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.24 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

It's Time.. [05 Sep 2003|01:07pm]
[ mood | moody ]
[ music | Prodigy -- Molotov Bitch ]

Drop me a line and let me know you've added me. :)
Peace out kids,

.19 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Take Back the Lies, the Hurt, the Blame [29 Aug 2003|09:34pm]
[ mood | exanimate ]
[ music | Howard Shore -- Gollum's Song ]

Fuck I forgot that this song I'm listening to makes me cry. I used to listen to it over and over. Just look at the lyrics!! *sighs* LoTR has the best soundtracks.

Tomoko came into the city yet again and we went out for lunch at the Veg City Diner and went shopping. (by the way, Meisje I can't got out to eat there tomorrow with you :( My aunt is coming in to the city to take me clothes shopping. Can we reschedule for next week sometime?? I shall email you now about it.) I bought these really cute black and white sneaker...things. The "city shoe" style, I like to call it...well I know at least some of you will get what I'm talking about. I like them very much. Ai sent some really beautiful Japanese postcards with Tomoko to give to me and the message that she thought I was a cute girl. That made me happy. Ai is the sweetest person.

I got my pictures back and will be posting some tomorrow when I get home. School starts Thursday and I don't care about that anymore. I just feel lost and...well, we won't get into it because lord knows how easily hurt I get. Vulnerable, clueless and unsuspecting. That's me. It's always been me. And I'm sure I'll "face the end alone." because I'm shit.

I'm fucking worthless, intolerable shit.

.12 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Mmkay... [28 Aug 2003|06:28pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | tv ]

I totally jacked Jen's post just now. I'm sorry!

But it would be fun if you could all go ahead and post at least 5 things that you know about me. The potential millions of possible answers sounds exciting to me. :)

.6 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Feel On the Verge of Going Mad [28 Aug 2003|12:13am]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Hedwig and the Angry Inch -- Wig In a Box ]

One of my new favorite foods now is cheese pizza with hot sauce poured on top. Saul ordered a pizza tonight and Musa and some of other CUTE Turkish friend who looks identical to Liev Schrieber joined us and we all ate on the ground together. It was damn yummy though. I also like putting hot sauce on scrambled eggs..I don't know why. I swear it makes everything taste better!

Saul and I were doing this thing tonight where we pretended that everything happening around us was just a movie. So we just stood to the side and stared at everyone's interactions and listened to their conversations like we were watching a screen, and we made comments back and forth like no one could hear us. It was funny. Musa and this Greek girl got into an argument and Saul and I just stood there to the side smiling, forgetting that everything was real, and she started getting really angry at us when we weren't helping her out.

Then Saul and I went to Starbucks for an hour and made a scene. Saul was trying to keep me locked in the bathroom and I was screaming and threatening things, because I couldn't get out. He's really damn strong. Like yesterday, he took an apple and tried to give it me. But I told him that eating apples hurt my septum ring, because it keeps bumping into the apple when I take a bite. So Saul takes the apple, puts his fingers on the top and bottom and just pulls the apple apart into two PERFECT halves, like it was a fucking ball of cream cheese. No effort put into it, he just splits an apple in half like it was air.

I talked to my dad on the phone today. It was really strange. We talked for an hour and a half on the phone, like we were great friends. He was so nice and funny and understanding. This has never happened before. My dad and I never get personal. He was asking me about guys and how my relationships were and then we started talking about sex, but it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. I felt like I was talking to a friend about my sex life or something. I felt I could be open, and I was right. He took it all with a grain of salt. Then he told me he has a problem right now, because he's dating this woman named Minnie, and just recently he met her sister and now he and the sister want to date instead. But Minnie is a jealous, nasty chick sometimes and he's scared she may actually try to kill him if he breaks up with her and she finds out it was for her sister. I thought it was so funny. He told me he valued my opinion more than anyone's. Then he proceeded to tell me that our house in PA is infested with bats and they fly around the house all day and night like they're pet birds or something. My dad says you see them hanging on the ceiling in all the rooms and he can't get rid of them. He broke his broom in half trying to kill one and he says he's scared of them and can't sleep at night. I thought it was adorable.

I miss my dad. Despite everything that he's done to me, I love him. I'm always quick to forgive. Maybe too quick.

.4 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Gone Without a Trace [27 Aug 2003|05:56pm]
[ mood | drowsy ]
[ music | tv. ]

Happy 20th Birthday Tomoko!!!!

I love you so much and I hope you have a great day!<3

I went down to Urban Outfitters today and tried on clothes until I couldn't take it anymore. I found a dress, yes I repeat a dress that I actually look really great in. I couldn't believe it. It's black and purple and really pretty...and I must have it. It made me so happy to see that I was a good enough size to actually look decent in something girly. I'm so paranoid that they will be all sold out of my size before Friday or Saturday.

They had fucking awesome tapestries on sale in Urban Outfitters too. Tapestries, different colored beaded curtains...so much cool stuff that I was hesitant to buy. But man it was great there. Everything is cheap and on sale right now.

Saul asked if he could come over for a little tonight, if he gets off work by 9. I'm not sure if that's ok or not. I would like him to though. He does something funny now. Everyday he takes a bunch of coins and throws them all over the ground in front of the fruit stand. And he waits and watches the people who go by. And when someone bends over to pick up the money on the ground, he starts yelling and going, "No, no NO! Excuse me, that's my change!" and the people get all flustered and embarrassed and when they try to hand him the coins they took, he takes them and then throws them back on the ground and walks away while the people watch all confused and dumbfounded. I fucking love it! Best game ever.

6:09. Naptime for a bit.

.20 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

We're Behind You, We're Behind You, and Let Me Please Remind You.. [27 Aug 2003|12:25am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | fans ]

I also made this new icon. It's plain and simple, but I enjoy it. I've missed the Mr. Cumming and Mr. Philippou, these days. Not that you would, but steal this icon or picture and I'll tear your balls or boobs off...slowly.

Does anyone know anything about new AOL 8.8? It keeps asking me to upgrade to the newer version, but I'm curious about what the new features are in comparison to 8.0.

[EDIT]: And according to Chris, Cabaret is closing on Nov. 2. :( This is such a horrible, horrible thing. I can't even begin to imagine what it's going to feel like when that show closes...oh god. :(

.2 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Like Your Blood Knows the Way From Your Heart To Your Brain [26 Aug 2003|10:53pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | news ]

I'm amazed. My sister's never had a computer and sometimes not even a telephone. But now they have a telephone, a computer, and online! I am thrilled to fucking death, you have no idea. It will be so easy talking to them now and staying in touch since they're across the country now. My sister emailed me and I near cried when I recieved it tonight. And all it said was "Poop!"...it made me so happy.

I need to buy my plane tickets to Seattle! I am going to go there to visit them for a couple of weeks. I'm so excited. I'm having a countdown until the date :)

Today was bonding day for Saul, Jamie, and Rihat. We had a fucking ball down at the stand for some reason. Everything was just fucking hilarious and we laughed until Rihat couldn't breathe anymore and had to leave. This lady came over to Rihat and started talking to him about the antique shop he runs. She wanted to sell him some of her crystal collection. So Rihat asked her how old her antique crystal was and she goes, "Oh about 6 years old. I'm not sure how much I can get for that." and then all of a sudden she started looking down the street at the sidewalk and stared laughing and talking to herself like someone was standing there on the sidewalk. And Rihat, Saul, and I just stood there in a circle and stared as this lady talked to the sidewalk and laughed happily for about 5 minutes and then waved and walked away.

It was astounding.

Saul said tonight, "Call me any time tonight if you have emergency. I have bad feeling and I worry about you all the time."

*calls him* "There's an emergency: I miss you."

.2 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Breathing, Keep Breathing [26 Aug 2003|01:43am]
[ mood | my fuel's half full, not empty ]
[ music | Radiohead -- The Tourist ]

Great day. Great day. Saul, good friends, good times, lots of smiling.

It all started when I met Tomoko and her cousin at Astor, early this morning. Her cousin is really sweet and cute. I like her. She was really short and small and had an awesome sense of humor. Tomoko did a lot of translating from Japanese to English for her, since she didn't understand English that well coming from a true American. The accent threw her off and confused her. But we walked around and went window shopping all over the place. We found a shoe store that had the greatest deal. It was buy one pair of shoes, and get two free! But none of the shoes we wanted were in our sizes.

Tomoko bought me this awesome blue, leather bracelet for my birthday and then we went into Urban Outfitters and did some crazy spending. I got these sparkly rubber bracelets that are really pretty (compliments of Saul since he gave me money for my birthday and I used some on the bracelets), and tried on some skirts and stuff. Lois is taking me back there for back to school shopping and I am totally redoing my style. I feel myself changing inside, and I feel the need to change my outside as well. I feel a lot more girly these days...I bet you never thought you would live to hear that huh?

Then we eventually ventured over to the Waverly Diner and ate some lunch, before going up to the Museum of Natural History so Tomoko's cousin could finish going through it. We went into the ocean section and I almost died. I never realized how terrified I was by so many ocean critters. Good god, I'm never going to the beach again...not that I ever really did in the first place. In the gift shop they had candy covered crickets and larvae...I was appalled. I didn't even know it was healthy to eat larvae! They also had cricket lollipops....no one bought either. But they did, however, have rock candy, which I had to tear myself away from. After a bit we parted and I went back to visit Saul.

Saul's been great all day. Sweet and caring and all that ish. I'm so sad, because he called me on Saturday to wish me an early birthday and ask if he could take me to the Aquarium for my birthday. I had told him a long, long time ago that I had always wanted to go (but not now that I realized my ocean phobia!!) and he actually remembered and wanted to take me. But I don't get service at my house in NJ and so I missed his call. That made me so sad. He could see in my eyes that even though I was telling him all these stories about what a great day I had, that I was still in rough shape underneath it all. So after work he asked me to walk with him to the subway.

So I walked with him and soon enough we had passed the subway and were going further down Lexington. So it turned out he took me to buy me some food and got me a big thing of chocolate chip cookies. Awww and he took us to this really nice set of stairs leading up to this fancy ass apartment, and made me sit down next to him and talk to him. He said he wasn't leaving until I felt better, which was weird because...Saul is so odd. And sometimes it surprises me, the patience he gets. So I sat there and talked to him about everything in the world that has ever bothered me...literally. From the first time I remember my father hitting me as a child, to being molested by him when I was 12, to my being overweight and having a poor self image problem even today, to my confusion about where my life iss heading now and what US state it's going to take form in. He was really patient and really accepting of everything. I started crying a lttle and he pulled me to him and let me lie on his lap and part of the stair for awhile and he played with my hair and kept touching my cheeks and lips or kissing my forehead. It was such a nice feeling being protected, understood, and cared for. He hasn't quite been like this since that very first time we ever made out. He becomes so different when he does it, since usually he's so...opinionated and distant. There was some distance and hesitance for so long after that first time, but finally tonight that all disappeared. I wanted to make sure I wasn't just getting carried away in my head so I went ahead and told him that I love him, though I promised not to and it seems so silly to be so easily and I didn't want to make him uncomfortable or read into his actions too much. He was really happy about it and said he knew for a long time ("I know these things you know? I can see right into your head") and that he loved me too (not sure I entirely believe that, and for very good reason...but still..) And god damn he was just so sweet and worried and unlike I've seen him since we met. For once I felt amazingly close in every way. I'm babbling about it, but it these moments that I want to remember, so I have to write them down here. We parted ways and immediately I felt better, but missed him so much. He wanted to sleep over tonight or else have me sleep over his house, but we both decided it would all around be a bad idea.

When I got home? A surprise visit from Anne and her little bother Johnny...he's 16. She came with a birthday bag of weed and a MINI Cooper patch to sew onto my pants. So we got tres high and then as Johnny's treat (i can't believe a 16 year old has as much money as he does.) we went to the Midnight Express Diner and were allowed to order anything we wanted. We got sooo much food and each downed a chocolate milkshake. It was great! haha Anne was so high that she took her over easy eggs and started pouring the yoke on her pancakes instead of the package of syrup she had. hahaha it was great. So fucking good too. Bill: $47. I've never paid for that much diner food.

Tomorrow...more hang out time with Mokes and her cousin, hopefully a lot more time with Saul, and then birthday bar hopping with Anne and Christine. And yea...I'm happy right now. I had an amazing and satisfying day. I feel more whole inside.

.12 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Yeeeeeees, Your Majesty.... [25 Aug 2003|01:31am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | I have Alice In Wonderland lines stuck in my head ]

Many many thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday! It was too kind, really :)

My birthday was indeed a good one. I met up with Kaitlin and Kelly at the American Airlines Theatre to see the show Big River. They were both going to volunteer usher at the show and I would buy a ticket and we woul split the cost 3 ways. But when I got there, they were all sold out of tickets, except for expenive ass $90 tix. So after some heavy debating and a round of "rock, paper, scissors" to solve the dilemma, we decided to run our asses up to Studio 54 and catch a matinee of Cabaret. ("Did you mean that to rhyme?") We got there just in time and got 3 rush seats all the way up at the top. It felt so damn wrong paying for seats at Cabaret. I'm so used to getting in for free with ushering.

So the show started and....it was a rough show. Really, it was. But I must say that Melina Kanakaredes is a killer Sally. She was fucking awesome! Got to see Michael O'Donnell in the role of Cliff, and I loved him too. I actually didn't miss Rick as much, because he did great, though his singing was a bit...um...off when he sang Perfectly Marvelous. It was great for a laugh though! It was so bizarre hearing him actually speak with an American accent though...damn is he American. Tom Bosley was out so his understudy was on, and I didn't like him. Mariette Hartley...never cared for her and I still don't. Jon Secada as the emcee...um...I didn't know it was possible to turn I Don't Care Much into a pop song...and then dance to do it. And he could have at least tried to move a bit during his dance numbers, but I guess it's not in his best interest. He cannot say the world "world." He insists on saying "Welt" or something, which pissed me the hell off. And I also never knew that emcee flip flopped between a French, American, and almost...Cuban sounding accent, but *shrugs*

He was H.O.R.R.I.B.L.E. I think he was the worst emcee I've seen. Maybe a tie with John Stamos...I'm not quite sure yet. But Kelly had some starbursts for us to eat during the show, so they served as a kind of distraction from the demon.

Kaitlin gave me a shirt for my birthday that says "Morroccan Star" on it, all pretty with glitter and whatnot. So god damn funny. Morrocco is a big joke between us, because of Nick Philippou. Show ended and we walked down to the Zipper Theatre to show Kelly Alan Cumming's new venue. We putzed about in there for awhile and shared our Alan/Nick stories, before we went uptown and ate some pizza and then parted. Twas sad. I love those kids.

I went home for a bit and dilly dallyed (whilst the hole got stronger) and then made a late night diner run with Anne who drove all the way from NJ to buy me cheese fries and hot tea ("Well then I have no idea!") for my birthday :) Aw how sweet. It was there that we had rather loud discussions about our threesomes, adultery, pocket change, photo development, and drugs. Yea...everyone in the diner was listening and staring. We made plans to go out birthday drinking on Tuesday night, with a mutual friend from Pace.

Anne's getting me some angel dust that she's been doing the last couple of weeks. Jessalin will be delivering me birthday shrooms in the near future...I <3 my friends hehe

Tomorrow: village shopping and birthday schtuff ("my head is schpinning.") with Tomoko and her cousin.

.33 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Pa, Pa and I Should Have Pigtails [24 Aug 2003|08:37am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | K-PAX -- Taxi Ride ]

Yay it's my birthday today!
19 at last!

I gots me some cd's, a gift certificate for Pier 1 Imports, a Starbucks credit card, and various things that I need from my apartment. I was telling Lois that it's weird, because when my cousin Ryan got his own apartment, I felt sorry for him as a kid since all his presents became household items and not fun things. But now, finally, I understand that it's an exciting thing getting house shit. It's great! It means you have something you really need and you don't have to go out and waste money for it yourself. So I am pleased.

Going home to NYC today. Seeing a matinee of Big River with Kaitlin and Kelly.

And I just wanted to say...haha Sting?? They should call him..Smelly.

.14 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Get Into the....Groove? [18 Aug 2003|10:30pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | tv. ]

There's a firefly in my living room and my cat Hobbes has been playing with him all night. It's very amusing to watch him flipping about in the air.

Tomorrow I shall somehow embark on a journey to Kelly's house for a bit. I shudder at the thought of having to take a bus to New York just to take another bus back into New Jersey if I can't get a ride to her house. I wish there was a fucking bus that went from my area to hers! She only lives like 25 minutes away. God! *shakes an angry fist at him*

My dad asked if I wanted money for my birthday this year. I was surprised. This is the first year he's remembered my birthday, since I was 14 years old. I bet I won't get any money from him though. He always conveniently forgets to give it to me on Christmas, so I don't see why this would be any different.

I've been talking with my aunt. And a plan is being devised. It's almost a sure thing that I can do an exchange to London for a semester my junior or senior year if I'm living back home. We've been saying that's what I would do since I was a freshman in high school.

Also, if I were to get my license, there's been talk that I can get one of the old, original Mini Coopers imported from England!! But I have to learn stick shift first. I wouldn't want one of the new American ones. I think the sporty ones that came to the States are cute, but I've really had my heart set on the original ones, ever since I was a kid. Thanks to Kerri, I realized that you can get really, really cheap mini's on ebay that are already imported. And they're in great condition. I'd end up getting one that looks like one of these:

The second one is almost a little too new looking for me. I would rather have the old one on the top. The only thing I worry about though is that the older the model I get, the harder it may be to find the parts...especially here in America. But...whatever...I have awhile to think about all this :)

.5 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

What Dreams May Come [18 Aug 2003|09:49am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | tv. ]

I'm starting to notice that all my dreams lately have to do with a huge house or building that I keep getting lost in, or have to get through really quickly, because someone is after me. Also, in the dreams I had last night I am drugged or near unconscious and terrible things are happening to me while I'm in this state.

I had several dreams last night:

My dog Hazel was attached to a bunch of balloons and went flying up into the sky and was lost in the grey sky and fog that hung over the ground. My aunt Lois and my mother were combined into one person and even as she watched Hazel float away, she didn't even really care. I was hysterical. Then we got lost in this creepy, black mansion place with gun towers, trying to find her. And these people in all black kept grabbing me and pulling me back into the house everytime I made it outside.


I was drugged up by my aunt and my sisters, and I couldn't bring myself to stand up and join this little "party" that they were having. I was too exhausted and just wanted to sleep. And when I came to, I saw that there was a gigantic moth thing sitting on my arm and I screamed and tried to brush it off, but I was drugged and could hardly move my arm and no one would help me. They just told me to go back to sleep. So I tried to stand up and when I pushed the blanket back, there were hundreds of moths and larvae writhing beneath my blanket, attaching themselves to my legs and I was screaming and crying, but I didn't have enough strength to stand up. So I ended up passing out and when I came to the moths were still there, but I didn't even care because I hardly had the strength to even think. And my sisters were laughing at me and dragged me out of bed, thankfully away from the moths and larvae, and brought me out to the "party." And they were projecting pictures of all our parents onto the floor in the living room, and for some reason we all had different parents. And when the picture of my parents flashed on the floor, both of them were dead in the picture. And everyone thought this was so funny that I didn't have parents anymore. They couldn't stop laughing at me. I tried to cry, but I was too drugged to even respond.


Me, Tomoko, Art, Jefe (Brendan), Craig and a bunch of other people from my high school who I can't remember, all took some E pills that were sold to us. It was fucking freezing out, and we were all lying in a heap of red blankets outside, rolling on the E and trying to stay warm against each other. But there was a jacuzzi that we could go sit in and keep warm in and it would feel really good on the E. It was in this big house up on a hill and all we had to do was go up there and go through the house and they would let us in the jacuzzi. But we didn't have much time left to get there for some reason and it was really important that we got there on time. Me and smoe other person kept getting lost in the big house and it took us forever to get out and tell everyone else outside. We were going to go, but everyone kept passing out and falling asleep on me. I kept begging them desperately to wake up just for a second so we could go to the house and be warm and get in the jacuzzi before the drugs wore off, but everyone would only wake up for a second, and then go back to sleep. It's like it was beyond their ability to even stay conscious. I tried to drag Tomoko up the hill by her arms, but it wasn't working and it was getting really cold. I could see my breath and snow was appearing on the ground. And I ended up just passing out with the rest of them and falling to the ground in the snow. I woke up just long enough to see Tomoko lying face down in the snow and I was thinking how we both better move, before we freeze to death, but then I went unconscious again.

I've been saying it for weeks and I'll say it again: I don't want to go to sleep anymore. I hate my dreams. I wake up wanting to scream, because I have nightmares every night. In dreams are the only times when I can actually see my mother now and in all of them she lets me down.

.20 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Indecision [17 Aug 2003|10:02pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | K-PAX soundtrack -- Coda ]

I need to get out of this house. I am still sick and I can't keep food down. I keep drinking water and it's never enough and my lips are practically white (though they've been getting more color as the day goes on.) But I want to go outside and get some fresh air. Get some tea...anything.

No one's been around to talk to or go anywhere with for a bit. I was supposed to go back to the city tonight. I needed to. I don't know what state the fridge is in there and there was half a garbage can full that needed to be taken out, but I left in such a rush it didn't get done. And I was supposed to sleep over at Marina's tonight. But Lois made me stay in GR tonight "since you don't look so hot" and now she says she wants me to go to the doctor tomorrow if I look and feel the same.

Grandma flipped out again today, with her hallucinations and aggression. She was convinced again that the invisible people in our house had taken me away. So when I went into the room to show her that no one had taken me away, she flipped out and said I was no better than the rest of them and that I deserved to be shot in the head with a "food gun." Whatever that is. Then she started crying harder and said that "not even the boyscouts" could help her now.

I'm not sure why I am crying right now, but I think it's just because I've really needed a hug these last couple of days and no one's done it yet. And because I've really just needed to go out and do something and have fun despite how I've been feeling, but no one's been around or has returned any of my calls. It's weird, because in the last two months I was sort of starting to feel like a normal person for the first time. I was in college and had tons of friends, an apartment in the city I loved most in the world, a boyfriend-ish type person, some sort of family to see. That was never a life I had. It was what all my friends had and what the people in the movies had. But then by some miracle, I grew into that lifestyle too. But it's all kind of shifted, just a little bit. I lost some people and some relationships are strained. My sisters moved away and I miss them, and I know grandma doesn't have much time left, so that's hard to think about. And I totally wasn't good enough to be with Saul, and that's pretty degrading to think about. But I always knew I wouldn't have anymore relationships, because I've always been gross physically and emotionally. That's mainly the reaosn why things have been shitty for me. Everyone else always has a boyfriend. And I went and fucked up everything with mine, the one person in the world it seems who would even have me. I guess it's sort of hard going back to feeling like the loser who lives vicariously through everyone elses normal teenage lives.

But whatever, life moves on and it always has and I'm fine now and I'll be fine then. It just sucks having a taste of what life could be and is for most people, and then having to back to...the previous 18 years of blah.

My birthday is in a week. Everyone says that 19 is when things start to change. I have hope :)

.29 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Finally, We Can Eat! [16 Aug 2003|04:11pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Lois and grandma talking ]

So, Pace University just got these brand new ID cards. They're called "Pace ONE cards." Now the interesting thing about these cards, are that they're actually credit cards. They're blue mastercard credit cards with the Pace logo on them, and they have your name and picture on the top of the card. Mine just came in the mail.

Now I have problems with this. One of which being, do we have to use them? Because I don't want a credit card thingy, even to tap into school accounts. credit cards and me = bad news, no matter where the money is coming from.

The biggest problem I have with these cards, is that the picture of me featured on this new ID is my picture from my ID last year. Now, those that know my pic from last year can tell you I look nothing like that now. In fact, I looked nothing like my picture, 4 months after it was taken. And towards the end of the year, I was having issues with campus security guards who compared my ID picture to me now and refused to let me into the dorms, because they thought I had someone elses ID.

So how the fuck do they expect me to get on campus this year, with this ID card? No one will ever let me on campus. In the picture I look like a boy. I have short black hair, unplucked eyebrows, no piercings, no makeup. Now I have shoulder length brown hair, thin eyebrows, a big ring in my nose, and I wear a lot of makeup. I look like a totally different person. Don't believe me? Let's compare the two different looks:

When the first ID was taken
(No, I don't have a skin disease on my face. The pic was saved kind of distorted)

This is me now

...I'm never getting into that school...

.18 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

A Time to Reflect [16 Aug 2003|01:04am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Hedwig and the Angry Inch -- Hedwig's Lament ]

I just started looking at photos online, and the fact that I waited sicker than I've ever been in this, fainted in this, but still made it through this completely alone, makes me pretty damn proud.

This was the line I waited in for 4 1/2 hours to get on the ferry.
Or should I say, part of the line for the ferry. And see the second bus in the first picture? That's the bus they took me on when I passed out :)

A closer look at the line for the ferry...it's now nighttime in this pic.

And this was part of the street I walked through on the way to the ferry. Yea...I puked in the middle of all that.

And I forgot to mention that there was the creepiest, brightest full moon directly over NYC last night once I got to Weehawken. Had I not been bleeding and getting crushed by mobs, I probably would have sat next to the river and pondered the coincidental convenience of this aspect.

.64 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Good Christ [15 Aug 2003|06:04pm]
[ mood | horrible ]
[ music | news ]

I had the worst day of my life yesterday. It surpassed every tragedy, every loss, every hard experience I have ever been through.

No joke.

I wrote that post as the power went out throughout the east coast. I managed to pull myself up to look out the window and see that all the traffic lights were out and the cars on 3rd Ave were swirving to keep from hitting the cars driving down 88th. People were rushing around on the streets, trying to make sense of everything. There was no way I could stay in that aprtment in the state I was in, and npot know when the power was gonna come back on. I had to try and get back to Jersey (I had no idea the power wasn't working there.)

So I take my bag, put on my shoes and fumble out of the pitch black apartment. I hit the street and it's chaos. There is no order, just lines of people in all the stores trying to buy as much water as possible. I had no money for water. I just had to wing it. I slowly start walking and my head is reeling and the sounds of sirens everywhere were making my migraine so bad that tears were squeezing out of my eyes. The subways are all shut down and I soon came to the realization that I would have to walk from E. 88th to W. 42nd in a heat wave, with a migraine and nausea, through absolute chaos. You could hardly walk on the streets, because everyone was sitting outside or scrambling to get home.

I start to puke. I puke all over the sidewalk, somewhere in the 70's. People are dodging me as I hurl. I walk a few feet and then throw up some more, this time into a trash can and some little boy walks by and goes, "ew gross." and points at me. I started to cry. By the time I hit the 60's, ambulances are everywhere, loading tons of people into them, giving people oxygen as they sit on the streets. Cameras were snapping pictures of everything. people were climbing the street signs and lights to get high up and snap photos. People were walking in the streets, I saw cars driving on bits of sidewalk to get around people. People were actually climbing on the hoods and the roof of cars and trucks to get rides through the city. Everywhere people were trying in vain to call people on their cell phones, but nobody could get any service. I made it to Grand Central on E. 42nd and there were MOBS of people outside. No one was allowed inside and people were actually near trampling each other just to get down the sidewalk. I watched people get stepped on.

I made it to Port Authority, and saw that it was closed. Hundreds of people were waiting outside, not allowed to even wait inside, since the entire terminal was closed down. No buses were running. I started throwing up again on 8th Ave., a cop trying to push me out of the way to keep me from spraying people. That's when I got in touch with Kaitlin's mom. Luckily she had been listening to the news and she advised me to walk over to the river and find the ferry's. As of then, the ferry's were the only way to get out of the city. I started feleing really faint. I was dehydrated and could barely stand. All the people and the sirens were hurting my head. A woman told me to go to the hospital, but then a cop said you couldn't get into them right now. I decided to walk to the ferry.

Awhile later I got to the ferry, just in time to get a message from Kaitlin's mom, saying "Don't go to the ferry! They just announced that an estimated 100,000 people are waiting in line right now to get on them." She was right. The line was huge. No one knew what they were doing. They just filed behind the mob and decided to wait and try to get out. The tunnels and bridges were closed, the airports were shut down. You could only take the ferry. So I waited in line. I got there at about 5 or 5:30 and stood in the crowd. You couldn't even breathe, it was so packed. People were shoving and pushing from all sides, arguing about their personal space. We moved about 3 feet every twenty minutes. There were news helicopters hovering over us like crazy, all these news cameras filming the crowds and harassing us. I saw 2 pregnant women who were passing out and had to be helped.

After about 2 hours, I dropped. I couldn't stand anymore and I just collapsed in the crowd. People started yelling for help and 2 cops came into the line and each took my arm and helped me stand again. They led me out of the line to the side were there were a few ferry buses waiting. They weren't turned on so they were even hotter than it was outside. But they sat me inside and took my pulse and kept asking if I was alright. there were other people in there who had fainted earlier. I asked for water and they said they had none. I couldn't believe it. My head was reeling and I couldn't stay conscious, but I HAD to. I HAD to stay in that line and get on a ferry. So I forced myself to stand and a cop took me out of the bus and helped me back into line again.

I waited some more. And finally when we were about 50 feet from the ferry entrance, they made an announcement. The ferry's were out of fuel and they couldn't take anymore people across. People started going nuts and screaming and tons of people left, but I couldn't bring myself to. There had to be a way to get across. So me and thousands of people stayed and eventually they got some fuel and started bringing people across again. I got there at 5:30, but didn't get a ferry across until 9:45 and we all stood the entire time. I cried on the ferry. I was surprised I had enbough water left in me to cry. But I was just so happy to get there. I had no idea that...

The worst was yet to come.

I got to Weehawken, NJ only to see that thousands of people were stranded there. It was pitch black and everyone had flash lights and they kept shinging them into your face. You could hardly see. And there was only 2 ways to leave that ferry parking lot. You either had to take a bus to Hoboken, the Meadowlands, or Ft. Lee...or else drive out. I decided to wait for a bus to Hoboken. If I could get on that,I could stay with my cousin Jeremy at his apartment. But there were hundreds of people waiting for those buses. ANd they were loading the buses one at a time. The crowds turned into feverish mobs. Everyone was angry and violent. People were pushing and fighting each other to get on the buses, and people were actually falling down and getting crushed. I couldn't breathe, I had people pressed up against me on all sides. I was swaying and trying not to dry heave. I could barely even open my eyes.

Fights were breaking out right and left. One woman went into labor while being pushed around int he crowd. This started a panic about the baby and before I knew it, someone's elbow connected with my nose and my nose was gushing blood, everywhere. It was running down my neck and onto my shirt. And I started panicking. I could barely even move to hold my nose and when I tried to push my way out of the bus mob, I got pushed and thrown down onto the ground in a pile of flower bushes. I scratched up my arms trying to stand up. A security guard saw me and he ran and got paramedics. How embarrassing. I was helped again by cops and paramedics to an ambulance nearby. They shined bright lights into my eyes and kept asking if I was okay and if I could hear them. They were fixing up my nose (which turned out that the piercing just tore a little and my nose wasn't broken or anything.) and using alcohol to get the blood off of me. I just kept asking if they had water. All I wanted was water. I could barely talk, I was so thirsty and dehydrated. And they told me the worst thing, "No, we don't have any water here at the moment." I started balling, my nose started bleeding more.

I called my aunt Lois. She told me that Rt. 3 was shut down, and because of that, no one could possibly come and pick me up from the ferry. I would either have to stay the night there next to the river, or else take a bus to the Meadowlands and sleep in the parking lot of Giants Stadium. I was hysterical. I called up Kaitlin's mom and told her about everything. It was comforting just hearing her voice and I appreciate so mcuh her putting up with me. I didn't even care about having to sleep there. I just wanted water and there was none. I considered drinking out of the Hudson River. I was actually going to do it, but Patty talked me out of it.

My cell was dying and there was nothing left to do but try and make it until the morning. I started walking around, looking at all the hundreds of other people who were stranded there and sitting or lying on the ground and in the parking lot. I decided to go and look for an empty piece of asphalt to just pass out on until morning. I just needed sleep so I wouldn't have my migraine and I could forget about drinking water for awhile. And just as I was about to lie down and cry myself to sleep, I heard a man yelling.

He was yelling to the bus mobs that he had a station wagon and was willing to give people rides to Mahwah and Ramsey. Now both those places are still like 20 minutes from home, but at least then someone may have been able to drive there and get me. I ran over to him desperately. I couldn't even talk. I was crying and my mouth was so dry that no sound came out of it. He saw me and grabbed my arm and kept saying, "Are you okay? Hey you don't look so good. Are you going to Ramsey?" I just nodded desperately and he held onto me. But so many people took him up on his offer that he couldn't fit us all in his car. But we decided to walk to his car and see if we could all fit by sitting on top of one another and lying down on top of each other. (That's when you know people are desprate, when total strangers agree to sit on each other's laps.)

But then...the voice of an angel. As we were walking towards the car, I heard a voice say, "...free bus to Glen Rock and Ridgewood, if you can fit.) I whirled around and caught sight of a small shuttle bus, that was going to drive people right back to my town for free! I was scared to leave the people I was with, in case something went wrong and I couldn't get on the bus. But by the time I turned back to look at them, they were lost in the crowd already and I had no other choice. I flew over to the bus and got the last seat left on the little shuttle bus. I cried about half of the way home. When they dropped off some people first, I had to get out of the bus and throw up again. When I got back in, all the other passengers were all nice and kept offering me candy and stuff to help me feel better. But all I wanted was water, and of course, no one had any of that.

The shuttle bus dropped me off right outside my house. I hugged the driver so tight, I thought I was going to kill him. And when I got upstairs into my house I I drank 2 tall glasses of water, and 2 sodas, within a few minutes. I felt like throwing it all back up of course, but at least I had some liquid down my throat for awhile.

Headache, major dehydration, dizzy spells, vomitting. I've got it all. But I am safe and sitting in air conditoner. I have scratches on my arms, a fucked up nose (though no bruising, it's all on the inside) and I keep shaking really badly. I feel like I have a high fever, but don't, and it doesn't help that I can't keep much food or water down. But I am HOME. And I am ALIVE.

I went through fucking hell and back and all I want to do is rest. I want to sleep for days without any hassle from anyone.

I never want to go back to a day like that in NYC again. Maybe it would have been a little better, had I have felt healthy. It was such a hassle and until you deal with a situation like that in person, you don't realize how scary it can be living on an island in a crisis. You can't get out. And people are scared and will stop at nothing to get out. Most people who lived through September 11th, said that yesterday was even more hectic and chaotic then when the terrorist attacks happened. And the news just reported that 50,000 more people were transported off the island than when Spetember 11th happened.

Until you deal with an emergency situation like that yesterday, you can't even begin to imagine what it's like and how dangerous it is living in the city. I know none of my friends will understand, even after I tell my story. But no one would have wanted to be there. I never want to be there again.

.14 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Nice Video, Shame About the Song [14 Aug 2003|04:01pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | fans ]

Migraines. Vomitting all day, but hardly anything comes out. It's too hot to eat, so I ate nothing at all yesterday. I just sat there and drank water all day. But the migraines now from this weather are so bad, that I throw up and out comes all the water and I'm dehydrated and dizzy and feel like I'm going to faint every time I stand up to use the bathroom.

Both fans are going and I'm covering my head in ice cubes, but they keep melting and make my pillow more wet and humid.

I'm also turning into my grandma. I keep seeing weird things out of the corner of my eye, that make me sit up really quickly or turn my head really fast to look at whatever it is, but of course nothing is there and then I either get sick again or my headache gets worse. It's probably from being hungry and dehydrated, my body is playing tricks on me.

I took some pills and now I feel good enough to lie on my stomach and type this, but I feel like I'm going to die.


.6 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

One of Us Is Ugly, One of Us Is Cute, One of Us You'd Like To See In Her Birthday Suit [14 Aug 2003|03:21am]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | Conan O'Brien rerun ]

I hate my can opener, it's the biggest load of useless shit since John Malkovich.

I tried to open a can of vegetarian beans tonight, but the can opener failed to do anything useful. It would break open the lid, but then not turn so I had to keep on squeezing it and cutting through little pieces of the lid, until about 25 minutes later, I finally got the lid off. Then I realized that little pieces of metal from the mangled lid were probably all over in that can of beens, because I could see them all over the stove.

I was hungry though and it was an entire can of beans I would be wasting, if I just threw it away. So I cooked the beans and ate them slowly...literally examining each bean one by one before I ate it. It took forever to finish the bowl. And now every time I feel a pain in my insides, I envision little slivers of metal embedded in my throat, my intestines, my liver, my pancreas, my heart....everywhere!! I'll sleep next to the phone tonight in case I need to call 911 hehe

It's 3:30 in the morning and I'm not even tired or anything. Just bored. I watched some Rowan Atkinson movies and laughed hysterically for awhile. Then I watched that one scene from Shadow of the Vampire over and over about 7 or 8 times and laughed even harder. Now my head is pounding from all the laughing.

I think I'm seeing Chris again tomorrow. Yes? No? Yes? If you read this before you leave....call me!!

.8 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

Or Maybe I Should Just Read [13 Aug 2003|09:19pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | [in my head] Blondie -- Atomic (hahahah) ]

I feel so damn bad. Saul's gone and fucked up his back to the point where he can hardly stand or anything. He's wearing one of those black back braces to help him keep it straight. He was in so much pain today that when he stood up to help a customer, he actually had tears in his eyes from the pain. That made me so upset that I ran to CVS and bought him a big box of back pain reliever. I didn't want him to pay me back, because he didn't ask me to get it. I just wanted so much for him not to be in pain. But he insisted on giving me the money back and that made me feel even more bad. I wanted to do him a good favor without him feeling like he owed me. He took like 4 or 5 of the pills and he said it helped a lot. All day he was very sweet to me and kept telling people about what a great person I was and how I was his best friend and he loved me. It made me feel happy, no matter how much truth was behind it.

He's not going to work tomorrow, and I'm glad about this. He really needs to rest and sleep and worry about his health more. He's so skinny, it's frightening. But I will miss him tomorrow and now I have to come up with an alternative plan for the day...hmmm.

Musa and I had a big, intense talk tonight about my father. It was a little bonding time, which was actually very nice. But then Saul came in and ruined it by bursting into our little huddle to inform me that if he wins the lottery, he's going to give me half the money.....and that was the end of that hehe

I helped pack up the truck today, since Saul couldn't lift anything heavy. This meant that I had to help load in the big metal cart. It looks easy enough when Saul and Musa do it, but when I came and took one end to help Musa load it...good god, so damn heavy and I nearly sliced two of my fingers off by holding the ragged edge of the bottom of the cart. No wonder why Saul always has bandaids on his fingers!

Is it a sad and loserish thing to go and rent a movie by yourself, and watch it? Because I am at a loss for what to do here..

.6 prefer the term ill of course, you think i'm crazy.

You Are the Perfect Drug [13 Aug 2003|02:34am]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | TV and fans ]

I'm going to do another post that is not so sad and aching.

Emily came to visit me today and we've done many things. I introduced her to Saul and it didn't go over too well. She thought he was cute and could see how he was attractive. But immediately she was wary of his charm and felt suspicious of him. As the day went on, he wasn't very high in her favor. She thought he was too flirtatious and sneaky and didn't appreciate his company. She refused to hug him when we parted and he got really upset. I felt bad for him :( She wants me away from him for good. That makes me sad too.

But anyway, we went downtown to the Veg City Diner for lunch. It was good, but I had really bad period cramps (yes, I was 13 days late with my period, but now it's come) and I didn't feel much like eating. I felt really sick actually. Then we went over to Wendy's for a frosty and we witnessed a big fight inside between this guy and his girlfriend. His girlfriend suddenly started screaming and the whole place went silent, and she threw her drink and fries to the floor and started to storm out, when she turned around and screamed at him some more as all of Wendy's stared in amazement at her. It was interesting. I hope one day I have a fight with my byfriend in a fast food place and get the attention of the entire room.

We ended up renting 2 movies from Blockbuster. Requiem For a Dream and Shadow of the Vampire. We've finished them both by now. Requiem For a Dream was a good movie and I thought the directing was amazing. But I had some issues with some of it, and found certain scenes to be a little far fetched and the only way I could respond to some of it was, "Oh come on.." All in all, it was a good movie, though.

Shadow of the Vampire was just...oh god. Let me start out by saying that I hate John Malkovich. I have always hated him. I hate his acting, I hate all his movies, I hate his face. But I heard somewhat good reviews about the film, so we rented it. It wasn't a pretty ordeal watching this movie. it was just plain stupid....I mean, it had Cary Elwes in it (looking old and chubby) for gods sake. That guy is sooo over already. But anyway, the movie was just ridiculous and Em and I laughed...a lot. One of the scenes we had to rewind over and over again about 4 or 5 times, just because it was so damn funny and stupid. I couldn't believe it. I might have to actually BUY the video, just to have that one scene forever on tape! The end was semi-interesting though, so it wasn't total garbage.

I have nothing to do tomorrow. Perhaps I'll attempt to "do" Saul. Anyway, Emily is reading her book right now, and I'm gonna go to attempt the same with mine.

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