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Captain Yossarian

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from the 'Attorney General' dept. [01 Nov 2002|08:08pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Shamen - Boss Drum ]

Random encounter: Last night Shannon and I went to a bar in downtown Chicago for a Halloween party and met Joe Birkett, one of the candidates for Attorney General in Illinois. He was apparently just cruising the bars on Division, talking to people before the election. As he walked by I said (due to Shannon daring me), 'Great costume! You look just like Joe Birkett!' He grinned and shook my hand, and I asked him how he was doing in the polls, trying to appear duly impressed and as if I really cared about any of it. Heh.

Other than that, it was pretty uneventful except Shannon's costume was great. For the third year in a row, she made a Jiffy Pop costume where she made a big cardboard pan wrapped in aluminum foil and filled it with popcorn, which she wore around her waist, held up by some fabric with a drawstring she sewed together. I think everybody in the bar had some of the popcorn--we filled the pan with six huge bags of popcorn from Wal-Mart and I think most of it was eaten. A bunch of people came up and said, 'That is by far the best costume in here!' if not, 'That's the coolest/most original costume I've ever seen!' We went to that particular bar because it said on Metromix that they were supposed to have a costume contest with great prizes, which turned out to be a lie. Metromix also said the bar had 178 microbrews on tap, which was also a lie--they had maybe 12 beers, including all the standard American crap. So it was kind of a let-down, but still reasonably fun. I went as a mime, after a botched attempt at a 'blue man reject' costume where I was supposed to be painted with glow-in-the-dark paint instead of blue. We tried to make some glow-in-the-dark paint with some white makeup mixed with the content from some glow sticks. Note to self: do NOT put that shit on your skin! It may be non-toxic, but it's nasty. It smells like shit and it burns after a few minutes. Not pleasant. It did look pretty cool, though. ;) The only costume that was as cool as Shannon's was some guy dressed as Blade. He looked exactly like Blade, it was one of the best costumes I've ever seen, probably professional. Some guy came up to Shannon and said, 'Your costume is the best here except the white guy dressed as Blade!' We looked at him and said, 'That guy's white? No way.' He insisted he was, but I don't believe it. If so, it was not just a great costume, but an unbelievable one. Anyway, next year we plan to find a better party with real prizes.

Not much else is up, just working and saving a bunch of money. I've been applying for another job, I've had four phone interviews and one personal interview with two people at the company, I'm expecting to hear from them with an offer this coming week. I'm not interested unless they offer me significantly more than what I'm making now, as it would involve a lot of travel throughout the midwest (actually as far south as Texas) and is almost certainly a suit-and-tie affair, which isn't really my cup of tea. Where I work now is a 15 minute commute, I can wear a t-shirt and jeans (I was finally asked not to wear shorts, but got away with it for quite a while), and it's a nice mellow place to work. The only drawback really is that as a consultant I have no benefits; health insurance would be especially nice, since I have MS. My contract will be finished in a week or so and the company has the option to hire me directly, but they have a hiring freeze on, so I doubt it's going to happen. They did get permission to extend my contract indefinitely, but that means no raise and no benefits, both of which I'd get at this other job. So there's some options to weigh, but I'm glad I have options as a programmer in this economy. I'm actually doing fairly well, especially not having a degree. ;)

I'm a little burned out on writing Windows apps and database code, though, so we're taking a much needed break to go visit our families in Idaho. We leave Wednesday and come back Tuesday, spending most of our time in Boise where Shannon's parents live (and I was born, though I only lived there for a year) and a little bit in Pocatello visiting my father and grandfather. That should be cool. Shannon bought some Northwestern swag for her parents today--they like to have sweatshirts and stuff from the universities she's been at. Her dad is a golfer, too, so we got him some cool white and purple Northwestern golf balls. :)

Well, that's it for now. Shannon's making some pumpkin flan and we may watch Monsters, Inc., which I rented the other day.

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from the 'Internal Investigations' dept. [26 Oct 2002|11:20am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | The Dandy Warhols ]

A bizarre email that went out company wide where I work not too long ago. The email was promptly removed from the mail server by the company, so not many people actually received it, including myself. I just obtained a copy from a co-worker who mailed himself a copy at home.

To: All [XXX] employees
Subject: Harrassment and Pending Lawsuit

It is with regret that I must resort to such measures. However, It needs to be done and truth and integrity must prevail. I have been placed in the most horrid of of working conditions, supported by the management team here at the [XXX] site in Chicago Illinois. As a previous Internal Fraud Investigator it became apparent to me that there is a major cover-up and suppression tactics are being used to subvert the truth and to obstruct justice.

There is a investigation being conducted at the [XXX] corporate office. And I do know that for some reason I have been targeted for termination to prevent me from talking to the investigative team. I have been placed under constant survelliance, my computer remotely monitored and my conversation screened. Where there was no fault the employess (namely the Quality Assurance Team, [XXX]'s boys, Technical Assurance, Front Security) to name a few have sought diligently to terminate me. The telephone system has been altered to prevent an accurate flow of calls. Good customers who have spent thousands of dollars attempting to call and receive assistance are hanging up and cancelling services because they cannot get thru the line. Work loads are heavy and morale is very low.

I will follow up with a class Action Lawsuit against [XXX]. I have collected sufficent information as well as captured Video of the Behavior of Certian individuals who will be named in the lawsuit.

Since I have not had the opportunity to talk with the Investigative team. I will talk in court and express the concerns I have and the odd packages that were delivered to the Front Security Desk but refused and not signed for.

Respectfully, [XXX]
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from the 'Past Lives' dept. [23 Oct 2002|08:49pm]
I decided to pull all my profile crap, but I'm saving it here for myself. )
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from the 'Computer Science' dept. [23 Oct 2002|08:43pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Miles Davis - Kind of Blue ]

This cracks me up:

bozo sort

Definition: A terribly inefficient sort algorithm that randomly swaps items until they are in order.
Just when you thought you had a handle on search algorithms, something new and unexpected comes along. ;)
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from the 'I know kung fu' dept. [17 Oct 2002|09:06pm]
[ mood | amused ]


balceste: if you don't already have it, you don't need it.

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from the 'Did you get the memo?' dept. [13 Sep 2002|08:50pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Today's amusing email:

W32.Klez.E is a dangerous virus that spread through email.
Mcafee give you the W32.Klez.E removal tools

For more information,please visit
It came with an attachment called install.exe. Guess that's a sort of clever way to spread a virus, in a message purporting to warn people about it...! Of course, the poor spelling and grammar don't really make it convincing. Wonder if these script kiddies and overseas schmucks code as poorly as they write? If so, little need to worry about the virus. ;)
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[10 Sep 2002|11:33pm]
[ mood | uneasy ]
[ music | Air Conditioning ]

Vanilla Sky was much stranger, and much better than I expected. It may be one of those rare movies that leaves me tripped out for a day or two.

And now, to sleep, perchance to dream....

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from the 'Time Travel' dept. [02 Sep 2002|05:47pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace - All For You ]

A weird random email from July 7th that I've been meaning to post since then, but forgot about:


If you are a time traveler or alien and or in possession of government or alien technology I need your help! My entire life and health has been messed with by evil beings! If you have access to the carbon copy replica model #50 3000 series, the dimensional warp, temporal reversion or something similar please reply! I simply need the safest method of transferring my
consciousness or returning to my younger self with my current mind/memory. I need an advanced time traveler to work with who can help me, I would prefer someone with access to teleportation as well as a variety different types of time travel. This is not a joke! I am serious! Please send a separate email to me at: if you can help! Thanks


Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
( on Sunday, July 7, 2002 at 10:12:25

x: i

And here's another of approximately the same vintage:
From: your long lost friend (

hi we are luke's secret following
we love luke fictitious
we are also your long lost friend
this email has nothing to do with
we just wanted to say hi
and have a beautifull day!
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ICQ spam from today and a haiku [31 Aug 2002|11:15am]
[ mood | amused ]

Willene Varela( Subject: I'm leaving you for a bigger man RVFRSS

think about haiku
constrained to these syllables
what a strange art form
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I live on the writers' block. [18 Aug 2002|01:02am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | Ah, blessed air conditioning on another hot, muggy Chicago night ]

According to the eMode True Talent Test:

Walker, your true talent is verbal ability

You seem to know how to pick the right words for almost every occasion. Beyond your ability to interpret information and articulate your points, you appear to understand the power and aesthetic appeal behind language. Your verbal knowledge can make you versatile in expressing yourself. And your skills in this arena also allow you to pick up subtle meanings behind what people say.

These specialized communication skills can be of huge value in a variety of business and social environments.
Today I've been told, independently, by punkassbioch and girl_on_a_stick (who I messaged today out of the blue to ask if she caught the Chicago airshow, noticing that she was online) that I should get back into writing. As you may have noticed, I pretty much dropped off the face of the earth here after moving to Chicago, and particularly after starting my job, which I've been at for three solid months now.

I have so much to say.

But so little energy to say it.

And so many reservations about saying some of it here.

Hence my lack of writing. Prose, anyway--I've been writing so much C++ I see it in my sleep. Seriously. I dream about C++, and talk about it in my sleep, according to Shannon. And Oreos, as she already said and constantly teases me about. :)

In an interesting twist, Shannon has started to write her own book about her experiences in a lab of psychos (not in the exaggerative sense most people use) in Montana. I've read some of it, and it's shocking, funny, and promising. She hopes to get it published so we can get the car we're currently infatuated with (the Audi TT. Yeah, it's just a silly little dream of ours--especially since it's not a dog car, something that wouldn't go over with our little queen Millie) and maybe actually buy a place to live, in a place we'd like to live. It's a cool dream, I want her to do it. And not just because I'd like to drive her TT. ;)

What about me, you say? Good question. My problem for years has been that I don't really have a dream. I was about to say that I've never really had a dream, but that's patently false--I've almost always been a big dreamer. When I was a kid I was obsessed with Legos, and wanted to be a Lego set designer. I had some other little fixations, like being a jet pilot (something I remembered and was relating to Shannon today at the air show), a comic book writer, a musician, and an actor. None of it panned out of course, due to lack of motivation and/or talent, so I settled on robotics for some reason, and went to college at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1992 (choosing it over Carnegie-Mellon and not waiting to hear about my waitlist status at MIT). I'm sure I've related the sordid tale before, I was essentially screwed over by their admittedly excellent marketing campaign (oh yes, expensive colleges have marketing flacks galore! They just call them 'admissions counselors' and other seemingly academic names) and I headed back to the Idaho town I'd sworn I was leaving forever. I didn't stay long, and I haven't gone back since I left, but...I'm rambling. This isn't my point.

My point was that I don't have a dream. I've had them in the past, even as recently as early 2000 when I was living in Albuquerque. I think I can name two things that destroyed the dreams I harboured at the time, and have been continually flaunting my attempts at adopting new ones. The first was being diagnosed with MS, out of the blue, at the age of 25. That really crushed me in a lot of ways, and I'd probably still be crushed if I hadn't made such an incredible recovery. (On a side note, I don't really know how I'll handle it if/when it hits me hard again.) The second was reading the Ishmael books by Daniel Quinn. I've already, as usual, written far more than I intended, and I'd like to go to bed. I have way too much on my mind to say it all tonight, even if I wanted to.

Again, my point: my dreams were kicked in the nuts primarily by two events, only one of which was, to my knowledge, even remotely my fault. (And I certainly didn't know reading a book would affect me so much.) So what to do? I don't know. I feel a need to align my actions with my values, and I can't seem to accept a dream that doesn't a. make sense, and b. coincide with my values, meaning mainly that it doesn't contribute to the destruction of the planet. As you can see, that's a problem, as we all are actively contributing to our planet's demise, though some of us try to keep our impact to a minimum. This train of thought keeps bringing me back to an idea for a novel I've had percolating in my head for about two years now; perhaps it's time to start writing it. I'm not going to talk about it here, though. In one of the writing books I read a few months back, Writing Down the Bones, I think, it said to avoid discussing stuff you want to write with anyone. For one, it gets the need to get it out in the open off your chest, and secondly it exposes you to criticism at a stage where it may not be productive, but may just make you abandon a nascent project with potential. Something like that, anyway. At any rate, I'm not talking about it here or with anyone. So there. :P

Didn't I have a point? Not really, I guess. I'll just leave it at this, and go to sleep wondering why any of this is important, and why I spent any time writing it all down.

On a totally pointless note, I'm writing this on my new Thinkpad R31, sitting on the couch, over my new wireless LAN. There are some perks to having a job that pays well, despite the soul-sucking drawbacks. :)

Oh--one more thing. I went through and did a little housecleaning on my friends list months ago, taking off people I didn't think read my journal anymore. If you do, and I removed you, let me know...! Also be aware that I haven't read any LJ stuff for months and don't really have any desire to do so at the moment. That may change, but who knows.
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from the 'Measurements' dept. [23 Jun 2002|11:10pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

MS150 my ass. We did over 170 miles! Over 80 on Saturday, and just over 90 today. I'm very tired and a few places on me hurt badly. But I rode longer than I ever have before in a day or a weekend. Time to crash, more later.

Oh, and I have two words to describe Illinois: HOT and HUMID. Ugh!

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from the 'Bicycle' dept. [21 Jun 2002|10:36pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | Seinfeld ]

I hope to get back to writing here soon, I have a lot to write about. It'll be easier when I have my own computer here, and/or when I get myself a cheap laptop for writing. Soon.

Anyway, tomorrow is MS150--75 miles of biking! Then 75 more on Sunday. Eek! Got all my pledges, got my bike in good shape, got as much training in as I could in the short amount of time I had after getting my bike and shoes and stuff, and...well, this is it. I'm a little scared, a little excited. And really in no mood to write more than that. Need to go pack and get some sleep, we're dropping Millie off with some friends and planning to be at the UIC campus before 7am...yuck! But boy, will I sleep well tomorrow and Sunday night. Sitting down on Monday, however, may not be so easy. ;)

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from the 'Payroll' dept. [04 Jun 2002|11:57pm]
[ mood | up past my bedtime ]
[ music | Frasier ]

Your Daily Horoscope for June 04, 2002
Dear Walker,
Today you could open your doors to some new business, Walker. A spirit of enterprise could be in the air. If you have been looking for a new job, today you could hear word that you have been granted the position. If you have been trying to expand your clientele, today you could receive some enthusiastic new business. It's a day for feeling good about your efforts. You've been working hard, and you should now see that you're making progress! much stuff queued up in my head and in various notes to write about, but I just haven't been in a writing mood. I'm most of the way through Writing Down the Bones, though, so who knows. There was a part I read in there today talking about how taking a long break from writing can be the best thing sometimes; let thoughts slosh around in your head and ferment, then dump them into a widely portable format. (You'd never know I've spent the last two weeks writing database code, would you?)

At any rate, this is not the time for that ('This is not the time, Kato, this is not the time! This is the time!') but I wanted to at least get a few things down. For one, I got paid for my first week today, at long last. My check was just over $592 for four days work, after taxes. Not too bad, even more than I expected...! Last week was also a four day week (I haven't been with the staffing company long enough to get paid holidays, but the Fourth of July should be paid) so my next check will be the same, but after that I'll be getting about $740 a week. Crazy! That will pay my expenses, give me a nice chunk of cash to repay my mom for bailing me out of my credit card debt, give me a little to play with, and some to save for when I go back to school. Now I just have to sort out my bank situation, because my bank account is with Bank of America in Idaho, and they don't seem to have any branches anywhere near here in Chicago. So I'm going to go start an account at Shannon's bank tomorrow, I think, but that means I'll have to wait for my debit card to show up before I can buy some bike shorts and other little odds and ends I need. I have a debit card on my B of A account already, but can't make deposits without mailing them. I also need to put a little money into my B of A account before I close it as it's about $10 overdrawn. Well, if these are the worst things I have to worry about, I'm in pretty good shape.

My job has improved quite a bit, and I've apparently made a very favorable impression on my boss, as he told me yesterday that he already discussed bringing me on as a regular employee (I'm employed through a recruiting agency at the moment) with his boss. He asked if I was interested, and I told him I was, but they'll have to make me a good offer before I say yes. One big advantage would be benefits, but if that was the only advantage (that is, if they didn't also offer me a little more money) I might hold out and see if the recruiting agency can set me up with another gig for more money when this contract runs out. I mean, I like working at this place, but if I'm going to be building pyramids I want to get as much money for it as possible so I can take a break from it later and go back to school, or be a bum and write, or something. I have tons more stuff to say about the job, working in general, and the people I work with (like the guy I've never seen in the cubicle on the other side of the wall who likes to say 'Fuck!', throw his stapler, and complain on the phone to somebody about the immigration problems he seems to be running into with his mail-order Thai bride) but that will have to wait. The other thing about working full-time is that it takes so much out of me...ugh. This is late for me. How the hell did that happen? I feel so old. ;)

Tonight Shannon and I picked up some filet mignons at Jewel Osco--they were only about $6 a pound!--and she made a fantastic dinner with those, a sweet potato casserole, and a bit of pinot noir we picked up at Trader Joe's when we went there this weekend. Trader Joe's was very cool; we got a bunch of nifty snacks, my favorite of which is, by far, wasabi peanuts. They rock! Peanuts is a wasabi shell, they have a real bite to them. Mmmm. And we picked up some incredibly inexpensive (all less than $10, I think, most more like $6) French and Italian wines, which stocked the little wine rack Shannon has quite prettily. The one we tried tonight seemed pretty tasty to me, but I'm no wine connoisseur--that's more Shannon's department. Anyway, the wine selection there was pretty massive, wines from France, Italy, Australia, Hungary, United States, Germany, Austria, and more, and cheap! For all I know, they all suck, but I'm hoping not. We also hit up IKEA for their supposedly huge sale, which really wasn't much of a sale at all. We were hoping to find a desk or bookshelf or something for a bargain, but alas--no such luck. We did get the makin's for some shelves, a chair (no more sitting on an ammo can to use the computer!!), a plastic bag dispenser for the bags we use to clean up after Millie, a piece of scrap wood to put under the front edge of the dresser to make up for the unbelievably crooked floor in the bedroom (the piece of wood is probably about 3/4" thick and just barely leveled the dresser out!), and some other odds and ends I've forgotten. It was a pretty good weekend, all in all, and they should only improve now that we'll have a little extra money to spend on refinements ('Well, well--this show could use some refinements!') and entertainment, like exploring Chicago, seeing some concerts, and going to the theatre--though I plan to hit up the half-price HotTix place in Skokie. I mean, just because you have money doesn't mean you shouldn't be thrifty, right? There's a lesson I learned the hard way. Ugh.

Speaking of Chicago stuff, we accidentally missed a chance to see a Cubs game! The guy at the recruiting agency had an extra pair of tickets to the game on Saturday and left a message on Shannon's phone about 5pm on Friday. We didn't check the voicemail until about an hour after the game had already started on Saturday because the message indicator doesn't seem to work correctly. Suck! Not that we're baseball fans or anything, really, but it would just be cool to actually go to a Cubs game while we're in the neighborhood and all, you know? Anyway, he said he'd let me know if they had any extra tickets again, so that should happen. Eeeeexcellent.

Well, still tons of stuff on my stack to write about, like how Shannon is going to our 10 year high school reunion in a few weeks in Pocatello, Idaho (appears I'm not the only one who's been shocked by Priceline accepting a ridiculously low fare!), but all that will have to wait. I wasn't even planning on writing this much. Perhaps I can actually write something new in less than a week this time. ;) Eek! It's almost midnight, I better get to bed before I--
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from the 'Survey says' dept. [30 May 2002|11:16pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Ok, sorry for the lack of content lately, I have dozens of things queued up to write about, but haven't made the time or felt any undue inspiration to write about them. In the meantime, here's a survey that I thought was actually kind of interesting.

The Sexual Turn On Test: Are Your Desires Normal?

Walker, you get equally turned on by physical appearance, personality, and environment.

People who are equally turned on by a person's physical appearance, their personality, and environmental factors appreciate a man in his entirety ? how he looks, what he's like, and the circumstances the two of you share.
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from the 'You know who you are' dept. [29 May 2002|09:41pm]
[ mood | amused ]

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from the 'Athletics' dept. [26 May 2002|10:54pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | Shannon watching Magnum, P.I. dubbed in Spanish on some Spanish channel. Don't ask me. ]

Hoo boy...been a while since I wrote anything here, huh? It's been a while since I wrote anything at all. I've been meaning to sit down and do a nice, long journal entry for a few days about what's been going on, but I'm really tired right now so I think I'll keep it short. Maybe that'll keep me from blathering aimlessly so much.

The reason I'm so tired is because I've done almost 60 miles on my bike this weekend, and about 5 miles on foot. I got my racing bike all set up and finally got my bike shoes and stuff on Friday, so Shannon and I headed out yesterday for a test spin. We rode north, came back, and did about 21 miles total. The bike is running beautifully, just need to tweak the seat/stem height and maybe get the wheels trued. I also think I'll change the tires; it has 700x28s on it now, and they're so fat they almost rub on the frame! (It is a racing bike.) In fact, they do rub on the frame right now, since the wheels are out of true, which is really annoying. I think the bike came with 23s or 25s, so I'll try to get a cheap set of those to put on it soon. That'll speed me up a little, too--though that wasn't really a problem. I was keeping up with Shannon just fine, which surprised me quite a bit, seeing as I haven't ridden that bike on the road for years, and I haven't ridden any long rides at all for about a year. Of course, she wasn't really trying to go to fast, just to get some miles in for her training schedule. I have no doubt she could kick my ass if she wanted to. ;)

I was actually just planning to do a quick ride to test the bike out, maybe 10 miles, but Shannon wanted to get a little bit of mileage in for her training schedule, so we decided to do 20. I felt fine after we got back, and fine today save a little soreness in my nether regions, so Shannon proposed we do another ride today, but longer: 40 miles. We were originally planning on heading north again (there are some amazing houses up there and a lot of ridiculously wealthy people, obviously) but just decided to head south along the lakefront on a whim. The lakefront path stops when you leave Evanston, and doesn't start again until you get a few miles into Chicago. We'd never been down that way, so we wound up riding on the side of the road on Sheridan, which, well...pretty much sucked--too much traffic. We didn't know where the lakefront path picked up, so we crossed over to the other side of the street to look for it, and wound up riding on the sidewalk. At the intersection where the lakefront path starts, there were a bunch of bicycle police staked out, and they stopped us and another biker to give us a warning about riding on the sidewalk and a map of the suggested route to/from Evanston to the Chicago lakefront path, which was actually pretty nice to have. They said this weekend they're doing warnings, and next weekend they actually start ticketing people and putting wheel locks on bikes! 'It would really suck to have to walk your bike home, wouldn't it?' one of the cops said to us. I'll say! I didn't know they did that to bikes anywhere. Makes sense, I guess; I always wondered what they would do if they stopped a biker who didn't have their ID or anything with them, which I usually don't. Guess they lock your bike and you'll have to report to the police station or the courthouse to have it removed. Clever.

It was a beautiful day, and a beautiful ride, but MAN were there a lot of people down there. It was early afternoon on Memorial Day weekend, so we picked about the worst possible time to bike the lakefront. It was still cool to see, though. Coming into downtown is pretty spectacular, and there's Navy Pier, several boatyards, and a bunch of beaches. It's a nice path, and would be good for biking if it was deserted. :) Next time we go that way, we're planning on going really early in the morning, which our upstairs neighbor advised us to do long ago. Because of all the people, our round trip time was a little less than three hours of actual riding time, plus a little time when we sat down by the lake to eat Balance bars. Because the going was so slow, we decided to turn around about 18 miles out and head back, so we got about 36 miles total in. Not the 40 we were shooting for, but not too shabby, especially for my second day out on a racing bike I haven't ridden in years. It felt good, but my neck got pretty sore from looking up while down on the bars, since I've been used to riding mountain bikes exclusively the past few years. It was especially bad because I had to be down and near the brakes almost the whole ride because of all the people on the path. I could write a paragraph about some of the morons down there going in the wrong lane, wandering aimlessly, and causing other traffic problems, but I'll leave that for another time. Shannon already went to bed, and I'd kind of like to join her. I'm fucking exhausted.

So it was a good ride. We got back and Millie was very bored and hot so we decided to take her to the beach. I felt ok from the ride, Shannon's trying to get as much training in as possible, and running to the beach helps wear Millie out, so we decided to run instead of drive. Well, I've been running that run non-stop (each way, I mean, with an interlude to let Millie play on the beach) for a few weeks now, but today I could only run about half of it after yesterday's and today's bike rides. I ran a little more than half of it, though, so I got probably most of three miles of running in and up to two miles of walking. Now can you see why I'm so tired...? But it feels good, like I've accomplished something. And as Shannon keeps pointing out, this will help me SO much with the MS150. There's actually a training schedule for that ride on their website, but I haven't looked at it for a few weeks, since things kept happening to delay me being able to ride my bike. I think I'll be able to catch up pretty quickly--living with a girl training for an Ironman Triathlon has the side-effect of getting you in shape yourself, out of guilt at your own laziness if nothing else. ;)

So I'm going to be sore tomorrow, especially my butt and shoulders, but that will pass. I just need to get a bunch of saddle time in to get used to that, it happens every time I start biking after a long lapse. I also managed to crash turning around in a parking lot a little south of Navy Pier, and scraped my left knee nicely. Shannon and I were trying to figure out which way to go to stay on the path, and I was turning a tight circle in a little paved area. Well, there was a big patch of sand about an inch deep that had drifted into one corner, and I couldn't turn quite sharp enough to clear it. My front tire hit it, slid sideways, and I couldn't unclip from my pedal fast enough to catch myself. Luckily, I was just turning around so I wasn't going fast at all. It looked much worse than it was when we got back because of the blood that had pooled and dried on it, and Millie decided to lick it while I was sitting on the couch catching my breath before we went running. Yuck.

Well, I have a bunch more stuff queued up in my notes to write about (yes, I keep notes of stuff to cover here in my journal, don't you?), especially my job, but I'm just too tired. Maybe tomorrow. Clean flannel sheets are calling my name.

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from the 'Comic Book Guy' dept. [22 May 2002|06:31pm]
[ mood | dismissive ]
[ music | The Simpsons ]

Ok, COOLGUY, you're just getting annoying again. Now that I actually have a job I have something better to occupy my time than laughing at what an idiot you are. I know you're all whiny because your journals keep getting suspended for you being an ass, but why don't you go play some D&D; instead of sitting at the computer glued to my journal for a while? I'm starting to doubt you actually have work to do instead of a tech support job where you get paid to surf the web, that you have two girlfriends, and that you do at least 16 hours of kung fu a week. Imagine that! :O

Oh, btw--I figured out your little trick, you can't get to my FO entries now. Not that there have been any recently, but there may be some coming up. Suck on that, smart guy.

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from the 'Police' dept. [22 May 2002|08:19am]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Fox News ]

Ugh. Yesterday at work pretty much sucked because these people don't have their act together. They were in this big rush to hire me and get me in there, and then I get there and they don't even have a computer for me. They have one 'on order', but may not be able to get it because of budget tightening, and the old Pentium II they swiped for me in the meantime (I imagine I'll have it as long as I'm there...sigh) needs to be set up by their IT department. They put in the requisition for that yesterday and we were told it could take up to five days for them to get to it. The rest of the day was pretty much along those lines. When my boss gave me a project to work on and spent a little time going over the piece of the database schema I'll be working with his explanation really didn't tell me jack. I asked him if he could quickly give me the big picture and explain to me what this app is for and what the goal of our team is and he told me, 'Oh, that's not really important.' Great. Most of the rest of the day was watching my various co-workers talk instead of work (our boss was in meetings most of the day) and being chatted up by one particularly disgruntled guy who's upset about being at the company longer than anyone on our team, but not being paid accordingly. (Our boss has been there less than four months, and this guy's been with the company about 10 years, I think.) It has the potential to seriously suck from what I've seen so far. But I'm a little more optimistic this morning and ready to give it another shot. At least they're paying me well.

I did come up with a ton of ideas for stuff to write about when I was bored out of my mind yesterday; that's something, I suppose. ;)

Then about 1am last night the phone rings, and it's the Chicago Police calling for Shannon to tell her that her wallet was stolen and recovered when some guy tried to use one of her credit cards to buy porterhouse steaks and booze at a Dominick's somewhere. We're not sure how they held and caught the guy, but it was a good thing--he, and whoever else got their hands on her wallet, had gone on a spree, using every credit card in her wallet. She spent a few hours last night going to the police station to file charges, talk to them, get her stuff back (turns out all they gave her was her driver's license, student ID, and youth hostel card. They wanted to keep the rest for their investigation), then coming back here and calling the credit card companies to report the cards stolen and dispute the charges. She had to spend some more time on the phone with them this morning, and she hasn't even been able to get in contact with her bank about her debit card yet. What a mess.

She'd accidentally left the wallet on her desk in her lab (behind two code-keyed doors and a regularly locked door) and somebody came in late at night and swiped it, likely a cleaning person. The guy they caught tried a few stories on the police:
'Some Northwestern student gave me her wallet to go buy her drugs with for Memorial Day weekend.'
'Her boyfriend traded me her wallet for some crack I sold him.'
Uh huh. Even if the idiot wasn't giving different stories and obviously lying because of that, who would give a wallet full of credit cards (there was only maybe $15 cash in it) to a crackhead to go buy drugs? Did this guy actually think anybody would believe that? And if somebody wanted to steal from their girlfriend, why would he give away a wallet full of credit cards and cash instead of using them himself? Moron. Guess criminals aren't known for their brains.

Anyway, I'm off to work, hopefully today will only mostly suck, instead of totally. :P

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from the 'Congratulations!' dept. [21 May 2002|07:53pm]
[ mood | surprised ]
[ music | That 70s Show ]

Hot damn! This is the second contest I've won from 94.7 here in Chicago. Uh, now I need one or two people who want to go with us, and something to wear. Hm.

Congratulations Walker!

Are you a VIP? You bet your ass you are! You have just won tickets to our Club Zone VIP Party this Friday night at BAR Chicago for you and your
three best friends! James VanOsdol will host this exclusive VIP Club Zone members only party from 8:30PM-10:30PM. Your name will be on the VIP Guest
List, so just bring a photo ID and you're golden!

What's going to happen when you get there? Not only is admission free...not only will you have access to the VIP area...not only are there
2 for 1 drink specials...not only are we going to have VIP prizes for you...but BAR Chicago is giving you complimentary Miller Lite during our
party! Also, remember to leave the kids at home...your guests MUST be 21 years old to enter with a valid ID.

So where is BAR Chicago? If you don't know by now, BAR is located at 9 West Division Street. Save yourself some cab money and take the Red Line,
because the Clark/Division is only two blocks west of BAR.

Congratulations again, and we'll see you Friday night at BAR Chicago!
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from the 'Office Space' dept. [21 May 2002|06:43am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | *mumble mumble birds chirping mumble* ]

Well, off to my first day of work. So this is what the world looks like early in the morning, huh? Pfft--no wonder I usually skip it. ;)

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