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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Unity's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, March 21st, 2002
    9:30 pm
    The Little Things
    She wore that same yellow shirt today. =0).

    Current Mood: loved
    3:12 pm
    It would make sense that the last song that I listen to, while I'm still 16, is "Snakes Among Us" by Bane. Indeed, it makes sense. What a nice day. What a great month.

    Current Mood: hopeful
    Wednesday, March 13th, 2002
    9:57 pm
    In a past life. . .

    "You were male in your last earthly incarnation.

    You were born somewhere around the territory of what is now know as modern North China, approximately in the year 1000.

    Your profession was: builder of roads, bridges, docks.

    A brief psychological profile of you in that past life:
    Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. Could be a leader.

    A lesson that your last past life wishes you to learn in your present life is:
    To learn humility and faith in spiritual principles. You should believe in High Reason.

    do you remember?"
    Saturday, March 9th, 2002
    12:07 am
    Hopefully I Won't Encounter This. . .
    MikeDoomsday73: Did you see my post about the Salt Lake City incident?
    MikeDoomsday73: city
    UnityPennywise17: no, but i heard there were many fights and that they had to shut down the club on the hatebreed site
    MikeDoomsday73: Look at the boards when you get a chance
    UnityPennywise17: sure thing
    MikeDoomsday73: Boulder told me the story he saw it with his own eyes
    UnityPennywise17: what was his story
    MikeDoomsday73: A bunch of edge kids
    MikeDoomsday73: hold up
    MikeDoomsday73: ok sorry
    MikeDoomsday73: They went to the Hatebreed shoiw
    MikeDoomsday73: one of the guys
    MikeDoomsday73: got his fake ID taken (go figure)
    MikeDoomsday73: Cause it looked so shitty
    UnityPennywise17: it was an 18 plus show?
    MikeDoomsday73: I guess
    UnityPennywise17: oh
    MikeDoomsday73: That is why I'm confused
    MikeDoomsday73: but anyways
    MikeDoomsday73: They beat two fourteen years old girls into the ground with brass knucks until they were almost dead to distract the bouncers
    MikeDoomsday73: These were girls just standing there minding thier own
    MikeDoomsday73: Then the bouncers came out
    UnityPennywise17: wow
    MikeDoomsday73: They beat the bouncers into the concrete
    MikeDoomsday73: Which I have NO prolblem with
    MikeDoomsday73: Cause I HATE vouncers
    UnityPennywise17: well
    UnityPennywise17: i'd rather have had the bouncers beat em
    MikeDoomsday73: then
    MikeDoomsday73: they broke store windows
    MikeDoomsday73: and threw the broken glass
    MikeDoomsday73: into the crowd outside randomly
    MikeDoomsday73: FUCK those kids
    UnityPennywise17: fuck those kids geez
    UnityPennywise17: i like the crowds i've encountered so far
    MikeDoomsday73: The thing is this
    MikeDoomsday73: Me and Boulder have been in some HAIRY situations at shows, brawls riots what have you it happens sometimes when you put
    MikeDoomsday73: that many aggresive people in one spot
    UnityPennywise17: i know
    MikeDoomsday73: but he said it was the WORST thing he EVER saw at a show
    MikeDoomsday73: and THAT I can tell you is saying alot
    MikeDoomsday73: I was having this argumant
    MikeDoomsday73: HOW can you claim straight edge and do shit like that
    MikeDoomsday73: ?
    UnityPennywise17: you can't
    UnityPennywise17: that's just shit
    MikeDoomsday73: To me it's about keeping a clear head and being open minded
    MikeDoomsday73: This is a bastardisation of the real concept
    MikeDoomsday73: If they ever left their safe little shit hole city some REAL heads woiuld learn them what it's like to be violent
    UnityPennywise17: that's just terrible
    UnityPennywise17: come on attacking 14 year old girls
    UnityPennywise17: with brass knuckles
    UnityPennywise17: they are pussies
    MikeDoomsday73: Exactly
    MikeDoomsday73: and I would Eat them for dinner lunch and breakfast if you put them in front of me
    UnityPennywise17: last time hatebreed played here, i heard there was a guy
    UnityPennywise17: who was beating up a girl
    MikeDoomsday73: Kids like that ain't shit when they are alone
    UnityPennywise17: but that guy got his ass kicked like hell
    MikeDoomsday73: Yeah well thats whats supposed toi happen
    Thursday, March 7th, 2002
    6:56 pm
    XGodSavTheQueenX: hey
    UnityPennywise17: heyhey
    XGodSavTheQueenX: whats uppppppppppp
    XGodSavTheQueenX: lol
    UnityPennywise17: lollllll
    UnityPennywise17: nice day today
    UnityPennywise17: i have a question for you
    XGodSavTheQueenX: k
    UnityPennywise17: what do you think of the idea that
    UnityPennywise17: some "opinions" are really facts and some are anti-facts
    XGodSavTheQueenX: I think that opinions are basically what people think right?
    XGodSavTheQueenX: so
    XGodSavTheQueenX: Some people might think something that is really right, and others think something that is really wrong
    UnityPennywise17: is there factual right and factual wrong to you
    XGodSavTheQueenX: hmm
    UnityPennywise17: i think there is
    XGodSavTheQueenX: if something is factual, its true
    XGodSavTheQueenX: give an example of factual wrong
    XGodSavTheQueenX: so i can see where you are coming from
    UnityPennywise17: well a statement that caring for others is not important
    UnityPennywise17: is a statement that is factually wrong
    UnityPennywise17: but is often just called an opinion
    XGodSavTheQueenX: I would say thats its not an opinon, someone just got their facts wrong
    UnityPennywise17: exactly
    UnityPennywise17: that's what i'm saying
    UnityPennywise17: a lot of things that are merely called opinions
    XGodSavTheQueenX: :-)
    UnityPennywise17: are right and wrong
    UnityPennywise17: and a lot of people think i'm crazy and close-minded
    UnityPennywise17: because of this view of mine
    XGodSavTheQueenX: Yeah.. i mean that could be that guys opinion.. but its a wrong fact...
    XGodSavTheQueenX: nah
    UnityPennywise17: exactly, it's like people are afraid to say what is right or wrong and claim that their hesitancy means that they have an open mind
    UnityPennywise17: when what they are doing is just allowing ignorance
    XGodSavTheQueenX: very true
    UnityPennywise17: exactly
    UnityPennywise17: and to me
    UnityPennywise17: this view of mine is so clear
    UnityPennywise17: and to others they think it's so hard to understand
    UnityPennywise17: it's not meant to be some sort of earth-shattering revelation
    XGodSavTheQueenX: i get it, and I agree
    XGodSavTheQueenX: some people are just set in what they believe and arent open to new ideas
    UnityPennywise17: yeah and don't see the truth
    UnityPennywise17: there is nothing close minded
    UnityPennywise17: about defending facts
    XGodSavTheQueenX: true

    Current Mood: determined
    Current Music: Reach the Sky
    Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
    12:19 am
    Ain't It Something When People Assume
    Psypathchic: what exactly did you tell melissa
    UnityPennywise17: ah
    UnityPennywise17: long story
    Psypathchic: i know i know
    Psypathchic: but mike
    Psypathchic: please
    Psypathchic: stop hurting people
    UnityPennywise17: ha
    UnityPennywise17: it's like you to say that
    Psypathchic: if you dont have anything nice to say (even if it is the truth) dont say anything

    Psypathchic: i know you
    Psypathchic: so fuck.
    Psypathchic: you live WHERE?
    cthardcore986: you'd rather lie to a friend and have that friend choke than tell the truth and have that friend get a reality check
    Psypathchic: and you have to say the truth when they're down
    Psypathchic: there are certain times
    Psypathchic: to say things
    cthardcore986: yeah it's called honesty
    Psypathchic: but you just insist on ruining friendships

    cthardcore986: you'd rather die by a slow disease than get stung with a medicine that will save you
    Psypathchic: you ALWAYS ruin good days mike
    Psypathchic: i dont care
    cthardcore986: exactly
    cthardcore986: which is where you lose
    Psypathchic: so
    Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
    12:44 pm
    My birthday

    A time for recollection

    Revival of spring

    Changing times

    How will it end?

    Current Mood: optimistic
    Friday, March 1st, 2002
    9:00 pm
    Sounds Against the Sights
    Yet another pondered day and pondered night
    That is framed sturdily inside my head
    Another time that they will never know
    Another time that my spirit took flight

    Sometimes the senses of sight and sound
    Battle each other over who has the crown
    But today the champion sung its lungs
    The sounds against the sights, for all my life

    You will never, never know how I felt
    The feelings that my mind has come to encompass
    You will never know all that I have pondered
    You will never hear the hymns that fortify

    All the stars that have an affinity for my eye
    Sounds against the sights, Sounds against the sights
    All those chairs that have become my seat
    Sounds against the sights, Sounds against the sights
    All that I am willing to embrace in my life
    Sounds against the sights, Sounds against the sights

    All the times that I hear sounds of screams and chants
    All the times that I hear the sounds of riffs and strums
    All the times that I hear sounds of crashes and cannons
    All the times that the things that receive my love
    Answer back with an embrace of eternal love

    For all my life
    For all my life

    Current Mood: pensive
    Current Music: Bane
    Sunday, February 17th, 2002
    4:22 pm
    "Afraid to Fail" by Shutdown
    Never thought that we would get this far
    So much time spent searching for who we are
    Afraid to fail, but I will never quit
    Until I feel that I am sick of it

    But I've only just begun
    I've just begun

    Have you ever looked at yourself
    And been afraid of what you see?
    Have you ever felt overwhelmed?
    You never knew what you wanted to be
    A situation gets you down
    And you're filled with apathy
    You gotta look for open doors
    Gotta search for opportunities

    Never thought that we would get this far
    So much time spent searching for who we are
    Afraid to fail, but I will never quit
    Until I feel that I am sick of it
    Scared to advance but I gotta look my


    Current Mood: irate
    Thursday, February 14th, 2002
    8:29 pm
    Now It Is My Turn To Play Around With the Lyrics from Fuck Authority
    Someday you gotta find another way, You better right your heart and learn what love really is, Today is just another day that is filled with superficiality and moral decay

    I say FUCK Valentine's Day, Silent majority, Raised by real reason, February 14th is not my type of season, We're sick of your red bullshit, Sick of your big balloons, Fuck no we won't buy cheap shit, We're gonna steal all your chocolate!

    Stuffed animals! Cheap jewelry! We won't deal with your tomfoolery! Aggravation! Anticipation! Sick and tired of your heart's constipation! You're lying! I'm trying! To follow my heart the best that I can! You fake fuck! I hope you run out of luck! You are nothing in my eyes!

    You know that it's time to pop their balloons
    We got to snap the stems off their red carnations
    Take offense against the St. Valentine ho

    Not gonna stand for it today
    Fight for your heart, It's time that we honor love!!!

    Current Mood: creative
    Current Music: Fuck V-Day Music
    Saturday, February 9th, 2002
    3:23 pm
    After Thought for the Entry Before This One
    UnityPennywise17: yoo
    X: sup?
    UnityPennywise17: not much
    UnityPennywise17: so are you going to that dance thing
    X: naw, dressy dances just aren't my thing
    UnityPennywise17: ashley, *high five*
    X: woo :high five:
    UnityPennywise17: i hate those types of dances
    UnityPennywise17: and people think that those who don't go are anti-social and anti-fun and don't know how to enjoy life
    X: I just have better things to do with my time then stand around and listen to crappy music. Then spending all that money on a dress I'll probably only were once in my life, it's ridiculous
    UnityPennywise17: and the superficial shit that goes along with the dance
    X: oh no kidding!
    UnityPennywise17: it's like the majority of them think they are on a pedestal and think they are enjoying life by being fake and thin
    X: You don't know how nice it is to hear you say that. And they think that by being fake and by putting themselves up on these pedestals they are better than everyone else
    UnityPennywise17: they think people like you and i don't live much of a life, yet, we are the ones that keep it real.
    X: I know! I'm not about to be made to feel anti-social by them because I won't bring my self down to their level.
    UnityPennywise17: "in defense of who i was and who i am today"

    . . .

    X: She [Amber] has become so fake in the past year, it is sickening and it hurts a lot. I went to homecoming, hell don't ask me why! I had the worst time of my life
    X: I know how Maria feels
    1:52 pm
    In Defense Of
    UnityPennywise17: whatcha getting ready for

    Auto response from UCanBMyHottie7: prolly running around the house getting ready. IM me cuz i might be around.

    UCanBMyHottie7: the winter formal!!!!
    UnityPennywise17: ohhhh
    UnityPennywise17: a dance?
    UCanBMyHottie7: yeah
    UnityPennywise17: so does everyone go to it
    UCanBMyHottie7: yup
    UnityPennywise17: everyoneeee
    UCanBMyHottie7: yes, everyone
    UnityPennywise17: who doesn't go
    UCanBMyHottie7: ummmm... the ppl in pom pom zombies, cuz they have a performance tonight
    UCanBMyHottie7: and maybe the.... how shall i put this..... socially unaccepted
    UnityPennywise17: what do you mean socially unaccepted
    UCanBMyHottie7: the ppl who dont care about having friends and being social
    UnityPennywise17: thanx
    UCanBMyHottie7: ummm ok
    UCanBMyHottie7: maria didnt tell u about the dance?
    UnityPennywise17: nono thanx, you did what i was hoping for. . .
    UCanBMyHottie7: maria didnt tell u about the dance?
    UnityPennywise17: nono thanx, you did what i was hoping for
    UCanBMyHottie7: ok
    UCanBMyHottie7: was i predictable enough for u?
    UCanBMyHottie7: i gotta go be social! :-D
    UnityPennywise17: ah yes, and the only thing that would top that
    UnityPennywise17: is if next week you say that you got to go feel love

    I thank her for making my observance of superficiality for the day.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Shutdown- "In Defense Of"
    Thursday, February 7th, 2002
    8:55 pm
    PokinatchaPx6: maria had a big big lamb, big big lamb, big big lamb, maria had a big cute sheep whose fleece was as black as ummmmmm, coal

    Current Mood: loved
    Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
    10:55 pm
    Tidbits of Florida Memories
    UnityPennywise17: that hotel was hardcore
    UnityPennywise17: remember when i got caught for being out past 11
    UnityPennywise17: fuck
    UnityPennywise17: lol
    translucentlake: lol
    UnityPennywise17: they brought me in front of all the chaperones and mr. green
    translucentlake: yeah
    UnityPennywise17: there was like 40 people
    translucentlake: hahaha
    UnityPennywise17: then mr green says that he doesn't know if i am dead or alive when i'm not in my room and how i had spent all 9 lives. . . i was 3 minutes late
    UnityPennywise17: lol
    translucentlake: lol
    UnityPennywise17: then he told me to be early by 1 hour to breakfast
    UnityPennywise17: i think i went to breakfast an hour late
    UnityPennywise17: lol
    translucentlake: the chaps always came like an hour late
    translucentlake: lol
    UnityPennywise17: lol yeah
    UnityPennywise17: remember how dre and them were always late for everything
    UnityPennywise17: and dre never changed his clothes
    translucentlake: yeah lol
    translucentlake: hahaha
    UnityPennywise17: and nate gadaree came flying out of that room picking up a towel and two girls came out as well, what the fuck was that
    translucentlake: i know
    translucentlake: lol
    translucentlake: that was bad!

    Current Mood: nostalgic
    Friday, February 1st, 2002
    11:39 pm
    What a Hardcore Bear
    See what Care Bear you are.

    They spelled eternal wrong. tsk tsk.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Shutdown
    Thursday, January 31st, 2002
    9:59 pm
    UnityPennywise17: and i mean it when i say that becoming her own person would be worth it even if she was severely punished and was never able to talk to me again.
    IslandGal86: I know
    IslandGal86: that gift is invaluable
    IslandGal86: it is worth probably even more than your love
    IslandGal86: because that is true love: doing what's right
    UnityPennywise17: exactly
    UnityPennywise17: she needs to experience, just one time, the rewards of fighting back and claiming one's true individuality.
    UnityPennywise17: then it will be as clear as day
    IslandGal86: it's hard
    UnityPennywise17: it is hard
    UnityPennywise17: it's in her head
    UnityPennywise17: just once
    UnityPennywise17: and she will know
    IslandGal86: yea
    IslandGal86: she will see the truth

    Current Mood: determined
    Current Music: 98 mute
    Monday, January 28th, 2002
    9:17 pm
    She's Backkkkkk
    Today was a good day even with these two highlights: tomorrow is the State of the Union Address, anddddd there is some show in February called the "Fuck Valentine's Day" show. . . that's a sweet nameee

    but now for the bestttt highlightttt

    For 27 days, this month, I was unable to talk to Maria. For 24 days, in April, I was unable to talk to Liz. My friendship with Liz was close for 6 months. I have already been close to Maria forrrrr 9 and a half months and we still love each other a lottttt. It is remarkable how stable Maria and I are. We stayed strong. I know that she is still in the middle of things, but this is a start. I can finally talk to her again!!! I have so much to tell her. I was not worried that our love would fadeeeeeeeee. A new beginnningggg has started todayyyyyy. I will be able to talk her again about the newsssss, psychologyyyyy, philosophyyyyyy, musiccccccccc, optimismmmmmmmm, factssss and opinionsssss, the worlddddd, my goalssss, her goalsssss, how we are maturingggg, being straight edgeeeee, and most importably: our LOVE for each other.=0)

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: Reach the Sky, Earth Crisis
    Friday, January 25th, 2002
    11:32 pm
    The gold is difficult to embrace while the fool's gold boasts in your face.

    Current Mood: lonely
    Current Music: no use for a name
    Thursday, January 24th, 2002
    9:08 pm
    Well, I have now attended all new classes at least once. The hardest class that I have is one which meets every other day as opposed to every day. Spanish is a good class as usual. Pre-calculus probably makes me more nervous than it should. Yearbook is a class to relax. I miss having English in the spring, but I feel more enriched now. Mr. Gabordi, my English teacher for last year, teaches Shakespeare on Film. Smells bring back memories. The smell that permeated throughout Gabordi's room last spring still permeates now. The smells that I was subject to last spring remind me of all the change that occurred in the second semester last year. Back then, I was in the midst of completing 10th grade English. I was reminded of how I thought a lot in English. This would be one of those things that I would talk to Her about if I could. Now I have already done 11th grade English. It's a good feeling. Lots of time has yet to passed.

    Dead Wrong album comes out in two weeks!

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: 59ttp
    Monday, January 21st, 2002
    3:06 pm
    I've bought 2 rad cds so far this year. Yeah, so I start the second semester on Wednesday. It will be cool to have new classes. The second semester is always better. The first semester was very interesting, to say the least. To say the least. It's summer again in 6 months. Wow. I should soon be able to talk to Her againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. I heard that Her school has sort of a activity weeks after finals. If they think finals cause a lot of stress, they don't know nothing.

    Who knows what wonders will occur in the second semester. Anything can happen.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Downset
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