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[08 Apr 2003|12:04am]

Bedtime Bear
You are usually asleep on the job but that's okay because your job is to make sure everyone gets enough sleep! You're shy and sweet...when you are actually awake! Getting sleepy already?

(2 Offerings | Leave an offering at my altar)

[07 Apr 2003|01:41pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

I have decided that I will take the GRE this October, so that I can apply for the Fall 2004 semester at FSU. I'm not terribly worried; I only need a combined score of 1000 to get in. I am just worried about my lack of math skills. What kind of math does the GRE test on? Is it just Algebra and Geometry and stuff like that, or is Calculus involved too? I only got as far as SMC1A in high school, and that was 8 years ago. How should I study for this test? I can't afford to get bad grades on my GRE.

(Leave an offering at my altar)

Plans Confounded [07 Apr 2003|11:06am]
[ mood | bored ]

Well, yesterday I was planning to hunker down and do a lot of schoolwork, but instead I ended up getting Shanghaied (sp?) by my mom and sister. Cindi came over at like noon yesterday, asking (more like begging) me to come with her and mom to go shopping for mother of the bride dresses. We went to 2 stores, and tried on over a dozen dresses, but mom didn't like any of them. She said that "They make me look fat" (gee mom, when you have a gigantic inoperable hernia, you are gonna look fat no matter WHAT you wear!). Cindi and I found a dress that we thought looked pretty nice on her, and Cindi decided she'll go back and buy that dress, just in case mom can't find anything else. Oy Vey, I can understand why Cindi didn't want to go alone!

After shopping, mom's sugar was getting low, so we all had ice cream at Friendly's at Colonie Center. It was wicked busy, and we waited for a long time to get our food, and when we got it we got so gyped(sp?) We ended up leaving a $.75 tip for a $6.67 bill as a result of our miserable experience. Not only did Cindi and I get gyped on out Mud Pie Madness sundae that we shared, mom got the wrong flavor ice cream!

Well, after shopping, Cindi invited me to dinner at her parents-in-law's house, where we had pork and pineapple and rice. I got to see the baby crawl around; she's so cute. She more pulls herself along with her elbows than crawls; at 8 months she hasn't quite got the knee action down yet. :)

By time I got home, it was about 8 o'Clock. I called Scott, and he said that he had been trying to call me for the past couple of days. My cell phone battery was dead, so I had my phone off; I plugged my auto adapter into Cindi's car and charged up my phone while we were driving around. I found out that I had missed a party at Missy D's; that kinda sucked, for I was majorly bored Saturday night. Oh well, what can I do?

Well, I'm hungry. so I'm gonna fix myself some grub.

(Leave an offering at my altar)

[05 Apr 2003|07:42pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Jeez, I am so effing bored right now. I did nothing productive today, except walk to the Watervliet Price Chopper to get some fruit. Watched some movies today; watched "The Big Chill" and "Sleepy Hollow", and if nothing better comes along tonight, I will watch "Sophie's Choice" on Women's Entertainment Channel (I have crap cable; no good channels)

Tomorrow, I have to actually do some schoolwork. I will read that Mathews book for Early Christian Art & Architecture, then I will begin to print up my sources for my independent study project and my Powerpoint presentation for Greek Painting. Should probably try to read ARFV I and II, and see if I can find that damned ABFV. I'm pulling straight A's right now, and I want to keep it that way. Gah.

Note to self: tonight is Daylight Savings Time; turn the clocks one hour forward at 2AM.

(Leave an offering at my altar)

[04 Apr 2003|05:31pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

Well, I know where I'm gonna be stationed. I'm going to Moody AFB, GA, which is in the city of Valdosta, GA, in Loundes Co., about 25 mines from the GA-FL border. Good news: this base is the closest base to the grad school I want to go to, FSU Tallahassee. Bad news: FSU is in Florida, not Georgia, which means I can't get the in-state tuition rate if I go there! Suckage!

I was thinking I could live off base, somewhere right over the border. The border is less than 20 miles from base. The nearest little blip on the Florida map is called Bellville, 18 miles from Valdosta. I only have to have lived there for 1 year to be considered for in-state tuition, so after I've been ther for one year, I can get the in-state rate.

But that creates another problem. I wanted to take some French classes at Valdosta State University, so I can meet the foreign language requirements for FSU. If I live over the border in Bellville or wherever, I will have to pay the out-of-state tuition rate for the classes at VSU, which will be about $2K for 2 classes a semester, instead of $800. Again, more suckage.

I could just wait one year and take my French classes at FSU for the in-state tuition rate, but I will have missed two whole semesters, two semesters I could have used to take 4 courses! I only need 4 French courses to meet the Foreign language requirement for FSU; I don't know if I have to have them met when I get there, or if I just have to meet the requirements by time I graduate. Gah.

Why does everything have to be so difficult?

(Leave an offering at my altar)

[03 Apr 2003|08:55pm]
What does your first name mean?
"White Wave" or "Fair Lady" in Welsh
What does your middle name mean?
Dunno what "Anne" means
What does your last name mean?
Scottish for "Welshman"
So what does your name mean when put together?
Fair/White Welsh Lady
What would you have been named if you were the opposite gender?
Any other name oddities?
Fennifer, Wally, Jen-Willy
Do you like your name?
No, too common and snotty-sounding
What do you like best about it?
Easy enough to find stuff, like mugs or keychains, with my name on it.
What do you like least about it?
Boring and common
If you HAD to change your name (witness protection program, whatever), what would you want it to be?
Rose (based off of my mom's name, Rosemary)

(Leave an offering at my altar)

[01 Apr 2003|05:19pm]
2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? "Athenian Red Figure Vases: The Classical Period" By J. Boardman
3. WHAT 'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? I don't have one; I want one of the ones that look like a Persian Rug...
UP IN THE MORNING? "I wonder if Renee used all the hot water again..."
9. FAVORITE COLOR? black and red
10. LEAST FAVORITE COLOR? orange and pink
12. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? 2 sons: Damon and Simon
13. MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE: Fun and a good relationship
16. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? These's a Stitch doll on my bed.
19. IF YOU COULD MEET ANYONE THAT IS DEAD? None come to mind...
21. WHAT IS YOUR SIGN &YOUR; BIRTHDAY? Scorpio October 25th, 1977
23. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Museum Attendant or Artist
31. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH: Hockey, but only if it's live.
TO YOU: Um, she RP's pretty well?
36. FAVORITE CD? Depeche Mode "Songs of Faith and Devotion"
37. FAVORITE TV SHOW? Trading Spaces
39. HAMBURGERS OR HOT-DOGS? hamburgers
40. FAVORITE SOFT DRINK? Mountain Dew Code Red
43. BURGER KING or McDONALD'S? McDonald's; other people complain of stomach pains after they eat it, but I have never had any problems. Besides, their fries and Chicken McNuggets are better than those at BK.

(1 Offering | Leave an offering at my altar)

Is this me at all!? [31 Mar 2003|06:28pm]
[ mood | amused ]

MTBI Test Results

Your personality type is INTP.
Introverted (I) 82% Extraverted (E) 18%
Intuitive (N) 73% Sensing (S) 27%
Thinking (T) 75% Feeling (F) 25%
Perceiving (P) 64% Judging (J) 36%

INTPs are pensive, analytical folks. They may venture so deeply into thought as to seem detached, and often actually are oblivious to the world around them.

Precise about their descriptions, INTPs will often correct others (or be sorely tempted to) if the shade of meaning is a bit off. While annoying to the less concise, this fine discrimination ability gives INTPs so inclined a natural advantage as, for example, grammarians and linguists.

INTPs are relatively easy-going and amenable to most anything until their principles are violated, about which they may become outspoken and inflexible. They prefer to return, however, to a reserved albeit benign ambiance, not wishing to make spectacles of themselves.

A major concern for INTPs is the haunting sense of impending failure. They spend considerable time second-guessing themselves. The open-endedness (from Perceiving) conjoined with the need for competence (NT) is expressed in a sense that one's conclusion may well be met by an equally plausible alternative solution, and that, after all, one may very well have overlooked some critical bit of data. An INTP arguing a point may very well be trying to convince himself as much as his opposition. In this way INTPs are markedly different from INTJs, who are much more confident in their competence and willing to act on their convictions.

Mathematics is a system where many INTPs love to play, similarly languages, computer systems--potentially any complex system. INTPs thrive on systems. Understanding, exploring, mastering, and manipulating systems can overtake the INTP's conscious thought. This fascination for logical wholes and their inner workings is often expressed in a detachment from the environment, a concentration where time is forgotten and extraneous stimuli are held at bay. Accomplishing a task or goal with this knowledge is secondary.

INTPs and Logic -- One of the tipoffs that a person is an INTP is her obsession with logical correctness. Errors are not often due to poor logic -- apparent faux pas in reasoning are usually a result of overlooking details or of incorrect context.

Games NTs seem to especially enjoy include Risk, Bridge, Stratego, Chess, Go, and word games of all sorts. (I have an ENTP friend that loves Boggle and its variations. We've been known to sit in public places and pick a word off a menu or mayonnaise jar to see who can make the most words from its letters on a napkin in two minutes.) The INTP mailing list has enjoyed a round of Metaphore, virtual volleyball, and a few 'finish the series' brain teasers.

INTPs in the main are not clannish. The INTP mailing list, with a readership now in triple figures, was in its incipience fraught with all the difficulties of the Panama canal: we had trouble deciding on:

* 1) whether or not there should be such a group,
* 2) exactly what such a group should be called, and
* 3) which of us would have to take the responsibility for organization and maintenance of the aforesaid group/club/whatever.

Introverted Thinking
Introverted Thinking strives to extract the essence of the Idea from various externals that express it. In the extreme, this conceptual essence wants no form or substance to verify its reality. Knowing the Truth is enough for INTPs; the knowledge that this truth can (or could) be demonstrated is sufficient to satisfy the knower. "Cogito, ergo sum" expresses this prime directive quite succinctly.

In seasons of low energy level, or moments of single-minded concentration, the INTP is aloof and detached in a way that might even offend more relational or extraverted individuals.

Extraverted iNtuition
Intuition softens and socializes Thinking, fleshing out the brittle bones of truths formed in the dominant inner world. That which is is not negotiable; yet actual application diffuses knowledge to the extent that knowledge needs qualification and context to be of any consequence in this foreign world of substance.

If Thinking can desist, the INTP is free to brainstorm, calling up the perceptions of the unconscious (i.e., intuition) which are mirrored in patterns in the realm of matter, time and space. These perceptions, in the form of theories or hunches, must ultimately defer to the inner principles, or at least they must not negate them.

Intuition unchained gives birth to play. INTPs enjoy games, formal or impromptu, which coax analogies, patterns and theories from the unseen into spontaneous expression in a way that defies their own comprehension.

Introverted Sensing
Sensing is of a subjective, inner nature similar to that of the SJs. It supplies awareness of the forms of senses rather than the raw, analogic stimuli. Facts and figures seek to be cleaned up for comparison with an ever growing range of previously experienced input. Sensing assists intuition in sorting out and arranging information into the building blocks for Thinking's elaborate systems.

The internalizing nature of the INTP's Sensing function leaves a relative absence of environmental awareness (i.e., Extraverted Sensing), except when the environment is the current focus. Consciousness of such conditions is at best a sometime thing.

Extraverted Feeling
Feeling tends to be all or none. When present, the INTP's concern for others is intense, albeit naive. In a crisis, this feeling judgement is often silenced by the emergence of Thinking, who rushes in to avert chaos and destruction. In the absence of a clear principle, however, INTPs have been known to defer judgement and to allow decisions about interpersonal matters to be left hanging lest someone be offended or somehow injured. INTPs are at risk of being swept away by the shadow in the form of their own strong emotional impulses.

Famous INTPs:
Rene Descartes
Blaise Pascal
Sir Isaac Newton
U.S. Presidents:

* James Madison
* John Quincy Adams
* John Tyler
* Dwight D. Eisenhower
* Gerald Ford
William Harvey (pioneer in human physiology)
C. G. Jung, (Freudian defector, author of Psychological Types, etc.)
William James
Albert Einstein
Tom Foley (Speaker of the House--U.S. House of Representatives)
Henri Mancini
Bob Newhart
Jeff Bingaman, U.S. Senator (D.--NM)
Rick Moranis (Honey, I Shrunk The Kids)
Meryl Streep
Brent Spiner (Commander Data, Star Trek -- The Next Generation)
Midori Ito (ice skater, Olympic silver medalist)
Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen (The Full House twins)

Fictional INTPs
Tom and Fiona (Four Weddings and a Funeral)
Dr. Susan Lewis (ER)
Filburt (Rocko's Modern Life)

Career for INTP Personality Types
Whether you're a young adult trying to find your place in the world, or a not-so-young adult trying to find out if you're moving along the right path, it's important to understand yourself and the personality traits which will impact your likeliness to succeed or fail at various careers. It's equally important to understand what is really important to you. When armed with an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and an awareness of what you truly value, you are in an excellent position to pick a career which you will find rewarding.

INTPs generally have the following traits:

* Love theory and abstract ideas
* Truth Seekers - they want to understand things by analyzing underlying principles and structures
* Value knowledge and competence above all else
* Have very high standards for performance, which they apply to themselves
* Independent and original, possibly eccentric
* Work best alone, and value autonomy
* Have no desire to lead or follow
* Dislike mundane detail
* Not particularly interested in the practical application of their work
* Creative and insightful
* Future-oriented
* Usually brilliant and ingenius
* Trust their own insights and opinions above others
* Live primarily inside their own minds, and may appear to be detached and uninvolved with other people

INTPs have a special gift with generating and analyzing theories and possibilities to prove or disprove them. They have a great deal of insight and are creative thinkers, which allows them to quickly grasp complex abstract thoughts. They also have exceptional logical and rational reasoning skills, which allows them to thoroughly analyze theories to discover the Truth about them. Since the INTP is driven to seek clarity in the world, we have a happy match of desire and ability in this personality type. INTPs will be happiest in careers which allow them a great deal of autonomy in which they can work primarily alone on developing and analyzing complex theories and abstractions, with the goal of their work being the discovery of a truth, rather than the discovery of a practical application.

The following list of professions is built on our impressions of careers which would be especially suitable for an INTP. It is meant to be a starting place, rather than an exhaustive list. There are no guarantees that any or all of the careers listed here would be appropriate for you, or that your best career match is among those listed.

Possible Career Paths for the INTP:

* Scientists - especially Physics, Chemistry
* Photographers
* Strategic Planners
* Mathematicians
* University Professors
* Computer Programmers, Systems Analysts, Computer Animation and Computer Specialists
* Technical Writers
* Engineers
* Lawyers / Attorneys
* Judges
* Forensic Research
* Forestry and Park Rangers

(3 Offerings | Leave an offering at my altar)

[30 Mar 2003|04:18pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I know what car I want to get this May. I decided, that if I stay in the US, I'm getting a Toyota Echo. If I go overseas, I'm getting a Toyota Yaris. Both cars are essentially the same, just different versions offered in different countries. It all depends on where I get sent; they cost exactly the same anyways.

It's wierd; the Echo never really hit it big over here in the States. A lot of people think it's ugly, and too small to be safe. Yet the Yaris is one of the top small cars in places outside America; people over there like the styling and the small size. Go fig; everyone in the US wants big fucking SUV's, pick-ups, and PimpMobiles that get cruddy gas mileage and are a danger to the few smaller, more efficient cars on the road.

It's pretty pathetic when even small cars that are sold in the US, such as the Hyundai Accent, don't get much more that 33 MPG highway. My mom's 10 year old Metro gets 50-something MPG! People in this country, however, don't want efficient cars, no matter how much they bitch about having to pay upwards of $2 a gallon. People should see what gas prices are in other countries right now before they start bitching!

(The following numbers were accurate as of 01/03)

I don't get this country sometimes; I just don't.

(Leave an offering at my altar)

[29 Mar 2003|03:51pm]
A - Act your age? No, I think I act young.
B - Born on what day of the week? Saturday?
C - Chore you hate? Folding laundry
D - Dad's name? James
E - Essential makeup item? Cover up, for my acne scars
F - Favorite actor? Edward Norton
G - Gold or silver? Silver
H - Hometown? Troy, NY
I - Instruments you play? None
J - Job title: Student.
K - Kids? Not till after I get my M.A.
L - Living arrangements? Apartment w/ 2 roommates
M - Mom's name? Rosemary
N - Number of people you've slept with? ...1
O - Overnight Hospital Stays? Only when i was bord; I'm healthy as a horse!
P - Phobia? Spiders, dead things, falling, probably others.
Q - Quote you like? "Holy shitballs!"
R - Religious affiliation? Generic Christian/Buddhist/Taoist. Grew up Roman catholic.
S - Siblings? One older sister named Cindi.
T - Time you wake up? Between 8 and 10AM.
U - Unique habit? I have several OCD esque habits: separating my food, picking zits, fear of "goo", others.
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? Tomato (yeah, I know it's a fruit, but it usually fulfills vegetable roles in most dishes...)
W - Worst habit? Nose-picking.
X - X-rays you've had? Teeth, feet.
Y - Yummy food you make? Sloppy Joe's with ground turkey.
Z - Zodiac Sign? Scorpio.

(4 Offerings | Leave an offering at my altar)

Car things [29 Mar 2003|10:51am]
I am planning to buy a new car over Memorial Day weekend. I already found someone willing to buy it off of me, so no worries in that department. Now I must think; what car do I want? I have 3-4 choices.

#1: Hyundai Accent
Gets OK gas mileage (27/33 with manual trans), costs about 10K, has a great warranty (60Mos/60K, 10Yr/100K powertrain).

#2: Kia Rio
Gets OK gas mileage (about the same as the Accent) costs about 9K, has similar warranty to the Accent.

#3 Kia Cinco
Gets same gas mileage as the Rio, costs about 10-11K, same warranty as the Rio, but more comfortable and roomy. It's a wagon, so I can fit lots of stuff in it.

#4Toyota Echo
Gets really good gas mileage (35/43 I think) costs about 9-10K, warranty isn't as good as the other 3 cars (36Mos/36K miles).

I'm torn here. I want good fuel efficiency, but I also want a good warranty. I also want a good looking car. The Accent isn't bad, neither is the Rio. The Cinco is a cute little wagon. The Echo is a bit stumpy, but considering I can get upwards of 500 miles highway on a single tank of gas, I can be persuaded to overlook that. Can I be persuaded to overlook the warranty? I'm not sure.

I'm taking this time today to go to some auto dealerships and do some testdriving, see which ones handle the best and stuff. Then I will consider this more closely.

(3 Offerings | Leave an offering at my altar)

Midterms and other stuff [25 Mar 2003|03:37pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Well, I got 3 of my 4 midterms back. I got a 103 out of 105 (A) on my Greek Drama midterm, and a 95 on my Early Christian Art & Architecture midterm. I only got an 89 on my Roman History midterm, but my professor said my grade was the highest in the class, and that I had a class grade of over a 90 because of my attendance. I should be getting my Etruscology midterm back tomorrow.

In other news, I downloaded a free Winnie the Pooh ringtone onto my cell phone from the T-Mobile website! It's so cute! I can also now distinguish MY cell phone from other people's cell phones when it rings in the middle of class (I know I really shouldn't have my phone on during class, but this is my only phone line so I have no choice).

(1 Offering | Leave an offering at my altar)

My Political Compass [20 Mar 2003|06:35pm]
Economic Left/Right: -8.12
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -5.23

Here's how the numbers work out:
Extreme Economic Left = -10.00
Extreme Economic Right = +10.00
Libertarian = -10.00
Authoritarian = + 10.00

According to this, I am flamingly Left-wing Libertarian, similar to Gandhi. Here's the URL:

(Leave an offering at my altar)

Pro-War out of fear; food for thought [19 Mar 2003|08:32pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]

When I read that post, I decided to send this 'Melissa' an E-mail. I was diplomatic and polite in this E-mail; I outlined the basics of the Anti-War stance, and gave her some useful pointers on critical thinking and the structure of an argument. Here is the reply:

ok thank you for your email but i wasnt being mean to you! you made me
understand better but i didnt get my info from the news my dad is in
navy !and he is in this hole mess! with all the other troops! im only
16 and
im not mad at bush im really with him on this but it will be hard if i
my dad in this but i know that he died for all of us and his country!
you for your time!

So you see, here is another facet of the Pro-War movement to consider; support in the war out of fear of losing a loved one to an unworthy cause. Sobering thought.

I replied of course; I told her of my own military status, and why that was one of the reasons why I was against the war in the first place. I also wished her well, and hoped her dad got home OK. This just makes clear that in order to have any effect with the Anti-War Movement, support for the welfare of the troops over in Iraq is essential in order to establish common ground with Pro-War people. Only then can the two sides have a meaningful discourse.

(4 Offerings | Leave an offering at my altar)

My Final Thoughts on the Eve of War [19 Mar 2003|10:29am]
[ mood | pessimistic ]

Well, I've done all I can possibly do in opposition to the upcoming war. I have sent several dozen E-mails to important people, and I have tried to keep as informed as I can on the issues. There is little else I can do at this point.

Mind you I do support getting rid of Saddam Hussein; he has committed numerous crimes against his own people, and he HAS failed to completely disarm as per UN instructions. Why right now, why like this (bombing the shit out of the whole country), why this stupid intertwining of the Iraqis with 9/11, which have absolutely NO LINK? Bush said it himself in a press conference many months ago that Iraq had no connection with the events of 9/11; but in every speech we hear about this silly war, Bush brings up this "war on terrorism" and "9/11".

The US is in direct violation of the UN, along with it's allies, Britain and Spain. This undermining of the authority of the UN has dangerous consequences; if the US can ignore what the UN says, why can't other countries? We may very well end up going back to the 18th and 19th century Imperial land-grab mentality. Obviously, that would be very bad. Very, very bad.

Look at Israel; they have MANY more illegal weapons of mass destruction than Iraq does, and have gone against many more UN resolutions that Iraq has. Look at how badly the Israelis are treating the Palestinians. Why isn't the President making a stink about that poor American girl, 24 year-old Rachael (sp?) Corey, who was maliciously mowed down by an Israeli Army driven bulldozer last week while trying to protect Palestinian houses near the Israeli-Egyptian border? Aren't there more valid threats right now, like israel and North Korea?

Let's not forget that North Korea is on the brink of declaring NUCLEAR WAR! The Korean War was never actually won; the nations involved came to an unstable truce, and that truce is becoming more and more unstable all the time. While we're playing in the sand with badly-trained, badly-supplied, and demoralized Iraqi troops, North Korea might just decide that this is the perfect moment to strike.

This war is one big huge mistake. The US is about to make probably the biggest mistake of it's existence.

(Leave an offering at my altar)

Midterm Week: Part I [17 Mar 2003|03:48pm]
[ mood | surprised ]

well, my professor sent me an E-mail saying I could choose which exam I wanted to postpone; since I studied more closely for the Rome one I'll take that today and take the Etruscology one another time. Yay! This also gives me more time to study for tomorrow's exam and finish my 4-page essay question.

In odd news, I got my midterm back from Greek Drama; I got 103 out of 105 points. I got an A! WTF?! Sure, this is good news, but WTF?!

(Leave an offering at my altar)

Midterm Week: Prelude [17 Mar 2003|12:11pm]
[ mood | sick ]

Well, it is noon, and I have to leave for class in 2 hours. I have 2 midterms today; 1 for History of Rome, and 1 for my Etruscology class. Both classes are with the same teacher, and the midterms are one right after the other. No E-mails from y professor yet, so I guess I'm taking both today. Sigh.

I don't feel good at all. I read all my texts for the tests, and I read over my notes for the Rome class once so far. I'll read over my notes for the other one in a few minutes. I'm not gonna study anymore for Rome. It's a 100-level class, so even if I don't know everything down cold all the questions will probably be rather easy. I don't have terribly high hopes for my Etruscology midterm. I will try to look over my notes a final time right before the test, but that will be the extent of my preparation for that test.

If I get not-so-good grades on these exams, I will go to my professor and ask for extra credit (I think he will be accommodating, especially if I tell him that I was sick when I took the tests). If I get C's on these tests, I can balance them with A's on my finals to get B's. I also have that site report to do for Etruscology, which could help things out gradewise.

On the good news side, I have my Early Christian Art & Architecture midterm tomorrow. Judging from the study guide and my previous A on my critical summary, I should do just fine on this one. This A will neatly balance out the probably substandard grades I'll get on today's midterms, not to mention that crappy midterm I handed in for my Greek Drama class; that one sucked donkey ass.

I will try to keep things in perspective. Even if I don't get the best grades, I won't freak out, like I did last semester. I can handle a few B's. The important thing this semester is that I graduate. Graduation, not being the valedictorian, is my ultimate goal. Everything else I can deal with later, via night courses and such. No panic.

(1 Offering | Leave an offering at my altar)

Goth Night? [14 Mar 2003|07:00pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Is anyone interested in going to Goth Night tonight? I'm bored, Scott isn't home, and I don't feel like sitting at home all night.

(1 Offering | Leave an offering at my altar)

[13 Mar 2003|11:17am]
[ mood | okay ]

Servants of Cthulhu. Fnord.
Servants of Cthulhu:

Victory is Destruction.


Which Illuminati are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

In other news, I am feeling a bit better. Last night it was hard as hell to sleep; all my muscles were aching all throughout my head, arms and torso, even after I took the Naproxen. On the good side, this morning I hocked up an obscene amount of discolored stuff, and my throat feels a lot better. It is still rather sore, but I can move my throat muscles now, which I couldn't really do last night.

Oh, in other good news, my Ebay auction ended this morning. $36.00 for my copy of The Sims for Mac. That money, combined with the $70 I'll get for tomorrow's work will help ease my financial burdeN a lot. Unfortuantely, I still have to pay $70 for an unpaid parking ticket from November, and $166 for car insurance. Blah.

(Leave an offering at my altar)

[11 Mar 2003|05:04pm]
My auction on Ebay is up to $20.50. Yay!

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