up shortly. we are just waiting for the event's webpage to join us here in cyberspace. we are all very excited. actually, we are muy excitedito.
2. what's up with people who create rules for bloggers? contextualize your links. write with clarity. post with regularity. maybe a frog should wear diapers in the pond. blog rules make as much sense.
3. i have been carrying on a very fascinating email correspondence with a young man who emailed me after i posted a "zoo" link not long ago. subsequently, he disclosed to me that he had an intimate relationship with the family dog when he was an adolescent. since then, he has provided me with some great links for the RCB. in the next few days, i will be writing a list of questions for a Q&A with him regarding being a "zoo," which i will post here. in the meantime, today he sent me a link to a very odd, ah, "zoo-themed" textual-and-visual essay that includes live-action clips starring ladies getting to know dogs in the biblical sense. i am not sure if i should link to it. i have already posted pictures of dead bodies and links to stories about people who sell animal phallus dildos, though. and, i was all put out when MSNBC wouldn't link to me. so, i will post it. i would like to go on record as saying you should not look at this if you are sensitive. or a dog. or think of women as especially sacred. also, it's in Spanish or something, so i don't know what it says. but, hey, at least it's not the same old blog entry bullshit everywhere every day about whatever the mainstream media is covering.
2:46:18 PM
Tuesday, January 28, 2003
and then the meeting was postponed until Friday
12:22:34 PM
Monday, January 27, 2003
i have a lot of nervous energy
10:57:28 AM
Friday, January 24, 2003
i am naughty
i am such a bad girl. i am sorry i did not post today. there have been some last minute major reconceptualizings of the TV show that involved my generating 40 new possible story ideas in 24 hours. it came out pretty swell. the idea for the show is different now. less me, which i very much like because i am wildly uninteresting to myself when compared to bukkake. i love the new angle, and, in fact, i like it so much that i will not be mentioning it right now because you never know if Anka is still alive and kicking and could be reading this as we speak and might take it and stuff it in her pocket. not that she would do that. or maybe she would. how the hell would i know? i was supposed to meet her at a gangbang once, but i can't remember if she showed up. in any case, my TV show will be pitched Monday morning. i will know my TV fate Monday or Tuesday. so, please, if you like Sex & Porn, won't you get down on your knees in front of your TV set when no one else is looking this weekend and say a prayer to the TV God for me? would you? really, i say, i would be ever so grateful.
7:25:24 PM
Thursday, January 23, 2003
my archenemy!
4:40:19 PM
real cowgirls like pinups
3:43:33 PM
bukkake military
important. must study. classified. thank you, Xeni.
3:01:19 PM
damn, i'm excited about this. on Sunday, American Undercover's latest installment, "The Virtual Corpse" premiers on HBO at 11pm. this show gives the behind-the-scenes tale of the convict who left his body to science. after his execution, he was hacked into wafer-thin slices as part of the Visible Human Project. all of his pieces were then digitally photographed and now live on in cyberspace as a 3D virtual version of the human body. wait, yo, i'm buggin'! check this out! oooh, egad! and they even have a Visible Woman now! check out her boobs! LOL! soft tissue cadaver scans make me horny! ohmigod, wait! check out her animated 3D crotch! ah, some days, life is grand.
2:18:19 PM
i didn't get nominated for a bloggie. i can't believe it. i was under the impression that "She Who Mentions Bukkake The Most Times In A Blog Wins." apparently, this is not the case. i only found out after the voting was done that cheating is the way to go. next time, i wish somebody would tell me that beforehand. thanks for nothing, people.
1:48:43 PM
1:35:39 PM
read alert
Ol' Porn Journal has an entry about attending the Porn Oscars. in it, he poses for a picture with a woman with tremendously huge boobs and winds up with a girl who renders his father's offer to buy him a whore a moot point.
1:30:34 PM
© Copyright 2003 Susannah Breslin.
Last update:
1/31/2003; 5:35:38 PM.