Black Stars' LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Black Stars' LiveJournal:

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    Friday, November 15th, 2002
    12:17 am
    I am writing
    these words
    I am
    this written word
    becomes me
    to writing
    these words
    I am
    this written word
    Monday, November 11th, 2002
    11:50 pm
    sigur ros is beautiful

    chamomile and mint go well together

    cats can read minds
    Saturday, November 9th, 2002
    1:25 pm
    drink tea for the fragile-handed
    and walk delicately around leaves
    that have fallen in a dance
    Monday, November 4th, 2002
    1:49 pm
    I continue on but not sure where.
    Somehow disconnected from my heart.
    Busy, finding what I desire,
    but yet not myself.
    When was I ever?
    My love knows better than fear.
    Time feels like an endless grid,
    crossing over and over me.
    Need to stretch out,
    farther than this place I am in.
    Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002
    2:56 pm
    or everything
    is changing
    simply and
    where we can't see
    not yet

    it is so clear
    I am falling
    away and
    Saturday, October 19th, 2002
    3:18 pm
    our ancestors the fish are in the clouds today
    answers to curious riddles reside in unexpected spaces
    the easiest and least explored trail where
    the rain has stopped to let you pass
    and a latent storm awaits your drift
    where trees fall into rivers
    or make their way there

    and how we sit on the edge of today
    looking over and down from our manifest
    to something altogether gone
    something known but never seen
    something this side of tomorrow
    and flick stems of unripe fruit eaten with haste

    watched in their descent
    creating space as they go
    to understand gravity without having to fall
    Thursday, October 10th, 2002
    10:26 am
    Last night I went to see a new documentary film about Baba Ram Das called Ram Dass Fierce Grace. It was so incredibly beautiful, touching, insightful, and inspiring. I feel like crying even now thinking about it.
    I wish that my generation could find and touch the infinite love that so many of those in the generation previous were so lucky to experience and be grateful for. We take for granted what our parents worked so hard for us to have.
    Young women are selling their bodies back to the dominant television male, young men selling their minds to the idle hands of video and computer games. Where are we going but now-here?
    What is left to refresh us from our endless coma?

    (There are those who remain complacent with the environment set up for them, and there are those (many fewer) who challenge their own status-quo and actively search for something greater and closer to their hearts and paths. And there are those who desire something more, but are just too afraid to look.)
    Tuesday, September 17th, 2002
    10:26 am
    Thursday, September 12th, 2002
    10:51 am
    telling yourself again and again
    find the inertia of words
    without intention, without ego
    stop trying to say what you want
    stop trying
    believe in what you want and it becomes
    without effort, only will
    tap into it
    faith is not lost
    faith is NOT what you thought it was
    you are magick
    you are creating the earth
    and it is okay
    we are
    10:40 am
    to be certain is to die
    [I have forgotten English.
    When it comes back, I will have returned.
    Until then, I search (truth) experient.]

    Not contemplate but to do.
    ...and do not lose hope, only lose meaning.
    When I am sick, I am changlings.
    I let my pet out of Its cage, It will come back.

    Levitation is overrated, return to the earth.
    ...where we come and go, us All.
    Let love out of Its cage, It will come back.

    I love all of you gone.
    Saturday, August 17th, 2002
    3:52 pm
    I feel so
    by the lack of creative release
    *oh, but its there, it is*
    I have cats
    and paychecks
    and maybe even friends
    who talk about work
    and people

    I am going back
    even if not for pleasure,
    for change,
    but for pleasure too.

    And the artists who
    misunderstand metaphor
    continue on,
    for cleverness is so often
    mistaken for art,
    the mis-take, the choice.

    And people continue to buy in.
    Buy out.
    And buy something to complete themselves.
    without stopping for breath.

    And I feel sorry for young girls
    who wear thong underwear
    at age 10,
    and more sorry for their husbands.
    And even more so
    for the missing children
    locked inside them.

    And even more
    resides inside me,
    for later.
    Thursday, August 1st, 2002
    12:05 pm
    we must love
    we must kill
    the robot within
    Saturday, July 27th, 2002
    12:48 am
    Let's go to bed, Ah Pook
    Death needs time for what it kills to grow in, for Ah Pook's sake.
    12:43 am
    i lost it all
    just minutes ago
    it was going somewhere

    and we are all sick
    and getting sicker
    we sleep with headphones on
    blocking noise with sound
    under blankets of tension
    under blankets of fog

    be careful not to reach crescendo too soon

    be careful not to come back
    Thursday, July 18th, 2002
    10:02 pm
    i must move
    far away
    but not too far

    everyone is going insane
    the wise are shedding skins
    while the fools still hold on
    afraid of what they might find beneath

    i crave a new routine
    it's hard to find that here
    too many reminders of dead skin

    but the challenges are larger elsewhere
    and i welcome them

    it is smaller slower and prettier there
    wetter and strangely familiar
    Friday, July 12th, 2002
    12:34 pm
    settling after a young sad nap
    she tries to forget what came to her
    in those hours she felt alone and tried
    taking reality for granted in dreamstate
    travelling back where she never wanted to go
    again they called to her from past burials
    she had so much to carry
    so much to leave behind
    with those who were gone or strange
    and the cool nights brought with them
    a weary memory of nights much colder before
    something other then the weather changed
    since then she looked different
    a little wiser but just as afraid
    Sunday, July 7th, 2002
    12:59 pm
    I would love to write something valuable and interesting,
    but somehow I am not responding even to the motives
    around me and I fear I might make this a habit,
    or it already is.
    Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
    1:07 pm
    Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
    12:17 pm
    we knew from the first moment--
    how could we have known?
    and what more is there?
    the beginning is only a small sliver,
    a single taste of what is to come.
    and I sense it, in my impatience,
    my glimpse of the future riddled
    with hope and hunger.
    and it will be all I have dreamed,
    it will be more. already, it is more.

    there is no more waiting to be had,
    the ways we handled our lives in the past
    obsolete now, disregard remains the only enemy.
    creations and tools are placed carefully
    along a path no one before has travelled.

    and there is more to come

    everything will fall away
    and there will be more to come
    Sunday, June 23rd, 2002
    4:32 pm
    dying forests
    being eaten by human
    or fungus; a human fungus.
    we are, the ones who are now,
    blessed to experience
    the last of forests here.

    a fragile fern and smooth clover make exceptions
    for an ignorant boot
    plowing blindly through for
    no apparent reason at all.

    and if one could
    make it to the center
    of the rotting forests
    kissing the ground with every step,
    no one would.

    and they would
    pass away
    while we sleep

    some thing saw this coming,
    and saw how selfish one could be
    to mourn that which his own hand destroyed.
    and saw the claim of unconsciousness
    a shallow misery unable to wake the end of itself.

    and it rests, patiently waiting for the
    sadness to envelope anything that remains,
    where it will multiply,
    fed on thrown-away dreams of the
    wandering traveller who once saw
    the falling of a tree.
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