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Sabethea Honesty's LiveJournal:
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Friday, July 5th, 2002 | 10:36 pm |
| 10:13 pm |
it's stupid to feel lonely when jay's only ten yards away shaving.
but i am.
i expect it's cos i'm overtired. i haven't had enough sleep.
bah. | Thursday, July 4th, 2002 | 9:21 am |
some things are just not meant to be "because life, mrs brown, is just one big knees up a night on the town or a storm in a tea cup (more like a tea cup in a storm)" Carter well, i've got my concert this afternoon (after the work meetings which start in about 40 minutes). to begin with, my friend jess was going to come and see because she was going to be on holiday; and my mum couldn't come because she had a relate (marriage guidance counselling) meeting. (she does the counselling). but then i got an email from jess the other day sounding very fed up. she couldn't take time off because pay roll messed up her wages and she didn't have enough money. she was supposed to be going to scotland to visit an old friend so she was really pissed off. but mum managed to fit her meeting in early, because one of her couples didn't turn up on monday night so it looked like she could come. it was all working out so nicely. but my sister's called. yes, that sister. and my mum has to go to oxford to look after her. so she can't come either. the sad thing is, it's apparently good news that's caused this. my sister's been offered a teaching job, which would be a good thing. but then she'd need more child care; she'd get less state benefit; and she'd need her husband to pick up Emma from school a couple of times a week. and he's not going to be helpful and do something like that. so she's not sleeping. let's be honest, apart from my dad, every one of my family are crap when they don't get enough sleep. i get ill and progressively more tearful and moody. mum gets migraine. deb gets grumpy. and nik - well, at the moment, lack of sleep = crisis. hopefully mum can sort her out and make her feel better. but she's got to go - of course she has. it's just a little disappointing. i was looking forward to singing in front of people i knew. but, (as Montoya told his pit crew after one race this season when he'd gone out and was damn annoyed) - shit happens. oh - and i still don't know whether i've got a place on this course. beyond a joke, really, now. Current Mood: disappointed | Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002 | 1:55 pm |
"We apologise to the deaf for the lack of subtitles" Announcement on the television okay, the oat and sultana cookies are done and frozen (apart from the ones i've eaten and a couple i've left for jay) and i'm now cooking chocolate chip cookies. so yes, i went to the shop. i posted off the first three chapters of my next book with a synopsis, so we'll see what comes of that. probably nothing, but my feeling is that persistence is the key far more than talent. most people don't get published not because they're not good enough but because they're not stubborn enough to go on getting rejected and continue to send stuff in. they can go on rejecting me. i will go on trying. one day. one day... Current Mood: determined | 11:32 am |
money troubles "take care of penni, and the pounds will take care of themselves" if only it were that simple. jay got overdrawn the first day of this month. the trouble is, the money goes out on direct debits before he gets paid, which is crazy. we tried to stave it off - i gave him some money early (wonder if i got overdrawn too. i don't think so, i'd probably have heard if i did.) - but it happened anyway, which means the bank's going to charge us absolutely loads. it's the first time ever either of us has been overdrawn, which is why i'm making a big thing of it. we were discussing setting up a joint account from which all the bills went last night. it seems a good idea. we'd still keep our own accounts (i prefer looking after my own money. i'm often rather mean and i don't want to feel like i'm harassing jay about how he spends money. it's best if we both have money to spend as we want) but our wages would go into the joint account and we'd direct debit off bits to our own accounts as "spending money". or we'd direct debit a certain amount into the joint account from our own accounts. something like that. yeah, that way round would be better. i'm busy making biscuits this morning. some for us and some for the fete that i'm having a stall at, which is now only just over a week away, so i thought i'd better get cooking. so far, i've got: a foot long cuddly tiger a foot long cuddly leopard (minus one ear at the moment) 250 mini erasers as consolation prizes for the tombola 8 pots of jam of various sizes (must make labels next week) a painted silk cushion cover hmm... it's not much yet. i intended to get loads of cooking done but it just didn't happen. i'd make today a cooking day but i've run us out of margarine. in fact, i'm a bit short of ingredients all round. perhaps we'll go food shopping this evening. can't cook tomorrow because i've got work meetings all morning and then i'm singing in a concert in the afternoon. god, i must practise. my mum's coming to watch and i don't want to make a fool of myself. everything happens at once, doesn't it? one minute it's all ages away and the next minute it's tomorrow... Current Mood: busyCurrent Music: Book: Joey and Co in Tirol | Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002 | 7:37 pm |
tired. very tired "i'm only happy when it rains. i'm only happy when it's complicated" Garbage jay's ill again. and furious and feeling helpless. a long time ago (a couple of months) he got an emergency doctor's appointment because he was scarily unable to breathe. really scary. and she was great. reassured him; gave him medicines that worked; ordered tests to find out what was wrong. (he never got her name, though. it sounded polish, but he says she sounded french.) then he was told that the blood test results had come through and HIS doctor (named and shamed, Dr Grice) wanted to see him. so he had to take time off work to go and see him. his doctor said "so, what are you doing here?" then, when jay said that he'd been told to make the appointment to discover results of blood tests, the doctor said "oh..." shuffled through bits of paper and finally said "you're allergic to something." gee, really? HE ALREADY KNEW THAT. so jay said so. and the doctor said "oh, do you want to know what it is you're allergic to?" (surely no one could want something like that, hey?) and said it would be a couple of weeks before those results were back. well, about three weeks later, jay went into the doctor's surgery to drop off a prescription. and he asked about his results. and the people behind the desk said "oh, we can't tell you about them face to face. you'll have to phone up between 2 and 4pm". what sort of surgery can't tell you about your own test results face to face? so, duly, two days later he called them. they said "we can't tell you about them, nbut your doctor wants to see you. would you like to make an appointment?" so, jay made an appointment. and it was yesterday. so he had to leave work early. he went in, and the doctor said "so, what are you doing here?" then, when jay said that he'd been told to make the appointment to discover results of blood tests, the doctor said "oh..." shuffled through bits of paper (is this sounding at all familiar?)... shuffled through more bits of paper and finally said (wait for this...) "the results aren't in yet." this is like 6 weeks since he was told that they would take 2 weeks. "phone up in a couple of weeks," said the doctor. fucking hell, how difficult can it be? i'm so angry for jay. he's so angry and he feels so helpless. meantime, he's got worse again (the doctor has decided apparently randomly that this time it's an infection and not an allergic reaction, even though they don't know whether he's come into contact with something he's allergic to because... well, you know why... and he's given him some pills.) frankly, i think that part of the reason he's worse is that his bloody doctor is stressing him out. and if he phones up for his results in a couple of weeks and they say "oh, your doctor wants to see you," i think he should go right in there and demand the wretched things. IF they've actually got them, and haven't lost them weeks ago. so he got practically NO sleep last night; i therefore got very little. (have you ever met a whistling kettle? loud, aren't they? try sharing a bed with someone doing a pretty prefect impression of one...) we're both exhausted. i'm worried about how he did at work being that tired, but i don't dare call him (i'm at work now) because he might be asleep and heaven knows he needs all the sleep he can get. and we feel so helpless and frustrated. for a moment, once, we thought we were getting somewhere. and it's so frightening. it's horrible for him, i don't know what to do and (i'm sorry to get so selfish about this, but) we simply can't afford for him to go on being ill like this. if it carries on, he really won't be able to hold a full time job down properly. which means i'll have to work more so we can live. which means i'll get worse. which means he'll worry more, which will make him worse. which means... well, you get the idea. I HATE DOCTORS. I HATE THEM I HATE THEM I HATE THEM. AND I HATE JAY'S DOCTOR IN PARTICULAR. it's a pity i wasn't there, really. i'd probably have said things that jay wouldn't. but i suppose it wouldn't help if the surgery refused to treat him at all. Current Mood: angryCurrent Music: Book: An Honest Rose (the beginning of mine) | Monday, July 1st, 2002 | 10:50 am |
back to real life... "i remember when i was young. they told me not to put my trust into anyone." So You Think - Eleanor i had such a great holiday. the funny thing was, staying with jay's relatives was a lot less stressful than staying with my own, which is a pity. they were really kind and friendly - and more understandable than his dad, which surprised me. no problems there. i think perhaps when i stay with my family, i feel that i'm the one that's expected to know how to act. i feel like i'm responsible for jay and i acting in ways that will please whoever we're staying with. and i find the whole thing rather stressful, especially as i don't really know what's expected of us. but staying with jay's relatives, i felt like it was up to him to tell me if there were things we had to do. and honestly, i've not been so fussed over for ages. also, a good number of jay's relatives are *extremely* fussy when it comes to food (they make me look very unfussy in comparison) so that wasn't a problem. when i stay with my family, they've spent all my life telling me that i'm a complete fusspot and that i should make more of an effort and all of that sort of thing. so, in a way it's sad to say it, but i was far more relaxed staying there than i would have been staying with any relatives of mine. but on the up side, it made for a good holiday. we had a great time. spent more money than i intended to and am now going to have to be very careful for a while. still, i came home to a tax rebate (wonder of wonders) and i'm helping my mum with her exam papers (it's an official job from the exam board... i have to check her counting and such like) which will bring in a little tiny bit of money. and it all helps. and i really did get away from work stresses. i still don't know whether i've got a place on my course - i'm still waiting on that letter. and our wedding's postponed. we're not allowed to have it where i hoped. it turns out that the "church" i spend my childhood going to isn't a church after all, but a "mission hall". and the vicar wrote what i felt was a rather stiff letter. it certainly doesn't encourage me to get married in the real parish church. he wrote "you may recall that it is very cramped, and i can't imagine how i could perform a marriage ceremony in there anyway". well, yes, i've been there in the last year, i know exactly how big it is. it's two doors away from my parents, for goodness sake. i pass it several times a week. but how much room does it take to get married? there was only going to be a couple of people in there bar us. but i think that he was basically saying "you don't come to church much so i'm damned if i'm going to be at all helpful". i believe in God and my God understands everything; but from the letter, i certainly don't want to be married by this vicar. so it's off. because we want to do it in a way that's right for us, not just to get married hastily because we said we were going to. i'm going to look up handfasting ceremonies on the net tomorrow. the trouble is, i don't know anyone who might perform any sort of wedding ceremony; and it would be nicer to have someone i know. this is a mismatch of various things going through my head. the CFS-20s list is slow, and i'd like to start a few conversations rolling but i don't know how. never mind. the real world awaits. Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: Book: For Club and Country - Gary and Phil Neville | Saturday, June 29th, 2002 | 8:56 pm |
i'm back ...and i had the best holiday. and i went to Old Trafford (my club's football ground and hallowed turf) on the way home. my wonderful jay took me.
oh, i love holidays :-) | Thursday, June 20th, 2002 | 6:50 pm |
well, i'm off in a couple of hours, so this is my last entry until next weekend. i hope everyone has a good week and that lots of happy things happen.
and i do hope that my cat's okay... | 5:16 pm |
is 32 tapes a bit of an excessive number to take away with me?
Three musicals - Cats, Joseph and West Side Story Three "me" tapes - of music from bands, choirs and solo singing classes Seven Harry Potter 3 tapes - read by me Two murder tapes - read by my uncle (professionally, unlike me!) Five compilation tapes - four made by me and one by my sister The other twelve are various bands, almost all early 90s/late 80s bands. my music taste hasn't developed part there because the DJs on the radio annoy me too much so i never hear new music. | 10:53 am |
"doctors bury mistakes. lawyers hang them. but journalists put theirs on the front page." Anon getting ready to go away tomorrow. the nearer it gets, the more i realise how much i'm going to miss my kitten. it doesn't help that the last time jay and i went away and left a cat (- we went to Paris for his birthday a couple of years back -) the cat disappeared and hasn't been seen again. my first cat. my wonderful hamilton. he was a big black tom, an ex-feral kitten. that hurt so much. i can't begin to say. it took me more than a year to get another cat because i didn't think i could to begin with. then, i kept saying that i'd get one but couldn't quite bring myself to do so. every time i got close, i'd think "but what if it happens again? what if it's me?" that's partly why honey is an indoor cat. hamilton was an outdoor cat, though he was indoors at night. but i didn't want to go through the rattling of food and hoping that my cat would turn up in the evening and always being frightened that she wouldn't, and she'd be gone forever. as a matter of fact, honey's a great candidate for an indoor cat. well, i thought so, because they told me she was allergic to fleas. and certainly, she seems to come up in a rash from the least little thing. so curtailing the number of things she's exposed to makes sense healthwise, as well as pandering to my fears. which is good, because otherwise i might have felt a little guilty about not letting her out. people seem to have strong views, some people saying that it's cruel not to let cats out; and others saying that it's far crueller to let them out because of all the dangers they are exposed to. which to be honest, just leaves me confused. both sides seem so sure they're right. but i know that my cat hates having the big elizabethan collar on, so anything that stops her having to wear that a lot is probably less cruel. and her being an indoor cat, i'm sure helps. i still worry about my last cat. did i do something wrong? why did he just vanish? he was microchipped and everything. (he didn't have a collar, because he was allergic to them... um, do you see a pattern forming in the sort of cats i end up with???) but he just vanished. to be honest, i'm pretty sure he died. because he adopted a feral cat from the neighbourhood - used to invite him in and positively *encourage* him to eat his dinner. and Tim (we had to name him, since we saw so much of him... we also had him neutered as well) obviously didn't know what had happened to Hamilton. he kept coming in and looking for him (which was awful, because i kept thinking it was Hamilton back, and it wasn't. so upsetting.). Tim's still about - he's my outdoor cat, if you like. he sleeps on our shed roof and looks fine. but never a sight of Hamilton. we looked everywhere; we put fliers round and stuck up posters, but no luck. *sigh* sorry. i was supposed to be talking about my holiday, but i got distracted. mum and dad are going to be adopting honey for the duration. i've been writing them notes on how to look after her, and warning them not to leave windows open in her vicinity because she's sure to crawl through them, just because she can. and there's a busy road outside their house. i've got to - change the litter in her tray - do the washing up - make sure i've got everything packed. hairbrush... medicines... the lot. - put together everything we're taking to mum and dad's for the cat (but not to put her food outside the kitchen, because although it's in a plastic bucket with a very tight lid, honey would destroy it if she smelt food) - go to my singing lesson and tell them i'm not going to be there next week. find out about the concert the following week. - hug my cat lots and play with her lots. god, i'm going to miss her. i am looking forward to this. no, really. but - oh, am i being too pathetic about honey? nothing will happen to her. she'll be fine and happy and so will i. i can phone home every day to check on her if i need to. stop fretting, child. she'll be fine. really. Current Mood: anxiousCurrent Music: Book: Strategy for Marriage | Wednesday, June 19th, 2002 | 11:15 am |
lots to do "I'd like to play in Italy, for a club like Barcelona..." Mark Draper so, we go away tomorrow night, and i have a list of things to do today. i have to write out instructions on how to look after my cat for my parents. i have to get a contact phone number and address for Scotland (and presumably make sure of what jay's uncle's name is...). i need to clean the cat's litter tray. i need to water the plant (which will probably be thankful to have a week without honey chewing its leaves). i have to wash my hair and pack my travelling bag (tapes and books and bird-watching stuff). and, of course, i want to think about my next chapter of the book i'm writing. if someone thinks that they might want the first three chapters of my next book to look over, then i'd better write them, i think. i've got the first two chapters written (7000 words) so just one more before i can send it off. am i nervous or excited about going away? don't know which i am more. and i'm anxious about this book thing. but i must keep on writing. more people fail as writers through lack of persistence than do through lack of ability. i may not have ability - that is yet to be proved - but my god, i have persistence. "i will succeed." i think this is my motto for life. i suspect too that it's why i'm still ill. i find it hard - nearly impossible - to let go of any of my dreams and determinations. i will succeed. i will succeed. ever met a driven woman? Current Mood: determined | Tuesday, June 18th, 2002 | 8:31 am |
ho hum... "i'm going to make a prediction... this could go either way." Ron Atkinson i've received a confusing letter this morning. it's a rejection, which you wouldn't think would be that confusing. a rejection of my book, that is. but... "We felt that you had a promising writing style that was both intense and compelling. However, on balance, we found this submission unsuitable for publication... *cut* Please do not be discouraged by these comments. We enjoyed your writing, and whils this particular submission is not suitable for any of our publishing programmes, we would be keen to assess a fresh three chapters. Please find enclosed a compliment slip, which you should attach to your next submission." what am i to make of this? is this just the sort of encouraging thing they send to everyone, or do they mean it? i've got two chapters or so of a new one. should i go on with it and take them seriously, sending the first three chapters to them? or are they just trying not to make me feel too bad about rejection? don't know, but they did at least send me some free books :-) Current Mood: confusedCurrent Music: Book: The Englishman's Bride | Monday, June 17th, 2002 | 3:20 pm |
"shouldn't i have this, shouldn't i have this shouldn't i have all of this and passionate kisses, passionate kisses from you?" Mary Chapin-Carpenter i feel happy. just relaxed and happy. it's so nice that i thought i'd sit down and write about it. okay, so i don't have very good health, so i don't have much money. but i have all the good things in life really. my cat has been sitting on my lap as i wrote emails to some good friends. my boyfriend's going to be in this evening and we'll have lots of time together after his guitar lesson. i had a nice time with my parents last night and my dad seemed to like his birthday present and cake. i am surrounded with love. i am exceptionally lucky, and i must remember this. i've been sorting through my tapes finding ones to take away with me on holiday. (i'll miss you all whilst i'm away, but i'll still be thinking of you.) i've been reading some more HP onto tape. i've been sewing up the ear of my leopard. i've been listening to Brazil beat Belgium on the radio. i've made some chocolate-caramel shortcake (my favourite!). i've been reading books and playing with honey. it's sunny outside. there are some gorgeous birds that sit in the hedge by my house and honey and i like to watch them. jay's bonsai trees are looking healthy and my attempts to grow basil are going fairly well. the world is good. yes it is. Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Book: Adrienne and the Chalet School | 10:30 am |
dislikes "On the faintest filigree Over the dim waters go Little ships of Arcady" Ships of Arcady there are some things that i really dislike. most of them are completely unreasonable, but i can't help it. i hate feeling breath on my skin when i'm trying to fall asleep. it doesn't matter whether it's mine or jay's, i can't sleep if i can feel someone breathing against my skin. it's really annoying, actually, because i like to sleep with one arm over the covers by my head, but in the summer, when i'm not wearing anything long sleeved in bed, i have to change my position slightly so that i can't feel that breath. i don't know why i find it so impossible, but i do. secondly, i hate people leaving plug sockets switched on when there's no plug in them. i think this comes from Brownie lessons on safety in the home when i was about 8. we were told that it was really dangerous because if someone put their fingers in, they might be electrocuted. the reason has mainly disappeared, and i'm just left with this insane urge to switch off plug sockets. people think i'm crazy because i simply can't help doing it. thirdly, i hate lateness. i myself am always very early for everything because i'm terrified i'm going to be late. as a rule, i turn up to work 10 minutes before i'm supposed to be there. always have. however hard i try, i can't persuade myself to start any later from home. i'm always early when meeting people (unless jay's had a hand in it, in which case i may not be. he's regularly late and i'm always early. it's not a good combination). and i hate other people being late too. i mean, i don't mind what time they say they're going to be there - say an hour later than you intend, if you want. but BE THERE at that time. i've got no self-confidence, and to me it feels like my friends are saying "sorry, but you're not interesting or important enough to be on time for". oh, and i can't stand slugs... i mean mushrooms... (an easy mistake to make. actually, several people i know have taken to calling them slugs now. i can't help it, i always do these days. last night i told jay that his bowl of pasta was the one with slugs in. you'd think this might make a man cross, but he told me i was an angel :-) ) i know, i know, i'm completely unreasonable. but there it is. some of my dislikes. Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Book: To Be a Wife | Sunday, June 16th, 2002 | 6:08 pm |
Happy Birthday Dad "don't you know the tables are starting to turn talking 'bout a revolution" Tracey Chapman it's my dad's birthday today. it's also father's day in this country, though that doesn't bother me because my father's never believed in it. unfortunately, i haven't heard from my parents yet. they've been on a "bridge weekend" - where you play bridge all the time... my dad's rather obsessed, though he did stop to watch the England match yesterday - and my mum was going to call me when they started home and we were going to go over later. if they haven't started back yet, though, they're not going to be home for some time. i might give her mobile a call in a little while, though i doubt she's got it on. it may seem surprising that i want to see my parents, but we really do get on well. and i've made my dad a cake (my mum's not had a chance what with playing bridge all the time ;-) ) and i also want to give him his birthday present. i was looking forward to doing all the fun birthday stuff - i really like birthdays. the Ireland match was devastating. going out on penalties - the cruellest thing, as i've always thought. i remember 1990, 1996 and 1998 when England went out the same way. *sigh* poor Ireland. but i'll tell you one thing - if Roy Keane had been there, he'd have scored. but maybe the mood in the camp would have been different and they wouldn't have been there. i don't know, but i feel that both he and McCarthy are to blame. jay's defrosting the fridge and listening to 80s anthems on the radio. i'm waiting to hear if there's any more cricket to be played tonight. and drinking wine. and updating my diary. well, even if i'm not doing the cake and presents thing, i'm managing to have quite a nice time. oh, and i'm cooking tea, too. pasta with tomatoes, mange-tout, onion, garlic and cubes of cheese. mmmm... Current Mood: cheerfulCurrent Music: book: Five Get in a Fix - Enid Blyton. yes, i've regressed. | Saturday, June 15th, 2002 | 11:18 am |
"Everyday people are straying away from the church and going back to God." Lenny Bruce made jam yesterday, which was highly satisfactory. we made 7 little pots, 5 of which we're going to sell, but jess and i both agreed that we had to try some too. i've got another lot of strawberries as well, so i should be able to make some more. i was supposed to be helping jay at work this morning, but i'm so tired that i couldn't. i slept until about 15 minutes ago, and i'm still a bit headachy, though i have to admit that that won't stop me watching england go out of the world cup in just over an hour... still a bit down, partly because i still don't know whether i have a place. i didn't really expect to get the studentship (though it would have been lovely) but i did hope to know for sure whether i had a place. i think i'll email and ask.... --there, i've written the email. i won't find out anything until monday now, but at least i'm being pro-active and doing something-- well, i should get on and do things. i haven't much time this morning after all that sleeping. and i've got to put some washing on (to get ready for our holiday next week); read some harry potter onto tape; play with honey; tidy the sitting room... you know how it is :-) Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: Book: Lady Linton's Return | Friday, June 14th, 2002 | 11:40 am |
"an inch or two either side of the post and that would have been a goal..." Dave Bassett
bad news day.
i didn't get the studentship, i still don't know whether i've even got a place on the course, i was supposed to be seeing an old friend today but he bailed out on me.
still, hopefully going strawberry picking soon and then making jam. and i won one of my bids on ebay - i've lost the other, but one's better than nothing...
but i'm fairly downhearted right now :-( | Thursday, June 13th, 2002 | 11:36 am |
friends will be friends when you're in need of help they give you care and attention..." Queen
dilemma of the day:
do i email the secretary of the graduate school and ask her when the letters that she said would be forthcoming at the beginning of this week will come? i'm still waiting to hear whether i've got a place on my MPhil course, never mind anything else. and i'd quite like to know before i go away. and it's annoying when people tell you something is going to be here by a certain day and it isn't.
"i hate waiting even five minutes for anything" Cecily in The Importance of Being Ernest | Tuesday, June 11th, 2002 | 10:06 pm |
birthdays "he hit the post, and after the game people will say 'well, he hit the post...'" Jimmy Greaves
i'm sorry, but this is a little moment for some boasting. if people singing their own praises annoy you, look away now...
firstly, i came equal sixth in a NATIONAL poetry comp. i thought it was a local one, but it wasn't: it was national. that's pretty good.
i'm really pleased with my dad's birthday present (it's his birthday on sunday). he had a really crap birthday list with boring things/expensive things on it. fortunately, unlike everyone else in the world, who have always told him he's impossible to buy presents for, i find getting him presents really easy.
one of the things he had on his birthday list was A4 plastic see-through pockets. oh come on, you know. the sort you put single sheets of music in, or essays, stuff like that.
dead boring, really. but i came up with a scheme and i've bought him some, but i've put various things in each one.
in the first one is a football book of short football writings (bought for 20p in a charity shop, but a book's a book in our family)
in the second one is some stuff on manchester united winning the treble that i printed from the internet
in the third is a see-through pencil case (also on his birthday list. also boring, but---)
in the fourth is some stuff on eric cantona printed off the web
in the fifth is my predictions on how the teams in the premiership will do next season
in the sixth is some stuff on manchester united's new assistant manager (dad's the reason i'm a man u fan)
in the seventh are fantastically funny quotations which i was laughing over all night (also printed from the web... the first one's at the top, though it's not the funniest)
in the eighth (heck, i'm getting lost now...) are... oh yes, the words to various man united fan chants/songs.
in the nineth is a tape. it's got a few songs from various CDs that we have on our shelves. to give him a feel of the bands and if he likes them i can record more.
anyway, boasting over.... |
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