My brother told me how he and two friends (all three straight) had a drink at a gay bar in the Castro when they visited San Fransisco two years ago, and how two guys hit on him but not on his ugly buddies.
Ick! What is it about family members having sex that's so disgusting?
It IS a turn-on to fuck while your brother's in the other room.
Local gay groups are planning a KISS-IN at the local Mormon Easter Pageant. Supposedly to combat Mormon homophobia.
I find the idea very funny, but I seriously doubt that confrontational tactics like these will actually decrease anyone's homophobia.
Actually, I'm not in doubt in all. I'm pretty sure they won't.
This is very sad news.
Islamic Library Burned to the Ground
Robert Fisk, The Independent
BAGHDAD, 15 April 2003 - So yesterday was the burning of books. First came
the looters, then came the arsonists. It was the final chapter in the sack
of Baghdad. The National Library and Archives - a priceless treasure of
Ottoman historical documents including the old royal archives of Iraq -
were turned to ashes in 3,000 degrees of heat. Then the Islamic Library of
Qur'ans at the Ministry of Religious Endowment was set ablaze. I saw the
One of them cursed me when I tried to reclaim a book of Islamic law from a
boy who could have been no more than 10 years old. Amid the ashes of
hundreds of years of Iraqi history, I found just one file blowing in the
wind outside: Pages and pages of handwritten letters between the court of
Sherif Hussein of Makkah - who started the Arab revolt against the Turks
for Lawrence of Arabia - and the Ottoman rulers of Baghdad.
( Read more... )
"Man will not fly for a thousand years".
New York Times Editorial on the foolishness of pursuing manned flight, December 8, 1903.
The millenium was to last for exactly 9 days, until the Wright brothers achieved manned flight at Kitty Hawk (Dec. 17, 1903). Even two years later, Scientific American suggested that the invention was a hoax.
It took another 5 years for the establishment to recognize the Wright brother's achievement.
The webmaster of apologized and explained to me that he only copied my text to prevent it from becoming inaccessible in case my site went offline. I accepted that reasoning, even though it doesn't explain why he didn't include a reference to the source.
Thanks in part to the comments to my earlier posts, and in part to the realization that DOES sell things (t-shirts), though it is doubtful they're making a profit, I will contact that website and give them permission to use my writing ex post facto.
Oh, and did I mention that that site has a big fat disclaimer on it that says
"If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. "
Just found a page devoted to the liberal media myth on which is an almost verbatim copy of my own article on the subject (an earlier version though).
I can't believe how some people plagiarize other people's work. I don't mind my political writing being copied, in fact, I want it as widely read as possible. But I'd like to receive some credit.
The Bush Regime Algorithm.
Assuming that country C_n has already been conquered:
1. Talk up country C_{n+1} as the next threat to world peace. Use identical rhetoric that was used for C_n.
2. Claim that the evildoers of C_n are now in league with C_{n+1}.
3. Present phony evidence that C_{n+1} has chemical weapons.
4. Conquer C_{n+1}. Let the evildoers of C_{n+1} escape, so you can claim they escaped to C_{n+2}.
5. Grab C_{n+1}'s oil reserves.
6. While steps 4 and 5 are still in progress, go back to step 1, with n+1 instead of n.
Good old uncle Sam has not been well in the last few years. He suffers from a breakdown of his political immune system, giving rise to multiple opportunistic infections and cancers in vital body parts. Two years ago, after a court had declared the old man temporarily insanse, a new team of doctors was appointed to try a radically new, experimental therapy. Many believe that the doctors actually want the uncle dead so they can get his considerable fortune, and that their medical degrees are fake, but the town has only one newspaper which refused to report this story.
In the name of curing the uncle, the new doctors are administering a substance that only makes the sickness worse. With every spoon full of the poison, he gets weaker; his memory is not what it used to be, and on some days, he doesn't even know who he is anymore. On these days, they can convince him to do almost anything. They've made him renoune his oldest friends, and disown his family. Playing to his life-long fear of burglars and murderers, they have talked him into spending a significant part of his fortune on a new security system for the mansion (which, according to security system experts, is unproven and will probably not work in the unlikely case of an outside attempt on the old man's life), complete with armed guards patroling every room and the gardens. Family members are no longer admitted to the bed chamber, and news from the outside world are intercepted, because "they would only upset the patient". What's left of the fortune has been spent on lavish salaries for the doctors and been invested into strange businesses run by their friends. On top of these unsound investments, they even made him donate money to a strange religious sect that, according to people who knew him when he was young, he had always eyed with suspicion.
On occassions, when the uncle recovers a semblance of his former clarity of mind, he wants to know why he is getting weaker, why the treatment is not working, and why he is not allowed to see his own family. To this, the doctors gently reply that the treatment's power will soon, very soon kick in - just a little more patience! - and that this kind of treatment also benefits from the power of prayer. Maybe, if he prayed more, recovery would manifest sooner. As far as his lack of contact with the outside world is concerned, they explain to him that it is for his own safety. Assassins could sneak into the house, disguised as family members! Besides, it would not be in his own best interest to see his family members. They are conspiring against him. Some are even traitors to the family traditions, who hate their old relative and wish to see him dead.
Right now, the only hope for even a partial recovery is a country doctor from Vermont, who seems to know the right medicine. But getting him to the patient, and allowing him to administer the medicine is going to be difficult at this stage. The quack doctors will do everything in their power to prevent the patient from hearing a second opinion, and they will employ every means of persuasion known to psychology to make the patient decide against a change of therapy. Failing that, they might again obtain a court order in their favour. Or maybe the patient's decision will come as a barely audible whisper, and it will fall to the quack doctors to interpret the answer. If they succeed, the patient will be subjected to four more years of the new treatment, which will probably kill him. Hopefully, it won't come to that.
The Vermont Burlington Free Press has an article on Howard Dean's rising popularity. This is giving me great hope for the future. To think that just 20 months from now, the Bush nightmare could be over.
WHITEHOUSE.ORG is so hysterical. This from a fake Bush speech to the Iraqis:
"I want to thank the statue-defacers among you. When we're handing out the Freedom PB&J;'s, we'll remember your opportunistic ass kissing. Watching you on the TV made Laura and me so proud to be the newly-ordained Emperor and Empress of the Arabiac World. The way you managed to stir up nearly 500 people in a city the size of Los Angeles, then cheer so telegenically as my Marines just happened to be tearing down the only Saddam statue in the shadow of the hotel where the Pentagon put all the TV reporters and their cameras. That was golden. Well done. Why, people here in the US have completely forgotten that we haven't even had time yet to plant, then "uncover" any of those nasty old weapons of mass destruction that my daddy gave Saddam in the first place!"
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