History's Most Secret Conspiracy
The reform of English spelling is one of those
things that are obviously good ideas to some people and a species of insanity
to others. I have always fallen into the first category, maybe because I have
always liked languages. Compared to most European languages, English is
actually pretty simple. However, intrinsically more complicated languages are
often easier to learn than English, for the simple reason you can learn their
spelling systems in the course of an afternoon. Something is wrong with English
that should be fixed.
Trying to change the graphical representation
of the most widely spoken language in the history of the world is an extraordinarily
radical proposition, so I am not about to hit you over the head with the whole
thing on the introductory page. Just browse a little. Consult with the Dead
People, check out the dubious Schemes, and do not neglect the subversive Links.
If you are one of those who have always thought something should be done about
English spelling, this site can put you in touch with others of like mind. If
you are one of those to whom the very idea of changing spelling never occurred,
this site may help to open up your sense of the possible.
Fiction, Nonfiction in Reformed Spelling
Recently Reformed Spellings
Yes! It is already happening!
(Updated May
7, 2001)
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---John J. Reilly
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There have been visitors to this page November 5, 1997. On November 14, 1998, some of its original content was moved here.
Copyright © 1998 by John J. Reilly